Tuesday, 27 October 2020


November looms and the faces doom from politicians and virus the parasites of our age. One oppresses and the other kills, but they both do the same job which is to control people’s lives and livelihoods. The virus kills indiscriminately while politicians just subvert people’s rights illegally. We are now in a world heading towards totalitarianism where every move is watched, categorised and stored for big brother’s malicious subjugation of civil liberties controlled by those in power of this burgeoning fascist authoritarian movement quickly rising across the globe. Okay let’s check out what has been illegally done in the past twenty four hours by our so-called leaders of a so-called free world of illusion and subterfuge.

Well the Republicans went and did it in the American land of the not so free. They have illegally installed Justice Barrett to the Supreme Court to do their bidding by insinuating politics in to the judicial system. The handmaiden has been sworn in and is already to help re-elect Trump in to office illegally. So the big outcry across America is over Barrett confirmation just days before an election meaning that America is set to regress back to the dark ages of bible thumping oppression. Her appointment seals for the foreseeable future a 6-3 conservative majority on the top US judicial body which has condemned by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden as a move rushed and unprecedented while Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer stated that by going ahead with the vote so close to the election the Republican majority was “lighting its credibility on fire”. All Democrats fear that Judge Barrett's confirmation to the lifelong post will favour Republicans in politically sensitive cases that reach America's top court for potentially decades to come which means every racial, sexual and civil case brought before the far right Justice system will be viewed through the eyes of bible bashing hypocrites reverting all progressive laws back in time. Barrett is a woman controlled by men with in her own religious circle, brainwashed and indoctrinated in to a world where women are still supposed to obey their spouses and conform to a religious belief devised by a man and could seal the deal for abortion to criminalised and has openly spoke of her belief in segregation. This appointment is a dark chapter in an American history where Trump, the white supremacist and self-proclaimed misogamist has been allowed to subvert Justice to amplify his own greed.

Anyway on the flipside this may create a surge of blue as we head towards the November 3rd deadline for America to decide whether it will be the misogynistic racist or the gentle old grandpa who takes up residency in the Whitehouse come January. But don’t be fooled the fight is far from over no matter what the poles say. And don’t forget Trump still believe he has a god given right to be where he is. This is a man who hates to lose and will do anything, even corruption to win. America you have a problem and that problem is corruption in the halls of power and it just got worse, so use your vote and create a landslide for Biden/Harris.

I would like to rant on more about Trump and Pence, but I have said it all before and I don’t want to bore you. So on that I will check in on dear old Blighty where more than 50 Tory MPs have written to the prime minister calling for a “clear road map” out of lockdown restrictions in northern England, warning that the region risks being “left behind”, also calling for an economic recovery plan for the region, arguing it had been hardest hit by the virus. And all No 10 can reply is by saying it is “committed to levelling up across the country”. What is unbelievable is that nowhere below the Midlands is in the tier 3 category, which calls for a closer look in to those regions exempt and is there a political reason? Johnson is England south and England south only. The other nations of the UK have their own ministers, but anywhere ‘North of the old Watford Gap’ scenario is still in force in Westminster where every Northern region is left out in the cold and classed as unnecessary until election time, then the politicians will promise the earth and deliver nothing year after year. I have lived in the North East, the Midlands and even North and South London, but I have never witnessed a bigger divide than the northern regions of England. What could benefit these regions is their own First Minister and a division of nation similar to the rest of the UK nations making the Northumbria, Tyne and Wear, Cleveland, Cumbria, North and South Yorkshire, Lancashire, Merseyside and Greater Manchester a nation of their own governed from a central parliament. This way we as Northerners would know our voices were been heard.

Another issue still seems to be over school meals during holidays for those that are classed as impoverished and how Johnson is still refusing to understand the need to help starving children which is unbelievable in this day and age. Johnson is claiming that the £20 a week increase in Universal Credit should be enough to feed the children of the poorest workers or the unemployed parents, which is just disgusting as at some point he will decide to remove that money dropping the unemployed even more in to poverty than they are already. There should be a serious look at benefits in this country where people either go cold or starve because 90% of their benefit goes on paying extortionate overheads which increase as benefits remain stagnant. The benefits payment should be geared to increase as the cost of living increases the same as the minimum wage paid to the employed. I am not saying the unemployed should receive the same as workers on minimum wage, but the benefits should at least not fall below the poverty threshold which creates more debt as people turn to unscrupulous loan sharks or money lenders to get by on payday loans which have unrealistic payback rates. Not one Member of Parliament is classed as impoverished, yet they still allow their constituents to go hungry. Whilst still ranting about unemployment, here’s another hidden fact for those that may be looking to rent due to not been able to pay your mortgage. The government will remove 14% of the housing benefits you are entitled to if the property you live in has a bedroom that lies vacant. This means for a single person trying to find somewhere to live if you want to rent a two bedroom property, you need to be aware that your rent will be reduced meaning you will be stiffed by yet another Tory money maker.

Today I am finding it a little hard to remain upbeat or positive with the world we live in due to the politics globally. All I see is more and more money hungry individuals using public service as an excuse to line their own pockets rather than serve the needs of their constituents. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!