Friday, 11 December 2020


Well we have reached Friday once more and the future outlook is still very bleak. Could we be having a bleak mid-winter before winter has even took hold? Let’s take a look at the latest ‘BS’ circulating within our society.

So America, do you really feel it is right to execute a person? As a person living in a nation that hasn’t had a death penalty for nearly sixty years, I am disgusted in a supposed civilised country who still feel the need to end a person’s life as an ‘Act of Justice’. Would you not class a president who has allowed over ‘Two Hundred and Eighty Thousand’ fellow Americans to die of a pandemic by ignoring it a mass murder? Would you not class a president who has colluded with a foreign nation as a traitor? Trump has sat on his hands while Fifteen million people have contracted a deadly disease and has colluded with Russia, so should he not be executed as a treasonous mass murderer?

The barbaric use of death for crimes in a world that is supposed to be evolved is the most heinous example of humankind’s devolution back to the time of Neanderthals and for a sitting president to pardon such people as his cronies who helped him commit treasonous acts just proves he should face criminal charges himself and be sent to death row.

A man [Brandon Bernard] who has sat on death row for twenty years and has now been put to death for murder after the Trump bought Supreme Court ruled against his clemency plea while the man that sits in the Whitehouse who is getting away with mass murder daily, simply ignored the cries from Bernard’s family, the original prosecutor, nine of the original sentencing jurors, two senators and millions on social media for him to live out his life in prison. AG Barr [Trump’s Pitbull] simply stated his department was upholding an existing law, yet since the death penalty was reinstated by the US Supreme Court in 1988, executions carried out by the national or federal government in the US have remained rare and before Trump took office, only three federal executions had taken place in this period, all were carried out under another Republican President, George W Bush. There has always been an understanding that any scheduled executions be paused during a presidential transition, but Trump seems to be allowing things to play out which is a break from a 130 year precedent. There are a further 5 executions scheduled to take place before Joe Biden takes office which will bring the count to 13 deaths by execution under the Trump administration the highest number in a century overseen by a single president. All these rushed executions appear from the outside as the Trump Administration and the Republican Party trying to get ahead of the expectation that Biden will fight during the next four years to have the death penalty ceased nationwide on both state and federal levels. This has to prove how mentally deranged and power hungry Trump really is. What should be being asked is what can or will this madman do with the remaining days he has in power because he is not finished yet.

He is still fighting his election loss with outrageous lawsuits backed by 106 G.O.P house members, while ignoring the rising death tolls from COVID-19 by holding two super spreader events to celebrate Hanukah. Is this Trump’s way of implementing his own holocaust event on the Jewish society which he not so secretly hates? On Wednesday of this week he held one event which it was reported to have included 100 guests from the Jewish religion including his maskless chief of staff who last month tested positive for the virus. These were just two of the 25 festive events planned to take place within the confines of the Whitehouse clearly against the advice of the experts on disease control both in the C.D.C and the W.H.O whom Trump has openly ignored for the last twelve months allowing his nation to have the highest number of deaths worldwide. What is really worrying is the amount of American voters who still believe everything Trump is doing is for the good of the nation, when in fact he is simply robbing the country blind through tax evasion, money laundering and nepotism, and committing mass murder through ignorance, ineptitude and a belief he and no one else knows best. I keep saying it and I am still in pure disbelief over the fact that the American people who are supposed to be evolved would rather see their country run by a Narcissistic racially bigoted moron who only wants what is best for him and his family rather than the people he took an oath of office to serve. America you only have yourselves to blame for allowing the last four years to happen!

On that note I will step across the pond and take a look at how dear old Blighty is fairing on this chill December Friday. So once more the headlines rally around the rising COVID infection rate and the failing Brexit escape plan. The lockdown in England which was meant to slow the infection rate has failed according to SAGE as there is indications that there is a fresh rise in effect since December 2nd when lockdown finished. If this is the case yet another epic failure by the Conservative government has been added to the ever growing list of ‘F*** Up’s’ by the Johnson led cabinet during their first official year in power. Yes you may say that previous governments this century have not had to contend with a pandemic and a huge economic upheaval like Brexit, but isn’t this what the Primeminister, Cabinet members and MP’s get paid to deal with. They are the ones seeking such notoriety in the limelight of politics and should be ready to shoulder the blame for such economic and mortality driven circumstances as the UK records another 20,964 positive COVID cases and 516 further COVID-related deaths.

We are been led to the slaughter by politicians incapable of making decisions on behalf of a nation without creating mass hysteria amongst the populous. It is said populous who are bearing the brunt of financial and economic ruin as well as seeing loved ones die from a disease which our government reacted too slowly to contain in its early days and then exited national lockdown far too early, just so they could see an economic upturn which has failed to appear. With Brexit, a decision which should have never been made, we are heading in to an economic wilderness of uncertainty and change which will affect not only trades people, but the whole country as the cost of living is expected to exponentially rise due to new tariffs on both import and export on or off this little island.

Johnson himself is in Brussels trying a last ditch effort to get a deal finalised before December 31st which is looking more and more likely to be a lost cause meaning we as a nation will for the first time in its history be alone in the global economic market with no colonies or global partners to rely on for assistance. The Conservative party leaders of the past and present have spent the last ten years killing off any economic stability we may well have had, just like their predecessor Margaret Thatcher did in the 1980’s with her ‘Privatisation’ of industries. They have created taxes and policies that benefit the wealthy and cripple the less fortunate, have created disunity between devolved nations and sat rough shot over the worst economic decision of a millennia which is ‘Brexit’. The future for the United Kingdom is looking very bleak as Ebenezer ‘Johnson’ Scrooge holds court in Downing Street this Christmas holding the nation to ransom. It is time for a change at the top, so we can feel we do truly have a future to live.

I know tend to rant about politics or the lack of it, but I do also have an interest in the wellbeing of Dementia and Alzheimer sufferers and the lack of assistance they receive from the government and how most of the care falls on family or partners. I myself spent seven years caring for my father who was diagnosed with mixed Dementia [which combined both Vascular Dementia with the decline of the brain through ageing] shortly after turning eighty years old and I saw first-hand the affect the disease takes on a human being struck down with it. The reason I mention it today is due to the news of the death of the Iconic Actress Dame Barbara Windsor from Alzheimer related complications, who used her fame to highlight the lack of help out there for Dementia sufferers. Dame Barbara was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s back in 2014 and has for the last six years battled against the crippling incurable disease, but at the same time used her own story to show how Alzheimer’s and Dementia can affect an individual as well as their loved ones. Dementia doesn’t only affect the sufferer mentally, but also affects those close to them like wives, husbands, partners and children, the list goes on. Alzheimer’s and Dementia is one of those incurable diseases that the human race suffers from, but has very little knowledge of. My heart goes out to Dame Barbara’s husband and family at this time.

We as human beings face so many different life altering events throughout our lives, yet we still choose to spend a great deal of time ignoring those things that closely affect us. I finish today with this thought: If just one person took the time to unselfishly help one other person and that person paid that kindness forward to one other person and so on, wouldn’t the world be a better place to live, rather than what we see in today’s society where it is dog eat dog and wealth is the goal of all, just think on that please. I will call it a day now,

Rant you tomorrow!

Back Monday.