In America what will we find? So we see Trump and Barr still maintaining they're right in everything they do, which is really disheartening for American citizens if Trump wins a second term as you're looking at more of the same. Trump has again defended the use of hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus, contradicting his own public health officials stating the malaria medication was only rejected as a COVID-19 treatment because he had recommended its use, but it's funny how his comments only came after Twitter banned his eldest son for posting a clip promoting hydroxychloroquine (Yet another breach of ethics linked to a corrupt presidency). There is still no evidence the drug can fight the virus, and regulators warn it may cause heart problems. Trump also cried about Twitters #Hashtag usage stating that the tags were only about misleading and damning things about him (BOOHOO), but it's again funny that it's okay for him to retweet promotional ads for his sons book which is a highly unethical use of a presidency to self promote himself or promote sales of goods for family members.
While Trump was been a so called good father and backing up his son's idiocy, Barr was been grilled on capitol hill about his unlawful acts done on behalf of his client the president. Barr has defended the deployment of federal agents to cities, saying they are needed to counter violent rioters claiming that protesters in Portland, Oregon, were committing "an assault on the government of the United States". What is more surprising to me is the fact that this was Barr's first committee testimony in his 17 months on the job, why has it took so long to confront this corrupt personage and why wasn't he been arrested and charged for breaching the previous subpoena's sent to him. During the committee testimony House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler was among the Democrats to accuse the DOJ of sending agents to an ongoing protest at a federal courthouse in Portland along with other cities in an action dubbed "Operation Legend" by the White House to aid Trump's 2020 re-election campaign. One of the committee members Representative Jayapal really let rip with the facts that Barr was 'activated' by Trump to aggressively remove peaceful 'BLM' protesters marching outside the federal courthouses against systemic racism, police brutality and Trumps lack of response to the countries inbred problems by using armed unidentifiable individuals committing acts of violence with pepper and tear gas bombs on unarmed civilians while he blatantly turned a blind eye to the white men who physically occupied Michigan's federal building brandishing lethal weapons, confederate flags, swastikas and calling for the beheading of the governor. Rep. Jayapal further went on to openly accuse Barr of protecting those white right wing extremist individuals because they supported Trump and were acting upon the presidents own agenda, but when protesters who don't support Trump and his agenda they are categorised as terrorists even though they carry no weapons and are forcibly removed, physically abused, shot at with rubber and pepper bullets, openly attacked and even illegally kidnapped. Barr's responses all repeated the fact that he was acting within federal law guidelines and that the paramilitary were protecting government federal building from destruction.
The systemic problem (with not only the American way of life) is not the law or the constitution or the people running the country. What the problem is, is the fact that the country has no powers to remove inept or corrupt politicians, presidents or the lackey's they put in to powerful positions other than by taking due process (a lengthy and time consuming process) which the people that need to be removed don't follow anyway. What is needed is a way that the people can hold these individuals to account other than through impeachment. This is a failed process which has been proved with Trumps impeachment which was corrupted by the very politicians that also need to be removed from office. There's also a need for more restraint to be put on the people within politics especially in this day and age of social media, I understand the need for such accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. for extra avenues to reach the electorate, but elected leaders should give up the right to personal accounts on any social media platforms while in power as a way of them remaining impartial and uncorruptable. I don't have the answers, just the questions, but america you do have the answer and that is to vote against Trump in November.
On that I think I will take a look at dear old Blighty. Well the news is still pushing the governments 'GET BRITAIN THIN' campaign, but is now targeting the kids and schools issues by focusing on school meals which they say should be extended to another 1.5 million children in England, but again it's all words with very little action as the government commissions yet another review into food and healthy eating while the national Food Strategy warns that England's eating habits are a "slow-motion disaster" warning of the toxic connection between child poverty, poor diet and hunger and also warns of "wilfully misleading" packaging which can give a false impression that foods are healthy.
I may be starting to sound like a broken record, but I look at the problem like this I am a single man of a certain age and a certain weight who has spent the last seven years caring for a parent going through the slow decline of dementia. I started that journey five stone lighter than I am now because the role was more sit around and watch rather than constantly on the move and that role was 24/7/365 for around six years. During that time I had the finances to pay for a gym membership, but did not have the time or willpower to use it. Now there is a reversal in the fact that I have the time, but not the finances to incorporate a gym workout. I know people will say just go for walks but the problem with that is I live in a place where the weather is lousy and have spent the last year where six months of it was bad weather preventing me from going out for walks which was followed by nearly five months of lockdown. Again I can hear you saying just walk, but there is another factor as an unemployed single man I have to spend 35 hours a week searching for the elusive job, also I have become reclusive and introverted with a touch of depression coupled with body dismorphia due to my obesity, have very little willpower and at a certain age where my body is starting to fight back with knee, hip and back joint pain meaning unless I struggle on in pain I am lucky if I can walk half a mile. Yet another factor is eating healthily on a minuscule benefit which dictates what I can afford food wise and as most of the healthy food seems to cost more than the unhealthy food guess which avenue I take when it comes to purchasing the food I require to live. So I ask the government just one question if they deem the countries health as important, what can you do for an introverted, slightly agoraphobic, obese, past their prime, unemployed single man with low esteem and lacking willpower? I haven't got the answers, but would truly like to find them and I know I really need one right now. everything comes down to support and finances which at the moment I lack both. So on that note let's call it a day.
Rant you tomorrow!