Tuesday, 12 May 2020


Welcome to Tuesday and quite an interesting set of headlines.

In America, Trump spat his dummy out once again when questioned about the amount of American lives lost during the pandemic and why he is making it a competition by an Asian-American journalist to which he answered "They're losing their lives everywhere in the world and maybe that's a question you should ask China - don't ask me, ask China that  question. When you ask them that question you may get a very unusual answer.", then when she asked "Why are you saying that to me - specifically - that I should ask China". Trump's response was aggressive and confrontational in that he said "I'm not saying it specifically to anybody, I'm saying it to anybody that asks a nasty question". He then went on to totally blank a journalist he claimed didn't respond quick enough when pointed at, because she didn't want to interrupt her colleague and when she kept pressing to ask her question Trump shut down the press conference and walked out of the rose garden leaving journalists open-mouthed. To top off Trump's spats nearly two thousand former D.O.J officials have signed an open letter calling for AG Bill Barr to resign over his improper intervention in the criminal case of Michael Flynn. 

While back in dear old Blighty the headlines are criticising Boris Johnson's inability to be decisive enough in his explanation of the reversal of the lockdown and Britain’s reputation for its handling of the coronavirus epidemic has taken another global pasting after newspapers worldwide reported on what they described as confusion and internal divisions that are rapidly creating a crisis as big as Brexit for the UK.

With many diplomats admitting that soft power reputations are being forged or destroyed during the pandemic, the European press in particular is taking time to point out that the UK is experiencing the worst death rate in Europe, revealing a National Health Service that is underfunded and underprepared. So it isn't only the British public that doesn't have confidence in the UK government.

Rant you tomorrow!