Tuesday, 17 November 2020


It’s a cold chilly day here in dear old Blighty, but it must be hot in the hell the politicians currently dwell within because they sure deserve to be in hell for their incompetence and dishonesty. Anyway let’s take a look at what they have been up to shall we?

The madman is still in charge within the US and is doing everything he can to destroy democracy. As Trump’s campaign keep pushing unproven conspiracies of ballot fraud in the battleground states he lost and stalls in the mandated transition policies, it’s the American people who are suffering as COVID-19 sweeps through the country killing thousands every day the Trump administration and the senate Republicans do nothing, but sit on their asses and watch mayhem and death descend across their country. In the midst of all this political ‘BS’, president-elect Biden is trying to build a team that will start a fresh come January 21st 2021, but cannot effectively do that while transition funding is held back by the Trump lackey within the government agency that launches the transition process [the General Services Administration (GSA)] who holds the purse strings. Also as the GSA is refusing to recognise the president-elect and the vice president-elect this also leaves them without access to sensitive government briefings that are normally provided to an incoming administration. This is a blatant attack by Trump and his lackeys on the institute of democracy. President-elect Joe Biden has warned that “people may die” if his incoming administration continues to be impeded by incumbent Donald Trump, also stating that co-ordination was needed to tackle the coronavirus outbreak calling Trump's refusal to acknowledge he has lost the election, despite calls to do so from both sides, “totally irresponsible”.

Meanwhile as Trump and his administration hold on to its belief they won the election and do everything they can to illegally win, the Wisconsin Elections Commission on Monday stated that the Trump campaign would have to pay nearly $8m (£6m) for a vote recount in that state [which Mr Biden is projected to have won by 20,000 ballots] should they still want one and in Georgia they are conducting a state-wide, by-hand recount because of the 0.3% margin separating the rivals. Breaking news of more fraudulent underhanded skulduggery on behalf of Trump was released as the official overseeing the recount, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, told CNN on Monday that he had been coming under pressure from a fellow Republican, Trump ally and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, to disqualify legally posted ballots in certain counties which Graham denied, telling Politico the two had merely had a “very pleasant” conversations about signature verification processes. How did Graham and his counterpart McConnell ever get re-elected? Are the people of South Carolina and Kentucky morons or just bitch slapped in to believing the ‘BS’ propaganda these two corrupt politicians spout? Both these individuals should be put under investigation by the FBI and congress for how they blatantly try to subvert the law and put the office they hold in to disrepute, not to mention act treasonously towards the constitution. What is funny to me is the fact they both hail from states that were run by prominent slave owners and were member states of the Confederate Government of the 1800’s who refused to accept the abolishment of slavery. This alone should tell you the type of men, Graham and McConnell are. I bet if their ancestry was checked they are the descendants of plantation owners and if you ask me they both project the posture of wannabe plantation and slave owners.

In other terrifying reports from the Whitehouse, clearly show how unstable Trump is becoming as he had to be talked out of making plans to bomb Iran’s main nuclear site during an Oval Office meeting with top security officials. It was reported last night that Trump had asked for options on attacking the enrichment facility at Natanz, 190 miles south of Tehran, on Thursday coming just one day after international nuclear inspectors reported a big increase in stockpiled material. Is this really how ‘World War Three’ begins? As Trump unilaterally decides to attack Iran, who next?. For heaven’s sake, can America not see how insane this man is, because the rest of the world sees it? We are just one temper tantrum away from the big red button been deployed, annihilating the planet.

On that insane thought, I will move on to dear old Blighty to see what fresh shitstorm we are facing. Well as Johnson self-isolates in Downing Street that hasn’t stopped him from causing more political upset in the halls of power, his comments on Scotland’s devolution has stirred up old rivalries. Johnson has now come under fire for reportedly telling a virtual meeting of Conservative MPs that devolution had been a “disaster” in Scotland and also reportedly described it as predecessor Tony Blair's “biggest mistake”. Both the SNP and Labour have criticised the prime minister while one of Johnson’s lackeys, Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick said Mr Johnson has “always supported devolution”. Jenrick went on to state that "What he does feel strongly, and I would agree, is that devolution in Scotland has facilitated the rise of separatism and nationalism in the form of the SNP, and they’re trying to break apart the United Kingdom. Anybody, like the prime minister, who loves the UK wants to keep it together and thinks that is a very, very dangerous and disappointing outcome that we need to battle against”.

What I see is two individuals who see devolution as money been stripped from their profiteering margins as one has allowed millions of pounds to be distributed to donors to the Conservative party in Government contracts and the other made redevelopment issues go away for another influential Tory party donor. This present Government is filled full of self-serving individuals who think more of themselves than the good of the UK. Yes full devolution of the United Kingdom member nations would be catastrophic, but the present elected body of MP’s path to Brexit is what is fuelling the calls for devolution, so that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland at some point could re-join the EU which they overwhelmingly voted to stay within. I as an Englishman living in the North East of England agree with the notion of re-joining the EU and would consider moving north of the border in to Scotland, if devolution was ever decided upon because as said Englishman I am disgusted with the party politics of the Conservative Party and the present Labour party. I believe in Unification of the European community because it brings stability and multilateral law making to a nation where said nation standing alone has no oversight which will become ever clearer as we stop been watched over by the EU central court giving the sitting government whether it be Conservative, Labour or a coalition the unilateral decision to make whatever new law they deem appropriate at that time or subsequently remove any laws they dislike. To me if the Tories could they would criminalise almost anything as they are proven by their policies during this pandemic which shows what we can expect come 2021 when we are finally done and dusted with the EU, “God help us all!”

The longer we witness both Johnson and Trump in action, the more it comes apparent they are cut from the same cloth. They are both narcissistic men who refuse to accept defeat when it is as plain as the nose on their faces. They both are misogynistic womanisers with two failed marriages and multiple children from each marriage [how can such a man be really trusted]. They are both power hungry corrupt individuals who will do anything and say anything to win over their supporters. They are both hot headed impulsive individuals who could snap at any time becoming less stable the longer the power dwells within their consciousness while lying to protect those close to them and sacking those who displease them or contradict them. We are two countries under the constant worry of what our leaders will say or do next to incite supporters to rally to them like acolytes within a cult ready to lay down their lives for them. I have to admit Johnson isn’t as bad as Trump, but the remarkable similarities far out way their differences and they both hold their respective countries hostage while they drink in the power like a well-aged malt whiskey and do nothing to help those they say they serve. On that very disheartening thought I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!