Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Wednesday 27/01/2021

Welcome to midweek and a world that is really upside down due to the year of hell we left, but appear unable to escape. Let’s have a look at what’s happening out there, shall we?

So America has a new president, but nothing has changed! You still have the racist autocrats sitting in the Senate willing to turn a blind eye to any systemic racism or corruption within government. You have a former President who spoke words of insurrection to a crowd that attacked the very foundations of American democracy putting politician’s lives at risk looking to take hostages or worse commit acts of execution. Yet, those very politicians put in danger will do nothing to bring justice to the party whose words incited a mob attack of Capitol Hill. Those moronic individuals who believe it wasn’t them the mob would have harmed if caught. A mob does not care who is guilty or innocent when they set forth on the rampage, all they care about is committing those acts of insurrection.

How can you call yourself a democratic country when the very people sitting on the seats of power acting as legislators are committing corruptible acts? Just the other day 45 such Senate Republicans cast a vote 45 to 50 which ‘yes’ they lost, but to even consider stopping the trial before it even starts is a corruptible act on their part. If 45 such individuals want to prevent the trial from even starting how can the American people trust those individual Republicans to convict Trump of his well televised and self-funded display of incitement? Until the corruption is drained from the highest offices in the land, America will never be seen at home or abroad as free and equal. Those biased morons dressed in red who call themselves the leaders of the people are no better or truthful than the murderers, fraudsters, petty thieves and drug pushers they legislate laws to eradicate. The 45 Republican Senators in that vote might as well be called ‘VAMPIRES’ because they are sucking the life blood out of their own nation drop by blood red drop. America you now have a President trying to turn the ‘BLOOD RED TIDE’ of corruption and racism, but with the blood suckers that still reside in both Congress and the Senate, no president now or in the future wishing to make reforms has a chance when a vote of two thirds is required to pass.

Another factor in the trial of Donald J. Trump is that any jury of Senators chosen which includes biased politicians like Cruz and Hawley will never be an unbiased trial due to the fact those types of individuals are just as responsible for the January 6th insurrection as Trump and the mob. Unless the trial is conducted by a bi-partisan group of Senators or transferred to Federal Court, who have the country and not an individual as their priority we will just see another travesty of an undemocratic trial which panders to Trump’s ego and the racist elements of the nation. Also while people use the situation to play political games the issues at hand are been stripped of its importance. Having McConnell, Graham and McCarthy who have all condemned Trump’s actions in one way or another since January 6th vote to stop the impeachment is just political Flim-flam to cover their own backs from investigation as they all stood shoulder to shoulder with Trump right up to the end before capsizing Trump’s life raft to save themselves. They are now trying to appease the morons within their states that put them back in office by trying to dismantle the due process by claiming it is not lawful to impeach a President once out of office which is pure ‘BS’ as no one is above the law and should face the consequences of their actions. As I have said before the mob was the weapon and Trump was the commander in chief sending his army in the direction of the enemy, this time the house representatives and Senators who would not destroy democracy to proclaim him ‘KING’. Don’t forget Graham tried to influence the Georgia secretary of State to dispose of legal ballots and should face trial himself while Cruz and Hawley were part of the incitement build up act travelling the nation to recruit viable mercenaries for the operation. All this corruption and it is overshadowing the fact that America now has a good man and women at the helm for the future.

On that note I will skip the pond back to dear old Blighty to see what mischievous acts our own politicians are performing. So Johnson took to the airwaves yesterday to inform the nation that the number of deaths registered due to COVID has surpassed 100,000 and started his speech with the words “I am very sorry” as he went on to try and give condolences to the bereaved which is just not acceptable for as a nation we expect more from our nation’s leader. Since the very first case nearly one year ago to the day Boris Johnson has played a waiting game filled with inept and questionable decisions which have led to this unbelievable amount of deaths. They say we are now number five in the world for totals number of deaths, but if you were to take in to account the country’s population compared to deaths I dare say you would find us ‘NUMERO UNO’. There is no excuse for this governments shit poor showing in controlling the path of the virus when they decided in the early days economy came before lives. Actions equal consequences, so surely ‘Johnson + CIVID deaths = mass murderer’.

We are a small island cut off from the world by beautiful seas, but we are also a proud nation who sees our pride slowly been drained from existence by an autocratic moron who looks more like a farmers scarecrow than a man the nation can trust. He appears to the world as an unkempt, untrustworthy person as if just dragged off the sidewalk to run the nation. Not even the polished Saville Row two piece suits can make him look professional. This man has spent his career bouncing from one ill-fated profession to another, but now he has the top job in the United Kingdom and he clearly doesn’t know how to succeed at this role either.

We as a nation are spiralling in to oblivion under the guidance of this man, who has made decision after disastrous decision within his first elected year of office by overseeing the destruction of the UK’s link with Europe and implementing some god awful laws expected to eradicate the chance of infection from the pandemic virus. I admit I am a loner and an introvert, but for the past ten months I have not left my home for more than two hours a week and have stared at the same environment scared to make contact with anyone in fear for my life. If I had chosen to keep a lockdown diary each day would read the same without any variation in activity or context. I do not know how I have remained sane throughout except for the fact I prefer my own company and loathe interference in my personal space. My thoughts are with those extroverts who find themselves locked away alone because your mental strain and nerves must by now be well and truly fraid.

As a nation we require some type of change in leadership which has a realistic plan to deliver us from this evil we are currently subjected to under the present regime which is using this pandemic to further their agenda towards a more autocratically run country where the government has ultimate power without oversight to distinguish its burning desires of national domination creating an Orwellian dystopia within these green and pleasant lands we call home. Scotland is already pushing for complete release from the bonds of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland is pretty much its own nation already and Wales isn’t very far behind Scotland’s lead. All in all to be known as English will become a millstone around one’s neck all because of the fact Parliament puts London first, London second and London last neglecting not only the three other nations that make up the Union flag, but also the many counties that do not preside within the boundaries of the M25 orbital motorway. Should there be a revolution London would become a hot zone and any future government would be non-existent all because of a misguided history that placed the seat of power on the bank of the Thames River. Change is needed and needed immediately to prevent the steel walls surely been erected along the borders of England and its neighbouring disputed lands. Take heed, the United Kingdom will fall unless compromises are taken to prevent the coming disaster and devolution of member nations.

Wow, I went off on one again! I watch, I learn and I consider whether humanity is on the verge of annihilation. When you see the poverty, hunger, anger and distrust within each nation of this plant you see the pathway to the inevitable fork in the round. To the left peace, prosperity and equality, to the right famine, pandemic, death and destruction and as it stands I see the world veering right rather than left without hesitation. Since the dawning of time humankind has chosen war over peace, famine over plenty, servitude over equality, religious persecution over harmony and death over life. As a people we study our histories, yet do nothing to learn from the past as we continue to enact the same types of barbaric thinking over and over and over again without thought of consequence. We allow our leaders to walk us in to conflict without question and when we do question we are beaten and abused for simply asking ‘WHY?’ Is this how we want to live our lives? Constantly under threat of annihilation all because the wrong war hungry fascist has conned his way in to a position of ultimate power which he intends to abuse for the betterment of himself rather than lead his people to a promised land of overwhelming Utopia. We as a planet facing a future hell-bent on jumping of the precipice of sanity towards the inevitable insanity of self-annihilation without even stopping to ask ‘Why am I doing this?’ ‘What the hell am I thinking?’ ‘Is this really all I have to look forward to?’ now is the time to remove the blinkers, use our voices to call out injustice, to stand in the way of corruption and to say ‘NO MORE’ to those individuals who wish to illegally belittle and undermine our civil rights. We need to choose our destiny in life rather than walk to party line of subservience. Call forth the legal wrath, open your mouths and shout the loudest enough is enough, we will not go quietly in to this goodnight! On that note I call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Back Friday, annihilation willing.