Friday, 31 July 2020


Here we are again waking up on another Friday morning wondering where the hell time goes. For some it seems to stand still, others see it as a little slow, for me all too fast. On that cheery note let's look at the rant.

In America there is finally evidence of the type of person Trump really is. I know many will say we knew that from the start, but today he finally put a stamp on his idea of democracy because for the first time he floated the idea of a “delay” to the Nov. 3 presidential election, as he makes unsubstantiated allegations that increased mail-in voting will result in fraud. He wants to make a change to a rule enshrined in Federal Law that states the election occurs on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November which can only be done by an act of congress. Trump has set his sights on altering a nation that has stood firm as a beacon of democracy who peacefully transfers the seat to power. Trump's reasoning for the delay was not put in writing to congress or to the American people with sound evidence, but in yet another mad tweet again calling Universal mail in voting inaccurate and fraudulent. Funny that he calls for a delay on a day when the news shows America's economy tanking by 33% in the period April to June. You can clearly see a man scared of losing his power and scared of the repercussions he may face once he no longer has the safety of office and DOJ corruption to help him. In response to Trump's suggestion top Republicans have rejected it, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy both dismissed the idea over the fact that even the US Constitution mandates that a presidential administration only last four years. In other words, Donald Trump's first term will expire at noon on 20 January, 2021, one way or another. He might get another four years if he's re-elected. He could be replaced by Democrat Joe Biden if he's defeated. But the clock is ticking down, and a postponed vote won't stop it. What this man will not do to stay in power, claim bankruptcy, fiddle his taxes, launder money to family members and now delay an election, come on America wise up, even the founder of the Federal Socialist who has voted for every Republican president or candidate since 1980, including Trump has come out calling the idea of delaying the election unconstitutional and that Trump should be impeached,then removed from office.

While Trump was trying once again to change the constitution the last president was paying his respects to a fallen hero. During the eulogy given by Obama he praised Lewis's sixty years in the fight for equality and fairness for all, pointing out the good things Lewis did first as a protester, then as a political figure in the halls of congress, but also used the time to point out the bad things happening within the government of today Obama words were fiery and directed at Trump as he stated "Today we witness with our own eyes, police officers kneeling on the necks of black Americans, We can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators. People in government were doing their darnedest to discourage people from voting by closing polling stations and imposing restrictive ID laws on minorities and students". Obama gave thanks for a man who stood tall and showed America what it should be, not what it has become and told the world his thoughts on what America could be again if more people would stand up to the fascist might of this current administration. In response to Obama's eulogy Trump supporters Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity took to air on Fox News calling the speech a blatant misuse of tact and disgraceful, stating that only the democrats would use a funeral as a political platform, but I say the disgraceful one's are the Fox news network for allowing such bigoted and clearly racial presenters to speak about anyone in such disregard let alone condone what is happening as more and more verifiable evidence and witnesses show the fascist nature of the American system of power under the current president 

On that I change sides and take a look at dear old Blighty where we see another fascist dictatorial type running the country I love, but wish I no longer resided in. As we undergo lockdown easing throughout the country, several areas are facing lockdown again due to increases of positive cases of the virus. In Lancashire and Yorkshire areas have suddenly been re-locked down banning separate households from meeting each other at home after a spike and people of separate households meeting up in pubs, restaurants, etc. The health secretary stated that the increase in transmission was due to people visiting friends and relatives. Which has led Labour to criticise the timing of the announcement which came late on Thursday night as Hancock stated that the government had taken "targeted" action based on information gathered from contact tracing to impose fresh localised lockdowns. So as the government finds itself in yet another shit storm of a situation with firstly there ineptitude over the easing of the lockdown and secondly the way in which new information is been relayed to the public, I still say we are on a very long road as the present administration is just beginning its run of four years. 

We are facing an unprecedented time in the history of the human race as both nature and illness threaten the global infrastructures. With the increase in diseases never before seen since the last century and the fight back nature is making due to resources been over consumed we have to question how we take things for granted and ask ourselves when are we as a global people going to stop fighting each other and start fighting for our very existence. The eighteenth and nineteen centuries saw wars over land, slavery and indentured servitude, poverty of lower classes and death from related disease. The twentieth century started more modestly, but we then saw two world wars, constant fighting over land on many fronts (Korea, Egypt, Malaya, Vietnam, Falklands, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan), deaths from four prevalent diseases and the rise of terrorism. Now in the first year of the twenty first century we find ourselves fighting off yet another disease in time of unrest due to the rise of fascism and racism once again. We need to break the cycle of destruction we as humanity keep revolving in, as a planet it just can't go on and if we want a future for the next hundred generations, change has to start somewhere and that changed means cooperation not segregation, community not individuality, one world not separate countries, compassion not fascism, equality not inequality and above all else just leaders who want to lead not leaders who want to dictate while profiting from the people instead of working for the people. On that note I think I have said enough for today.

Rant you tomorrow!

Thursday, 30 July 2020


On this dull rainy Thursday in Blighty there's a lot to consider within life as we know it. As America burns, coronavirus start a second wave in many countries and the economy tanks under inept leadership, but that is our growing history of 2020, so grin and bare it. Let's see what today gives us to rant about.

America is under constant flux with everything happening in a crazy year, but while this year trundles on Trump still manages to astound people with his stupidity. In yet another twitter back slap to himself he announced he had rescinded the Obama-Biden AFFH (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing) rule and then while in Texas yesterday he backed up his tweets by bragging about his administration’s rescinding an Obama-era fair housing rule that was meant to combat housing discrimination to his audience, characterizing low-income housing as a detriment to the suburbs by bringing crime to prosperous areas and then claimed that Democrats were out to uproot and destroy suburbia, a cultural sphere that he equated to being the American dream. Trying to win back the suburban votes he told people that by rescinding the rule he was making way for their property prices to rise because there would be less affordable housing built near them which is clearly his way of supporting segregation between the classes as well as increasing the racial divide within the country making it harder for the poor to find decent housing as he increases the foothold middle America has over the lower classes by preventing low cost housing to be built near prosperous suburban neighbourhoods. 

So while Trump puffs out his chest over yet another kick in the teeth for America his bully boy tactics have been seen world wide as yet more plain clothes officers in New York implemented a daylight kidnap and snatch of an 18 year old Trans women by what seemed like maybe four or five men bundling her in to an unmarked mini van in daylight without reading her, her Miranda rights, later claiming she was wanted for vandalism of police property. This is yet more examples of the future Trump's fascist regime if he wins reelection. Meanwhile in Minneapolis a separate incident  which occurred back in May where a person of interest dubbed 'The Umbrella Man'  was seen damaging property in the city during the Black Lives Matter protests, has been found to have links to white supremacy groups who have been infiltrating protests to incite violence. As the unrest carries on across America we are seeing how the violence is been propagated by both the Trump paramilitary of federal agents and the Trump Militia of white supremacists culminating in America heading towards civil war whether Trump wins or loses in November because if he wins the protests will continue creating a fascist state with more stormtrooper tactics deployed to the streets and if he loses the fictional story-lines of Movies and TV shows where loyalists to Trump infiltrate and destroy the government from withing will come to pass as the militia come out in force to back him. You know what the scariest part of this is? while America inwardly fights and COVID-19 surges through out the country killing hundreds of thousands the real terrorists are quietly waiting, watching and planning for the best time to strike again bringing forth a more severe outcome than 9/11/01 in America and 7/7/05 in England, that is the hidden future faced by everyone. 

Speaking of England I think I need to check out what's been happening in dear old Blighty and leave America to its misfortunes. So while Johnson flounders on the floor of parliament we see his administration is moving forward with the planned American style TV broadcasts by advertising for spokesperson who will be the face of the government during televised briefings set to start on October. Well hurrah for us the Boris Broadcasting Company (the BBC) will be cutting in to regular scheduled broadcasts to give us more of the Governmental BS on a regular basis, am I glad I get charged extortionate yearly fees for a channel I rarely watch because it is either reality TV, Unwanted soap Dramas, endless repeats and other stuff nobody ever watches but now I can look forward to been charged to hear Johnson BS. Amid a rising, not falling death toll we see a tory prime minister who lies, cheats and blatantly acts in the best interests of the wealthy rather than the poor. He has been accused of fudging figures to make his party look better than it is at stemming the tide of not only virus cases or deaths and an economic s*** storm that's brewing. He now lies about how many children within the country live in impoverished conditions due not only to the inexcusable divide in unemployment payments and the cost of living as well as the minimum wage variance. 

The government state that in the UK a single person over 25 should be able to live on what equates to £4.30 an hour while they say the national minimum wage should be £7.79 after tax and insurance which means an unemployed single person is expected to live on 45% less a week than an employed person working 37.5 hours where is the justice in that when an unemployed person is also expected to perform a minimum of 35 hours a week searching for work so they don't lose their benefits. If you equate this in terms a single parent unemployed or working for minimum wages against the cost of living in today's society I would say it would probably relate to that of the eighteenth century as far as child poverty let alone adult poverty.

With all the technological advances the old saying 20% of the people earn 80% of the wealth is quite true as we see the rich get richer and the poorer just die of hunger. I know we will never live in a Utopian society in my lifetime, but something needs to be done so that the higher earners pay a higher tax on their wealth unlike what happens today and they just move their headquarters or themselves to countries where they can buy the governments and hide their wealth in tax havens designed to fleece the world of its monetary resources. They me play at being philanthropists, yet every penny or cent they donate means they get their tax bill reduced. Another side of this poverty argument is the wages of MP's and the prime minister compared to the lower echelon workforce within the government or private companies. How can it be justified that an MP can earn £75,000/year and the prime minister can earn £150,000/year when the rest of the country is expected to live on a minimum or less than a minimum wage. These roles are meant to be to serve the people, so why are they paid such fiscally inflated incomes compared to the rest of the UK workforce, shouldn't there be equality in living, anyway I think I have gone off on a route I should not have attempted to understand and definitely away from the fact we are governed by a liar, cheat and a thoroughly inept prime minister which unless the tories do something about we have a further four years of his fascist type leadership where as I have already said the rich will get richer and poor peasant folk will be the one's to suffer. Bye for today.

Rant you tomorrow! 

Wednesday, 29 July 2020


Half way through the working week, sunny summers day and joy in our hearts. What a load of BS, but two out of three ain't bad. You choose which is true while I rant a little.

In America what will we find? So we see Trump and Barr still maintaining they're right in everything they do, which is really disheartening for American citizens if Trump wins a second term as you're looking at more of the same. Trump has again defended the use of hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus, contradicting his own public health officials stating the malaria medication was only rejected as a COVID-19 treatment because he had recommended its use, but it's funny how his comments only came after Twitter banned his eldest son for posting a clip promoting hydroxychloroquine (Yet another breach of ethics linked to a corrupt presidency). There is still no evidence the drug can fight the virus, and regulators warn it may cause heart problems. Trump also cried about Twitters #Hashtag usage stating that the tags were only about misleading and damning things about him (BOOHOO), but it's again funny that it's okay for him to retweet promotional ads for his sons book which is a highly unethical use of a presidency to self promote himself or promote sales of goods for family members.

While Trump was been a so called good father and backing up his son's idiocy, Barr was been grilled on capitol hill about his unlawful acts done on behalf of his client the president. Barr has defended the deployment of federal agents to cities, saying they are needed to counter violent rioters claiming that protesters in Portland, Oregon, were committing "an assault on the government of the United States". What is more surprising to me is the fact that this was Barr's first committee testimony in his 17 months on the job, why has it took so long to confront this corrupt personage and why wasn't he been arrested and charged for breaching the previous subpoena's sent to him. During the committee testimony House Judiciary  Chairman Jerrold Nadler was among the Democrats to accuse the DOJ of sending agents to an ongoing protest at a federal courthouse in Portland along with other cities in an action dubbed "Operation Legend" by the White House to aid Trump's 2020 re-election campaign. One of the committee members Representative Jayapal really let rip with the facts that Barr was 'activated' by Trump to aggressively remove peaceful 'BLM' protesters marching outside the federal courthouses against systemic racism, police brutality and Trumps lack of response to the countries inbred problems by using armed unidentifiable individuals committing acts of violence with pepper and tear gas bombs on unarmed civilians while he blatantly turned a blind eye to the white men who physically occupied Michigan's federal building brandishing lethal weapons, confederate flags, swastikas and calling for the beheading of the governor. Rep. Jayapal further went on to openly accuse Barr of protecting those white right wing extremist individuals because they supported Trump and were acting upon the presidents own agenda, but when protesters who don't support Trump and his agenda they are categorised as terrorists even though they carry no weapons and are forcibly removed, physically abused, shot at with rubber and pepper bullets, openly attacked and even illegally kidnapped. Barr's responses all repeated the fact that he was acting within federal law guidelines and that the paramilitary were protecting government federal building from destruction. 

The systemic problem (with not only the American way of life) is not the law or the constitution or the people running the country. What the problem is, is the fact that the country has no powers to remove inept or corrupt politicians, presidents or the lackey's they put in to powerful positions other than by taking due process (a lengthy and time consuming process) which the people that need to be removed don't follow anyway. What is needed is a way that the people can hold these individuals to account other than through impeachment. This is a failed process which has been proved with Trumps impeachment which was corrupted by the very politicians that also need to be removed from office. There's also a need for more restraint to be put on the people within politics especially in this day and age of social media, I understand the need for such accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. for extra avenues to reach the electorate, but elected leaders should give up the right to personal accounts on any social media platforms while in power as a way of them remaining impartial and uncorruptable. I don't have the answers, just the questions, but america you do have the answer and that is to vote against Trump in November.

On that I think I will take a look at dear old Blighty. Well the news is still pushing the governments 'GET BRITAIN THIN' campaign, but is now targeting the kids and schools issues by focusing on school meals which they say should be extended to another 1.5 million children in England, but again it's all words with very little action as the government commissions yet another review into food and healthy eating while the national Food Strategy warns that England's eating habits are a "slow-motion disaster" warning of the toxic connection between child poverty, poor diet and hunger and also warns of "wilfully misleading" packaging which can give a false impression that foods are healthy. 

I may be starting to sound like a broken record, but I look at the problem like this I am a single man of a certain age and a certain weight who has spent the last seven years caring for a parent going through the slow decline of dementia. I started that journey five stone lighter than I am now because the role was more sit around and watch rather than constantly on the move and that role was 24/7/365 for around six years. During that time I had the finances to pay for a gym membership, but did not have the time or willpower to use it. Now there is a reversal in the fact that I have the time, but not the finances to incorporate a gym workout. I know people will say just go for walks but the problem with that is I live in a place where the weather is lousy and have spent the last year where six months of it was bad weather preventing me from going out for walks which was followed by nearly five months of lockdown. Again I can hear you saying just walk, but there is another factor as an unemployed single man I have to spend 35 hours a week searching for the elusive job, also I have become reclusive and introverted with a touch of depression coupled with body dismorphia due to my obesity, have very little willpower and at a certain age where my body is starting to fight back with knee, hip and back joint pain meaning unless I struggle on in pain I am lucky if I can walk half a mile. Yet another factor is eating healthily on a minuscule benefit which dictates what I can afford food wise and as most of the healthy food seems to cost more than the unhealthy food guess which avenue I take when it comes to purchasing the food I require to live. So I ask the government just one question if they deem the countries health as important, what can you do for an introverted, slightly agoraphobic, obese, past their prime, unemployed single man with low esteem and lacking willpower? I haven't got the answers, but would truly like to find them and I know I really need one right now. everything comes down to support and finances which at the moment I lack both. So on that note let's call it a day.

Rant you tomorrow! 

Tuesday, 28 July 2020


In to another Tuesday with the world now worrying about a pandemic resurgence and politicians ineptitude to deal with it, but that's old news, so let's see what else there is out there.

In America, While the country mourns a great man's passing with congressman John Lewis's body laid in state for people to show their respects and full scale fascism rules in American cities, what is Trump's reaction to a simple question by a reporter to whether he will pay his respects to Mr Lewis, It was a categorical 'NO' then he moved on to another reporter who he told to remove their mask as he couldn't hear the question. So in the space of a minute he showed disrespect to a black Democrat's legacy showing his racist side and forced another reporter to go against the safety protocols of mask wearing in a crowd showing his ignorance to the pandemic, this is the man you chose as a 'PRESIDENT', words are just lost on a world that saw from the moment Trump won what would happen. Speaking of fascists, a story has emerged about an evangelical minister telling Trump's administration to stop mucking about and start using the hollow point bullets stockpiled to quell the protests, openly calling for protesters to be killed and this from a supposed man of 'GOD', so please tell me what type of religion is evangelism because all I see is corrupt men using the words of the 'BIBLE' to extort millions of dollars while condoning the use of violence and they have the nerve to call Muslim's nonreligious and violent. Next they will be calling for another 'HOLY' war on a scale far worse than the crusades led by noblemen of the twelfth century to free Jerusalem. 

So while Trump disrespects and corrupt preachers call for violence, both opinions rule true as paramilitary troops from multiple agencies commit atrocities on American soil. More and more stories and footage comes to light to show the brutality of the occupying forces, like a fourteen year old girl being dragged off her bike then manhandled by grown men which is both sexual assault and child abuse. Another shows a women been detained by four men, one kneeling on her back as she cries ' Why me & I can't breath' before handcuffing and marching her off with a bloody nose. All this violence and abuse of power and what is Trump's answer, send more paramilitary troops in to an already out of hand situation. His administration has requested a further 50 US customs and border patrol officers be sent to Oregon on the back of the 100 sent last week. While this goes on the six Democratic Party mayors including Portland's mayor have urged the US Congress to block the Trump administration from sending federal law enforcement agents to their cities. In a letter, the mayors argue that the agents' presence, against the request of local authorities, is unlawful.This letter comes as US Attorney General William Barr is set to defend their deployment during his congressional testimony. Mr Barr is to say that the Department of Justice's decision to send security forces to the city of Portland, Oregon, was justified following attacks on federal buildings there. Does this mean buildings are more important than peoples lives? Portland has seen 61 consecutive days of protests, which escalated after federal officers arrived in the city due to the the unnecessary violence and the abduction of Portland citizens. The laws in America are very irrational as it allows fascists and militia's to openly bare arms, corrupt politicians to profit from insider trading, presidents to corrupt the rule of law for their own benefit, it holds one man to be above the law no matter the crimes he commits, It has a justice system that is easily corruptible, it allows politicians to Vito urgent political bills that could evict them from their cushy jobs and most of all it allows a madman to start a fascist regime without been removed from office immediately. Come on America start to realise the constitution your forefathers implemented is way out of date and needs to be changed, so men like Trump can not be allowed to serve as a leader in any capacity.

On that I think I should move on to dear old Blighty and see what idiocy has befallen us. So as confusion rises over different aspects of the lockdown easing protocols like holidays and there quarantine protocols, Johnson launches his 'GET BRITAIN THIN' campaign by dishing out £50 bike repair vouchers which will launch in England as part of plans to boost cycling and walking. As an initial 50,000 vouchers were to be made available online on a first-come, first-served basis as well as the prime minister announcing that bikes will be made available on the NHS as part of the strategy which Labour has criticised the government for saying the proposals were taking too long to come into effect. The plan is to include encouraging GP's in areas of England with poor health to prescribe cycling, with patients able to access bikes through their local surgery. So does this mean you can get a bike on prescription or is it just another way to fleece the British public. How do the government expect the people who fall in to the obese category to find the funds needed to purchase bikes when they can't afford to pay their extortionate utility bills or feed themselves, it's just more pie in the sky BS from a government floundering in their ability to eradicate the pandemic, bring Brexit to fruition or just scrap it all together and revive a economic downturn caused by both the pandemic lockdown and their mismanagement of the pandemic in the first place. I have said it before and I will say it again, the country was warned about electing such a buffoon as it's prime minister especially after it was witnessed what kind of leader he would be when he won the conservative leadership battle six months before declaring a general election which he knew would put off the reports he wanted to shelve without the public getting to hear about them. The government that wants to privatise the NHS id now expecting them to supply obese patients with bikes as a form of fat busting scheme. The government who on their watch has dragged us out of the common market without a stable trade deal in place is now trying to save face as the country goes to hell with nearly 46,000 deaths, over 300,000 confirmed cases, rising unemployment, declining economy and fresh calls for the union to be disbanded. Please tell me there is a way we can get rid of this government without having to wait until their four years is up, because I don't think the country can cope with this government till then. Anyway that's all from me for today.

Rant you tomorrow!

Monday, 27 July 2020


On wet and cloudy day let's see if the headlines match the mood of the day.

Firstly to America where more violence has befallen the peaceful protests with one person killed in Texas, crowds clashed with police in Seattle, black women marched in New York and Portland continues with it's own protesting. So the most notable of the rallies were in Seattle as Police in the US city of Seattle clashed with crowds marching in support of anti-racism protests, in one of the most tense of several rallies held across the country on Saturday where officers were seen to be using stun grenades and pepper spray, as protesters set a fire and broke windows. The march was in support of ongoing protests in Portland. While in Austin, Texas one man was killed during a Black Lives Matter march where witnesses described how a driver turned into the street where protesters were gathered, and started driving into the crowd. The victim was part of a group that then approached the vehicle to confront the driver of the car who then opened fire on the protesters. The victim was rushed to hospital and pronounced dead shortly afterwards. The suspect was arrested and is co-operating with officers, but police did not identify the victim except to say he had been seen carrying a rifle. The victim was later identified by his mother who stated that he had been pushing his fiance's wheelchair at the time of the shooting. 

In one incident captured on a camera phone a man calling himself a Vietnam Combat Medic veteran could be seen facing down armed federal agents dressed in combat gear with only a camera shouting that the agents didn't understand they were the instruments of a fascist president like he had been back during the Vietnam war when all of a sudden a masked agent comes in from the side and point blankly sprays him in the face with pepper spray clearly noticeable as half the protesters face turns yellow from the weapon. The Veteran continues to berate the agents until overcome by the stinging sensation of the pepper spray which showed the agents have no control and will use unprovoked violence on unarmed peaceful protesters, is this what America is coming to where the oppressors commit illegal acts and call it necessary force.  Over the weekend more marches were held in Louisville, Kentucky; Aurora, Colorado; New York; Omaha, Nebraska; Oakland and Los Angeles in California; and Richmond in Virginia in support of Portland. So the civil war Trump has been inciting for over four years may actually come to fruition as Americans kill Americans to deny them the freedom to protest and all this protesting came on the day that civil rights activist and congressman John Lewis was transported back over the Edward Pettis bridge in Selma, Alabama where he started his illustrious career as firstly one of the big six marching for an end to segregation up until his final days still fighting against injustice within the halls of power, wouldn't you think his example would be more recognised rather than played down by the corrupt politicians trying to oppress America once again. Continue the fight, continue to be heard, continue to denounce the fake president who sits upon the liberty thrown deny everyone their constitutional rights while he profits from his corrupt presidential run, make him a one term president and then convict him for the illegal acts he presently performs under the noses of the blind corrupt justice department.

Well that's enough for today about America, lets take a look at dear old Blighty. So big brother takes another step in to the lives of the British people as the governmental scheme to control peoples lives continues, as the prime minister sets out his plans to control what people can now eat. This plan will target and ban "Buy one get one free" deals on unhealthy food in England and will also include restrictions on where foods high in fat and sugar can be promoted in stores, with new rules for displaying calories on menus, a ban on junk food adverts before 21:00 has been confirmed for the whole of the UK and for GP's to prescribe Weight Watchers diet plans to overweight patients as part of measures to tackle obesity. Johnson stated the plans would help reduce our health risks and protect ourselves against coronavirus and urged people to “do their bit”. What is been done is just another fascist attempt to control the people of the UK by banning the things most poorer families rely on like BOGOF offers, as well as controlling what businesses can and can't do. Explain to me how a sweet shops could survive if they didn't have prominent displays to catch the eye or promote their special offers next to the tills where up selling is done to increase profits. 

Is the government going to pay for obese patients to go to meetings like weight watchers or slimming world which charge you to stand on a set of scales once a week or are they going to expect those less off to foot the bill out of the pittance of non savings they have. Are they going to pay gyms to give free workout sessions to less well off people because if that is the case sign me up, if it saves me the monthly gym or slimming club fees and helps me lose the weight I have carried for over forty years without been able to shift it, I'm all in. But if they expect me to pay for it out of the measly benefits I get then I suppose I will stay the rotund figure of a man I am and ask to be left alone to fester in my own depression. Well I have had my say for today.

Rant you tomorrow! 

Sunday, 26 July 2020


Here we are on a beautiful sunny Sunday in the UK still in the midst of a pandemic and social unrest in America, so let's see if there is anything to rant about.

Firstly in America as this seems to the most prominent. The memorial service for congressman and US civil rights icon John Lewis was held in his hometown of Troy, Alabama, held at the Troy University's Trojan Arena because of the coronavirus outbreak with the number of visitors limited to 800. He was one of the "Big Six" civil rights leaders, which included Martin Luther King Jr, and helped organise the historic 1963 March on Washington and a member of the House of Representatives from Georgia's 5th District, an area which covered most of the state capital of Atlanta. While this mournful tribute was been held, hurricane Hanna made landfall in southern Texas and the paramilitary forces in Portland tear gassed more innocent protesters pictures of Trump on yet another golf course were been taken showing the disrespect and ineptitude this man really epitomises. When people are sent running from homes scared for their lives, others are injured and attacked by illegal occupying forces of a corrupt president and one of America's hero's of a century dies leaving yet another hole in the fabric of society, the man supposedly in charge of the country casually saunters and meanders himself around a golf course posing to give a thumps up to photographers, how can a man of this calibre be allowed to carry on in a position of such power any longer. A great man has lost his fight to cancer while the countries own cancerous growth is left to infect and kill a country with his narcissistic and racist tendencies. The poles may say he is on his way out, but the poles in 2016 said he would never  become president, so every American of vote-able age needs to get out there and make sure the poles are correct this time round and dethrone the false profit from his cult before it turns in to the fourth Reich. Especially when people are now openly wearing the symbols of the Nazi creed in public place without embarrassment like the women seen in a supermarket using a swastika flag as a mask which is just disrespectful and wrong.

That is all I feel I can say on America today, so let's take a look at dear old Blighty. So while the UK slips in to an economic blackhole and hundreds still contract the coronavirus what is on the mind of the prime minister? Well it's his new obsession of obesity. Johnson has decided to set out his strategy to tackle obesity on Monday which will include a 12-week plan for people to lose weight and GP's prescribing cycling. This all comes after a Public Health England research found that being overweight or obese puts people at greater risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19. Believe it or not ministers have estimated that about two-thirds of adults in the UK are above a healthy weight. We all know that fact, we don't need the government to tell us that as the role of people in labour intensive and physically demanding jobs has decreased and more roles demand employees to sit around inactive for hours at a time less exercise is been done and as the world turns to a more twenty four seven aspect of life away from the nine to five, Monday to Friday of old, people are finding it harder to fit such things as exercise in to their daily routines. As stated by the Labour party "radical action" on obesity was long overdue, but when the weather in this country dictates how often outside exercise can be taken, the cost of certain types of exercises like gyms, swimming and cycling increase in price year in, year out and people find it hard to make ends meet in an economy where people earn less than the basic wage along with the number of people who find themselves on the poverty line without the ability to purchase foods that are classed as stable diets due to the cost of certain healthy foods being priced out of their budgets, how can the government sit on their well paid asses and dictate what the lowly peasants should do.

They should try to live and feed themselves on minimum wage or less, pay extortionate utility bills, rent and have enough left over to eat healthily when the food that is affordable to the lowest paid person is always the most unhealthiest for them. Until the government can find a way to feed a nation equally and healthily how the hell can they think they have the right to tell us how we should feed ourselves especially when they say an unemployed single person should be able to survive on £75 a week, a couple who are both unemployed should be able to survive on £117 a week and someone on minimum wage working 40 hours a week earns £308 a week after tax and national insurance which they all have to pay utility bills, clothe and feed themselves out of, while a government minister earns £1002 after tax and national insurance and the primeminister earns £1734 a week after tax and national insurance, so where is the comparison and how can these overpaid morons think they know what is best for us the two thirds of the nation who are obese. Non of this would have even been thought about if the obese prime minister hadn't contracted the coronavirus, he would have happily gone on his merry way making sure he did just enough to look like he was doing his job even though he is highly inept and even less efficient at it. On that I say happy Sunday, stay well and stay safe.

Rant you tomorrow!

Saturday, 25 July 2020


Well it's Saturday once again and what used to be called a weekend, many moons ago but in a twenty four seven society is there such thing as a weekend anymore. Anyway less of the philosophical shit, let's take a look at the reality shit going on.

First to America as usual, So as Trump loses one of his big money backers from his 2016 campaign and cancels his big money event in Florida, is he starting to feel the heat? Maybe, but that is not stopping his paramilitary onslaught or his floundering re-election campaign. It's just making the Democrats get cocky which is a mistake on their part and they should not stop the fight to oust Trump in November because Trump is playing games now as he starts to implement a new strategy of being humble on camera by backtracking on COVID-19 a little in briefings over it's severity or the use of masks and supposedly apologising for tweets he sent which he blamed on the fact that in the old days he would write a letter and reread it before sending it, but tweets are instant meaning mistakes can be made. All this is just tactics to get him sympathy and a second term which would be bad for the country and the world at large. 

While all this is going on Trump took time out to have another photo opportunity flanked by beautiful women in white doctors coats (who I assume are doctors, but you never know) to sign four executive orders aimed at cutting prescription drug prices in the US. The orders are supposed to restructure the prescription drugs market allowing for discounts and the import of cheaper drugs from abroad, but that may change after Trump meets with pharmaceutical bosses on Tuesday. Some industry analysts have criticised the move, saying it would not have much effect stating that the Trump administration had decided to pursue a radical and dangerous policy to set prices based on rates paid in countries that Trump has labelled as socialist, which will harm patients today and into the future. In response to the four orders which many industry experts have voiced doubts about any major decisions coming into force before the November election and that the Whitehouse has limited power to implement drug pricing policies as executive orders do not have any automatic legal force and can also be challenged in court. Nancy Pelosi has also called the orders empty and is playing in to big pharma's hands, stating that if Trump was really serious about reducing drug costs he would instruct her opposition leader McConnell to pass the Lower Drugs Cost Now Act immediately implementing the bill everyone is happy to vote for in the house. What these politicians are doing is not for the good of the people really, it is basically a tit for tat sniping match of one upmanship to save their jobs. In my opinion these laws that any government tries to pass should be put to the people they will effect giving the populous the opportunity to have their own say because each bill brought before congress and the senate has certain proviso's hidden in them which the industry giants pay politicians under the table to pass or reject which isn't constitutional or right, but I am just a simple Englishman with a limited knowledge of the American system, so all I can say is trust no one in politics who has held the position for over eight years because they are clearly milking the system for all it's worth.

Anyway on that note let's check out dear old Blighty for some rantable morsels of news. So as we see yet another leader backtrack on COVID-19 the world is still under severe threat, but Johnson in a interview with BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberghas has admitted the government did not understand coronavirus during the "first few weeks or months" of the UK outbreak and that there were some "very open questions" about whether the lockdown had started too late claiming that there were lessons to be learned where ministers could have done some things "differently". This admission comes on the back of the Labour party accusing the government of "mishandling" the crisis which has now seen more than 45,000 people in the UK dead after testing positive for coronavirus, while government figures also show almost 300,000 cases confirmed. This is not just ministerial mismanagement, it is possible genocide through poor controls, poor implementation practices, lack of proactive safeguards, under funded safeguarding equipment and a very should we, shouldn't we mentality at the highest levels of power. Johnson has stated there will an independent enquiry in to the governments handling of the pandemic, but will it ever see the light of day, once again that falls in the hands of the people being investigated as Mp's investigate MP's which is a definite breach of human rights on that facts being controlled by the government and all this comes as another phase of lockdown easing comes to fruition as Indoor gyms, swimming pools and sports facilities in England have started to reopen, but the leisure sector has warned it will still struggle because of the financial impact of the pandemic as at least a third of public facilities are expected to remain shut. Some of the rules are quite ridiculous especially in swimming pools where some security aspects are very suspect with people being asked not to use lockers in swimming pools and leave there bags and valuables out in the open on the side of pools where anyone can rifle through them if you aren't being vigilant and where do people dry off or change out of wet swim wear if they are being asked to wear their swim wear when they attend the pools, these are some of the questions I would be asking before ever going back in to the gym or swimming pools. 

All in all the advice is lacking enough depth to clearly advise people on the do's and don'ts which is very scary for some people who have anxiety issues. I am a person who has a body dismorphia complex, who at the best of times finds it embarrassing to be seen in public. I find I get anxious if I use the gym or pools which has led to me staying away from them to my own physical detriment, but in the present climate my anxiety levels are tenfold as I am now worried that my obesity has made me more susceptible to the virus, my medications also play a deciding factor  in decision making and my introverted nature will just not let me go anywhere near an exercise centre for fear of abuse so I close myself off and hide. So how can these new rules help people like myself, the simple answer is they can't because society is a fickle thing which ostracises people like myself, forcing them to slowly self destruct. on that fact I think I will call it a day.

Rant you tomorrow!  

Friday, 24 July 2020


We enter another Friday looking at the weekend ahead, wondering how much longer we will be a world in crisis run by power hungry idiots, so let's take a look at what they have been up to.

Firstly in America, as Portland sees another night of protest by people sick of the countries brutality of its citizens we hear that Trump is set to disregard the politicians on the ground in those cities and implement his own style of marshal law as he still calls cities and states run by democrats as weak and lawless. Portland has categorically stated they do not want Trumps paramilitary in their city, while Chicago has agreed to the help as long as the soldiers abide by their rules. Trumps response is that he will disregard Chicago's pleas and do it his own way while he also has members of his paramilitary lurking to enter Seattle. We are witnessing scenes of people protesting swelling against Trump and gaining in numbers each night to show Trump they don't want him. The blatant abuse of power and disregard for the constitution is how a dictatorship is formed like that of Hitler, Franco and Castro, but Trump is isn't like them is he? Yeah he is because he believes himself to be better and more worthy than the populous he was elected to serve. As he looks down the loaded barrel of descent with in the voting public over his ineptitude and clear fascist, racist and sexist tendencies he is now looking to how he can dominate the people rather than serve them and his answer to that is an armed paramilitary of jack booted gestapo on the streets of cities across America to control those who will be his downfall in November. The virus is just another weapon on his march to become the supreme leader of the world with his sky force ready to attack from space and his paramilitary to occupy first his own country then the world, this man is a psychopath who belongs in an asylum not a place of power like a presidency. 

In other news, Trump has cancelled the pre-election Republican party convention in Florida, blaming the coronavirus flare-up stating that It's not the right time and that he would still give a convention speech in a different form. He has said that part the convention will go ahead in North Carolina, where he will be formally nominated as the Republican presidential candidate, but it will be shortened to half a day and be will be held on 24th August in the city of Charlotte, the original venue for the convention. Trump switched the location to Jacksonville, Florida after the Democratic governor of North Carolina insisted in May on limiting the crowd size at the convention, on the grounds of social distancing. So the virus is no longer a hoax, it official because the mighty Trump has declared it so, admitting that It's a different world now and it will be for a little while," adding that he "just felt it was wrong" to put potentially tens of thousands of attendees at risk, "We didn't want to take any chances," he told reporters. "We have to be vigilant. we have to be careful and we have to set an example". What example is that? It's okay to have four million confirmed virus cases due to piss poor planning on his part, it's okay to have over one hundred thousand already dead, it's okay to put civilians at risk from a paramilitary armies, it's okay to abduct innocent people off the streets throwing them in to unmarked cars and detain them with their civil rights abused, it's okay to condone police brutality and innocent victims deaths at the hands of corrupt officers, it's okay to commute convicted felons sentences just because he's your best buddy, it's okay to support Neo-Nazis and KKK clan members along with racism, it's okay to put down hard working American women with abuse and slander just because they don't wear their reproductive organs on the outside and it's okay to ignore an institution of government that has stood for over two hundred years. Please do tell me when it is not okay to do all of the above and still call yourself a human being and a leader of the people.

On that note let's check in on dear old Blighty and it's own fascist dictator. So in an effort to curb the growing concern for the British union, Johnson ventured north of the border in to Scotland for the first time since his general election victory, but since that day his political life has been a roller coaster of ups with many more downs. The current climate where he is seen now as an inept politician and prime minister scared of his legacy not been the completion of Brexit, the eradication of coronavirus, but the devolution of the British Union where there is no longer a United Kingdom marking yet another blow to the British way of life. The Queen will still be Queen of a commonwealth, but Johnson would only be prime minister of England, not the United Kingdom. This is a stark reality of a modern world where countries are in need of stability, but non can be found as a whole due to the arrival of Brexit. Scotland and Wales are looking to become Countries in their own rights, while Northern Ireland could well either stand alone or reenter the republic of Ireland as one combined country for the first time in over a hundred years. While Johnson went on his road trip around Scotland the rest of us are still trying to cope with the fact that we are part of nation devoid of the rights to freedom as the police are given yet more powers to fine people for not wearing a mask in enclosed public places and that we are expected to purchase a mask out of our own pocket or risk a fine of one hundred pounds, more expense on dwindling budgets in an economy that is tanking drastically. I can only see one outcome and that is of independent countries forming yet more commonwealth legs rather than a United Kingdom which for myself would mean leaving the land of my birth for Scotland before the walls go up and I need a passport to enter, as I no longer wish to be in a country run by morons and sycophants whose aim is to rule with an iron hand outlawing civil rights and civil liberties while ostracising us from the common market which gave us an oversight committee while tying us to bigots and fascists hell bent on their own peacocking than the rights of the people. On that I find it necessary to finish for today.

Rant you tomorrow! 

Thursday, 23 July 2020


Well folks it's a wet and cloudy day here while I ponder what BS is over shadowing others elsewhere, so let's take a look.

Firstly as usual in America, We find Trump crying about how hard his cognitive test was standing in his beautiful Whitehouse surroundings, telling us that it is very hard to remember five words after ten minutes and how good he was at doing it, all this in the extended safety net of the Whitehouse grounds while in Portland more and more people face off against his secret police force, who are too scared to let people know their identities in case of later reprisals or law suits or maybe even arrest for their part in this fascist regime. Yet while Trump cowers away from face to face contact with the people of America, Portland's mayor was in the thick of it standing alongside his fellow Portland citizens outside the fenced off area surrounding the federal building the stormtroopers occupy getting tear gassed himself. The situation in Portland is hated that much, a group calling themselves the 'The Wall of Moms' are putting themselves in harms way for justice within the city while the Navy veteran who was pictured been beaten over and over again has spoken out stating if an old white man who fought for his country like himself whom US Marshall's have claimed presented a threat to them can be beaten what will these paramilitary thugs do to a Black veteran or civilian and that the focus should not be on him, but on the Black Lives Matter movement. 

While all this unrest goes on, what is Trump's answer? His answer is to send "a surge" of federal security forces to other US cities in a crackdown on crime highlighting that Chicago and two other Democratic-run cities are being targeted in the his move on quelling protests, amid a spike in violence caused by the federal deployments in Portland, Oregon, which have been proved controversial and have raised tensions amid ongoing protests. Since the first protests over the death of George Floyd, 'Law and Order' has become a key plank of Trump's re-election bid come November. During this time of civil unrest certain topics are taking a sideways stance such as coronavirus which Trump is backtracking on now that more people are dying and still not letting experts speak during briefings, Trump's possible connection to child sex trafficking and the Maxwell case who he ironically wished well during a press conference and the startling things he keeps verbally spouting like how great he is or how much smarter he is or even the BS his administration are spouting daily to protect him. Come on America wake up and see the future, as Trump puts more paramilitary groups in to democratically run states he is furthering the possibility of a rigged election as his stormtroopers take control of polling stations preventing voters from having the constitutional say on who leads the country as well as making himself a dictator. Another question to be asked, has anybody heard these stormtroopers speak?, do any of them have Russian accents because you cannot see their faces or their department insignia's anywhere, for all you know they could be Russian FSB or Noe-Nazi militia men or KKK members furthering the fascist cause on American soil. I won't mention the fact that at the moment you have a madman locked away in one of the most secure buildings in the country, what's to say he will walk out of the doors on the 21st of January next year peacefully if he loses in November and not board himself up inside with his paramilitary troops surrounding the Whitehouse, think on that.

Anyway that's enough about Trump and his madness, let's see what madness is happening in dear old Blighty. So Johnson has been prime minister for one year and what a year that has been, not a good one for British citizens as he has proved inept in all areas. A year ago, he joked that he was looking forward to seeing how long it would take for letters of no confidence to start pouring in from his parliamentary colleagues and as expected a year after he became leader, the Conservative backbenches are already restless. One former cabinet minister has stated they thought the “clouds had gathered” and not just because of the pandemic, but owing to a feeling that a “good-time” prime minister was not what was needed for the massive economic challenges ahead. Unfortunately for them even Johnson’s hardest critics have had to concede that he has had, as one put it, “a hell of a year”. Another pointed out that Johnson had been on the backbenches, where he was almost a figure of fun, then won the leadership contest, divorced his estranged wife, secured a fiancee (what she sees in him is questionable), fathered a child (maybe) and nearly died of COVID (which is still under debate). It’s a lifetime in one year, but they also added that the hard facts are that Johnson is still a good-time prime minister; his grip on pertinent details is shocking. He’s the chairman of the board (running nothing) rather than the chief executive (in control) and has got a highly contentious, divisive, corrupt and controversial chief executive in Dominic Cummings. So basically whet conservatives are really saying is that he has no balls and shouldn't be doing the job, but they are too scared to go on the record as a named doubter for fear of reprisal by the power hungry narcissist and his clown in waiting which has recently been seen with the dismissal of the whip for not towing the line.

Meanwhile the government's failure to plan for the economic impact of a pandemic is "astonishing", the Commons Public Accounts Committee stated, but did not mean that in a good way as they further stated that the economic reaction to COVID-19 was rushed and the impact could be "long-term" adding that the Treasury waited until mid-March before deciding on the economic support schemes it would put in place. The government have refuted the claim stating it regularly tested its pandemic plans, which enabled a "rapid" response, yet last month, official figures showed that the UK economy shrank more than first thought between January and March, contracting 2.2% in the joint largest fall since 1979 when Thatcher came to power. It was found that the pandemic planning is the bread and butter of government risk planning, yet that the government treated it solely as a health issue, with no planning for the economic impacts which meant that the necessary economic strategy was rushed and reactive, initially a one-size-fits-all response leaving people and whole sectors of the economy in the wake of the government mismanagement drowning. The recommendation made was that the government needed to take honest stock now, learn from the mistakes, and rapidly change course where necessary to implement a more diverse and structurally positive action plan for now and in the future if we were to survive.

What is been seen around the world at the minute is how unprepared as a plant we are for large scale natural disasters and how the people we put in charge of these precautions are solely inept at performing their roles by firstly, not looking at the big picture for the future and secondly, learning from previous disasters like tsunami's, earthquakes, dormant volcano's reigniting, famine and the change in the planets climate that brings forth hurricanes, tornado's, flooding and the polar icecaps shrinking causing sea levels to rise. We are sitting back and electing people in to posts they are not capable of performing as they have not been educated in the correct fields and openly ignore those who have the experience of dealing with these types of incidents. I am not a well educated man, but I can still see the need for experts in certain fields been incorporated in to governmental departments for their knowledge on certain subjects. Yet they still are not been giving the recognition and authority, just because they don't hold the title of Prime minister, Secretary of whatever, Cabinet Minister or Member of Parliament which is simply given to the person with the biggest gob who has the backing of people of influence and money looking to profit  from the appointment. If you read this just start to ask yourself the questions like,

Are they the right person? 
Are they going to actually do what they say they will? 
Are they purely out to profit in the position?. 

These three basic questions are important as your wellbeing and life are being placed in the hands of the current morons elected to the highest power of their respective countries. Anyway I think I have rambled on enough today,

Rant you tomorrow!


Wednesday, 22 July 2020


We are at the half way point of the week again and nothing seems to be changing, even the politicians are still lying, who would've guessed. Let's take a look at what they are lying about today.

Firstly in America as usual, so Trump has finally backtracked publicly at a whithouse briefing urging people to wear masks if they can't socially distance, but that isn't enough because millions of people will take that to mean they can still wander around public spaces and even confined spaces without a mask as long as they are six feet apart. His briefing should have been more precise as to where and when masks are worn. Trump is still calling it the China virus which is a slur on the country of origin as it is still unclear of the true origin of the virus, but that doesn't bother him as he is immune to retaliation as he is the new messiah. While Trump was briefing on coronavirus his acting secretary for the DHS was condoning more unnecessary violence on innocent peaceful protesters stating federal agents "would not retreat" in their efforts to protect government buildings in Portland further stating that "If you are a violent rioter looking to inflict damage to federal property or law enforcement officers, you need to find another line of work," and that they were only targeting and arresting demonstrators who had been identified as being involved in "criminal activity". My question is, does that include the group of mothers abused with batons and tear gas by the thugs Wolf sent in to Portland or the the veteran who served his country seen been beaten with a baton just because he wouldn't move for puny officer inflicting the violence on him. Another question is, If there has been violence against the unnamed federally endorsed jack booted stormtroopers where is the body cam images recorded on the cameras that all law enforcement officers are supposed to wear, proving the violence against them by supposed hammer wielding violent rioters and since when has property been more important than human life, unless your the owner of said property, but that's the mentality of the US president, I wonder what would happen if the protesters started to take their fight over to Trump towers or his golf courses and set fire to them, maybe that would cause Trump a little bit of anxiety. America you are living in one F***** up time of fascism, bigotry, racism and oppression, it's time to deal with it and clean house starting with your president, then the corrupt law enforcement agencies like the DHS who was designed to fight terrorism, not inflict bodily harm on innocent fellow Americans.

Well I have had enough of America for today, let's hop the pond and check out dear old Blighty. Well nothing in the headlines about the pandemic or the sellout of the NHS which is rather worrying in itself, have both just disappeared in a puff of smoke or were they just a hoax. No they are not hoax's, it's just that the present government are choosing to hush them up. As the daily briefings on the pandemic are duly stopped indicating they don't think the news is relevant to the public anymore, choosing to do them when they feel like it or can be bothered, which is taking us back to a time before the pandemic when the first we would hear off a new law or political stance was after the fact and it was too late to stop it. As for the NHS, Johnson is clearly passed the affection stage of his supposed virus attack and clearly see's a profit for himself in breaking up the NHS and making it a 'pay as need service' like in America giving massive profits to the insurance companies and the board members holding the purse strings just so he can get his Trump affiliated trade deal in place before Trump is dethroned in January next year. All this bullshit of putting billions of pounds in to better supporting the NHS is clearly to appease his doubters claiming that there will be no privatisation and the so called pay rises throughout the public sector is all going towards the higher echelon workers who already earn more than they are truly worth, while menial workers see nothing and only get minimum wages as usual.

In other headlines it has been quoted that the report on Russia's interference in UK politics is more than a 50 - 50 chance, but conservatives want it hidden as they will lose their cash cow of backhanders and it is clear we are entering a new phase of the cold war as the government takes yet another step forward in their march towards a dystopian reality as they consider strengthening security laws after a report by MP's has accused them of underestimating the threat of Russian interference. This has brought forth a new call for additional powers as plans to make foreign agents register is raised yet  again, but where will it stop? Anyone travelling to Russia for business or a holiday is put on a watch list by MI6 or anyone who has an eastern block heritage is added to an MI5 watch list or should we just go the whole hog and have a central data base where everyone is watched. My mistake we already have one of those in the tax department, Works and pensions department, National insurance department and now the test and trace department, not to mention global tracking of mobile devices, passport chips, photo identity driving licences, criminal record checks, GPS tracking and any other pieces of software that openly use cookies to track your internet searches. Big brother is here, you just didn't realise how close it was as they cleverly disguise it in to everyday life. Just ask yourself the question what do I use on a daily basis that tracks my movements, life pursuits and spending habits? But before I enter the realms of the conspiracy theorist and crawl down that rabbit hole, I will call it a day.

Rant you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 21 July 2020


As we wake upon another sunny day, what hast the world got for us today, so let's take a look.

Firstly in America as usual, so Trump is still pushing forward with his fascist regime, now stating he will send forces in to other American cities specifically naming New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore and Oakland as examples while discussing problems with violence and using the excuse that democratic liberals running those cities are too soft. What we are seeing is a man scared he has lost the country and is now trying to retake it with force. Trump has praised the work done my his stormtroopers that hold Portland hostage with violence and illegal detention of innocent people which has been witnessed in the past week as more and more evidence emerges of thugs in camouflage fatigues without insignia's and name plates, randomly throw helpless individual in to unmarked vehicles and drive off in to the night with them to who knows where. What is worse is Trump is getting praise form his lap dog Lindsey Graham which should show you what a second term under these two fascist narcissists would mean for the American people. It would mean violence disguised as a modern day crusade, segregation, sexuality oppression, the right of certain people to vote and basically anything the evangelical sycophants deem ungodly by there warped sense of reality. As an outsider what worries me is the effect it will have on the rest of the world as more and more fascists believe they have the right to oppress the masses bringing forth a world order of the Fourth Reich of the Arian militia's that have been secretly formed. What we are seeing on the streets of America is similar to what happened in Germany between the wars when Hitler came to power and built his secret army of Schutzstaffel which is exactly what those individuals within the Department of Homeland Security are, a new generation of SS Militia with a power hungry mentality acting out the orders of there acting Secretary Chad Wolf who is Trump's version of Himmler, Schreck and Hanke who ran Hitler's SS division. On that disturbing fact I wonder how senators and Governors can idly sit by and let Trump just walk in to cities and incite violence just so he can appease his far right gun toting supporters who want to return America to the days when it was ruled with an iron hand by a mad King where slavery and servitude was rampant among the rich land owners.

Anyway enough of that and let's check out the land of the free we call dear old Blighty. You know what I can't find anything worth shouting about in the UK today, that hasn't already been said. Johnson is still floundering like a beached whale, Scotland is still progressing at a better rate under a better leader and the rest of the country is moving forward waiting for the other shoe to drop as we rely on a government that is incapable of wiping their own asses to come up with a solution to Brexit, Coronavirus and the inevitable break up of the union, so I will not bother boring you anymore today.

Rant you tomorrow!    

Monday, 20 July 2020


We start another week of unknowns within the world of today, as governments turn to less than democratic ways of dealing with the current crisis facing the planet. So let's see what is happening.

Firstly in America where protesters in cities face off against armed vigilantly style federal forces who roam streets in masks and bullet proof vests using pepper spray and tear gas under orders to remove and detain protesters which has had the reverse effect of creating a more volatile situation instead of calming the countries anger. In response, all Trump has done is heap praise on the administration backed goon squads and condemned the cities democratic leaderships of been too liberal on the protesters as the reason for his necessity to use federal forces when in reality it is  an unconstitutional, illegal and purely political theatre for his election, simply put that the administration has deployed their version of Hitlers secret police force, not to investigate crimes, but to intimidate individuals it views as political adversaries to Trump's cause and that the use of these types of tactics will proliferate throughout the country turning America in to a dictatorship under the control of a narcissistic madman. 

What is more worrying is that the man condoning the gestapo style tactics of his federally mandated stormtroopers and nearly four years into his inept presidency, can still manage to shock the world again and again with wild accusations and ridiculous outbursts as proven during an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday which included a claim not to care what the military has to say about renaming its bases, and an argument about whether identifying an elephant was strong evidence of mental stability (what mental stability should've been the question). Wallace who is known in America as a Fox News outlier and very comfortable breaking ranks to ask tough questions of the president and members of his administration. The interview with Trump was a textbook example of how a reporter should remain impartial, as at one point, Wallace referenced “mean tweets” that Trump posted about him, and asked if the president understood his responsibilities as a reporter getting the shocking answer that Trump who has used Fox news as his own propaganda machine was not a big fan of the network after all or was it simply his way of calling out the network for finally broadcasting the truth about him. That was one of several surprising comments made by Trump, one of which was when showed polls outlining that he was losing to Biden he called them fake polls and that he wasn't losing, but then his refusal to say whether he would accept the results of the November election if he lost (just saying he would need to see as I never lose) is the one that is very worrying for the American people as it is very clear he won't go quietly in January if he loses. So at this present time it looks very likely that America will have to go to war with itself to remove Trump from office not only at the ballot boxes, but in a civil war which is most concerning when the madman has the nuclear launch capability. Trump is openly inciting violence against fellow Americans at this very moment causing unrest in a number of cities, god help the world, if the big baby loses and decides to board himself up in the white house bunker come January. America needs to remove this person legally and quickly before the November election because he is most definitely going to sign document after document under presidential powers which could cripple the country for years to come, already hinting in the Wallace interview that there are a number of such documents already to be signed within the next four weeks which include one for immigration, one for health care plus several other he didn't allude to in the interview.

I have to move on or I will lose my own sanity over what is inevitably a situation as a Brit I have no control over, so let me turn to dear old Blighty and see if there is any good news here.
On the back of news that Johnson compares the present pandemic to a nuclear deterrent which just dumbfounds me personally it has been revealed that the governments flawed pandemic track and trace scheme could be illegal and therefore has been unlawful used since May 28th as privacy campaigners point out that the English programme has broken a key data protection law which is a point conceded by the Department of Health who have agreed the launch was hastened without thoroughly carrying assessments of its impact on public privacy, but denies the data is being used unlawfully even though a watchdog is already investigating the programme after the Sunday Times reported last week that some contact tracers had posted private patient data to WhatsApp and Facebook groups against privacy rules. The idea of the test and trace system is that it involves people being asked to share sensitive personal information where this information can include details such as their name, date of birth, postcode, who they live with, places they have recently visited, names and contact details of people they have recently been in close contact with, including sexual partners. All this data is then stored on a central data base to be analysed, but the problem is the safeguarding of that sensitive information, as the government has been found to have failed to implement one highly recognised step towards the use of such information and that is conducting a DPIA (data protection impact assessment) before initialising the programme. 

What is more worrying to me is just how much personal information this body is actually taking in to account which is in my eyes just one more step towards George Orwell's recognised dystopian world of big brother as this present government looks to capitalise and proceed with a style of oversight that is run by yes people taking their little bit of flesh and profiting off it like the most recent revelation that the health minister himself may have been involved in shady dealings between the tory party and wealthy figures of the horse racing fraternity by allowing this years Cheltenham festival go ahead after a donation of three hundred and fifty thousand pounds was received by the party, which begs the question, if and why is a health minister taking backhanders on behalf the party and then putting it first over the health and safety of the idiots who wanted to attend the festival and those others they then may come in to contact with in the future. Is it really too hard to find a few honest people to act on behalf of the populous which MP's sign up to do rather than the self aggrandising morons we currently have dawdling around in the halls of power. I tell you if I had the money to find a little island and self isolate for the rest of my life I would quite honestly do so and on that note I'm out.

Rant you tomorrow!

Sunday, 19 July 2020


And happy Sunday to all, but is it? That's the big question, so let's take a look.

Firstly in America as usual. Well it seems that Trump has remained mostly silent except for his feeble attempt on sending condolences to the family of civil rights activist and the last of the big six who protested in the sixties for the rights of blacks. When everyone else including the living ex-presidents Carter, Bush, Clinton and Obama all immediately sent forms of condolence as the news broke of Lewis's passing while Trump took hours to respond which in itself is a slur on a good man's legacy who Trump openly disliked. In other news there was more unrest in Portland as the unmarked federal officers went about their ruthless task of being an unconstitutional armed force occupying the city to prevent protests which has had the reverse effect as more and more protesters took to the streets to show defiance against Trump's madness of pitting American against American in a fight of wills to over throw an oppressive occupying force. America is turning against its narcissistic president one slow day at a time as once loyal Trump supporters start to remove their blinkers to the ineptitude of this man as Trump becomes the first president to really unify America, but it is at his own cost as he is on the verge of creating a truly multi-racial, multi-class, bipartisan political coalition against him which is so encompassing it could realign US politics for years to come. 

One last note from America as Trump digs his own political grave the man he has just released from serving a prison sentence by commuting it, one Roger Stone has shown his real colours as he was interviewed on the Mo Kelly radio show. When asked a simple question regarding his sentence been commuted by his friend Trump turned to someone else near him and openly called Mo Kelly a NEGRO saying 'I don't really feel like arguing with negro' thinking he could not be heard, but unfortunately for Stone his microphone was on and Mo Kelly quickly came back at Stone by saying 'I'm sorry, what was that Roger'. This is yet another prime example of what type of man Trump really is when he aligns himself with such bigots as Stone, Flynn, etc. and why he should not win a second term in office because he corruptly uses the US presidency as his personal machine to turn back time to when such things as racial segregation, female oppression, sexual orientation and white male privilege was allowed under the law. so on that note let's hop the pond and see what oppressive acts are befalling the people of dear old Blighty.

So as the UK wakes up to a beautiful Sunday morning the main news is two fold today as Johnson states he does not want to impose a second national lockdown in the event of another COVID-19 outbreak comparing the option of a nationwide shutdown to a "nuclear deterrent", adding he does not think the country "will be in that position again", while the UK's chief scientific adviser has stated there is "a risk" that such measures could be needed as winter approaches. Even with the power been handed to local authorities to enforce a lightning lockdowns as needed to prevent further waves of the virus, Johnson hasn't ruled out enacting a national action in the future. The worrying part about the present prime minister though is not it's ineptitude over Brexit or the coronavirus and his one mindedness, it is in fact that the mentality of the man the tories thought was a good choice to lead the government is flawed and power hungry. In recent days it has been seen just how revengeful this ex public schoolboy really can be and that was aimed at a member of his own party who stepped out of line. Johnson appears to want to rule as if he is ruling a one-party state and to do this he has took the first step towards it. The party has given him the power, but could still take it away. To prevent this he must turn the tory party into the equivalent of Vladimir Putin’s United Russia or Donald Trump’s Republicans by filling it with politicians too venal and frightened to challenge him as the boss. It may appear on the surface that Johnson may not know much, but what he does know about is power. 

God help Conservative MP's who injure his bottomless vanity as they all now know they will not just lose the chance of a job in his cabinet or a retirement home in the House of Lords, but Johnson will attempt to destroy them. With the apparent failure to insert his first choice as the chair of parliament’s intelligence and security committee, what Johnson did not realise until it was too late was that a politician who could not park a car in an empty field would be outmanoeuvred. In Julian Lewis, the Conservative MP who manoeuvred his way to the prize who understands defence and intelligence and is not a creature of Downing Street. His knowledge ought to have been a recommendation, given that the quid pro quo for granting the intelligence services more powers was granting the committee the power to scrutinise them. Johnson’s reaction revealed his littleness as he stripped Lewis of the Tory whip  position which If he does not restore it, Lewis cannot retain his seat at the next election. Tory politicians now know that the price of angering the thin-skinned boss is a career-ending punishment as the attack on Lewis takes his mean-mindedness to a new level. Parties can reasonably expel MP's for repeatedly voting against the whip or refusing to support the manifesto, but Lewis’s crime was merely to win a committee chairmanship with the backing of MP's from other parties. Every chair of a parliamentary committee wants to be able to say they have the confidence of members from rival parties. It’s almost part of the job description, yet Johnson’s desire for retribution may not be sated. 

Again like Trump, Johnson is starting to show his true colours which a percentage of the populous already saw emerging, but a bigger percentage merely voted for the colour blue over red, but that was there profound mistake as they elected a narcissistic power hungry leader to control our country and run it as he feels fit whether it be for the welfare of the populous or not. With that I will close for the time been.

Rant you tomorrow!

Saturday, 18 July 2020


So it's Saturday once more and the pandemic is death's gift that just keeps on giving with no end in sight, but let's just check in on what's bee happening.

Firstly in to America we venture. Trump is sitting safe in his big whitehouse of the people while fellow Americans are abused and dying without him lifting a finger to stop it. Trump has vowed not to order Americans to wear masks to contain the spread of coronavirus and continues on his path to reopen the country no matter the cost to the people. His comments came after the country's top infectious disease expert, Dr Anthony Fauci, urged state and local leaders to be "as forceful as possible" in getting people to wear masks who openly stated that it is "really important" and "we should be using them, everyone". as the issue gains momentum as a political statement the majority of state governors have now ordered that the wearing of masks outdoors be mandatory, rather than a personal choice. Among them are Republican governors, including Kay Ivey of Alabama, who have reversed their initial opposition to the mandates. What is rather upsetting here is that Trump is once again going against the countries top scientific advisor just to play his re-election games not really caring how many people catch the virus and die.

Then on the other side of the argument is the continuing protests for justice in a number of what are now been classed as police authorised murders of innocent people just because they are either black or against the police oppressive tactics which is been highly publicised on social media which is what prompted Trump to authorise armed officers of the government to silence protesters by any means possible. Examples of Trumps oppression comes as Oregon Governor Kate Brown has accused US federal agents in unmarked cars who have apparently detained protesters in Portland of a "blatant abuse of power". These so called federal officers,(more like gestapo storm-troopers) deployed by President Donald Trump, have also fired tear gas and less-lethal munitions into crowds of demonstrators. In response Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum stated that the state justice department was filing a lawsuit against the federal government over the detention of protesters "without probable cause" who Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf is calling a "violent mob" not peaceful protesters.

The question that should be being asked, is if these so called federal officers are not wearing any department insignia's, name tags or official identification and are using unregistered and unmarked governmental vehicles how are the public supposed to respect them, for all anyone knows these fully armed and tactical outfitted people could well be illegal militia or KKK members driving around picking up innocent black civilians for torture or even death. Surely there is a federal law been broken when gangs of armed unrecognisable government officials are conducting manoeuvres on the streets of American cities with no oversight in place except Trump appointed lackey's. It is gross neglect on the part of the administration and those idiots that support this style of gestapo and KGB tactics bringing in to fact that a gross violation of the people to assert their constitutional First Amendment rights to protest peacefully, and also creates a more volatile situation on the streets of America which trump is turning in to what resembles images from places like China, Russia, North Korea and Nazi controlled Europe.

That's enough about comrade Trump for today, let's check in on comrade Johnson in dear old Blighty and check out what he has being doing.So Johnson's new plan is to have restrictions eased further in England with a "significant return to normality" by Christmas, a time when scientists have predicted a possible increase in cases. His new guidelines state that people may use public transport for journeys immediately, while advice for employers will change from the 1st August. He also stated that companies will have more discretion to bring staff back to workplaces if it is safe to do so as the government is "hoping for the best and planning for the worst", but all plans are to "remain conditional" dependent on the continued progress in controlling the virus and preventing a second wave of infections that could overwhelm the NHS. Devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have the power to set their own timings for the easing of restrictions meaning they get to have a perfectly competent leader make the decisions while us poor schmucks in England are controlled by a fop headed buffoon which really makes me consider moving north of the border very soon, as I cannot live in a country governed by a temper tantrum public schoolboy. 

On the back of Johnson's statement, it has been reported that the health secretary has called for an urgent review into how coronavirus deaths have been recorded in England which follows confirmation from Public Health England that reported deaths may have included people who tested positive months before they died while other UK nations only include those who die within 28 days of a positive test as claims that the lack of a cut-off date may distort the current daily deaths number. To date there have been 40,528 deaths linked to the virus in England which is a staggering amount, but what I don't get is does it really matter when the death occurred as surely a death from the virus is still a death no matter how long that person took to die, isn't this just the governments way of trying to lessen the death toll for their own benefit so as they don't look anymore inept than they already do over their handling of the pandemic and this comes on the same day that the NHS and world war two hero, Captain Thomas Moore was made a knight of the realm showing what a true British hero is, compared to those other so called idiots that try to run the country, at least he stood tall for yet another cause which no MP in this present government can honestly say they have done. On that I will call it a day on my ranting.

Rant you tomorrow!