Monday, 14 September 2020


In to another week of life we start within a world of uncertainty and panic. We have leaders struggling to cope with the enormity of the pandemic which we are now twenty four weeks in to here in the UK and all we see is the governments blundering on without a clue of how to strive forward and accomplish the simple task of protecting their electorate. So shall we what is happening on the front lines?

In America there is a continuation in the presidential election BS, more wildfires, even more death and the gun mad Trump supporters are wielding firearms without provocation. With all this going on and Trump has yet another rally, but this time breaks COVID-19 guidelines as he hosted his first indoor rally in three months in front of a packed, mainly mask-less, crowd in Nevada which defied state regulations and his own administration's guidelines. The COVID-19 guidelines in Nevada is a ban on gatherings of more than 50 people, but Trump soaked up raucous cheers from the large crowd inside a warehouse in Henderson, just outside of Las Vegas. To make out that Trump was sticking to guidelines the supporters who would be seen on camera behind Trump were made to wear masks while the crowd in front remained maskless. So Trump doesn't give a damn about peoples lives, which we already knew, yet what is more ridiculous is the idiots who attended and didn't wear a mask. How much more stupid can Trump American's get? During the same rally in Nevada while stating Biden took drugs and was soft on law and order, Trump also stated that if Biden wins, the mob wins going on to say that when he wins in November he would negotiate for a further four years in 2024 because he feels he is entitled to it due to his imaginary spying claim he keeps saying Obama authorised back in 2016. Come on America you can't let this delusional madman get for even four more years because he has already made his intentions known, that he will find a way to subvert the constitution and proclaim himself president for life creating a dictatorship the same as North Korea. Trump has already created his own authoritarian stance with the creation of his law enforcement stormtroopers, his use of the department of justice as his personal lawyers, his organised effort to disrupt voters rights and his controlling of the Republican party, so what is to stop him turning America in to a dictatorship? Only you the American people can stop this narcissistic immoral windbag from creating Trumpland on American soil. Two hundred and sixty four years ago America gained independence, now it seems like you are heading back towards a monarchy as Trump sets his eyes on becoming the 'KING' of America. The scariest part of the speech is that Trump actually means it!

What else did Trump do over the weekend? Well he called for the death penalty in the case of the person who killed two sheriff deputies. So he condones police brutality and murder of suspects and agrees they should have immunity from prosecution, but calls for the death of anyone who kills a law enforcement officer. Where is the moral high ground a president should be seen to taking? Not Trump he believes the downtrodden, homeless and poverty stricken citizens should be removed from society just like he did in New York when he insisted vagrants be moved on from the front of his building. This is a man with no ethical or moral compass which is also seen in his supporters who believe every word he spouts as gospel according to Trump.  iIs Trumpism the new cult? Will he call for his holy civil war? Will he tear up the constitution? These are the questions any normal person should be asking as more and more 'White Supremacists' and 'Neo Nazi's' openly defy the laws of the country and preach their racist, xenophobic beliefs without repercussion. It is no conspiracy theory, it is fact Trump incites racism, sexism, xenophobia and fascist brutality of anyone that he deems a threat. Come on America, when his own words are used against him he denies ever saying them. Even when they are recorded audibly or visually. The man lives in his own fantasy land and believes his lies are the truth and everyone else's are 'Fake news'. He spent his time during eighteen interviews with Bob Woodward speaking in to a recorder, but now the book is published he denies ever saying anything that Woodward has quoted him as saying, for F*** sake even his own speech writers can't stop him from going off on tangents and spouting his crazed ideas. So when interviewed by a world renowned journalist what else can you expect from this mentally challenged person who believes he knows more about anything and everything than his top advisers or the brainiest people in the world know. Get a life America because if Trump wins in November the old saying 'Liberty and Justice for all' will no longer be part of the 'Pledge of Allegiance' and will be replaced by 'I pledge allegiance to Trump and Trumpism for which he stands, One nation under Trump with his law and order we do bow'.

On that terrifying thought I will move to dear old Blighty and see what our leader is up to. So today is the first day of the six people rule or ' The rule of six', the governments answer to eradicating the coronavirus. The restrictions bans applies both indoors and outdoors in England and Scotland, and indoors only in Wales. England's restrictions affect everyone, but children under 11 in Wales and under 12 in Scotland are exempt. The Crime Minister is calling for a 'Big Brother' style dob on your neighbours mentality as he encourages people to report those suspected of hosting a gathering of seven or more people. The restrictions are due to the UK's R number escalating to between 1 and 1.2 for the first time since March, indicating infections are rising with the current count up by a further 3,330 positive cases recorded in the UK on Sunday alone which is the third consecutive day with more than 3,000 reported cases along with five more deaths been reported bringing the number of total deaths to a staggering 41,628 which as a percentage per population makes the UK actually higher than the US. So when the government states they are doing well to combat deaths don't believe them because that figure of nearly 42,000 is not a good statistic when compared as a percentage. 

While the nation battles with the rise in positive cases what is our illustrious leader doing to save lives, 'F*** all'. Instead he spends his time trying to kill the Brexit deal he approved himself while taking flack from all sides. David Cameron has become the fifth former prime minister to criticise a new bill attempting to override the Brexit withdrawal agreement which is called 'The Internal Market Bill' and will come before MP's later today, with the government calling it an "insurance policy", yet Cameron stated he had "misgivings" over it because breaking an international treaty should be the "final resort" in any negotiation. Former Tory PMs Theresa May and Sir John Major as well as Labour's Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have condemned the plan. The new bill is been seen by the government as practical step or a just in case step  to no deal been accomplished while backbench Conservatives and the government's opposition is calling it an unconscionable damage to the UK and legislative hooliganism. As a staunch opposer of the whole Brexit BS, I can't believe we have not pushed for a new referendum to stop the removal of the UK from the EU due to the fact no one can agree on the right course of action or the fact the leave group who won out in the last referendum basically lied about how easy and beneficial it was for the UK to exit from a common market which gave us stability as a nation with a guaranteed trade agreement. That is history now and we have to just grin and bare the shit that is coming within our future.

Basically we as a nation stand on the global precipice of obscurity ready to become a third world nation while our contemporaries languish in royalties and spend the windfall they receive as we pay back what we lent pushing the country in to bankruptcy. The UK and the US are both been held hostage by inept and egotistical men who believe they are more worthy of hero worship than condemnation for their inept efforts to lead the country. What is more worrying is that the people that put them where they are are stupider than the men they elected and don't see what they have done. We are heading in to a time of 'Dystopian regression' rather than of a 'Utopian progression' where as common people we will no longer have a freedom of speech or the right to vote and will in fact be ruled with an iron fist while been spied on overtly rather than the covertly system of today. Unless we as people stand up to the fascist and radicalised rantings of the madmen in charge, we will deserve whatever future they design for us. So I call on all Americans to go 'Blue' in November to help push the UK back to a more sane style of government where we can slowly remove the 'Blue' line of Conservatism to restore sanity. On that I think I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!