In America, As Trump struts his stuff celebrating his birthday, while the death toll from COVID-19 reaches one hundred and seventeen thousand people dead without any acknowledgement from the whitehouse on how or why this is happening, simply because Trump doesn't want a low turn out at his rallies. The shear audacity of this man is beyond belief. More and more questions are been asked of his sanity as it appears his break between reality and fiction grows wider each and every day. In numerous tweets over the weekend he called democrat opposition crazy for considering defunding police departments while his own attorney General breaks law after law to pacify this angry and grumpy old man, who is not fit to be president. He also tweeted how the silent majority is still stronger than ever which could be construed as a call to arms for his white supremacist brothers and then claiming democratic leadership in certain states and cities is weak because they refuse to militarise their streets specifically attacking Seattle's mayor and governor, all while condemning many of the future armed forces leaders to possible infection from coronavirus just so he could get his photo op saluting them, which is in itself is a condemnation, coming from a draft dodger with a dubious medical history. While he puffs out his chest to the cult of idiots that follow him, the innocent are still dying at the hands of a pandemic and countless violent police officers unfit for the role.
That's enough for today from America, let's turn to dear old Blighty and see what our own leader is not doing. So Johnson showed his face finally condemning the "far-right thugs" involved in violent protests on Saturday, which saw more than 100 people arrested in London after thousands gathered saying they were protecting statues, stating that the mission was "utterly absurd" adding that it was "deplorable" that Sir Winston Churchill's statue had been in danger of attack again sitting on the metaphoric fence. He also stated he was setting up a commission to look at inequality as it was "no use just saying that we have made huge progress in tackling racism adding there is much more that we need to do; and we will. It is time for a cross-governmental commission to look at all aspects of inequality - in employment, in health outcomes, in academic and all other walks of life". These remarks were condemned by shadow justice secretary David Lammy who stated that a number of inquiries into racial inequality had already been carried out, such as his own report on the treatment of black, Asian and minority ethnic individuals in the criminal justice system and Theresa May's Race Disparity Audit adding that you can understand why it feels like, yet again in the UK, we want figures, data, but we don't want action. On a radio interview Mr Lammy pointed out that black people weren't playing the victim as Johnson indicated, they're protesting precisely because the time for review is over and the time for action is now following up by stating the announcement lacked detail because it was "written on the back of a fag packet yesterday to assuage the Black Lives Matter protest", while calling for legislation and the recommendations of past reviews to be implemented.
So once again the ineptitude of our present prime minister has been called out by the opposition for lacking direction and gumption to carry out the simplest of tasks which has been proved by a leek of information which said Johnson had not chaired a COBRA group meeting in nearly a month which is absurd considering the need at the present time with a pandemic and civil unrest meaning there is no direct information been passed just third and forth hand memo's. It is proved time and time again that our elected politicians get there position on spouting BS and flim flam, but don't have the know how to follow up their words with action. Surely each governmental department has someone with the knowledge and capability to step from the shadows and show the inept elected officials how it's done. All this condemnation from the government while on the actual streets there are acts of humanity taking place like the group of black men who rescued a lone white man from been brutalised which shows the good people are trying to spread by bringing the racist element to task, why is the government sitting on their hands instead of acting? someone please get the answer!
Rant you tomorrow!