Tuesday, 25 August 2020


Well it's a wet and rainy Tuesday in the UK and my mood is in line with the weather over my self-isolation protocols. The four walls are moving in on my mentality, but not as much as the way the world is governed is depressing me, so let's see what's rantable today.

In America as cities burn and people protest, the GOP (Republican Party) started their convention to declare Trump their nominee for president once again. The convention heard Trump warn them that the Democrats may steal November's election by using COVID to defraud the American people repeating his much-disputed claims that mail-in ballots could lead to voter fraud. Addressing delegates in person at a party conference that has been dramatically scaled back by COVID-19 Trump lashed out at his opponents with one lie after another which has been his life long way in business and now his presidency. Trump Jr. also took to the stage to endorse his father commanding the nation's attention. His words were not as much to praise his father, but to take swipes at Joe Biden. His speech stated that Trump's policies were like rocket fuel to the economy, then continued on by stating that Biden's radical left-wing policies would stop the economic recovery cold claiming that the Democrats would undo the economic gains that people had made with his father in the White House by taking back money [illegally got in Trump tax cuts to the rich] and placing it back in the swamp, before calling Biden the Loch Ness monster of politics. You have two men cut from the same cloth, but America beware Trump Jr. is worse than his father because where Trump Sr. lacks poise and glamour Trump Jr. has it in spades [racial pun meant], which makes him a shew in for a future run at the presidency [God forbid]. Trump Jr. is a product of nepotism being handed the keys to the Trump narcissistic and self aggrandising ego as well as his ability to tap into darker strands of the current presidency, portraying a younger, more acidic version of his father which means he has a lethal combination of corruption interlinked with a murderous mentality, so is definitely worse than his father when it comes to hiding family skeletons especially with his love of hunting. 

So while the convention fluffs the Trump family ego's in North Carolina the rest of America suffers with nearly one hundred and eighty thousand deaths due to COVID-19, more innocent people get brutalised or shot by over zealous law enforcement officers and natural disasters ravage America, what is heartening to see is more and more people who voted for Trump in 2016 putting their voices alongside Democrats denouncing Trump and changing their life long vote of Republican backed candidates to support Biden, the logical choice for the country which has been hoodwinked by Trump in to believing his BS. From 1919 Hitler rose in the ranks of politics in Germany finally taking control of the Reichstag from a flailing government in 1933, forming the first Nazi government which he acquired by creating a crisis which was the Jewish people [Trump with immigration], demonized his opponents within the Reichstag which was the Weimer Republic [Trump with the Democrats], declared a state of emergency which saw Jews rounded up [Trump with protesters bringing his own stormtroopers], undermined the electoral process [Trump with the USPS], made the rule of law irrelevant [Trump with his undermining of the judicial process] and then went on to rule with an iron fist bypassing the Reichstag creating his own executive orders [Trump's presidency with his own executive orders]. This is the history of how a dictator created his own country before deciding he wanted more starting the second world ward. So America do you see any comparisons with the way your country is been governed today because in my opinion the Trump 2020 election is basically using the Hitler playbook devised back in 1919 when Hitler first decided he would join politics, so all I will say on the election is that the Republican party is a modern day Nazi party and Trump is Hitler 2.0 with his sights on world domination for him and his family especially since Trump Jr. is very much a reincarnation of Hitler in the way he blends political acuity, deceptiveness, and cunning in to his speeches using phrases such as 'time of struggle' and 'years of struggle' to create volatility within fringe radicals. In my opinion we are starting to see a resurgence, not only within America, but the world of a radicalised belief in Hitlers words spoken prior to and during his leadership which ended in defeat and suicide. The only way for this madness to end is for the world to stand up to the fascist elements embedding themselves in politics and governments starting with America who cries freedom and liberty for all, which I am afraid is sadly missing under a Trump regime. Hitler took control and removed the right for certain people to vote which is exactly what Trump is trying to do within his rants about voter fraud and his underhanded actions against the USPS along with the Republican held Senate under McConnell who continually state they will not pass the bill to release funds to help with mail in voting verification of this years election.

I think I have ranted enough on America even though I never got to the protests resurgence across America and
Kellyanne Conway sudden announcement that she is resigning from her post as senior adviser to Trump [maybe Melania caught her in flagrante delicto with Trump]. So on that let's take a look at dear old Blighty and our leader of disrepute, Johnson. As the government weathers it's own political storms, dear old blighty is facing it's very own actual storm as Storm Francis sweeps across the UK bringing "unseasonably" strong winds of up to 70mph, heavy rain and flooding which only strengthens the issue of global warming which in recent days has seen two tropical storms hit the Caribbean and America, New South Wales, Victoria, the Australia Capital Territory and the island state of Tasmania have all experienced rare seasonal snowfalls and now the UK is hit with a deluge from an unseasonable storm. Do we not think it is time for world governments to take the subject of an increasing global weather change serious and put plans in to action, not just talk about it.

Anyway while the actual weather dampens spirits let's see what political BS there is to metaphorically dampen our spirits. As the row over school reopening's trundles on the newest debate is on whether students should be required to wear mask in school. Scotland is the first to implement a mandate that masks are to be warn in school corridors, communal areas and school buses as of next Monday by all student over the age of 12 except in classrooms where social distancing measures are in place. The opposite can be said in England as head teachers have complained about a lack of clarity over the rules on whether teachers or pupils can wear face masks in schools. They want to know if they can override the official guidance which rejects the use of face coverings in school as the published guidance does not take in to account, what is to be done if staff or pupils want to wear face coverings. In response a Downing Street spokesman ruled out any review on masks in school which is just another way of saying we haven't got a clue, please don't ask us to make such a hard decision. Once again the Scottish parliament has shown more back bone in it's decision making than the government themselves who are at an impasse about how to proceed due to the fact for a great deal of time in the last six months they have be leaderless like a rudderless ship battling against the onslaught of worsening weather without any means of correcting it direction on an open ocean. This inability to stay the course on any policy along with the exams debacle could fatally undermine Johnson’s singular claim to be a champion of “levelling up” as he fails time and time again to do just that. As the countries adults still face an uncertain future within the professional lives, their children face just as much uncertainty in their educational lives as both are been failed by the current government under the leadership [or no leadership] under Johnson.and more is needed to be done to ensure the country is not failed. 

The current fallout over various governmental actions like the slow start to the fight against a pandemic, a lack of PPE to keep health professionals safe, a hastened lockdown easing strategy, the way poorer pupils suffered disproportionately as A-level results were downgraded by an algorithm implemented by the Tories and the now inability to make simple decisions over the right course of safety actions needed to reopen schools, all of which this government have made countless humiliating and laughable U-turns on. All of the above could be the catalyst that does to Johnson what Black Wednesday in 1992 did to John Major, the then Conservative primeminister. On the back of all this superposition comes rumour as it has been reported that Johnson is planning to QUIT as PM in six months because he is struggling to recover from coronavirus. This prompted Downing Street to deny an extraordinary claim made by Dominic Cummings' father-in-law, Sir Humphry Wakefield who told a holidaymaker who visited his castle in Northumberland that the Prime Minister is still suffering longer-term ill effects of coronavirus. The baronet, whose journalist daughter Mary is married to Johnson's top aide Cummings, likened the Prime Minister to a horse that is made to work while injured, leaving it permanently lame. In the hastily released rebuttal Number 10 this morning stated the claim Mr Johnson would step down was 'total nonsense'. Yet isn't this par for the course for Johnson who hasn't been able to keep a regular position jumping in and out of roles like a tightly wound jack in the box for years.

Once again we find Cumming's at the centre of a political debate which he has no business being in, in the first place. This is the type of government Johnson is leading, one of backstabbing and misdirection as well as as it not being what is needed at this current juncture as we find our country in unstable times. The conservative government has always been the government of the rich and famous, but lately it is finding it's doubters arising from all walks of life as people start to feel the emotional and economic loss which is the underlying results of a deathly pathogen they failed to take serious until it was too late and the death toll reached more than a thousand dead with four or five times that infected. Johnson may have only been in charge for just over a year, but in my humble opinion that is twelve months too long for a man who has constantly shown an ineptitude to lead, firstly when he was mayor of London and now as the primeminister of the United Kingdom which he is only doing in name because really he is only the glorified leader of England at the moment as the first minister's of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are doing a better job for the devolved nations which he has no say in. On that terrifying fact I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!