Saturday, 25 April 2020


And welcome back to another weekend, What can we rant about today.

Well in America, Trumps administration decides to cancel daily press briefing by the president after some pretty stupid information and as Trump walked out of yesterdays briefing without answering any questions which means no more way, way out of the box thinking, at least on the public platform as Trump starts his 2020 re-election campaign. Talking of Trump's re-election campaign the company that launched an app for the campaign was one of the companies that received money from the PPP (Paycheck Protection Payment) fund. 

Phunaware a company that specialises in the mass collection of smartphone location data and the company working with the Trump campaign has sixty staff making them eligible for the PPP loan from the federal coronavirus relief fund for small businesses receiving just under three million dollars in aid which is fourteen times the current PPP payout of two hundred thousand dollars. This is beyond illegal, but they say there is no allegation of illegality with the loan. Come on a company linked to Trump gets fourteen times what they should that is just unbelievable as they should be getting paid out of Trumps campaign fund making them ineligible for aid.

Okay back over the pond at home in old Blighty Johnson is managing to stay out of the headlines, but his cabinet isn't. The latest outcry is over his supposed chief advisor Dominic Cummings who does what exactly? The shadow cabinet is asking questions over this blokes involvement with SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) as he was an advisor for the leave campaign prior to Brexit and attended meetings bringing in to question any advise or decisions made by SAGE. It has also been reported that the government was advised to stockpile PPE last year and didn't take the advise seriously, so all in all it seems that our current government would rather heed to political status advice instead of health and welfare advice because it involved us leaving the European market place and putting money in to Europe's pockets and not their own.

But I suppose on happier note it seems that there is a scheme to introduce iPad's so patients can keep in touch with family.

Rant you tomorrow!