So yesterday we all remembered those heroes that lost their lives in war, so today can we finally start to understand the loss the world is suffering today and do something about it. Each nation of the planet has recorded deaths due to coronavirus, but only a handful has done something that effectively slows down the spread while others just pre-empt further super spreader events causing the death toll to exponentially rise out of control. On that let’s have a look what has been happening, shall we?
So in America as thousands keep on dying, instead of doing something about it Trump still refuses to concede to the fact that America spoke and told him enough was enough as they decided Biden should take on the mantle of President of the ‘Un-United’ States of America. As Biden starts to consider the people he wants to stand at his side in the new cabinet, Trump keeps pushing ‘BS’ and untruths down the publics throats as he and certain members of the Republican Party still deny the inevitable fact, ‘They lost the election’. Trump is now attacking Dominion, the company whose software powers voting machines around the US as fraudulent. The problem is Trump's position, in defiance of political norms and traditions and it is sending tremors throughout the nation, as public officials and American voters react to a situation that, while telegraphed for months in advance, is still travelling uncharted terrain. And all this is down to Republican politicians thinking about their future, both in working with the incoming Democratic administration and in winning moderates in elections to come. Unlike the president, they're in no mood for scorched-earth tactics. Their political timeline is measured in years, not days or weeks, so the name of the game for Republicans is patience. They accept that the president has a right to make his claims, give him time to vent his frustration, but figure that there will be no evidence of sufficient magnitude to change the election results. But through their actions, if not their words, they're acknowledging that come January, there will be a new president. Trump, too, shall pass. Again and again within the political arenas of the world, not only America you can see individuals securing their own income before even giving one second of thought to how their actions is effecting the common person who is suffering the indignity of poverty, unemployment and uncertainty of their futures. This is fact not fiction and they are self-first, self-last and always looking out for where the next corrupt act will take them!
Trump can’t look outside of America for support as leader after leader are congratulating Joe Biden for his rise to President, even those that Trump considered good allies, which if it be said was very few indeed. A lot of talk has been around Trump in the past week, but you have to think about all the people that supported him behind the scenes, like Pence and his staffers who at this time are probably concerned for their futures. Will they have job opportunities or will they have doors slammed in their faces due to the fact they chose to work for the worst president in the history of the country. My personal view is if they were the face of Trumpism they should be cast on to the scrap heap of life especially people like Barr, Giuliani, McEnery and Pompeo to name a couple for the unconstitutional rhetoric they have presented not just before and during the election, but especially now with their words of attack on the very democracy the country was built upon. The problems will come as Pence is welcomed with open arms back in to the evangelical fold who are right now devising plans to put Pence on the ticket for 2024 probably with a staunch religious female conservative as his running mate, so they can carry on preaching their biblical rhetoric which will try and push the word of their ‘God’ down the throats of the unworthy. Pence and the ‘God’ squad, even the corrupt senators like McConnell, Graham and Cruz are not the nation’s biggest enemy. Not even Russia, China and North Korea, the Islamic State (IS) or the Muslim terrorist groups should cause concern [But should be feared a little]
The biggest threat to America is Trump himself! He is mentally unstable which he has proven time and time again which is concerning and never in history has a president refused to accept defeat with humility, but has instead chose to systematically divide a country, pushing it closer to a civil war. If Trump is seen to be dragged from the Whitehouse in cuffs the world will rejoice, but that will be the catalyst for home grown terrorists to implement and start a civil war targeting Biden, Harris and the Democrats for death. Mark my words America’s gun laws will be the downfall of the country as Militias, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis rise from the darkened vaults they exist in, to cause chaos nationwide. America you have spoken, but now is the time to de-radicalise the movements who believe force is the answer for the country mistaking fascism for patriotism, twisting the words of the forefathers to suit their belief system that white superiority should rule and any other colour is inferior to them and should be either destroyed or returned to servitude as the Confederacy once portrayed. But one of the scariest issues in America’s constitution is actually the 22nd amendment which states no one person can be president for more than two terms, but doesn’t stipulate a time frame for that policy. So there is an extreme chance that Trump will be considering a run for the presidency again in 2024, which is a very scary thought and the amendment should be changed to stipulate a defeated one term president cannot re-run in my humble opinion.
On that scary realisation I will take a look at the problems that face dear old Blighty on this chilly November day as we head to the end of the year of hell called 2020. As England starts its second week of lockdown Johnson is facing increased scrutiny for his decision making that has seen fifty thousand deaths, an economic crash, Big Brother style laws been implemented, countless U-turns on decisions and a failed Brexit plan. The latest issue to befall Downing Street is the supposed in-fighting going on which has led to the resignation of a top aide who has been around in the background since the days of the ‘Leave’ campaign. Mr Cain who worked with Cummings and the Johnson was said to be set to become Johnson's next chief of staff which had led to consternation among some MPs and ministers because of the nepotism been shown to certain people who worked to remove Britain from its supposed European shackles, but now that is just another headline heading in to journalism archives. Because not only is Blighty suffering from a pandemic, we are suffering from governmental incompetence which is been broadcast if not hourly, definitely daily.
Labours leader has voiced concern once again for the way his opposition iss handling the countries predicament stating “This is pathetic. I think millions of people will be waking up this morning, scratching their heads, saying what on earth is going on? We're in the middle of a pandemic, we're all worried about our health and our families, we're all worried about our jobs, and this lot are squabbling behind the door of No 10. Pull yourselves together, focus on the job in hand”.
I myself, am growing more and more concerned about both the countries future after the pandemic and Brexit because I don’t see an avenue where Britain regains its footing as a world power anytime soon because come January we as a nation will solely be in the hands of the white privileged toffs like Johnson and Starmer with no European oversight for the civil rights of the common person either in law or life. Whichever party is in power they will have unilateral decision making power over how we the people are ordered to live our lives and that to me is a scary prospect returning us back in time to when law protected the wealthy and sentenced the poor for just been from a different class. Post Brexit, post pandemic there will be a real panic as trade ceases and unemployment rises, not to mention the living wage will no longer be determined by the EU, but will be decided on by money hungry sycophants who have never known what is like to live hand to mouth, deciding whether to keep warm or put some food in their bellies. I keep repeating myself over and over that no one in parliament understands what it is like to survive on Universal Credit and how depressing it is to see nearly 90% of the money you get go to pay extortionate bills just so you don’t starve or perish of cold. There is no chance of staying debt free because if you suddenly need something you never budgeted for yet another decision needs to be made, do I go without whatever that item is or do I go to someone who will charge the earth in interest for the money borrowed. It is a never ending vicious circle of depravity, not unlike the time of our ancestors who lived during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries who were also downtrodden by the wealthy of the time. Life is a circle of birth and death, but it is also a circle of poverty which has never been eradicated just made invisible to those who never experience it first-hand. In the fifty years of my life, since the age of twenty I have spent half employed and half unemployed, but at least when I was unemployed in my twenties I could see light at the end of the dark tunnel. All I see these days is a life of poverty which I will estimate will hit me realistically in no more than three years depending how frugal I am with the little savings I still have. I have tried to re-educate myself, but I am up against a very high brick wall which I cannot see a way of scaling or going round due to those freshly unemployed people and the very young who can be seen to be moulded easier than this old dog.
What I think I am trying to say is the depressed future this planet faces is only going to get worse and no nation will escape the very dark times ahead, especially those that are governed by inept individuals unfit to call themselves world leaders and let’s not forget the likes of Branson, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc. who instead of using their fortunes for the betterment of humankind, they lock themselves away hording their wealth as if they can take it with them in to death. I am no socialist, but I do believe in a fair tax on a fair income and that is not the case in many a country as the wealthy just keep getting wealthier while the downtrodden suffer the indignity of poverty or worse the injustice of homelessness that poverty can lead them in to. On that thought I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!