So America, the rights of the ‘White Supremacists’ is greater than the majority of the national populous. When mixed races took to the streets to condemn police brutality of minorities, Trump’s action was swift and brutal, but when ‘White Supremacist Proud Boys’ and others who support Trump take to the streets unlawfully burning banners, attacking civilians and causing disharmony, what does Trump’s stormtroopers do? Sweet F*** all, like the cowards they are. In Trump’s mind his supporters are keeping the faith even when they are committing acts of violence against fellow Americans they feel are unworthy of the title. Has America lost the plot? It must have because when a women for no reason drives her car in to a peaceful group of people demonstrating their constitutional right to protest is only charged with reckless endangerment instead of attempted murder there has to be something severally wrong with the mental thinking of people and the scale of injustice present today.
Anyway while the morons who revere Trump spend their time causing unrest with their useless rallies and unconvincing lawsuits, what is the Big Orange Baby patting himself on the back for now. Well guess what in his mind he has singled handily furnished the world with a vaccine for COVID. The vaccine has nothing to do with the hundreds of dedicated medical personnel who have worked endlessly for nearly a year to create this vaccine. In an interview Trump stated that if he had not been president at the time of the pandemic the world would be waiting five years for a suitable vaccine which is rather hypocritical considering for most of this year Trump was calling the pandemic fake news and denying it even existed. What’s more if he is the main reason for the vaccine, how the hell did we in the UK start vaccinating people a full week before the US even accepted the vaccine as genuine? So America, Trump is caught in yet another blatant lie, but all is supporters still believes he has the ‘Midas Touch’ when in fact he simply creates ‘Fools Gold’.
This peacocking by Trump over the COVID vaccine is to hide the fact that his lawsuits are been shot down left and right meaning he is running out of avenues to appeal the November 3rd election results which have been rejected by his supposed bought and paid ‘Supreme Court’. Trump was expecting his lawsuits to go in front of the three new Justices he appointed and be ceremoniously passed, but that just didn’t happen clearing the way for the Electoral College’ to certify Joe Biden as the 46th United States of America President on December 14th, paving the road to inauguration come January next year. What I can’t understand as an outsider is the exasperating process to count, recount and certify before it can then be voted on again by the ‘Electoral College’. This has to be the most drown out electoral process in the world and then even after all that it could be thrown in to pandemonium by the law courts. Surely it is time the way politicians in America are voted for is changed so time and money is saved.
On that note I will return my voice back to the UK and see what has been happening in dear old Blighty. Well, all I can find is the same old shit. Brexit isn’t working, COVID is still kicking our butts and the members of the cabinet are still doing a useless job. Johnson’s talks with the EU leader are still at a stalemate and we look more likely to be exiting Europe with no deal at all because Johnson wants a dominant authority as a single voice against the many voices of the common market. He sits there believing the UK deserves something when in fact we deserve nothing. We have been led down a blind alley by a Conservative party who preached how much better we would be without European ties, but never had a clue of how to achieve that Promised Land. Johnson is simply leading us, his people in to the desert of discontent for forty years or longer with the blind hope and faith we will endure and prevail. Yet all we have to look forward to is hunger and thirst as he leads us in to the wilderness of exile from the common market.
Brexit will never work and it is time for a new referendum to vote us back in to Europe before it is this countries downfall. How can we navigate the perilous deserts of trade when we are overseen by incompetence and ineptitude at the highest levels of power who can’t even get the simple task of ordering the correct PPE or isolating full counties off as they try, but fail at controlling a national pandemic? The first wave of vaccinations has rolled out, but it will be a long time before any effect is noticeable due to the criteria’s been followed. This is something we will only see as we progress in to 2021 with more vaccinations rolled out, so until then take any reports at face value because we were told this pandemic would be over in less than six months and we are now heading towards a full year under the grip of the virus with millions of lives lost. It doesn’t matter which government you listen to the Pandemic’s effects will have long lasting circumstances globally for years to come. We are still seeing sharp rises in confirmed cases internationally as well as nationally as more areas face tier 3 restrictions.
The world is not out of the pandemic grip yet, so no celebrating like the moronic leaders we have are doing. Yes we have a vaccine, but it has yet to be tested on a global scale and may underperform on greater numbers unlike the small test groups. Both Trump and Johnson have tried to put a good news spin on the creation of the vaccine, but let’s just remember the cost to the planet as a whole in the number of unnecessary deaths we have seen as well as those individuals who are living with the side effects this disease has created within their own immune system. The amount of deaths of over seventies is a stark reminder to the mortality of the human race. Not only unnamed people, but the list of famous people who have passed away in this hellish year is far longer than the norm. We seem to have seen a sharp increase in the number of eighty something celebrities from movie, TV, literature, sports, etc. who have passed away this month, let alone this year. We as a planet mourn the losses of famous and unknown individuals. Let’s hope for less death, destruction and unrest in the New Year, but if America is an example, I think 2021 is going to be a bumpy ride. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.
This peacocking by Trump over the COVID vaccine is to hide the fact that his lawsuits are been shot down left and right meaning he is running out of avenues to appeal the November 3rd election results which have been rejected by his supposed bought and paid ‘Supreme Court’. Trump was expecting his lawsuits to go in front of the three new Justices he appointed and be ceremoniously passed, but that just didn’t happen clearing the way for the Electoral College’ to certify Joe Biden as the 46th United States of America President on December 14th, paving the road to inauguration come January next year. What I can’t understand as an outsider is the exasperating process to count, recount and certify before it can then be voted on again by the ‘Electoral College’. This has to be the most drown out electoral process in the world and then even after all that it could be thrown in to pandemonium by the law courts. Surely it is time the way politicians in America are voted for is changed so time and money is saved.
On that note I will return my voice back to the UK and see what has been happening in dear old Blighty. Well, all I can find is the same old shit. Brexit isn’t working, COVID is still kicking our butts and the members of the cabinet are still doing a useless job. Johnson’s talks with the EU leader are still at a stalemate and we look more likely to be exiting Europe with no deal at all because Johnson wants a dominant authority as a single voice against the many voices of the common market. He sits there believing the UK deserves something when in fact we deserve nothing. We have been led down a blind alley by a Conservative party who preached how much better we would be without European ties, but never had a clue of how to achieve that Promised Land. Johnson is simply leading us, his people in to the desert of discontent for forty years or longer with the blind hope and faith we will endure and prevail. Yet all we have to look forward to is hunger and thirst as he leads us in to the wilderness of exile from the common market.
Brexit will never work and it is time for a new referendum to vote us back in to Europe before it is this countries downfall. How can we navigate the perilous deserts of trade when we are overseen by incompetence and ineptitude at the highest levels of power who can’t even get the simple task of ordering the correct PPE or isolating full counties off as they try, but fail at controlling a national pandemic? The first wave of vaccinations has rolled out, but it will be a long time before any effect is noticeable due to the criteria’s been followed. This is something we will only see as we progress in to 2021 with more vaccinations rolled out, so until then take any reports at face value because we were told this pandemic would be over in less than six months and we are now heading towards a full year under the grip of the virus with millions of lives lost. It doesn’t matter which government you listen to the Pandemic’s effects will have long lasting circumstances globally for years to come. We are still seeing sharp rises in confirmed cases internationally as well as nationally as more areas face tier 3 restrictions.
The world is not out of the pandemic grip yet, so no celebrating like the moronic leaders we have are doing. Yes we have a vaccine, but it has yet to be tested on a global scale and may underperform on greater numbers unlike the small test groups. Both Trump and Johnson have tried to put a good news spin on the creation of the vaccine, but let’s just remember the cost to the planet as a whole in the number of unnecessary deaths we have seen as well as those individuals who are living with the side effects this disease has created within their own immune system. The amount of deaths of over seventies is a stark reminder to the mortality of the human race. Not only unnamed people, but the list of famous people who have passed away in this hellish year is far longer than the norm. We seem to have seen a sharp increase in the number of eighty something celebrities from movie, TV, literature, sports, etc. who have passed away this month, let alone this year. We as a planet mourn the losses of famous and unknown individuals. Let’s hope for less death, destruction and unrest in the New Year, but if America is an example, I think 2021 is going to be a bumpy ride. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.