Monday, 1 February 2021

Monday 01/02/2021

And we start a new month still in the grip of medical and economic crises, with no clue to the direction the world leaders are taking to eradicate the problems. We hear a lot of talk, but not a lot of action. Yes there are now vaccines been distributed and they have drawn up yet more plans to move forward, but it is now well over a year since the very first cases were even heard about. The global effect of COVID has been devastating and deadly without nations leaders showing the back bone required to make the correct decisions when it comes to the safety of their people.

We have only seen a handful of dedicated politicians in leadership roles who have taken the right path to control to spread of the virus while the rest have blundered and fallen in every decision they have made. COVID-19 is heading the way of the Spanish flu if circumstances and actions do not change. Spanish flu lasted for years in a time of limited medical technology and advancements during the recovery after a world war, yet COVID is spreading despite there been no global war and despite the technological advancements made in the past 100 years. This disease has spread due to complacency with the mentality of the global population who believe they know better than the experts and push back at any authoritative move to limit what they can do. Then you just have morons who think they will never catch the disease creating super spreader events which gives the virus it pathway to more killing opportunities. Until the mentality of these individuals is changed the virus will just keep on spreading and mutating beyond the scope of the imagination. It is time the world as a whole stopped their moronic pursuit of individuality and joined together to combat this deadly disease.

As countries take their own paths to eradicate the disease there is little evidence of global cooperation in preventable measures other than travel bans which haven’t worked so far. The countries fairing the best are the ones with female leadership in place which could be down to way a female views certain circumstances differently to a male, such as their maternal instincts. That is just my opinion and it doesn’t help if the leader of your country is narcissistic moron who sees money as the motivator rather than human life like the UK’s current Primeminister and America’s former president who look out for themselves first. The world is not as big as it once was and diseases are quicker to spread out of control as people travel in close proximities in confined spaces. Until the world works as one to firstly eradicate COVID then set up a better global defence against pandemics as well radicalisation of fascists and militia groups, nothing will change.

We as a populous deserve better from our politicians who have sworn that their future is in helping us their constituents, yet more and more self-serving assholes are getting in to politics to serve their own interests and profiteer off the suffering of others. I am merely a humble unemployed ex-carer who sees the world been overrun by unscrupulous and corruptible leaders while the rest of the world suffers in the midst of the pandemic. These people choose to ignore the facts while squirreling away tax payers money and cutting the assistance we the low income or poverty laden individuals receive. The hierarchy of wealth is crippling the global economy while creating a death toll that was never needed. If they had only took up the fight sooner there would be less mortality, less unemployment, less violence, less fascism and less hatred been heaped on the less fortunate or minority cultures. Fascism and racism is rife within the world of politics as the radical right wingers crawl out from under their rocks to gaze at sunlight instead of cowering in the darkness where they belong.

I have really lost focus on where I wanted this rant to go today, so instead I will call it a day and hope I have a clearer mind next time,

Rant you tomorrow,

Back Wednesday.