Tuesday, 9 June 2020


Well we made it to another Tuesday with the world disorientated over the virus which has took a back seat to the conflict on the streets of America, let's have a look what there is to rant about.

So in America, US Democrats in Congress have proposed sweeping legislation to reform American police, following weeks of protests against police brutality and racism. This new bill would make it easier to prosecute police for misconduct, ban chokeholds, and addresses racism. The bill comes as Minneapolis lawmakers vowed to disband the city's police force. It is still very unclear whether Republicans, who control the US Senate, would support the proposed Justice in Policing Act of 2020. Trump definitely voiced his opinion on twitter as usual siting that "the Radical Left Democrats want to Defund and Abandon our Police. Sorry, I want LAW & ORDER!". He is such a big baby and by the way he has no power to act on as any executive order he signs can be quashed at a later date in court. All this while Trump supporters commit acts of violence like the self-described Ku Klux Klan leader who has been arrested for allegedly driving his car into a group of Black Lives Matters protesters gathered on Sunday in the US state of Virginia. This has to stop, Trump has to be stopped, racists have to stopped, when will the world wake up and condemn what is happening in every country in the world.

I can't keep emphasising it enough especially in dear old Blighty where more bigots run the country. On that let's see what I can find to rant about in the headlines in the UK, Boris Johnson has urged the country to "work peacefully, lawfully" to defeat racism and discrimination and has said the government could not ignore the anger and "undeniable feeling of injustice" sparked by George Floyd's killing adding that the cause risked being "undermined" by a minority who attack police and property during protests and that the UK, had made "huge strides" in tackling racism in recent decades (BS) but more had to be done. This coming from a man who is as two faced as anyone could be changing his allegiances to whatever suits his next step up the ladder of success and has done for years. He will tell the public what he thinks they should hear rather than the truth and his cabinet is made up of like minded minister's. Today is short and sweet, America needs a new president and the Britain needs anew government, so that these two great nations can heal and move forward from the disaster that is 2020.

Rant you tomorrow!