Thursday, 23 July 2020


Well folks it's a wet and cloudy day here while I ponder what BS is over shadowing others elsewhere, so let's take a look.

Firstly as usual in America, We find Trump crying about how hard his cognitive test was standing in his beautiful Whitehouse surroundings, telling us that it is very hard to remember five words after ten minutes and how good he was at doing it, all this in the extended safety net of the Whitehouse grounds while in Portland more and more people face off against his secret police force, who are too scared to let people know their identities in case of later reprisals or law suits or maybe even arrest for their part in this fascist regime. Yet while Trump cowers away from face to face contact with the people of America, Portland's mayor was in the thick of it standing alongside his fellow Portland citizens outside the fenced off area surrounding the federal building the stormtroopers occupy getting tear gassed himself. The situation in Portland is hated that much, a group calling themselves the 'The Wall of Moms' are putting themselves in harms way for justice within the city while the Navy veteran who was pictured been beaten over and over again has spoken out stating if an old white man who fought for his country like himself whom US Marshall's have claimed presented a threat to them can be beaten what will these paramilitary thugs do to a Black veteran or civilian and that the focus should not be on him, but on the Black Lives Matter movement. 

While all this unrest goes on, what is Trump's answer? His answer is to send "a surge" of federal security forces to other US cities in a crackdown on crime highlighting that Chicago and two other Democratic-run cities are being targeted in the his move on quelling protests, amid a spike in violence caused by the federal deployments in Portland, Oregon, which have been proved controversial and have raised tensions amid ongoing protests. Since the first protests over the death of George Floyd, 'Law and Order' has become a key plank of Trump's re-election bid come November. During this time of civil unrest certain topics are taking a sideways stance such as coronavirus which Trump is backtracking on now that more people are dying and still not letting experts speak during briefings, Trump's possible connection to child sex trafficking and the Maxwell case who he ironically wished well during a press conference and the startling things he keeps verbally spouting like how great he is or how much smarter he is or even the BS his administration are spouting daily to protect him. Come on America wake up and see the future, as Trump puts more paramilitary groups in to democratically run states he is furthering the possibility of a rigged election as his stormtroopers take control of polling stations preventing voters from having the constitutional say on who leads the country as well as making himself a dictator. Another question to be asked, has anybody heard these stormtroopers speak?, do any of them have Russian accents because you cannot see their faces or their department insignia's anywhere, for all you know they could be Russian FSB or Noe-Nazi militia men or KKK members furthering the fascist cause on American soil. I won't mention the fact that at the moment you have a madman locked away in one of the most secure buildings in the country, what's to say he will walk out of the doors on the 21st of January next year peacefully if he loses in November and not board himself up inside with his paramilitary troops surrounding the Whitehouse, think on that.

Anyway that's enough about Trump and his madness, let's see what madness is happening in dear old Blighty. So Johnson has been prime minister for one year and what a year that has been, not a good one for British citizens as he has proved inept in all areas. A year ago, he joked that he was looking forward to seeing how long it would take for letters of no confidence to start pouring in from his parliamentary colleagues and as expected a year after he became leader, the Conservative backbenches are already restless. One former cabinet minister has stated they thought the “clouds had gathered” and not just because of the pandemic, but owing to a feeling that a “good-time” prime minister was not what was needed for the massive economic challenges ahead. Unfortunately for them even Johnson’s hardest critics have had to concede that he has had, as one put it, “a hell of a year”. Another pointed out that Johnson had been on the backbenches, where he was almost a figure of fun, then won the leadership contest, divorced his estranged wife, secured a fiancee (what she sees in him is questionable), fathered a child (maybe) and nearly died of COVID (which is still under debate). It’s a lifetime in one year, but they also added that the hard facts are that Johnson is still a good-time prime minister; his grip on pertinent details is shocking. He’s the chairman of the board (running nothing) rather than the chief executive (in control) and has got a highly contentious, divisive, corrupt and controversial chief executive in Dominic Cummings. So basically whet conservatives are really saying is that he has no balls and shouldn't be doing the job, but they are too scared to go on the record as a named doubter for fear of reprisal by the power hungry narcissist and his clown in waiting which has recently been seen with the dismissal of the whip for not towing the line.

Meanwhile the government's failure to plan for the economic impact of a pandemic is "astonishing", the Commons Public Accounts Committee stated, but did not mean that in a good way as they further stated that the economic reaction to COVID-19 was rushed and the impact could be "long-term" adding that the Treasury waited until mid-March before deciding on the economic support schemes it would put in place. The government have refuted the claim stating it regularly tested its pandemic plans, which enabled a "rapid" response, yet last month, official figures showed that the UK economy shrank more than first thought between January and March, contracting 2.2% in the joint largest fall since 1979 when Thatcher came to power. It was found that the pandemic planning is the bread and butter of government risk planning, yet that the government treated it solely as a health issue, with no planning for the economic impacts which meant that the necessary economic strategy was rushed and reactive, initially a one-size-fits-all response leaving people and whole sectors of the economy in the wake of the government mismanagement drowning. The recommendation made was that the government needed to take honest stock now, learn from the mistakes, and rapidly change course where necessary to implement a more diverse and structurally positive action plan for now and in the future if we were to survive.

What is been seen around the world at the minute is how unprepared as a plant we are for large scale natural disasters and how the people we put in charge of these precautions are solely inept at performing their roles by firstly, not looking at the big picture for the future and secondly, learning from previous disasters like tsunami's, earthquakes, dormant volcano's reigniting, famine and the change in the planets climate that brings forth hurricanes, tornado's, flooding and the polar icecaps shrinking causing sea levels to rise. We are sitting back and electing people in to posts they are not capable of performing as they have not been educated in the correct fields and openly ignore those who have the experience of dealing with these types of incidents. I am not a well educated man, but I can still see the need for experts in certain fields been incorporated in to governmental departments for their knowledge on certain subjects. Yet they still are not been giving the recognition and authority, just because they don't hold the title of Prime minister, Secretary of whatever, Cabinet Minister or Member of Parliament which is simply given to the person with the biggest gob who has the backing of people of influence and money looking to profit  from the appointment. If you read this just start to ask yourself the questions like,

Are they the right person? 
Are they going to actually do what they say they will? 
Are they purely out to profit in the position?. 

These three basic questions are important as your wellbeing and life are being placed in the hands of the current morons elected to the highest power of their respective countries. Anyway I think I have rambled on enough today,

Rant you tomorrow!