Well in to week two of March 2021 and the world keeps on wondering what can hit us next in life? I am finding myself becoming very sceptical of everything the news headlines tell us because a percentage of it is to alienate or sensationalise what is actually happening especially when a member of royalty uses them to better themselves rather than a needy cause.
I don’t act like I am an expert on anything and just give my opinion on what I read or see. But when I see someone like the Duchess of Sussex use her fame and newly found status in life to drive stakes in to the fabric of one countries establishment just because she didn’t get what she wanted I have to call ‘BS’. This woman saw an opportunity to raise herself up from a second rate actress and propel herself in to royalty, yet when the position got a little rough she chose to tear it down. From day one when she was introduced to Prince Harry she saw a chance to advance herself rather than a chance to become a member of a family that has been around for generation. Because the life she married into came with a few rules that meant she had to consider her words and opinions before opening her mouth, she decided she wanted her cake and eat it at the same time. She claims royal bigotry, but if the royal family was as racist as she portrays she wouldn’t have got to a second date with Prince Harry, let alone married to him.
I see the queen and her descendants as Britain’s most valuable asset and just because Markle thought she could still do what she wanted when she wanted, she poisoned her new husband against the very family that has supported him. There is a hierarchy within royal bloodlines which if you look closely, you will find that only those directly in line carry the titles of Prince or Princess and for Markle to openly criticise her offspring not gaining that title just shows she married into royalty for the title, not love. You don’t see the Princess royals or the duke of Wessex’s children carrying titles, so why should Markle’s children be any different. She saw Harry as her next step to fame when her acting career was dwindling, yes she was a star on a long running TV show, but she wasn’t the shows real star and that show was coming to an end, so she would either end up doing bit parts again or she needed a more lucrative gig which she thought would be as the wife to a Prince.
Now she has shown her true colours, by airing her dirty laundry in public just like all jumped up actors or actresses do on a chat show when their fame is flagging and losing popularity. If she had any real dignity the interviews would not take place and for Harry to lower himself to her level is just upsetting to many residents of the British Isles for this nation has stood by him as he lived his playboy days and honoured him as he served his country. When Markle first saw harry, he was a lost soul who required someone by his side who would support and be his confidant, but instead he got a selfish fame hungry woman who saw a chance at bettering herself. Instead she found a close nit family who would not put up with her shenanigans and who would have supported her for life if she had truly wanted to be part of them.
What Markle wasn’t ready for was indeed the hierarchy within the family and didn’t like been second fiddle to the Duchess of Cambridge who personifies what a true consort to a royal should be. The duchess of Cambridge holds herself regally and at all times works tirelessly to better the royal standing whereas Markle merely saw the role as mundane. She missed the pomp and fanfare of tinsel town and set out to ostracise herself and Harry from the family. If Markle had truly wanted to be part of the establishment and not just in it for the title, she wouldn’t be sitting in California spreading ‘BS’ to the world’s biggest gossip monger and playing the racist card which is just her jumping on the BLM bandwagon [which I support whole heartedly] to promote herself once again and to announce the sex of her second child on TV is just tacky, so that celebrity magazines pick up the story and dole out lots of cash for the exclusive pictures. Also if she was really concerned for the Duke of Edinburgh’s health she wouldn’t have dragged his grandson and great grandson thousands of miles away from him in his final years. The couple would have chosen somewhere within the British Isle’s to set up home instead of California where the so called freedom of the press is open to abuse like their interview with Oprah.
To me the minute Markle has had her fill of Harry or Harry opens his love sick puppy eyes to the real woman he married, their marriage will become the next royal disaster sending Harry back to the fold of the family where he will find the real love and understanding. Up to date only the Queen herself has had a marriage that has tested the rigours of royal duty and only that has come with her own patience and upbringing. None of the present day royal nuptials have weathered as well as her Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh, so there is a better than fifty percent chance that Markle will divorce Harry like she did with her first husband as she looks for something better or more affluent. In this person’s humble opinion she was looking to be the next Princess Grace of Monaco, with one small hiccup, Harry wasn’t closer enough to the throne for her. So now she sees her only option is to spread scandal in the hopes of it raising her profile once again and cash in on the gutter presses money as her career and Harry’s family money will quickly dwindle. Meghan Markle the actress I really admired, but Meghan the Duchess of Sussex I see as a gold digging wannabe trying to blame the royal family for her piss poor attempt at being a lady of title. As an actress I would have thought she would have been great at acting the part, yet she has showed how unprofessional and petty she really is by running to the scandal hungry American press and talk show leeches knowing that the royal family will respond with dignity rather than sordid interviews. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!