Monday, 22 February 2021

Monday 22/02/2021

As we enter the final full week of February, the people of the each nation face their own issues that has been caused by the coronavirus, a downturn in the economy and the ineptitude of the governing bodies within certain nations. What is needed is a transparency within politics, instead of the constant way they talk down to the public as if they know better than the lowliest of souls. Let’s see what has been happening since my last rant which was a week ago.

In America, there is an ongoing argument by the politicians who earn around $174,000 annually and get more holidays than teachers for the minimum wage President Biden wants to introduce to be scrapped from the $1.9 Trillion COVID relief bill. To me as a person this mentality from both sides of the aisle is damn hypocritical and I would like to see President Biden’s administration put a clause in the next bill whatever it maybe for a reduction in Senate and house members own salaries. This would make them think about others who are suffering through poverty while they live it large on taxpayer’s money. What they seem to forget is that those people who earn minimum wage are the one’s paying federal taxes which are used to pay each and every Senator or House Representative their extortionate annual salary, not to mention allows them to live in their plush state owned mansions during their terms in office. It is sickening to see that 535 individuals get to dictate what the other 331 million individual should be paid, where is the democracy in that?

Then on top of the politicians stalling a minimum wage, you have big energy firms who failed to secure adequate power supplies in Texas through poor management of equipment during a deathly cold front are passing the buck on to those very people they left out in the cold. Many residents in badly hit areas of Texas have been sent extortionate bills with the threat of disconnection from a supply they have not had the use of. Some residents have reported bills in excess of $16,000 (£11,500) for a few days of usage which is disgraceful considering wide spread power loss has been seen across the whole of the state. Another example of how the Republican politicians within the state are failing their constituents as the wealthy prey on the poor to orchestrate yet another miscarriage of ethical justice. Even Texas’s own Senator sought the warmth of Cancun, Mexico to brave out the cold, until his little trip was leaked to the public. His excuse was that he was only chaperoning his children on the flight and was coming straight back, which was just one more lie in the ever growing list of untruth’s told by Senator Cruz. Is it not about time the American political institute used its power for good instead of supporting criminality within big business like the oil and gas industry or the pharmaceutical industry or even the departments of correction who profit from the misery of those individuals they are supposed to help. These industries have become vampires who suck the populous dry and then come back for more when the carcass has nothing more to give. Change has to start at the top and until the likes of McConnell, Graham, Cruz, Hawley and every other power and money hungry politician with a say on America’s future is brought to task there will be no change. The war of independence was fought to remove a power hungry king from rule, but has only replaced one person’s rule with over 500 other tyrannical individuals each out to profiteer of the peasants known as American citizens. There is no democracy when those elected to serve are hell bent on self-service rather than serving a nation of equals. I tell you, I know we in Britain are governed by an archaic institution, but I don’t envy Americans one bit because there style of government makes ours look positively just.

On that note I will take a look at how just our politicians have been of late as I check out dear old Blighty. First off let me just say as a 50+ male with underlying medical issues, I have finally got a date for my COVID vaccination which I am apprehensive about. I know they say it is safe, but as a person who stopped getting Flu vaccinations because of side effects and has pretty much been self-isolating alone for over a year, I am just a little scared of how I will react to the vaccination because I live alone and have no family to check on me should something happen. It is a big, big step for me as a person. Anyway more news on that as the time approaches. So getting back to dear old Blighty. In news headlines they say there is positives in the number of cases been registered as they decrease, but we are not out of the woods yet because there is a worry in some medical reports of a third wave of cases as people think they are immune and start fraternising openly again with the belief nothing will happen to them instead of being cautious.

With that Johnson has given a brief rundown of his road map out of lockdown which sounds feasible, but so has every other initiative he has announced then rescinded in the past year. Lockdown was only supposed to be for l2 weeks not 12 months plus like it has and Johnson government’s ineptitude is to blame. There inexperience in all matters political and economic showed through within days of the pandemic reaching Britain’s shores. Then they just kept making blunder after blunder week in, week out and we haven’t seen the last of it as we still have just under three years of this Primeminister unless his own party does something about him and replaces him with a slightly less moronic personality. His demeanour is not fit for politics and he shows his leadership unsuitability more often than his ability to lead daily. Wiping down a chair within a vaccination centre as a photo opportunity last week was pure stupidity as it just showed how uncoordinated he as a person truly is. He may have the last say in anything done, but if that display of how he cleaned a chair resonates in to how he leads the country we as a nation are in a truly dire state. A person’s action in one instance radiates out to how they deal with every action and Boris Johnson is not a person I as a British citizen am happy with being in charge of my countries international and domestic affairs. I say it again, I did not and will never vote Conservative while so many of their members are clearly bred from the upper classes like they have been for centuries. A vote for conservatism is a vote for a downtrodden and subjugated populous as every conservative member is more about self and wealth than they are for equality and prosperity amongst the lower classes of this nation. Boris Johnson is the worst of this mentality and is the type of person who will suck this nation dry and has made a start at it with his unlawful style of premiership both during this current pandemic and the Brexit debacle.

Just last week both he and the health secretary were accused of appointing people to top jobs without the role been advertised and then also failed to provide transparency [there’s that word again, TRANSPARENCY, which is lacking in this cabinet]. This method of cronyism is now been challenged as unlawful and illegal jointly by the Good Law Project and race equality think tank the Runnymede Trust. These two parties are fighting the nepotism been shown by the current Conservative cabinet when creating job vacancies or allocating taxpayers funds to people or companies that are personally known to Johnson or his cabinet ministers. Yet none of the cabinet or the Primeminister have chosen to comment on the accusations which usually means they are guilty. Hancock did however, make an excuse for the lack of transparency over the allocations of awards stating his team was too busy buying badly needed PPE to post the requisite notification notices on time, which is political speak for we will do it when and if we please and ‘F*** you’.

What we have seen in just two nations governments over the past year is more than likely happening in many nations leaderships where too much knowledge held by the voters is too toxic to those elected to serve and will cause problems for them in the future, so it is best hidden or lied about to save their own skins [Trump was a clear example of this]. Again I am repeating myself, but until equality and transparency is acted upon within governments there will always be a them and us attitude which leads to such instances as America’s January 6th insurrection or Myanmar’s coup as many of the world’s government’s come under attack for the worsening economy, racism, death’s and political ineptitude or fascist policies. The planet stands at a crossroads of Armageddon which will dictate how we move forward as a humanity or perish at the hands of those would be overlords looking to objectify and control the masses for their immoral wants and needs which drew them to power in the first place. A leader should be empathetic, understanding and open to all avenues of conversation unlike more than fifty percent of international leaders in this day and age which harks back to a time last seen well in to the century when the poor were objectified by their employers and members of parliament who saw profit before life. I am not a totally religious person, but I do still find myself asking GOD why such devious and corrupt individuals are allowed to succeed, while so many good people suffer. On that note I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!