America is under constant flux with everything happening in a crazy year, but while this year trundles on Trump still manages to astound people with his stupidity. In yet another twitter back slap to himself he announced he had rescinded the Obama-Biden AFFH (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing) rule and then while in Texas yesterday he backed up his tweets by bragging about his administration’s rescinding an Obama-era fair housing rule that was meant to combat housing discrimination to his audience, characterizing low-income housing as a detriment to the suburbs by bringing crime to prosperous areas and then claimed that Democrats were out to uproot and destroy suburbia, a cultural sphere that he equated to being the American dream. Trying to win back the suburban votes he told people that by rescinding the rule he was making way for their property prices to rise because there would be less affordable housing built near them which is clearly his way of supporting segregation between the classes as well as increasing the racial divide within the country making it harder for the poor to find decent housing as he increases the foothold middle America has over the lower classes by preventing low cost housing to be built near prosperous suburban neighbourhoods.
So while Trump puffs out his chest over yet another kick in the teeth for America his bully boy tactics have been seen world wide as yet more plain clothes officers in New York implemented a daylight kidnap and snatch of an 18 year old Trans women by what seemed like maybe four or five men bundling her in to an unmarked mini van in daylight without reading her, her Miranda rights, later claiming she was wanted for vandalism of police property. This is yet more examples of the future Trump's fascist regime if he wins reelection. Meanwhile in Minneapolis a separate incident which occurred back in May where a person of interest dubbed 'The Umbrella Man' was seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has been found to have links to white supremacy groups who have been infiltrating protests to incite violence. As the unrest carries on across America we are seeing how the violence is been propagated by both the Trump paramilitary of federal agents and the Trump Militia of white supremacists culminating in America heading towards civil war whether Trump wins or loses in November because if he wins the protests will continue creating a fascist state with more stormtrooper tactics deployed to the streets and if he loses the fictional story-lines of Movies and TV shows where loyalists to Trump infiltrate and destroy the government from withing will come to pass as the militia come out in force to back him. You know what the scariest part of this is? while America inwardly fights and COVID-19 surges through out the country killing hundreds of thousands the real terrorists are quietly waiting, watching and planning for the best time to strike again bringing forth a more severe outcome than 9/11/01 in America and 7/7/05 in England, that is the hidden future faced by everyone.
Speaking of England I think I need to check out what's been happening in dear old Blighty and leave America to its misfortunes. So while Johnson flounders on the floor of parliament we see his administration is moving forward with the planned American style TV broadcasts by advertising for spokesperson who will be the face of the government during televised briefings set to start on October. Well hurrah for us the Boris Broadcasting Company (the BBC) will be cutting in to regular scheduled broadcasts to give us more of the Governmental BS on a regular basis, am I glad I get charged extortionate yearly fees for a channel I rarely watch because it is either reality TV, Unwanted soap Dramas, endless repeats and other stuff nobody ever watches but now I can look forward to been charged to hear Johnson BS. Amid a rising, not falling death toll we see a tory prime minister who lies, cheats and blatantly acts in the best interests of the wealthy rather than the poor. He has been accused of fudging figures to make his party look better than it is at stemming the tide of not only virus cases or deaths and an economic s*** storm that's brewing. He now lies about how many children within the country live in impoverished conditions due not only to the inexcusable divide in unemployment payments and the cost of living as well as the minimum wage variance.
The government state that in the UK a single person over 25 should be able to live on what equates to £4.30 an hour while they say the national minimum wage should be £7.79 after tax and insurance which means an unemployed single person is expected to live on 45% less a week than an employed person working 37.5 hours where is the justice in that when an unemployed person is also expected to perform a minimum of 35 hours a week searching for work so they don't lose their benefits. If you equate this in terms a single parent unemployed or working for minimum wages against the cost of living in today's society I would say it would probably relate to that of the eighteenth century as far as child poverty let alone adult poverty.
With all the technological advances the old saying 20% of the people earn 80% of the wealth is quite true as we see the rich get richer and the poorer just die of hunger. I know we will never live in a Utopian society in my lifetime, but something needs to be done so that the higher earners pay a higher tax on their wealth unlike what happens today and they just move their headquarters or themselves to countries where they can buy the governments and hide their wealth in tax havens designed to fleece the world of its monetary resources. They me play at being philanthropists, yet every penny or cent they donate means they get their tax bill reduced. Another side of this poverty argument is the wages of MP's and the prime minister compared to the lower echelon workforce within the government or private companies. How can it be justified that an MP can earn £75,000/year and the prime minister can earn £150,000/year when the rest of the country is expected to live on a minimum or less than a minimum wage. These roles are meant to be to serve the people, so why are they paid such fiscally inflated incomes compared to the rest of the UK workforce, shouldn't there be equality in living, anyway I think I have gone off on a route I should not have attempted to understand and definitely away from the fact we are governed by a liar, cheat and a thoroughly inept prime minister which unless the tories do something about we have a further four years of his fascist type leadership where as I have already said the rich will get richer and poor peasant folk will be the one's to suffer. Bye for today.
Rant you tomorrow!