Sunday, 26 April 2020


Good Morning Sunday, what we got today?

In America, both presidential candidates step up advertising and media campaigning with Biden hitting out at Trump's failure's while Trump just runs his hoax video's over and over. Trump is no longer doing briefings as he says they are not worth it after coming under criticism for his disinfectant and UV light comments, the big baby has spat his dummy out again because no one loves him except the F****** morons who are racist, gun happy, evangelical twisted "I Love Trump Cult". Speaking of moron's thousands suffering from the heat wave in southern California decided it would be a good idea to go to the beach during lockdown disregarding advice. Come on America heed scientific fact or millions will die.

So, what of the morons in dear old Blighty. Well the biggest moron (Johnson) is going back to work tomorrow to F*** the UK up even more. I ain't religious, but for god's sake how do we get rid of him, please someone tell me. Also in the news we have a mini martial law in place, but police don't know what the rules are as the government keeps chopping and changing them, while one thousand serving members of the armed forces are rolled out to run mobile testing centres for the virus ( George Orwell was right). Deputy primeminister Dominic Raab did a press briefing saying they had introduced the lockdown at the right time to flatten the curve for the spread of the virus and that they had supplied the NHS with everything they needed to prevent being overwhelmed with the influx of patients. Raab is a true politician deflecting the facts with bullshit because if they had done something sooner maybe there wouldn't be twenty thousand dead or the medical staff wouldn't be struggling to cope with the lack of essential equipment. It must be so good to stand back patting himself and his government on the back for a job not done. Again for God's sake do these F******* politicians even know how bad a job they have done, There are twenty thousand dead and it is now been thought that those that have survived may already have the antibodies needed in there systems, so once again it's down to survival of the fittest. 

That's me done for today.

Rant you tomorrow!