First to America as usual, So as Trump loses one of his big money backers from his 2016 campaign and cancels his big money event in Florida, is he starting to feel the heat? Maybe, but that is not stopping his paramilitary onslaught or his floundering re-election campaign. It's just making the Democrats get cocky which is a mistake on their part and they should not stop the fight to oust Trump in November because Trump is playing games now as he starts to implement a new strategy of being humble on camera by backtracking on COVID-19 a little in briefings over it's severity or the use of masks and supposedly apologising for tweets he sent which he blamed on the fact that in the old days he would write a letter and reread it before sending it, but tweets are instant meaning mistakes can be made. All this is just tactics to get him sympathy and a second term which would be bad for the country and the world at large.
While all this is going on Trump took time out to have another photo opportunity flanked by beautiful women in white doctors coats (who I assume are doctors, but you never know) to sign four executive orders aimed at cutting prescription drug prices in the US. The orders are supposed to restructure the prescription drugs market allowing for discounts and the import of cheaper drugs from abroad, but that may change after Trump meets with pharmaceutical bosses on Tuesday. Some industry analysts have criticised the move, saying it would not have much effect stating that the Trump administration had decided to pursue a radical and dangerous policy to set prices based on rates paid in countries that Trump has labelled as socialist, which will harm patients today and into the future. In response to the four orders which many industry experts have voiced doubts about any major decisions coming into force before the November election and that the Whitehouse has limited power to implement drug pricing policies as executive orders do not have any automatic legal force and can also be challenged in court. Nancy Pelosi has also called the orders empty and is playing in to big pharma's hands, stating that if Trump was really serious about reducing drug costs he would instruct her opposition leader McConnell to pass the Lower Drugs Cost Now Act immediately implementing the bill everyone is happy to vote for in the house. What these politicians are doing is not for the good of the people really, it is basically a tit for tat sniping match of one upmanship to save their jobs. In my opinion these laws that any government tries to pass should be put to the people they will effect giving the populous the opportunity to have their own say because each bill brought before congress and the senate has certain proviso's hidden in them which the industry giants pay politicians under the table to pass or reject which isn't constitutional or right, but I am just a simple Englishman with a limited knowledge of the American system, so all I can say is trust no one in politics who has held the position for over eight years because they are clearly milking the system for all it's worth.
Anyway on that note let's check out dear old Blighty for some rantable morsels of news. So as we see yet another leader backtrack on COVID-19 the world is still under severe threat, but Johnson in a interview with BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberghas has admitted the government did not understand coronavirus during the "first few weeks or months" of the UK outbreak and that there were some "very open questions" about whether the lockdown had started too late claiming that there were lessons to be learned where ministers could have done some things "differently". This admission comes on the back of the Labour party accusing the government of "mishandling" the crisis which has now seen more than 45,000 people in the UK dead after testing positive for coronavirus, while government figures also show almost 300,000 cases confirmed. This is not just ministerial mismanagement, it is possible genocide through poor controls, poor implementation practices, lack of proactive safeguards, under funded safeguarding equipment and a very should we, shouldn't we mentality at the highest levels of power. Johnson has stated there will an independent enquiry in to the governments handling of the pandemic, but will it ever see the light of day, once again that falls in the hands of the people being investigated as Mp's investigate MP's which is a definite breach of human rights on that facts being controlled by the government and all this comes as another phase of lockdown easing comes to fruition as Indoor gyms, swimming pools and sports facilities in England have started to reopen, but the leisure sector has warned it will still struggle because of the financial impact of the pandemic as at least a third of public facilities are expected to remain shut. Some of the rules are quite ridiculous especially in swimming pools where some security aspects are very suspect with people being asked not to use lockers in swimming pools and leave there bags and valuables out in the open on the side of pools where anyone can rifle through them if you aren't being vigilant and where do people dry off or change out of wet swim wear if they are being asked to wear their swim wear when they attend the pools, these are some of the questions I would be asking before ever going back in to the gym or swimming pools.
All in all the advice is lacking enough depth to clearly advise people on the do's and don'ts which is very scary for some people who have anxiety issues. I am a person who has a body dismorphia complex, who at the best of times finds it embarrassing to be seen in public. I find I get anxious if I use the gym or pools which has led to me staying away from them to my own physical detriment, but in the present climate my anxiety levels are tenfold as I am now worried that my obesity has made me more susceptible to the virus, my medications also play a deciding factor in decision making and my introverted nature will just not let me go anywhere near an exercise centre for fear of abuse so I close myself off and hide. So how can these new rules help people like myself, the simple answer is they can't because society is a fickle thing which ostracises people like myself, forcing them to slowly self destruct. on that fact I think I will call it a day.
Rant you tomorrow!