Wednesday, 30 September 2020


Good day world, it’s the last day of September, the last quarter of 2020 is ahead and there is no good news for us to revel in as COVID-19, the virus that just keeps taking has no end in sight. The world sits on a knife edge of destruction from natural and manmade disasters, while politics has just hit an all-time low. Let’s see what’s rantable today.

So America burns, drowns and dies of a deadly pandemic while the world watches on, all this and the first presidential debate took place on Fox news, the most biased and untrustworthy news channel ever. It was ninety minutes of lies, insults, interruptions and chaos, and that was only Trump. Biden calmly held fast while Trump insulted his family, his career and his intelligence with nonstop interruptions and slanderess remarks. At times it looked like Biden was unsure of himself, but that was just his stutter fighting to escape which he cleverly disguised by word swopping quickly, but he did lose his cool occasionally calling Trump a liar and a clown as well as telling him to shut up when the incessant interruptions got the better of his coolness. As an outsider all I can say is America is lost and could take decades to recover if Trump serves four more years.

In a debate that has been the most anticipated in thirty years, both candidates at times looked unpresidential, yet Biden was the one who tried to stay focused on the American people while Trump chose to attack Biden’s long political career and Biden’s family with insults and unproven rhetoric. Biden used political fowl ups made by Trump like his response to the pandemic and the 205,000 dead to attack Trump, but did have a little dig at Trump telling him that maybe he should inject some bleach in his arm. What was seen was both men taking pot shots at each other’s character rather than two men debating how they would serve the country. In response to Biden’s attack on Trump’s handling of the pandemic, Trump lied about the possibility of a vaccine been ready by November. Also when the subject of the pandemic was raised the camera’s panned to the Trump family prominently sitting in the front row because all the Trump children were mask less. The rules required everyone in the room to wear masks but of the president's family members present, only US First Lady Melania Trump donned a face covering during the debate which just shows the mentality of these people and how they openly flout the rules without any regard to the consequences.

In response to a question on the protests and white supremacy, Biden stated Trump doesn't want to calm things down, adding that the president wanted to "pour gasoline on the fire" instead and when asked to condemn white supremacist and militia groups, Trump stated "Sure I'm willing to do that, but almost everything I see is from the left-wing. I'm willing to do anything. I want to see peace.", but when pressed further, Trump seemed harassed and said: "What do you want to call them? Give me a name. Give me a name?", which finally got the name ‘Proud Boys’ prompting him to say "Proud Boys - Stand back, stand by, but I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about Antifa and the left because this is not right-wing problem... This is a left wing problem". These words are not one of a peacemaker, these are the words of a racial inciter. To actually use the name of an organisation on national television is a gross misuse of power. His statement was more a call to arms than a condemnation of the right wing group which is 100% male and 100% white. After that statement the Proud Boys, a known neo-Nazi organisation, appeared to use Trump's "stand back, stand by" call in a new logo posted on Telegram shortly after the debate as a call to arms. When the subject got round to whether Trump would accept the final result, Trump’s reply was to state that military ballots with his name on them were found in a bin, which Biden then replied that with, mail in ballots would not be opened until the election and would take a long time to count, while Trump simply called the Democrats cheats, even insulted the people of Philadelphia by stating “bad things happen in Philadelphia” just because Trump supporters who he called poll watchers were not allowed to in to one election premises to watch. Except the truth was that there were several reasons why elections staff did not allow members of the public to arbitrarily enter their offices. Firstly, the Trump campaign has no poll watchers approved to work in Philadelphia and secondly, there are no actual polling places open in the city right now. Thirdly, the elections officials were following coronavirus safety regulations, such as those limiting the number of people indoors and fourthly, it was true that voters were casting ballots, but the locations where they were doing so were satellite elections offices where mail ballots can be requested, completed, and submitted where poll watchers don’t have the same rights at such locations as they do at traditional polling places on Election Day, officials stated.

This was the first of three debates which I think will just get bloodier the closer to November 3rd, we get. Trump will not lie down and will use every dirty trick in his insane mind to disrupt the election results. I cannot understand how America can still see Trump as a viable candidate for four more years in power when he is nothing but a manipulative white supremacist. Biden took a set response to the debate with very precise answers, when he was allowed to answer that is, while Trump merely went in to shoot from the hip with anything he simply thought up on the spot and a tactic of intimidation, interruption and verbal attacks. There is very little to say about the debate except to reiterate CNN’s political correspondent Dana Bash, It was a “shitshow”.

On that I will pop across the pond to dear old Blighty and see if there was anything as good to check on. The biggest issue at the moment is the clarification of the new restrictions implemented by the government as both Johnson and one of his ministers could not clarify exactly what the rules are when asked, as they stuttered through interviews and briefings like deer’s caught in car headlights with nowhere to run. Johnson himself during a briefing where he was quizzed on the rules kept looking to his left as if to ask an unseen person for help or to get him out of the briefing. I have never seen a primeminister with less composure or uncertainty of themselves ever. Johnson is clearly a man who cannot take the pressure while been asked questions requiring specific data, which he displays weekly at primeministers questions time. Later in the day a government minister accused BBC News of treating interviews like a "quiz show" after Boris Johnson got local coronavirus restrictions wrong. The Business Secretary Alok Sharma criticised the "gotcha line of questioning" when asked about the PM's mistake over rules in the North East, while a police chief for the area stated Johnson's mistake had "stoked further confusion" for people and Labour shadow health minister Alex Norris criticised Mr Sharma's comments stating that “The prime minister should understand the rules he is asking huge numbers of people to follow. That's not a gotcha, that's just basic government competence”.

So basically no one from the primeminister to the simple household truly knows what is or isn’t the right thing to do. All this misunderstood information needs to be thinned out and confirmed properly as we face yet another more critical future as the UK recorded 7,143 confirmed coronavirus cases on Tuesday, a new high since mass testing began, while deaths recorded within 28 days of a positive test also rose to 71, the highest total since 1 July. This is a scary time for the nation as measures do not appear to be working and we could really face another national lockdown by Christmas. As a single person with no family bubble, the solitude is not a real a concern for me as for others. My main concern is the ability to go to the shops when required, but it would be nice if the rules were better noted and more clearly defined. I never wanted Johnson as my primeminister, but I proved to be in the minority who saw him for what he really was. Clearly he greased the right palms on his rise to party leader and misled enough people to win four years in power, but his mannerisms and attitude towards the people of the nation is circumspect at best. He is born of white privilege, educated of white privilege, employed a methodology of white privilege in everything he has done and now has proven to be less than impartial in his ideology of government which is rule hard, rule corruptly and profit solely for himself and his cronies. He is a cheat, a liar and untrustworthy, both in his personal and political life. A man who can manipulate and deceive without a conscience or morals to define him. On that I think I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!