Thursday, 10 September 2020


Here we are again, another day, another set of lies, another authoritarian attack on peoples rights and worst of all a deadly disease which just keeps on taking. Let's have a look at what's rantable today.

In America it's the same old shit of back stabbing and celebrity shit, when it should be people and climate. In California it is like a scene from a post apocalyptic movie as skies turn orange from the out of control wildfires sweeping across the state causing death and devastation in there wake, but the world governments just sit on their hands and deny climate change is real let alone, happening right now. America has seen its fair share of natural disasters this year with several hurricanes, numerous wildfires and worst of all a pandemic left to create havoc due to political ineptitude. But I suppose the evangelical religious extremists will just say its God cleansing the earth of evil with his plagues sent forth to rid the lands of pests, show your love for the almighty and you will be saved. Is it really a higher beings wrath or is it just the fact that the planet is fighting back for the selfless destruction of its natural resources craved by humanity without a regard for the consequences of their actions. Come on put everything in to prospective America you support the fossil fuels industries that siphon off and strip away parts of the planet it took millions of years to create, You ignore pollution from said fossil fuels and you see profit rather than destruction. It is past the point of no return we need people in power who recognise the planet is dying and that the future predicted in movies is upon us now as natural disasters and deadly viruses are no longer a topic of fiction they're a reality, we are dying from them, we are heading towards the point where humanity is no more. Wow I got a little crazy for a moment, but it doesn't mean it isn't true.

So speaking of leaders we can trust, I see Trump has been caught out again saying real facts on the record that he thinks is just a chat when it is in fact they're to out his ineptitude or should we say his blatant disregard for the american people and contradicts the BS and lies he spouts for the cameras. You have to believe he is either very naive or just plain stupid to actually confess to lying on tape, are we actually reliving the Nixon era? Trump was recorded when interviewed by the man who helped bring down Nixon , Bob Woodward saying he played down the veracity of COVID-19 for the sake of the American people to prevent wide scale panic, I think you can safely say that it has had the opposite effect after killing nearly two hundred thousand people and infecting over six and a half million. Not only has he lied about COVID-19, but he is also trying to hide the influence Russia had on his 2016 presidential victory and is still having on the current election. Recent facts have come to light that an intelligence analyst at the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has stated he was put under pressure to downplay the threat of Russian interference now been placed on the current election as it "made the president look bad". In a whistleblower complaint, Brian Murphy stated he had been demoted for refusing to alter reports on this and other issues such as white supremacy. He also stated that the directives were illegal. Yet as you could've guessed the White House and DHS have both denied the allegations. Mr Murphy's reprisal complaint, filed on Tuesday, sets out a number of allegations against former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, current Acting Secretary Chad Wolf and his deputy, Ken Cuccinelli stating that between March 2018 and August 2020, there was a "repeated pattern of abuse of authority, attempted censorship of intelligence analysis and improper administration of an intelligence program related to Russian efforts to influence and undermine US interests". So America you don't only have a liar for a president, you have a Trump controlled intelligence community acting for him instead of the American people, they subvert and destroy real intelligence that shows the reality of a Trump presidency as one of corruption, abuses of power, bribery and basically an administration where the top people are chosen on what they will do for Trump rather than how they perform at their designated roles, a 'I'll scratch your back, if you scratch my back' style of 'jobs for the boys' hierarchy. This has been proven with how AG Barr run the department of Justice to benefit the president instead of remaining neutral and the different law enforcement agencies such as Homeland, corrections, border patrol, etc. have joined the Trump secret police force of 'stormtroopers' to abuse peaceful protesters nationwide. Well america the world is watching as it always was and you better believe we are judging you on your choices, so come November make the world great again and refuse to allow such a president to reside in one of the most iconic houses every built returning the country of freedom and liberty for all back to a democracy of the people for the people throwing out the dictatorship of the one, #TrumpLiedPeopleDied.

On that note over the pond we go to rant about another dictator of ineptitude. So dear old Blighty the second wave of COVID-19 is upon us and what does the government do? Do they reveal a vaccine? Do they tell us they're at fault for the spread of the pandemic? No they make it illegal to congregate in groups of more than six people, does this mean that every time the cabinet gets together they will fine themselves? We need a more effective style of leadership, one that cares about the people more than the money it costs to save those lives. As well as restriction of movement within households Johnson's other big idea is to do more testing putting even more strain on the already struggling laboratories who are backlogged. He believes a mass testing programme is “our only hope for avoiding a second national lockdown before a vaccine”, which has been named “Operation Moonshot” and will pin a failing prime-ministers hopes on a project to deliver ten million test per day, but again the tests may get taken, but how will they be processed in a floundering and overworked system. The tests may get taken, but how will more tests eradicate the virus? The new restrictions to be implemented from September fourteenth are contradictory at best. 

The new law states that gatherings of more than six individuals in England is banned and will apply to indoor and outdoor gatherings, including private homes, parks, pubs and restaurants.Yet gatherings will still be allowed where the household or support bubble is larger than six, or where gathering is for work or education as well as weddings, funerals, organised team sports and venues like places of worship, gyms, restaurants and hospitality will still be able to hold more than six people in total. But! within those venues, there must not be individual groups larger than six and groups cannot mix socially or form larger groups. Does any of that make sense because in one breath you are banned, but in the next you are allowed to meet as long as there is only six of you. To me it is a law with so many 'Ifs and Buts' enforcing it is going to be a logistical nightmare and people won't know when they are doing right or wrong. This so called "rule of six" which they say will be kept under constant review and will only be kept in place as long as is necessary, so as to prevent another national lockdown is more of a big brother ploy of authoritarianism than a final solution to a disease which has yet to be dissected effectively with a workable vaccine found to eradicate it. The government seems to just be using the 'spaghetti on the wall' mentality that throws a piece of legislation at the public and if we get positive results then great, but if it fails to stick just keep boiling for a bit longer until something does finally stick. 

What I see as a simple human being of average intelligence is two men on opposite sides of the Atlantic who are using the same playbook of leadership which is to lie, lie and lie a little more, blame others for their ineptitude and profit from their position for as long as they can while playing dumb when caught in their own lie and corruption. At least America can put a change to their predicament come November removing Trump/Pence and installing Biden/Harris, we in the United Kingdom on the other hand have to wait three more years for justice unless there is a coup within the conservative party and the Johnson/Cummings regime is overthrown for a slightly less inept Conservative Member of Parliament because we all know there are no good politicians, just politicians who spin a good yarn to get them elected. On that note I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!