Friday, 3 April 2020


Well here we go again, more bullshit been puked up by so called wise men in politics. The latest out of the Whitehouse is Trump putting his useless son in law in charge of PPE distribution for 51 states and in the UK's secretary for health, Matt Hancock back peddling on his estimates for PPE stocks less than a month later. Where are the people who know the real information been hidden or is it a, let's pluck a number out of the sky and hope we get somewhere near scenario.

Look I am no way qualified to do any better, but there has to be people who are because these excuses for political advisors clearly aren't cutting it at there supposed jobs. Put the people from the World Heath Organisation who deal with this shit on a daily basis in charge or even an armed forces logistics expert, not tech wiz kids and wannabe lawyers.

The world is been held to ransom by buffoons and under qualified idiots who are in it for their own pockets to see how much money they can make before the shit hits the fan. These people are supposed to serve the people not the people serve them, which seems to be the case with the present U.S and U.K governments. There idea of serving the people is to either do what daddy in law tells them, so they make more money themselves or throw money at the problem writing of millions in debts, which should have been done well before the situation got to the point of being a re-run of the zombie apocalypse in the real world and not a B movie horror flick.

When are people going to wake up from there sweat little (Trump and Johnson are the world saviours) dreams and realise this shit is actually real. They are unqualified ass-holes who don't know how to successfully do the job they pretend to be experts at. They are creating a rising death toll by concentrating on themselves first and the people never, with inadequate decision making. One clearly is more worried about his notoriety on F****** Facebook and returning his country back in time to before the American civil war, while the other wants to return his country back fifty years in evolution to before a common market just so he can recreate a political hierarchy of public schoolboys like it was in the nineteenth century.

There may be a vast ocean separating these two countries leaders, but the political thinking is clearly alike. Return to a time of pre-racial equality and socioeconomic equality, when the rich ruled the masses selling the non whites in to slavery or the poor in to indentured servitude for the sake of their personal fortunes. 

All I see is two leaders who are running there countries like a job for the boys scenario, instead of how can we make it better for our voting public of middle and lower classes. I am only sorry previous leaders weren't in charge now like Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D Roosevelt, John F Kennedy, David Lloyd George, Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher (even though I hated her).

Well that's my rant done for today.

Rant you Tomorrow!