Welcome to a new week in the world of anarchy. More police brutality in and around the global nations as protesters take to streets to show solidarity, more election BS from the US and more political BS from the government in the UK, so let’s take a look shall we?
In America the breaking news is more police brutality in Portland as a militia group as well as local law enforcement in Portland, Los Angeles and other cities cause havoc and injury during protests. These groups have no intention of just policing the streets, they run in packs pushing, shoving and attacking peaceful protesters and journalist just trying to document the abuse of power. They use riot shields as weapons inflicting pain and injury without a care for public safety or even life itself. This is the Trump administrations idea of ‘Law and Order’ where if a person appears to be in the protest, they are fair game for the police to attack proven by the bicycle delivery person in Portland who was randomly attacked and set upon by four or five so called peace keepers disregarding the man’s cries that he was a delivery cyclist and then there’s the young protester attacked by half a dozen Los Angeles police officers who tried to break his leg with a shield. This is just a world gone mad, it’s not supposed to be a reality, and it’s more like a scene from a movie or television drama. Yet just further up the state in Napa County the forests are burning out of control which shows the mentality of the authorities in America at the minute, who would rather assault innocent people than obey their oath to protect and serve, just ludicrous.
And what do you see the so called US president doing? He is nominating the most right wing judge in the country to the vacant seat on the Supreme Court called Amy Barrett, a woman who believes in segregation, a women who belongs to a religious ideology where a woman’s right to do with her own body what she wants including whether or not to give birth or have an abortion is made illegal. This judge who is linked to a religious group called ‘People of Praise’, which is a religious organization that appears to dominate some members’ everyday lives, in which so-called “heads” or spiritual advisers make big life decisions, and in which members are expected to financially support one another. It is also thought that married women such as Barrett count their husbands as their “heads” and all members are expected to donate 5% of their income to the organization very similar to the movie and television show ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’. It has been reported that some conservative and progressive activists have said any discussion of Barrett’s faith is inappropriate in the context of a Senate confirmation to assess her judicial qualifications, and potentially reflects anti-Catholic bigotry, yet how can it not be influenced by her religious tendencies if those beliefs will sway any verdicts the court passes as she pushes her own agenda and beliefs down the public’s throats.
In other news the New York times has published facts about Trump’s taxes, revealing that in the tax years 2016/17 and 2107/18 Trump only paid federal tax to the tune of $750 (£580) the year he ran for the US presidency, and in his first year in the White House. The newspaper obtained tax records for Trump and his companies over two decades also stated that Trump paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years which records reveal chronic losses and years of tax avoidance, but Trump has once again called the report "fake news" stating that had actually paid tax and that the country would see that as soon as his tax returns which has been under audit for over four years by the IRS [Internal Revenue Service] who Trump stated “does not treat him well… they treat me very badly”. Boo [F******] who for him! The IRS only treat cheats and liars badly while they prove wrong doing by corrupt individuals who supposedly spend over $70,000 a year on their hair, while hard working Americans pay their fair share to the federal tax, Trump a supposed billionaire gets away with recording losses in the millions to avoid paying his tax and the people of America thought he was a good choice for president, more fool you. So the country burns, the streets are battle grounds, the halls of power are corrupt and there’s a president milking the country for millions, is this what real democracy looks like? Just dictatorship in disguise!
On that outstanding revelation I think it’s time to check out dear old Blighty. So as more and more people face the ongoing doom of the pandemic what does the primeminister feel is a good topic? Well he has revealed plans on how he will protect an extra 400,000 hectares of English countryside to support the recovery of nature under plans to be announced. Johnson is joining a global pledge from 65 leaders to reverse losses in the natural world promising that the government will increase the amount of protected land in the UK to 30% by 2030 as national parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty and other protected areas make up 26% of land in England. This is good news, but how about saving the people who reside in the nation first! The amount of new positive virus cases is still rising with deaths up very slightly, yet the government is chasing their tails to resolve the problems thinking that fines are the way forward as they push the rule of six down people’s throats threatening to fine rule breakers £10,000 if the law is broke, but there is one flaw in that plan, if people aren’t earning how can they pay the fine? The law for pubs, clubs and bars to close at 10pm daily is a piece of fiction also if the one bar in the country that doesn’t close at 10pm is situated in the houses of parliament and caters to Johnson and his cronies as well as other MP’s.
We keep seeing laws been flouted by those individuals who set them unilaterally without even debating the new rule with Parliament, yet they expect the rest of the country to abide by their laws while they hypocritically disobey them, themselves. What kind of government, did we the people, misguidedly elect back in December 2019? I know I didn’t vote for Johnson because even in my less than stellar knowledge, I knew Johnson wasn’t the man to run our country, but other moronic individuals out there really were hoodwinked by his lies and false promises which are blatantly been forgotten as he tries to get a foothold within the halls of power, so he can further corrupt the rights of the people and create a future utopia for the wealthiest in the land while the rest of us drown in his dark dystopia where we are treated worse than the animals slaughtered to adorn the plates of the rich proven by Johnson allowing grouse shooting season to go ahead while the rest of the nation suffered and struggled to feed their families.
This is what George Orwell warned us about, this is what many Hollywood blockbuster’s unwittingly predicted, this is what an authoritarian world looks like where the downtrodden suffer while those rich few bask in their mansions while eating, drinking and earning millions from the suffering of the many. The governments of today believe in the precedence that ‘the needs of the few out way the needs of the many’, meaning the working class is there to allow the rich to profit while they corrupt whatever law they feel doesn’t apply to them, like the numerous MP’s, advisers and aids who break the law and are treated with impunity when it comes to the consequences of such flagrant abuse. We are governed by a regime of pilfering snobs who only have the goals to improve their own wealth and status rather than work on behalf the electorate. In America this is openly seen daily where as in Britain it carefully disguised, but still gets found out. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!