Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Wednesday 17/02/2021

As the world feels the climate change and snow falls in areas that never expects to be in a white out situation politicians are feeling the heat from there ineptitude. We are mid-way through the month of February and still politicians can’t seem to go about their daily routines without little white lies or should we call them subterfuge. Let’s take a look at what’s been going on.

We have seen a change of guard in America’s famous old house of white, but still people expect miracles to happen immediately, instead of allowing the man at the top to do his job. The country has been woefully underfunded for four years when it comes to people’s wellbeing and health unless they had money to spare, so when OCVID hit and the president ignored the gravity of the virus, the people suffered. Since January 20th the new man in charge has faced an uphill battle that many don’t want to acknowledge because they believed the lies of his predecessor who for most of the last year called the virus a hoax instead of committing resources to fight the spread. Now Biden’s administration has had to start from scratch and create a vaccine release plan that will work for the whole nation and not just the wealthy. Now there is another emergency as Mother Nature fights back with a freeze never before seen in certain states thought to be immune to snow and ice because of their placement near the equator.

Texas is one of those states who has felt the wrath of climate change suffering with a rarely seen snow fall and freezing temperatures. The biggest concern is the issues it has caused with state wide power cuts which the Texas governor is blaming on green initiative power sources like frozen wind turbines while using it as a reason to stick with oil, gas and nuclear instead of wind and solar. The blame lies within multiple breakdowns not only wind and the governor’s remarks are misleading and out of context as reports have surfaced stating the primary reason for the Texas power shortage was frozen instruments within gas, coal and nuclear facilities who did not take adequate precautions to insulate against freezing temperatures. So when a Republican run state blames green power take heed because many factors determine power failures and the biggest issue is always human error through not taking good preventative measures to limit disruption. Also when a man in the pockets of the fossil fuel and nuclear giants says futuristic green power initiatives are deadly to the country what he is really saying is they are deadly to his personal finances and under the counter payments from those fossil fuel and nuclear power plants suppliers. Once again the public is been fed half-truth’s by the people they elected to powerful positions of leadership, when will the electorate learn to read between the lines of the statements made by politicians and decipher the ‘BS’ they spout.

Talking of liars within political positions, it looks like there is a growing rift within the Republican Party as Trump takes a swipe at McConnell over the wording of McConnell’s speech after Trump’s acquittal. McConnell’s condemnation of Trump’s actions on January 6th has angered the former President to the point that he has publically called McConnell a dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack. The battle has turned internal for the Republican former President as he devises his return from the cold to first have his favoured Republican friends re-elected or elected before fighting for the Presidential candidacy again ready for 2024. The only way Trump can be silenced is if he is convicted of a federal offence between now and the start of the primaries in 2023. The problem that comes then is how many Republican appointed judges will side with Trump’s defence teams and allow for more breaches of judicial etiquette. Trump is a tumour on American politics and until he is lanced from the political arena nothing will change for the better because he will continue to incite his far right base to create and conduct violence against the constitution and democracy in the name of patriotism.

America is once again at a crossroads where they have stood many times since the war of independence, but today it is a simple step one-way or the other which will replace democracy with fascism. The answers lie in the people elected and those individuals will drive the future, yet there is evidence that the Republicans will never relinquish their ideology and will steer their party towards a fascist reality. This is what I see, a country who fought separate wars to remove a monarchy, remove slavery and to defeat fascism on three separate occasion throughout history now allows those ideologies to fester within its legislative and law enforcement institutions openly and destructively. The far right have a foothold now which needs to be eradicated and sent back the darkest corners of reality forever, but only unity within democracy will win out in the end.

On that note I will skip over to dear old Blighty and see what democracy is doing for us. Well as the virus still attacks the British public killing Indiscrimitively our glorious leader is filling the headlines with more and more ‘BS’ to confuse. I personally can’t tell whether we are in lockdown or not as the world outside appears to be moving to the tune of politics rather than health concerns. Johnson is now saying he will look at the data rather than set his sights on dates. Schools and workplaces have been closed on and off for nearly a year and hospitality venues have suffered the worst out of all industries because of lockdown. As we head towards the anniversary of one year under lockdown protocols I myself have grown despondent with Johnson and his cabinet because rather than lay out a definitive plan to fight the pandemic they keep shifting the goalposts and changing the rules while funnelling billions in to their cronies pockets for goods and services that fall well below what is required. The governments test and trace technology has cost immense amounts of taxpayers money, but has yielded poor results and the billions given to fresh start up companies for PPE which was wholly inadequate for practical reason is just irresponsible which the present cabinet should be held accountable for, by not only the public but by all political parties as well.

On top of this the Primeminister himself should be raked over the coals for his incompetence which has led to the state of the economy and the continuing death toll from COVID. The one headline that struck me as worrying recently was the one stating we in the UK are about to start human guinea pig trials where young healthy individuals are given the virus on purpose to record the effectiveness of the current vaccines in use. To me this sounds more like Nazi occupied Europe of the forties rather than free Britain of the twenty first century. They say the reason for the human trials is to test the effectiveness of vaccines in healthy subjects against possible future infection which will entail giving a person the vaccines followed by squirting the virus up said persons nose a few weeks later then monitoring under quarantine protocols for two weeks to see if they get sick. To me this is a barbaric and medieval method of data analysis which should be outlawed. Yes I understand such testing is necessary and purely voluntary, but that doesn’t make it right especially as these tests use control group scenarios where half get the vaccine and half don’t. Again I ask, who would put themselves through this type of abuse? I know I wouldn’t, but then again I ain’t young and healthy!

Anyway whether we are in crisis or not in the years I have lived not one political party has made my life better. When I was ready to leave school there were no apprenticeships to apply for so I chose college which got me nowhere. When family responsibilities made my career path obsolete I relied on the government who generously paid me £108 a week while I worked twenty four seven as fulltime carer for my father for seven years. Yes it was my decision to give up work and support an ill parent, but we as a nation do not look kindly on unemployed fulltime caregivers who could use a better financial support system from the government. If I had done it as a profession instead of a philanthropic endeavour for free, I would have at least earned minimum wage for a forty hour week instead of less than minimum wage for a 168 hour week. Now since my father’s passing we are under the guidance of yet another Conservative government who due to the pandemic is causing more unemployment just like when I was a teenager back in the 1980’s. They may use the excuse of the pandemic, but in my eyes it is purely down to bad governmental management of the situation as well as a blinkered view of what is right for the public. Until we have more politicians from working class backgrounds and not upper class power hungry morons looking to better their own finances and position rather than their constituents needs.

In the modern era you would think that self-aggrandising and hatred would be left in the dark ages, but guess what the world still revolves around little people with little minds looking to manipulate and project their ideologies on to the rest of humanity. There is a certain way life is looked upon where the wealthy are treated with more respect than they deserve compared to those of us less fortunate. Equality is a non-existent concept even in our day and age. We are still controlled by one’s status within society. We are still controlled by racist ideologies. We are still controlled by xenophobic attitudes, we are still controlled by discrimination within sexual orientation. We are still blinkered to anyone else’s religious beliefs. So until this world corrects people’s outlook on all things prejudice driven and eradicate the impure elements of politics we will never see equality of life within humanity. On that note I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!