In America it has been less than three days since the death of the Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Trump has disrespected the ladies place in not only Jewish history, but in American history by not even waiting for the the former justice to be laid to rest before announcing his plans to move swiftly in appointing a replacement without a mourning period. Throughout the country there have been calls for the replacement to be selected after the inauguration of the next president whether it be Trump or Biden. Democrats fear Republicans will vote to lock in a decades-long conservative majority making it six to three on the country's highest court disrupting the ideological balance of the nine-member court which is crucial to its rulings on the most important issues in US law. While Trump promises a woman to replace Ginsberg, his true reasons is to place someone who his pro life and will uphold the right bare arms, Biden during his speech on Sunday stated that Trumps intentions to install a new supreme justice by the end of this coming week was clearly about power, pure and simple, but was also simply an abuse of power because the United States constitution allows Americans the chance to be heard and their voice should be heard as he appealed to Senate Republicans to please follow their conscience, let the people speak, cool the flames that have been engulfing our country and don't vote to confirm anyone nominated under the circumstances President Trump and Senator McConnell have created. He asked them 'don't go there'.
As two Republican senators, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, have both backed a delay in the vote until after November's presidential election and are joined by two more unnamed Republican senators, they could block or at least delay a confirmation vote, as the Republicans have a majority of only six in the Senate this would mean under the constitution if in case of a tied vote that then allows Vice-President Mike Pence to cast a tie-breaking vote, but to avoid that outcome, McConnell is seeking to secure the support of Republican senators already winning the backing of Republican Senator Lamar Alexander, who was viewed as a potential swing vote.
All this backstabbing and under the bench shenanigans really dumbfounds me, surely the people in congress and the senate are their to serve their constituents, not use votes to get one over on the oppositions or am I just been naïve about the reason for someone to get in to politics. The same man [McConnel] pushing to fast track the nomination is the same man who four years ago helped delay president Obama from filling a vacant seat which remained empty for nearly a year. McConnell then helped Trump install two new conservative justices, one of them been accused by three women of sexual assault during the nomination procedure. As a non-American I thought the American democracy was supposed to be the fairest in the world, yet in the last four years all I have seen from the outside looking in is a democracy of lies and deceit with an unethical and unlawful stance on the white man always be on top telling the women and non white people of the country that they are third rate citizens hankering back to a time of slavery, servitude and a woman's place was to obey her father, dote on her husband and produce lots and lots of babies. Do we live in the twenty first century of equality and civil rights or do we still live in the seventeenth century of plantations, slave ownership and female obedience. Clearly something has to change in the land of the unfree and the constitution of the forefathers clearly requires a lot more amendments to prevent the scale of abusive power we are seeing within the current American administration and senate.
On that note I think it's time to check out the abuse of power currently running rampant throughout dear old Blighty. so on this new start to the week, the country becomes a hot bed resembling a 'Big Brother state' with the governments unilateral decision making on how the general public should conduct it's life within the eye of the storm we call COVID-19 and the stark reminder that no one understands how this virus is effecting so many individuals while the question being asked is what will we be told we can't do next. Johnson and his cronies keep implementing rule after rule then backtracking or changing their minds on a daily basis which is influencing the lives of the commoner more than those of the rich and privileged who have millions in the bank. People are facing bankruptcy, eviction, starvation, mental trauma and death, but do you see the likes of the politicians who are still getting paid their extortionate salaries while they do sweet F*** all to earn them, doing anything. The rich sit at home in their million plus pound houses while the unemployed and the furloughed face eviction. Where is the equality of life and 'YES' before you say I'm just bitter old man with nothing, ranting unnecessarily about the privileged upper classes, I agree, but it is still a fact of life that the very people who decide what the national minimum wage should be or how much a single person should be able to live on, are the very same people who are raking in a extortionate wage packet for simply sitting on their arses listening to the BS spouted by the most inept primeminister in the last two centuries.
In the current climate it has been clearly proven the great divide there is in the living wage as those unemployed are told they can survive on under £800 per month while those furloughed have been guaranteed up to £2500 per month dependant on their monthly wage after tax. Surely a more realistic way would have been to put anyone either unemployed or furloughed on an equal footing by paying everyone £1150 per month or is this just too easy, just because those who would have received £2500 are already living above their means so would find it too difficult to make ends meet.
So as the UK is once again at a critical point in the coronavirus pandemic and clearly heading in the wrong direction, the government's chief medical adviser warns that the country is facing a very challenging winter period. This belief has come about after the Johnson spent the weekend considering whether to introduce further measures in England which yesterday Sunday September 20th witnessed a further 3,899 daily cases and 18 deaths were reported in the UK. In the starkness of the rise Johnson is understood to be considering a two-week mini lockdown in England which the cabinet joyfully refers to as a "circuit breaker" in an effort to stem widespread growth of the virus and was discussed during a meeting at Downing Street on Sunday, along with Prof Whitty, Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Matt Hancock, debating possible measures. It was reported that while the view from Downing Street was that doing nothing was not an option, neither was a full national lockdown and that whatever measures they imposed should be able to be turned off and on throughout the winter. So this pandemic Johnson and his cronies told us would not last past the summer is now expected to effect the population on and off, as they put it, in to the beginning of next year possibly. So do they have an answer to what the a fore mentioned low paid or unemployed commoners should do to survive economically and practically while they switch us on and off over the forth coming months. Do they have a plan? for the businesses that will be told to close at a moments notice. Do they have a plan? on how people are going to survive while not been paid. Do they have a plan? on how the economy can survive, but most of all do they have a plan? on how more deaths are going to effect the mental strain on an already strained population.
All I see is a primeminister and a cabinet that are playing 'pin the tail on the donkey' with the lives of millions of people without a clue to what they should do. I for one have lost faith in politics even more than I had before, since back in July 2019, when the Conservative party appointed Johnson as their leader and the idiotic British public then went one better and elected him officially in December 2019. I have become disillusioned with the whole political process that allows such men as Johnson or even Trump in to such a position of power which they have single handily and openly unlawfully abused since taking office. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!