Anyway let's have a look at America, I don't know what to say about the state of America at the moment as it is a culmination of an inadequate leader, police officers defying their protect and serve oath as well as anarchists and white supremacists using the death of an innocent black man to stir up trouble on the back of a death toll never before seen in over one hundred years from a disease. After six days of protests America is a sinking ship of a belligerent Trump administration who picks fights with anyone who defies what they believe as as the way a narcissistic racist president should be treat. With the amount of people on the streets protesting there is clear possibility that the pandemic death toll with increase exponentially due to inadequate safety precautions. America goes leaderless as their president cowers from the public in the Whitehouse with been taken to the security bunker once in the last six days showing a yellow streak running down the middle of his orange back while his political rival visits the protest site in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware even kneeling to talk to a young child and father showing more backbone than Trump ever has. When is America's senators and governors going to realise there president is inept and get some backbone to displace him from this years presidential ticket.
Anyway again I am ranting about something everybody in the world knows, so let's switch to dear old Blighty and see if there is anything better here. The main headlines is the return to school for millions of year one to six children today amidst differing views of how safe it will be for them. The government can tell schools to take all the precautions in the world, but young children can be unruly at the best of times and find it harder to understand why they can't touch things they want or hug their friends. What confuses me is why send children who don't really require to go back before September instead of the teenagers who's next step in to education or employment depends on their present situation and have a better understanding of how they should conduct themselves during these troubling times. All I can see is a government taking missteps towards getting the countries economic stability back and putting more lives in danger while experimenting with new app technological ways to spy on an already unsuspecting and naive public.
Rant you tomorrow!