Monday, 20 July 2020


We start another week of unknowns within the world of today, as governments turn to less than democratic ways of dealing with the current crisis facing the planet. So let's see what is happening.

Firstly in America where protesters in cities face off against armed vigilantly style federal forces who roam streets in masks and bullet proof vests using pepper spray and tear gas under orders to remove and detain protesters which has had the reverse effect of creating a more volatile situation instead of calming the countries anger. In response, all Trump has done is heap praise on the administration backed goon squads and condemned the cities democratic leaderships of been too liberal on the protesters as the reason for his necessity to use federal forces when in reality it is  an unconstitutional, illegal and purely political theatre for his election, simply put that the administration has deployed their version of Hitlers secret police force, not to investigate crimes, but to intimidate individuals it views as political adversaries to Trump's cause and that the use of these types of tactics will proliferate throughout the country turning America in to a dictatorship under the control of a narcissistic madman. 

What is more worrying is that the man condoning the gestapo style tactics of his federally mandated stormtroopers and nearly four years into his inept presidency, can still manage to shock the world again and again with wild accusations and ridiculous outbursts as proven during an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday which included a claim not to care what the military has to say about renaming its bases, and an argument about whether identifying an elephant was strong evidence of mental stability (what mental stability should've been the question). Wallace who is known in America as a Fox News outlier and very comfortable breaking ranks to ask tough questions of the president and members of his administration. The interview with Trump was a textbook example of how a reporter should remain impartial, as at one point, Wallace referenced “mean tweets” that Trump posted about him, and asked if the president understood his responsibilities as a reporter getting the shocking answer that Trump who has used Fox news as his own propaganda machine was not a big fan of the network after all or was it simply his way of calling out the network for finally broadcasting the truth about him. That was one of several surprising comments made by Trump, one of which was when showed polls outlining that he was losing to Biden he called them fake polls and that he wasn't losing, but then his refusal to say whether he would accept the results of the November election if he lost (just saying he would need to see as I never lose) is the one that is very worrying for the American people as it is very clear he won't go quietly in January if he loses. So at this present time it looks very likely that America will have to go to war with itself to remove Trump from office not only at the ballot boxes, but in a civil war which is most concerning when the madman has the nuclear launch capability. Trump is openly inciting violence against fellow Americans at this very moment causing unrest in a number of cities, god help the world, if the big baby loses and decides to board himself up in the white house bunker come January. America needs to remove this person legally and quickly before the November election because he is most definitely going to sign document after document under presidential powers which could cripple the country for years to come, already hinting in the Wallace interview that there are a number of such documents already to be signed within the next four weeks which include one for immigration, one for health care plus several other he didn't allude to in the interview.

I have to move on or I will lose my own sanity over what is inevitably a situation as a Brit I have no control over, so let me turn to dear old Blighty and see if there is any good news here.
On the back of news that Johnson compares the present pandemic to a nuclear deterrent which just dumbfounds me personally it has been revealed that the governments flawed pandemic track and trace scheme could be illegal and therefore has been unlawful used since May 28th as privacy campaigners point out that the English programme has broken a key data protection law which is a point conceded by the Department of Health who have agreed the launch was hastened without thoroughly carrying assessments of its impact on public privacy, but denies the data is being used unlawfully even though a watchdog is already investigating the programme after the Sunday Times reported last week that some contact tracers had posted private patient data to WhatsApp and Facebook groups against privacy rules. The idea of the test and trace system is that it involves people being asked to share sensitive personal information where this information can include details such as their name, date of birth, postcode, who they live with, places they have recently visited, names and contact details of people they have recently been in close contact with, including sexual partners. All this data is then stored on a central data base to be analysed, but the problem is the safeguarding of that sensitive information, as the government has been found to have failed to implement one highly recognised step towards the use of such information and that is conducting a DPIA (data protection impact assessment) before initialising the programme. 

What is more worrying to me is just how much personal information this body is actually taking in to account which is in my eyes just one more step towards George Orwell's recognised dystopian world of big brother as this present government looks to capitalise and proceed with a style of oversight that is run by yes people taking their little bit of flesh and profiting off it like the most recent revelation that the health minister himself may have been involved in shady dealings between the tory party and wealthy figures of the horse racing fraternity by allowing this years Cheltenham festival go ahead after a donation of three hundred and fifty thousand pounds was received by the party, which begs the question, if and why is a health minister taking backhanders on behalf the party and then putting it first over the health and safety of the idiots who wanted to attend the festival and those others they then may come in to contact with in the future. Is it really too hard to find a few honest people to act on behalf of the populous which MP's sign up to do rather than the self aggrandising morons we currently have dawdling around in the halls of power. I tell you if I had the money to find a little island and self isolate for the rest of my life I would quite honestly do so and on that note I'm out.

Rant you tomorrow!