Thursday, 6 August 2020


Well we wake on another beautiful day where day replaces night, but the world still rotates around the same old shit. Let's see what we can rant about.

So in america Twitter has finally suspended Trump's account for a while due to the tweet of his Fox and Friends interview where he contradicted scientists telling the nation it is safe to send kids back to school because they are mostly immune to the coronavirus which is just ethically wrong. This is the type of thing we have come to expect from Trump, but what dumbfounds me as a Brit is the inexcusable issue of a major news network like Fox allowing such propaganda to be openly aired across the nation without impartiality, as well a their continued support for bigoted personalities like Hannity and Carson who openly promote a racially and sexually abusively bigoted attitude on prime time television. Surely the network should have their broadcast licence revoked or at the very least be fined for airing such a prejudicial view to  a nation which is supposedly democratic and not fascist. I am not used to seeing such an unbiased and impartial attitude being allowed to be aired without any type retribution for those responsible.

Anyway that isn't Trump's only woe for today as reports come to light that Deutsche bank have adhered to the New York prosecutors subpoena and released their documentation relating to Trump's business dealings. Deutsche bank were the only lender who would consider giving Trump any type of loan after his several bankruptcies which started in the nineties. These subpoena's were served to assist the prosecutors to get to the bottom of Trump's supposed illegal businesses practices regarding the payoff's to women involved in affairs with Trump, but it appears that prosecutors are delving a lot deeper looking in to possible criminal activities that occurred within the applicable statutes of limitations, particularly if the transactions involved a continuing pattern of conduct throughout Trump's businesses. So America what you have is a man walking a hazardous tightrope in both his business and presidential careers which could come crashing down like a house of cards around his ears. What I see as an outsider is an institution in dire need of change within it's practice of how potential political nominees are vetted before even been allowed to run for office. My opinion is that unless an individual who plans to run for any kind of office opens up their finances and taxes up to close scrutiny they should not even be given the chance to put their name on the ballot paper, but that is only my opinion. It is up to the American voters who should fight to change the type of people allowed to throw their hat in to the circle of politics.

On that let's take a look at dear old blighty. Well as Johnson's first one hundred and sixty five days have come and gone what we have seen is a man who had only one thing on his mind and that was becoming primeminster, but had no forethought of what he would do once he had surpassed that goal. There was only one item in his prospectus which he used to eventually win with and that was to get Brexit across the finish line, but one year on and that is a failing promise. His eyes were firmly on Brexit which is why his ineptitude and lack of political strategies have led to his failure to cope with the political and mortality fallout over COVID-19. The man in charge without the ability to perform in a crisis has failed due to his slow implementation of a national lockdown, followed by his inpatients to reopen the economy causing a second wave of spreading in selected areas, but you could say his biggest failure has been with his communication skills in getting across his strategies to the general public and authorities in a manner that calmed the nation and instilled a trust within him as a leader which is sadly lacking in Johnson, that coupled with his failure to openly criticize his political advisers flouting of the very protocols they helped devise has caused a public outcry in his abilities. The public are worried about their future's and are asking themselves such questions as, Where will I find the money to provide food for myself or my family? Where will I find the money for my rent/mortgage? Will I have a job to go back to after lockdown? My question is how can a man who has never faced poverty or any financial uncertainties in his life really be expected to show any empathy for the lower or middle classes who are expected to survive this present situation while he hides away from the public eye in his shiny townhouse in downing street or his palatial country home in Buckingham. You are talking about a man who has known nothing but an upper class lifestyle from birth. Can anyone realistically answer that without being a sceptic.

In a year where Johnson has seen his push to finalise Brexit falter, a deadly virus the likes never before seen in over a hundred years cripple a nation, a failing economy grow and his own mortality has been threatened, what is been seen by the voting public is a future of uncertainty they would never have imagined they would face coupled with a fear of catching a deadly virus while been led by an individual who has no clue of which way to turn because as he turns one corner thinking his has finally found a way out of this crisis he is slapped in the face by yet another brick wall hampering his progress just like the most recent revelation that has emerged stating that fifty million face masks bought by the government in April will not be used in the NHS because of safety concerns for their ability to stop the virus spreading. These masks are said to be ineffective against the virus because they use ear-loop fastenings rather than head loops, which may not fit tightly enough. This particular piece's of PPE were bought for healthcare workers from the supplier Ayanda Capital as part of a two hundred and fifty two million pound contract which was authorised and signed off on by our primeminister. The masks supplier Ayanda have stated the product supplied met the specifications set out by the government to which the government has replied that its safety standards process is very robust and the mask don't meet that, yet what has also been reported is that the person who originally approached the government with the deal who is a government adviser was the very same person who advises the board of Ayanda on product specifications which in my opinion is clearly a very large conflict of interest if not openly an illegal matter of profiteering on that individuals part. This is the height of racketeering which has always been seen in big business who look at the bottom line of profit before the need of the people compared to the small business who have adapted their businesses recently and showed their own worth by combining as a charitable front to provide their time to either produce needed PPE for their local NHS staff or feed their local needy within communities without profit in mind. As a nation and a global endeavour it should be a goal to support the small businesses within our local communities rather fund the profiteering of big companies who have forgotten their roots.

Basically the US and UK are been unsuccessfully led by individuals that have never known what it is like to worry about money or face a future of uncertainty which is more the voting public's fault for believing the BS they preach without seeing through the false empathy portrayed on the surface hiding the actual contempt they feel for the common person they believe are worth less than the stuff they step in and wipe off  their shoes in disgust. Come on people we can't let this continue without fighting for change. On that I will call it a day.

Rant you tomorrow!