Monday, 23 November 2020


So we enter the last full week of November with very little on the horizon changing for the betterment of humankinds future, except promises of a saviour’s vaccine and the governments blessing to celebrate Christmas, ‘Whoopee F****** Doo’. Aren’t we a privileged class now! On that let’s see what has actually been done or swept under the carpet, shall we?

So America, around seventy million, of you thought Trump was the right choice for president again and what do you see the defeated moron doing on this penultimate weekend in November? Well people, Trump was once again playing golf and this time it was while world powers thought it was prudent to discuss the pandemic at a G20 summit. Trump wandered around his Virginia golf course while leaders from France, Germany, and Italy delivered video messages for the session on the global response to the virus. Is this really what a president should be doing, even if he will be out of a job in January. Yes it may be stated that he attended the morning session of the summit, but in his second-to-last appearance at the international meeting as US president, he decided to forego the afternoon side-panel which was to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic and swing a club at something he has a bigger brain than. He just decided to show little interest in the fact he would be looked upon as a mass murderer for not implementing precautions against the pandemic sooner or if ever, instead insisting it was a hoax. Well you can really see how he is going to perform his role over the next sixty days can’t you?

As Trump golfed and G20 representatives talked about death, another death was occurring in Pennsylvania as US district Judge Matthew Brann in Williamsport turned down the Trump campaign request for an injunction therefore spoiling the incumbent's hopes of overturning the results of the presidential contest. Instead the ruling allows Pennsylvania officials to now certify election results that currently show Democrat Joe Biden winning the state by more than 80,000 votes. Judge Brann stated the Trump campaign presented “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations which is unsupported by evidence”, also adding that “In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more”. So basically this election is heading in to the Supreme Court where Trump and Republicans have stacked the law against public opinion and hope the bought Judges do their part to steal the election for Trump, if this happens I believe there should be an international investigation in to the illegality of the American election system because this to me feels like the money people are buying their authority while stealing the civil and human rights away from all Americans turning the once deeply democratic country in to a bought dictatorship. I suppose there is the other side of the coin that America was never the democracy it portrayed itself of old. Since 24 hour, 365 day news was introduced, I suppose the illegality of the American system has slowly been crumbling as the world sees beneath the ‘Eagles’ wings at just how corrupt American society really is from the pinnacles of power down to the common pickpocket. With immediate news comes immediate evidence of corruption, meaning the way America is seen from outside or sees itself in the mirror is been shattered.

How can a country call itself democratic? When they withhold medicine from the sick and the dying, when they have a justice system that punishes the smallest misdemeanour worse than the biggest financial corruption, when they prevent minorities voting in large numbers, when they supress the illegality of its own president and allows impunity to its authorities, when they allow the same person to spend thirty plus years doing a role that sees them better their own finances rather than their constituents, when they allow home grown terrorists the right to bare arms and systematically wage war on the very democracy they claim to protect and last, but not least, when they allow their country to die in vast numbers rather than look to create a stability from unnecessary death allowing the moronic dictator to pick and choose where and when aid is released as a political strategy against the people who will not cower down to his madness. America you have never really been a true democracy and never will be as long as you allow the like of Trump, Pence, McConnell, Graham, Cruz, Loeffler and Perdue, to mention just a handful rule and run your state and country the way they have been. America you have chosen to publicly back Biden and Harris with your votes, now it is time to take back your country from the rest of the politicians who keep the masses downtrodden while they rob the country blind.

On that rant I will skip back to dear old Blighty and check in on the situation outside my own self-imposed isolation bubble of ‘ONE’. So as the UK meanders on split between lockdown, partial lockdown and restrictions what is the rest of 2020’s year of hell going to look like? Well there is still no news on England’s lockdown extending past December 2nd, so I suppose no news is good news or is it? You can never tell with this Tory government who U-turn quicker than they change their underwear. There is supposed to be an announcement coming about Christmas which is rumoured to be a five day festive reprieve where small family bubbles can mingle, but what does that mean for the rest of December and in to the New Year, those are the questions still been contemplated by businesses and public alike.

As the news is released that the vaccine being developed by the University of Oxford is ninety percent effective against the pandemic strain of flu, the government is starting to smile a little, but that doesn’t mean an immediate U-turn back to the way lives were this time back in 2019, what it means is a long slow push to get the drug to the right people at the right time, not mass inoculations which would put a strain on the NHS, more than they are coping with right now with isolation wards while still trying to provide their normal level of care to the general public. The government just loves to pat themselves on the back for something that they had no direct involvement in the achievement of. Instead of calming troubled waters, all they inevitably do is cause a tsunami style surge towards a very rocky shore where more will die before the deaths decrease. With the future of the vaccine still unknown prudence would have been the better part of valour rather than complicate news briefings giving people false hope of a return to a so-called normal life of the past. There is no normal life for the nearly sixty thousand poor souls lost to this pandemic or the millions of families, relativities, partners, friends and colleagues who have lost loved ones to this virus without been able grieve properly.

It may be a wrong comment to make, but I lost my father to symptoms of his prolonged dementia back in June 2019. That was a very hard time for me personally, but you know what I was at his side when he passed and I am glad he went when he did. Watching dementia take him was hard enough, but if it had been combined with this awful coronavirus that would have been even harder for me. Because I do know been stopped from been with him at the end would have affected me mentally, so my heart goes out to all those individuals and families that never got to say their proper goodbyes because COVID-19 and isolation took their loved ones away from them. I say I am not a religious person, yet I keep finding myself saying such things as ‘My prayers are with you’ an awful lot these days, so maybe there is a little speck of a belief hidden away in me, that truly hopes there is more to us than we are born, grow, live and die.

My rant again turned philosophical or even a little theological at the end today, but what I do know is that once again my heart is breaking with memories of what I have lost and may never get back again. So I may not know how you are feeling exactly, I too went through a long agonising vigil over a loved one. On that teary note I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!