Wednesday, 20 May 2020


Welcome to Wednesday, day who the hell knows of lockdown because I don't know, what can we find to rant about today?

So as usual let's start in America where the dementia driven president has argued it is a badge of honour that the US has the world's highest number of confirmed COVID-19 infections saying "I look at that as, in a certain respect, as being a good thing because it means our testing is much better". On Monday whilst he was hosting his first cabinet meeting since the US outbreak began he told reporters, "By the way, you know when you say that we lead in cases, that's because we have more testing than anybody else" then carried on to say "So I view it as a badge of honour. Really, it's a badge of honour. It's a great tribute to the testing and all of the work that a lot of professionals have done". I really can't fathom out how this person actually convinced America he was a good choice for president because every word that leaves his mouth cannot actually be processed by a healthy brain meaning if it pops into his head he just blurts it out, how can any sane person think 1.5 million coronavirus cases and nearly 92,000 deaths is something to be proud of to wear as a badge of honour. Please America for gods sake, do not reelect this imbecilic pensioner, at seventy three he is not capable of doing the job.

With that let's check out if dear old Blighty's imbecile is doing any better. So while Boris Johnson hides from the headlines letting lesser known ministers take on the press starting with a senior minister blaming the governments slow response to the coronavirus as them receiving the wrong advice in the beginning and sky news is reporting that a third of all deaths related to the virus have had an underlying ailment connected to diabetes which is kind of scary, but what is even more unsettling is that twice as many people have died in care homes in England, Scotland and Wales during the pandemic than would be expected in normal times.

All I can see is that this pandemic is outlining the true heroes in local communities and essential workers across the globe, while also showing the inadequacies in our elected officials and government representatives. It's about time that the focus of interest switched from the celebrity or politician to the commoner and the press needs to get on the bandwagon by stopping the paparazzi style stalking, so we can get back to times before the internet and reality television took over the world news headlines. The prime example is Captain Tom Moore, soon to be Sir Tom Moore, who at one hundred years old has shown the world that the war time generation knew how to live life to the fullest while giving back to their communities and the way this veteran has pushed the focus back on to communities and their local heroes is the most commendable act of valour seen in many a year, but it hasn't only been Captain Tom because other pensioners have took up the challenge showing the so called masses who leech off, of society to make a profit and live the high life locked away from actual life how to make a difference.

Rant you tomorrow!