Monday, 12 October 2020


In to another week go with intrigue, deceit and uncertainty over a disease one leader called a hoax and another leader said would be gone by summer. Yet they were both wrong and it’s us poor sods whom are suffering while those two leaders live it up in their plush homes without a worry of where the next warm meal will come from. Let’s see what the world is giving us to rant about today.

So as the days slowly countdown to the election of the next US president, Trump once again illegally used the backdrop of the Whitehouse to have a rally for his supporters falsely claiming it was not a political rally. Over 500 people stood on the south lawn defying social distancing and mask wearing directives to listen to a liar and a cheat. Trump’s physicians had claimed Trump free from infection in less than a fortnight which is remarkable considering no existing person in the world has recovered that quickly unless they weren’t actually infected, was Trump really ill or was it all a façade to procure votes. Trump stood on the balcony and claimed he has a "protective glow" after being given the all-clear from coronavirus by Whitehouse medical staff, also declaring himself immune to the virus, despite official guidance from the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention warning that recovering from COVID-19 does not make a patient immune to the virus. This particular line which he also tweeted was again labelled "misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19" by Twitter putting another cut in to the Trump ‘BS’ factory.

While the news is filled with Trump crap the rest of America is still suffering without a single soundbite as hurricane delta sweeps through Louisiana, wildfires still consume California, protests still rage in Portland and voter suppression is happening in Texas, all while the Republican held Senate ignores what is happening and concentrates on getting yet another prolife, pro-gun conservatively religious judge nominated to the supreme court. Instead of ruling on a COVID relief package they would rather worry about a vacant seat in the Supreme Court to which they wish to place a women who is favoured by social conservatives due her record on issues like abortion and gay marriage, a devout Catholic who insists her faith does not influence her legal opinion [BS] and who is an originalist, which means she interprets the US Constitution as the authors intended, not moving with the times. As it is known that all Supreme Court justices serve for life on the bench, the inauguration of Trump’s nominee would set back America for decades, bringing in a return to archaic times where race, sexuality and abortion would be stripped back to the time of slavery bringing in to question healthcare for the masses, abortion regulation or even illegalisation, Make sodomy therefore homosexuality illegal, destroy women’s and voters rights, and set back gun reform, these are just a handful of how a Trump biased Supreme Court could affect America of the future. If the Republicans win the ninth seat will be held by a religious fanatic who is part of a cult style religious group called the ‘People of Praise’ which has been likened to the TV show ‘The Handmaids Tales' for the way it conducts its members who have to swear a covenant to the church and its membership is open to all baptized Christians who believe in the Nicene Creed.

In a country in such turmoil how can the governing Senate and Congress still have their party political infighting rather than a regard for lives throughout the nation. As one side tries to suppress, the other side is handcuffed to what powers they can implement and at the head of it all is an ageing madman who believes himself to be immune to the law of the land as well as death. Come on America you have around three weeks to make the correct decision and create a blue wave across the nation removing the old guard of corruption such as Trump, McConnell and Graham to install a better future under a Biden/Harris presidency and even maybe install the first ever woman as president in the near future. So make your vote count by any means possible.

On that note let’s check out dear old Blighty and see what shitstorm has brewed over the weekend. So as we await confirmation of Johnson’s traffic light system which will involve three tiers of infection lockdown procedures, it has been revealed that hospitalization of positively tested victims of the virus has increased and that cases of transmission between the young and the elderly has risen dramatically while deaths have also risen. These new restrictions are supposed to benefit the public, but it once again shows the widening divide between the rich and the poor within UK as the rich prosper from the virus, the poor who depend on such professions within the hospitality industry are the ones to suffer. It was only last week proposed that in 2021 members of parliament would receive a pay increase of £3300 annually which is just ludicrous while the rest of the country are facing poverty and bankruptcy. I find it hard to understand why a politician is paid such an exorbitant salary in the first place when they can appear to be doing very little for their money. These are individuals who have chosen a profession which involves running local and national areas, while been in a position of power which a fair number seem to abuse without any consequences except a nicely paid salary with benefits that the commoners among us will never see in our lifetimes and they still cry hard-up.

So those new restrictions which will close down sections of the country once again all in the hope that this nasty virus will somehow just disappear are ludicrous and would not be necessary if Johnson and his cabinet hadn’t pussyfooted around when the first cases surfaced back in January or when they eased lockdown in March way too soon just to try and restart a tanking economy. What we are seeing is backtracking and sidestepping of issues that relate to us the populous by those, we elected to do our bidding and we have no say in how the rules, laws and policies that affect us are made. One MP has called for parliament to set aside party politics for the sake of the country and form a cross party coalition to look in to replacing Boris Johnson because of the crisis we are facing as a united nation. A crisis which has never been seen since the outbreak of World War Two, and that our present Primeminister is incapable of rectifying as well as ineptly fulfilling his oath of office. I have been saying this for weeks that as a country we need a cross party coalition to work hand in hand with each other to bring some light to the end of this very dark tunnel we call 2020 before it extends in to 2021 or even 2022, god forbid it lasted till 2024 when Johnson’s leadership would be decided by the people once again. It is now up to the politicians to do their jobs and release us from our living hell and guide us in to a better future rather than stand behind a failing government who have on countless occasions made the wrong decisions. We as a country made the biggest of mistakes back in December 2019 by electing the Tories back in to power with such numbers that any votes taken on laws or policies or Brexit were always going to be biased in favour of the corrupt Johnson and his cronies. We are in the hands of the authoritarian fascists hiding in plain sight as democrat Conservatives while the downtrodden commoners that we are, just get trampled on and abused while those fascists in power get richer and more powerful with every day that passes.

Change is needed not just nationally, but globally to eradicate the rising fascist movements that occupy prominent seats of power worldwide bringing with it their misguided and sometimes violent ideology in to the light of day from a once hushed and hidden darkness it presided in. It is been seen in many countries as the Neo-Nazi’s, White Supremacists, Klu Klux Klan, Proud Boys, UKIP, National Action(UK) and other radicalized movements move in to mainstream politics as they did in the 1930’s with the rise of the Third Reich in Germany and the imperialists of Japan. If these militia groups are allowed to continually grow and enter politics then the world will once again see a global war, but this time it won’t be fought on the fields of Europe or the jungles of Asia or the oceans of the world, it will simply be a global destruction from Nuclear annihilation and radiation poisoning as one or more nuclear powers press the big red button of destruction. We will not see it coming, we will not see it end, we will never see a future and we will always be at the mercy of these ideologists if nothing is done about it now. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!