Monday, 25 January 2021

Monday 25/01/2021

Welcome to the last week of January 2021 with nothing much changing in a world under attack from a pandemic, moronic politicians and overzealous law enforcement. The one upside is there is no more Trump in the Whitehouse even though he still domineers the headlines over his impending impeachment trial. Let’s see what has been going on in the world since Friday, shall we?

Well as Biden took office and the truth started to flow about the real life problems facing America in the wake of the Trump administration, the world now watches on in astonishment that the narcissistic orange blob known as Donald J. Trump actually was supported and allowed to survive as America’s President for four whole years. From the non-existent COVID vaccine roll out plan to the information coming to light about the funding for the January 6th insurrection and failed coup, it is no wonder so many innocent lives have been lost in the past year as Trump employees wilfully backed the militia’s and white supremacists.

America is a divided nation which doesn’t seem to the world will heal quickly as politicians in the GOP run scared of the consequences voting to convict Trump will cause. As more and more Republican politicians look to their own future rather than their countries future and if Trump is not convicted this hell will only raise its ugly head once more come 2023 when the next presidential election restarts with candidates coming forth to represent each party. If Trump isn’t silenced now then he will most certainly throw his hat in to the ring for 2024 which would bring back the racist rhetoric now fully fuelled after four years of his racist abusive administration and as a British citizen I don’t see that ending well. But not only does Trump need silencing, so does his whole family because they are all as toxic as the patriarch. The articles of Impeachment go to the Senate today January 25th, but the trial will not be started till February 8th giving Trump’s defence team time to look for loop holes in the trial. Once again we see the Republican Senators getting their own way again because the Senate house is split 50/50 which is going to be a real problem for a positive outcome when the trial starts.

Basically it is the populous who will suffer, not the politicians due to the lack of bi-partisan cooperation in any democratic country. Yet for some reason it is hyper-exaggerated in American politics. What really gets my blood boiling is how if it was a normal citizen that incited such a revolt like that which occurred on Capitol Hill just over two weeks ago, that person would be sitting in a cell wearing an orange jumpsuit, not spending their days splitting golf sessions with more treasonous meetings like Trump is doing. Come on America rise up and use your voices, not your guns to make your cowardly politicians do what is right for the nation not themselves. The world is watching! Trumpism needs to be stopped!

On that note I will turn my eyes back on dear old Blighty to see what illegal and incompetent act our own politicians have been enacting. We are nearly at the end of the first month of 2021 and already the UK is feeling, not only the growing pandemic problems, but the knock on effect of Brexit on the economy. As the country suffers under the trauma of a pandemic that is still crippling our economy due to small businesses going bust and the hospitality industry on its knees, our export business is crumbling around our ears.

The Road Haulage Association are reporting that trucks coming in to the country full are returning to Europe empty which is the result of removing Britain from the EU. Johnson and his leave campaign cronies have set a ball rolling that will kill the UK and unless something drastic happens immediately the UK will become a blip in history as it sinks it to economic ruin once again under the control of yet another Conservative government similar to the one that crippled the UK economy back in the 1980’s under Thatcher. Brexit will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and our present government is hapless and useless to even see they are the cause of the bleak future we as a whole nation are about to suffer.

But the conservative government isn’t just content with destroying the economy they want to decrease the population at the same time. If that isn’t the reason for their ill-fated attempts at eradicating this pandemic then please tell me what other reason they have for the inept and inconsistent fowl up’s they have made time and time again over the past year. Even Johnson own father Stanley, did an interview where he stated a population reduction would vastly improve the UK standard of living for the better. The government cannot make up its mind which direction they want to take to succeed with more U-turns than any government before them. Also the representatives sent forth to calm the nation can’t keep themselves calm when interviewers start with the hard reality questions because they are simply ill-prepared and ill-equipped to perform the tasks asked of them, prime example is the work and pensions secretary who turned off her skype interview because she didn’t like the hard questions been asked of her by the host. If they can’t cope with the type of questions been asked they shouldn’t have got in to politics in the first place. This isn’t the first time this has happened on ‘Good Morning Britain’ as the conservative government have previously boycotted the program for 201 days because there interviewers pull no punches getting straight to the point. We need better truthful politicians and that isn’t only the UK.

I find myself questioning every politician I see been interviewed because none of them come across as genuine people. They appear as if the world owes them a thank you for doing a job they get very well paid for, some might say overpaid. It doesn’t matter which country you reside in, there will be 95% of the politicians simply looking out for themselves rather than their constituents. The minute they are elected, all their promises go out the window and are replaced with ‘let’s see what I can profiteer off today’ and it doesn’t matter at which level of government they currently occupy. In my own city the councillors spend around £2000 on buffet meals every time they convene while locals suffer on Universal Credit going hungry and the not to mention the MP’s in parliament who have had or will receive a pay rise to their already £75000 salary this year while the rest of the population struggles to make ends meet. You cannot tell me an individual becomes a politician to make their country or the world a better place. If that was the reason for them becoming a politician they would do it for far less of a salary. The average person earns a third of their salary and copes, so why do politicians need such an extortionate amount to perform what is supposed to be a public service? While politicians see their role in dollars, pounds or whichever currency their country uses, we will never see a moral equality within our lifetimes! On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Back Wednesday.