Well in America, Trump has once again showed the state of his mental wellbeing by tweeting an accusation that the seventy five year old protester that was shoved to the ground by police in Buffalo was a member of ANTIFA and that the incident was a set up. On the back of that tweet Republican senators on Capitol Hill have expressed their dismay, but refused to comment except for a few. John Thune of South Dakota, stated that “It’s a serious accusation which should only be made with facts and evidence”, while Utah’s Mitt Romney branded the speculation from the president as “shocking”, but would say no more and Alaska moderate Lisa Murkowski observed: “It just makes no sense that we’re fanning the flames right at this time". I don't know what is wrong with these Republican politicians that are running scared from one man, they have the power to remove him, but instead cower in corners and do nothing. Trump is one individual who is been allowed to run his presidency like a reality TV show which needs to be addressed and those Republican senators and governors allowing this kind of outrageous behaviour in an elected leader should themselves be removed from office and held accountable through prosecution.
Anyway, as a British citizen I feel deplored at it, but our own leadership needs addressing also, so let's see what there is to rant about in dear old Blighty. As the rest of the world slowly reopens, England will follow suit allowing shops, zoo's and parks to open as of Monday as long as there is adequate social distancing in place, even though the so called R rating they work off is still above 0.7. On the other side of the coin many schools will not reopen till the autumn term in September as many in the education sector grow anxious of just how it can be done properly and safely as some MP's constantly call for a national plan (rather than just each nation doing its own thing, seemingly forgetting we are a United Kingdom) on how we get schools opening again and install a catch up programme for left-behind pupils whose life chances are being damaged by being off school for 40% of school year. Boris Johnson and his cabinet have shown rather an inept and let the cards fall where they will attitude towards this whole pandemic problem pretty much the way they are handling Brexit and any other national crisis they have come up against. To top all this off, those tories who relished Trump’s ascent are now eerie silent and many will actually deny that they supported him, while some will even believe that they never voiced an opinion. what is trickier is those who actually put their enthusiasm on the record like Michael Gove, who tried comparing Trump to George Washington stating that the first president of the United States had also been misunderstood by Britain, He wrote in an interview casting Trump as a “force of nature” who did not merit the “scorn and condescension” of his UK critics. To compensate for his countrymen’s discourtesy, Gove posed with his subject, grinning and giving the thumbs-up. I know the US and the UK have been allies for many a year, but history tells us that if you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas, which in this case means for years to come people will only see the idiots who believed a corrupt business man would be good for his own country as well as ours thinking a person who thought it was a good idea to build a steel wall across his southern borders or invent a space army was a good choice to hitch their wagon to.
All I see is two once great nations falling by the wayside in the global future where third world countries are becoming more powerful than the so called empire builders of yesteryear. Unless the people at the top finally realise they are not above the law or that the people that vote for them deserve better nothing will change and their will be more protests and more violence because the oppressed will rise up to over power the oppressors just like in the American revolution, the French revolution, the English civil war, the American civil war, world war one, world war two and many, many more that have paved humankind's existence throughout history and as everyone keeps predicting the next mass war could also be a mass extinction event, Trumps finger is on the button, so bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. Well I got a little in to it there, so I am going to call it a day.
Rant you tomorrow!