Welcome to Friday and a new President of the United States. President Biden is starting his second full day in the Whitehouse while we in the United Kingdom are in to our third week of lockdown. Will there be anything to rant about, we will just have to see.
As I said America has a new President, but they still have the same old shit going on in Congress and the Senate. Trump is gone, but he is still overshadowing anything President Biden is doing. The Senate Republicans want to delay his impeachment trial saying they want to give him time to prepare a defence or is it they just want to give him time to find a non-extradition country that will hide him from authorities. In this humble person’s opinion the quicker he is convicted the better it is for the rest of the world. Donald J. Trump has been a blight not only on America for four years, but also the rest of the world. As non-Americans we have sat waiting for him to start world war three with which ever country he took a dislike to. Mitch McConnell brought the motion to the floor on behalf of his fellow Republicans stating that “Senate Republicans are strongly united behind the principle that the institution of the Senate, the office of the presidency, and former President Trump himself all deserve a full and fair process that respects his rights and the serious factual, legal, and constitutional questions at stake”. Where was that full and fair process when they rushed through Justice Coney-Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court? Where was that full and fair process when they tried to prevent President Biden’s certification as President? And where was that full and fair process as they sat on their hands and subverted justice during Trump’s first impeachment trial when they refused to let witnesses to Trump’s illegal activities in the election of 2016 go unquestioned? There should be no delay!
For far too long Mitch McConnell has defied the will of the people by using the Senate Republican’s majority to undermine the true purpose of the Senate body to legislate for the people and have instead been allowed to fill their own pockets passing legislation that benefited big business and now when they no longer hold the majority he is running scared as democrats can pass certain legislation without needing to gain Bi-partisan approval just like the Republicans have done for years. The next step is for the country to start and replace the money hungry and corrupt Republican senators with a new generation of Senator whether Democrat or Republican by removing the corrupt individuals like McConnell, Graham, Cruz, Hawley, etc. and remake America in the image that their forefathers envisioned where the politicians work for the electorate, not business. America is no longer seen as the pinnacle of democracy and that is all due to the last four years of the Trump administration, but not all the blame lies at Trump’s feet because of the global news networks, we the rest of the world are now privy to more and more information about how top politicians perform their roles and many see the corruptness they use to undermine the constitution while claiming their actions are to protect the constitution, a document produce over two centuries ago by the victors of the revolution that saw the removal of the British flag and leadership from their shores. To me as an outsider I only see a number men and women who seek to inflate their bank balances and their own agendas rather than create a better country for their fellow American’s. Until the bad apples are removed America will never see equality for all. What I will say is congratulations President Biden and Vice-President Harris on your historic inauguration and good luck with your fight against the dark forces of the Republican Party.
On that note I will return to my dear old Blighty and see what catastrophes have befallen us lately. So as well as considering removing the £20 weekly top up from Universal Credit putting millions in to poverty, it has now been leaked that the government has also refused two thirds of applicants on low incomes the £500 discretionary grant supposed to aid during self-isolation. We are clearly been governed by individuals who as I have said before will pay billions of dollars to their cronies and donors for goods and services that are flawed or never materialise than see those on or below the poverty line threshold get financial help. Boris Johnson has to be the worst primeminister the United Kingdom has ever had and the way the Conservative government has led the country for a decade is purely diabolical. We have had three conservative primeministers in Downing Street and not one of them has lifted the country morally or financially, instead returning us to an era where the wealthy prospered on the blood and sweat of the impoverished.
If you were one of those moronic individuals who voted Conservative in the last ten years, you are the reason we as a nation are more a third world country than a world leader. Now we are no longer a European Parliament Member it is only going to get worse as the instigators of the Leave campaign clearly were not telling us the truth because trade, law and civil rights are all under the jurisdiction of the government now, with no over watch from EU member nations or courts anymore, putting us as a nation on a perilous precipice of self-destruction over seen by money hungry and corrupt politicians who no longer need to abide by the majority ideology of the European Parliament.
So as I said it is a new dawn in America while the rest of us tumble along in the same old shit. What is needed is a global restart for everyone, but that will not happen and what’s to say it is truly happening in America. We can but hope that America is in a reboot phase that will bring about change and affect the rest of the world also. Yet as a citizen of the UK I won’t hold my breath while we are still under the control of our very own Trump clone named Johnson. Until he and his lackey’s are sent packing from parliament the UK will never see a change for the better and unless there is a coup within the Conservative party we are stuck with Johnson for around three more years in which time we could have fallen foul of his ideology sinking us in to a dictatorship of autocracy not seen on these hallowed shores since before Cromwell’s time. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.