So it’s Friday again and nothing much has changed in the months since COVID-19 was made official, but we still choose to ignore the very impact this has on the state of the human race. We as a species are vulnerable to anything and everything nature can throw at us, yet when given the choice we ignore the science, opting to go it our own way. We have seen the results of that attitude in the fact ‘ONE MILLION’ people are dead!
Meanwhile in America the man that told us the virus was a hoax has supposedly contracted the disease. This breaking news coming within days of his debacle of a debate with Joe Biden on Tuesday and within weeks of the next debate scheduled for October 15th. Call me a sceptic, but is it sounding just too convenient that Trump would suddenly contract the virus in the run up to the Election, surely it’s a hoax and just Trump’s way to gain the sympathy vote. There are 32 days till the election and Trump has to isolate for ten of those days. People of Trumps age and stature are deemed at high risk of death, yet all I see is a ploy to avoid the backlash of the shitstorm of a debate that took place on Tuesday last and a way to wrong foot the Democrats campaign pushing Trump in to the headlines for something other than his ineptitude while putting the future debates, the election and the countries safety in doubt.
So after the debate Trump must have been duly chastised for not condemning ‘White Supremacy’ because a day later Trump condemned all white supremacist groups following controversy over remarks he made during the first presidential debate. In an interview with Fox News [the most biased news channel ever] on Thursday he explicitly condemned the Proud Boys group which in the debate he had urged to "stand back and stand by". Senior Republicans also expressed unease over the remarks, and attempts by Trump to walk back the comments at a news conference on Wednesday which failed to end the controversy. The man will openly condemns far left groups daily, but claimed not to know who or what the Proud Boys Group was. I thought the president was briefed continuously about foreign and domestic terrorists, so how can he possibly say he did not know who the ‘Proud Boys’ were, pure political BS from a renowned liar trying to save his falling voter numbers in a quickly changing election.
Speaking about the election, there has been another accusation of voter suppression, this time levelled at the Texas’ governor who has ordered that voters can drop off their mail-in ballots at only one location per county in the lead-up to the presidential election claiming it was to stop illegal voting. Texas is the second most populous US state and it would be a big win for candidates during the November 3rd election in a state which has been reliably Republican in modern presidential contests. This new mandate by the governor means some counties with a high populous could be overwhelmed such as the state's largest counties who had already set up multiple drop-off sites. Harris County, home to the city of Houston and some four million residents, must now close 11 drop-off locations. In addition to raising questions about how potentially millions of urban Texans will need to visit a single drop-off site, the move may also be problematic for rural residents, who are spread out across the state which is also America's second largest by area. The Republican Party are running scared using all the illegal tactics it can to drive forward Trump’s idea that mail in voting is fraudulent. This is not a democratic country of the past, it is a fascist authoritarian regime trying to suppress people rights and control the media which puts the future of the country and the constitution in jeopardy. This proclamation by the Texas Governor will cause "widespread confusion and voter suppression", said Harris County clerk in a statement which also stated that multiple drop-off locations had been advertised for weeks and to force hundreds of thousands of seniors and voters with disabilities to use a single drop-off location was highly prejudicial and dangerous. The governor’s order also states voting officials must allow poll watchers to be present at the drop-off site which is surely unnecessary as the votes are in a sealed envelope which should not be opened until Election Day and is just a way of intimidating the voters turning up to pre-cast their legal vote. The fact the governor is doing this after Trump himself urged his supporters to become poll watchers while suggesting the election could be rigged is somewhat illegal as poll watchers have to be registered individuals and cannot be just ‘JOE PUBLIC’ who just turns up without permission.
On that scary October horror story from the US let’s scoot across the pond to der old Blighty and see if there is anything rant worthy. So yet another MP has been caught out breaking the COVID-19 rules, this time a member of the Scottish National Party. Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon has told the disgraced MP to resign which is showing more leadership qualities than the Primeminister who has allowed every one of his disgraced MP’s to hold on to their jobs. The issue at hand is the fact that the MP took a virus test then travelled from Glasgow to London and back again when she had an idea she may be positive for the virus. This incident again brings in to question decisions made by MP’s when it comes to the coronavirus, but equally questions Johnson’s backbone because while Scotland’s first minister is telling one of her trusted colleagues to resign, Johnson simply brushes his colleague’s actions under the carpet and does nothing. He has endured many calls to sack or make MP’s resign over their supposed misdemeanours, the likes of Cumming’s and Jenrick both travelled out of London to their home towns claiming to be going to help family which was against the rules, but faced no consequences. Again it is an insight to the characters of Sturgeon and Johnson which Johnson fails hands down.
The COVID-19 debacle just keeps rolling on taking hold where and whenever it can, and it doesn’t care whether it attacks your life or your livelihood as long as it spreads amongst the populous. Whether a hoax or not Trump has used it to suppress Americans rights, but now possibly faces the backlash of the virus first-hand if the reports of his positive result for the virus is true [Here’s hoping the virus wins] and as for British politics all we can do is hope we survive the next three years without descending in to the cesspit of hell, because Johnson won’t go down with this sinking ship called HMS Blighty. All in all the world is truly on the brink of self-destruction and we have the leader in power who can steer it down rather than saving it. That’s all for today,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.