Monday, 31 August 2020


Well it's a bank holiday here in dear old Blighty which means nothing unless you work in a bank these days as it is just another day to most and the world keeps turning with hypocrisy flooding the halls of power everywhere you look. Anyway let's see what's been happening that's rantable.

In America both parties presidential nominees have been officially unveiled even though the world knew month ago which just dumbfounds me that it requires millions of dollars, with big conventions to show off the shit that is out there. The democrats kept it simple and political while the Republicans went for ego boosting pomp and ceremony which gave the bigots a chance to insult the opposition rather than outline how they can make things better with four more years. As usual over the weekend Trump was seen golfing which he has delegated as exercise and once again has been witnessed visiting pro white photo ops like his visit to Louisiana where he was seen signing autographs for firefighters telling them they could sell it on Ebay for ten thousand dollars. What is more infuriating than this blowhard egotistical opinions of himself is how both Trump and his secret service detail were not abiding by policies to wear masks in confined areas which is stupid in itself, but then one agent is clearly heard telling a firefighter to put his mask on and move back from Trump. What kind of idiots are the secret service employing these days? 

So as Trump signed autographs and played golf the problems on the streets of America worsened due to the Trump's campaign inciting of racial violence. Trump has made a statement regarding sending in one thousand national guard personnel in to Kenosha, Wisconsin and how they quelled the unrest in minutes of entering the area, followed by a  comment on the fact he will be visiting the area to speak to police, not the people effected by the killing of Jacob Brown, but the police. This in itself shows the type of person Trump is when law enforcement comes first over the people. I suppose the national guard were sent in to Kenosha to clear the way for yet another photo op planned by the Trump campaign as a show of presidential power [more like an abuse of power] like the incident in Washington DC where national guard soldiers were used to remove protesters so Trump could have his photo op outside a church holding a bible. These comments come as Trump far right supporters travelled to and entered Portland with the sole intent to cause violence by driving their pick up trucks adorned with the American flag and Trump 2020 banners directly at BLM protesters while spraying pepper spray from open windows. In another incident elsewhere in the city a man was shot to death during clashes with rival factions, yet how it happened is still been investigated. The dead man is a supposed far right activist who had joined around one thousand Trump supporters on the outskirts of Portland before driving a reported six hundred vehicles in to the city. This is what you expect to happen in lawless Middle Eastern or Eastern European countries, not on the streets of America which prompted a war of words between the presidential candidates. Trump blamed the Democrat mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, for allowing the "death and destruction of his city" while Biden said the president was "recklessly encouraging violence". Trump took to Twitter with a schoolboy tirade calling the Portland Mayor a dummy and Biden, the guy in his basement which is not how a president should be seen to respond. Trump has no etiquette or professionalism which is what his opposition is picking up on as they fight Trump's uncouthness with logic and professionalism. As the election gets ever closer, the issue's at hand are been overshadowed by the fact both sides have little idea of how to rise above the ugliness of the violence that has not been seen since the days of Martin Luther King Jr. and the rise of the Black Panther movements of the 1960's, a time when racist divides were openly voiced as people fought for the abolishment of segregation and equal rights for all. On the streets of America once again it is been openly broadcast that there is still states where segregation is practised within law enforcement and the community leaders who condone the use of fatal violence against non white Americans classed as less than human by the ancestors of bigots of the old confederacy, yet this is not just an American issue it is a global issue as prejudices are been allowed to fester and grow in the youth of today where fascist and racist tendencies are now been openly shown on the streets of the world in a way that resembles 1930's Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. If we don't crush these ideologies at birth the world has no future and will become as predicted in many a Hollywood blockbuster where a new global war will end in a nuclear winter and an apocalyptic ending for humankind. 

So come on America show the world you have some pride in who you are by removing the man who would be king before he presses that big red button and destroys the world as we know it because he is on his way to creating the Fourth Reich as depicted in Jim Marrs book 'The Rise of the Fourth Reich' about the secret societies that threaten to take over America. Trump will disband Congress and the Senate, install himself as supreme leader, have the streets of America under curfew controlled by far right militias, right his own laws which allows group lynchings and implement a dictatorship where Trump's will inherit the seat of power like the leadership of North Korea proclaiming themselves Kings or Queens of America. Then he will invade Canada, Mexico and the other South American countries before attempting global domination. This all may sound far fetched, But it has all been depicted in TV shows, movies and books since the fall of Nazi Germany seventy five years ago. The time for action is now!

On that harrowing note I will jump the pond and check out what the other would be king has been up to in dear old Blighty. As the new school year grows ever closer in England the arguments over safety, catch up tuition and the ineptitude of the Education Secretary just keeps rolling on without any semblance of an end in sight other than children will be going back to school. As Johnson shows a resolve to lead a government of ultimate power without taking any responsibility for its failures by finding low hanging fruit to take the blame we find a highly ineffective cabinet making life changing decisions without taking in to account the repercussions it will inflict on those individuals effected. In recent months we have seen government ministers and party advisors make atrocious decisions to do with the peoples welfare during a trying time, yet never put their heads on the chopping block or offering to resign. This is seen as a strength of character amongst Johnson and his team, which should bring in to question Johnson himself, but how can the top man be ousted when he keeps those loyal to him in their positions even after they should have been made to walk the plank of HMS Blighty for their incompetence. What we are finding is an old boys type of mentality within the government that will bring down the shutters to protect themselves while searching out likely scapegoats within lower positions or organisations to lay the blame on or what's even worse will not accept they have done wrong in the first place which is not by accident, but conscious design. 

Within Johnson’s inner circle, it is a private boast that they are “tearing up the rule book” of government. One of the rules that they have been shredding most aggressively is the concept of ministerial responsibility. Under previous governments of many different complexions, this idea has been central to how democratic politics is supposed to work. When things go wrong, the minister is accountable to parliament and must answer to the public for his department’s failings. When things go badly wrong, the minister resigns. Ministerial responsibility is at the core of the compact between government, parliament and public.It has been said by the director of the Institute for Government, that “Unless there are consequences for ministers of the decisions that are their responsibility, the UK’s principles of democratic accountability will become meaningless.” and this is the first step towards a fascist leadership been born within the centre of power of the United Kingdom where government can do no wrong and the people will no longer have a say over who they elect to power. Johnson's ego knows no bounds as he emulates Trump by lying, deceiving and blatantly corrupting the halls of power for his own good. He is a self confessed power hungry man who does not feel constrained by conventional norms of behaviour and nor will he willingly shoulder responsibility for his bad choices. His career is potholed with scandals, mendacities and betrayals of trust that have served to get him to the place he adorns right now. Johnson made no disguise of the fact that he openly instilled his gang of Brexiters within Number 10 where these acolytes that take their lead from Dominic Cummings, with their hyper-aggressive “never apologise, never concede” mindset in which they can never be wrong. This is why Cummings, Jankel and Williamson are still drawing their healthy paychecks instead of unemployment benefit. Until such people are removed from government we have no future to look forward to because we are governed by a group of self-serving sycophants only interested in glorifying their own ego's rather than serving the civil rights of the people. This is witnessed in everything Johnson says or does under the guise of PM, a prime example is how he intends to exit Europe without a significant trade deal in place as encouraged by the fore mentioned Cummings who seems to be the man in charge within the halls of Downing Street not the PM himself. We need better leadership now!

Yet another example of the times we live in where power hungry madmen are sitting in the seats that control how and what happens nationally, even sometimes globally without been held accountable. Both Trump and Johnson have shown a compulsion to put economy before lives, authoritarianism above equality, Self-aggrandising above empathy and dictatorship over democracy, yet these types of narcissistic egocentric blowhards always seems to rise to the summit of humanity by the ignorance of the people who believe their BS. I am not a politically minded person, but even I can see when something is truly wrong in the halls of power where politicians and local councils get away with piss poor management and still come out smelling of roses instead of the shit they verbally preach. Until the world rises to eradicate such people we will never be globally or economically secure. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Friday, 28 August 2020


We start another Friday in the grip of  COVID-19, Trump's fascism, Johnson ineptitude and stand three quarters of of the way through 2020, one of the worst years in human history for deaths, violence and governmental bureaucracy, so let's see what today has to say shall we.

As America witnesses the final day of the RNC and hears Trump's promises to make things better, things just seem to be getting worse. In his acceptance speech as the Republican parties nominee for president Trump warned his Democratic challenger Joe Biden would "demolish" the American dream if he wins the White House in November. Within his speech Trump depicted his opponent as the destroyer of American greatness stating Biden would unleash "violent anarchists" upon US cities. So as the 2000 GOP morons took to their seats with out masks or social distancing creating yet another pandemic spreading situation to watch a Donald J Trump ego boosting made for television production illegally thrown on the south lawn with the whitehouse as it's background, Trump took to the stage to instil yet more lies and deceit in to the minds gullible American supporters. Within a speech lasting just over an hour he demonized the democrats, endorsed police Brutality, Promised a COVID-19 vaccine by year end, Portrayed a Utopian future, used the peoples house as political window dressing, portrayed himself as benevolent leader and made countless promises that are impossible to bring to fruition. At one point he turned his back on the audience, held his arms up as if to hug the Whitehouse before he turned back around proclaiming this is why we are here and the democrats aren't, then carried on and spouted one lie after the other painting an America under Biden as a lawless, anarchistic dystopia of a possible future which if you look at the streets of America is already here under a Trump administration. To end the festivities there was a firework display at the Washington monument which was most definitely paid for by the taxpayers not the Trump campaign. Trump was then seen glad-handing with supporters without any social distancing measures in place. All I can say is as an outsider if America reelects Trump it will be a slippery slope in to world isolation and the rise of an authoritarian dictatorship which will be the fall of a once great and revered nation.

As the RNC carried on with its self aggrandising racially motivated rhetoric more protests were happening around the country not all by people on the streets, but also in sporting venues. At a baseball game between the New York Mets and the Miami Marlins the players took to the field for a minutes silence which lasted forty seven seconds before both teams left the field in protest and in solidarity with the protesters leaving a Black Lives Matter shirt on the home plate of Citi Field for the cameras to witness. This is where America needs to be showing solidarity within sports, movies, TV shows and through celebrities coming together to push the ordinary American in to removing Trump from office. It is a travesty of national pride that this man has been allowed to use America's national monuments to promote his propaganda during the run up and acceptance of his nomination to represent the Republican party. His actions is one of disrespect for the traditions outlined by America's forefathers that no one man is above the law, yet time and time again Trump has been seen to do just that by his use of American taxpayers dollars to fund his lavish life style while laundering millions in to his families bank accounts by insisting Trump hotels and businesses be used for events while openly flaunting the use of his presidential power for his own good. America the time is drawing closer for you to make up your mind, for the sake of the world make it Biden over Trump no matter your political view because it is no longer a question of your political allegiance and stead fastness to vote one way or the other, but a matter of man versus monster and I will leave you to decide who is the monster.

On that note I will hop the pond to see what dear old Blighty's monster has been up to. So as the school reopening row still thunders on in only England, the government has now also turned its sights on workers. Johnson and his cabinet will once again encourage people to go back to their workplaces as part of a government campaign starting next week. MP's will start a push to get employers to reassure staff it will be safe to return to their specific roles by highlighting measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

This new tactic comes on the back of business leaders warning of the damage being done to city centres in lost revenue as people stay away from offices. The campaign, which will launch as most schools in England and Wales reopen, predominantly been promoted through regional media. It will not promote the possibility of Job losses, but in fact will try to insist that those who continue to work from home are not at any greater risk of losing their jobs, while the opposition party has voiced a concern stating that no one should be forced to choose between their health and their job and the government should "categorically rule out" any campaign that instils a mentality that if people don't return to the workplace their jobs are at risk.

So the governments idea of getting the country running again is to forgo the public health issues and promote unemployment as a possibility for absentee workers who fear for their lives. As the COVID-19 positive cases rises once again to around 1500 individuals in two months work is considered a priority for a government more worried about the economy than peoples safety. In recent days we have seen Johnson doing just that by risking the health of school children by holding a speech where kids were not using social distancing protocols or wearing masks which is the height of hypocrisy. Johnson was also seen on camera entering a school class room were children were sitting side by side in a confined space as a publicity stunt putting everyone at risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus. This just shows you the mentality of the man running our country as he once again tries to marginalise the problems we as a country face. What is the point of trying to instil policies for the multitude when the man setting these policies is once again seen to flaunt them on national television. Why has the questions not been asked about social distancing in schools when it is clearly not been followed by the particular schools Johnson has recently visited. All I see is a primeminister more interested in getting his face in the news than the safety of those people and students that are been used as a propaganda implement as the government pushes its ill-fated strategies and policies down the public's throats day after day with only one thing in mind and that is how they can climb out of the mire they have got themselves in to through ineptitude and politically damaging decisions. It seems that we just keep going round in circles without any effective outcome being reached. We all know in our heads the right course of action is to return back to normality, but until there is a proven vaccine that saves lives from this newest strain of coronavirus life will never be normal again and the economy along with peoples mortality will just keep creating a metaphoric sink hole in the makeup of today's society. The government is drowning in the way they are handling the situation and continually knock back the offers of help from both friendly and opposing MP's just so they can save face. What is needed is a coalition to eradicate the current problems then to call for another general election so the people can have a say on our future, not the politicians as it is happening now. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Thursday, 27 August 2020


And onward we march through the hell we lovingly call 2020 with new shit happening daily worldwide, so let's take a look at what's been happening, shall we?

In America as more deaths occur from protesters been shot in Kenosha, Wisconsin by an armed seventeen year old teenager, Milwaukee Bucks Basketball players go on strike over police brutality happening nationwide and the southern states of Texas and Louisiana batten down the hatches awaiting hurricane Laura while the RNC rolls on in North Carolina with more lies and BS about the state of America's COVID-19 crisis, police brutality and how Trump is 'GOD' while dishonouring the American public by having speakers who are promoting violence and segregation as their platform like the couple seen threatening peaceful protesters with an assault rifle and handgun who were marching past their home to confront the mayor. Also Kelly Anne Conway tried to convince America that Trump isn't a misogynist and sexual abuser by stating Trump had elevated women both in business and government for decades, yet the same woman has decided at the end of the month to resign from her position which she claims is to spend more mama time with her kids [total BS], if she believed in her words she would stay till the end of the election process, but she knows she needs to escape the sinking ship of Trumpism. On the other side of the coin VP Pence decided to do his speech from Baltimore's Fort McHenry, where the city was defended against the British in the War of 1812, inspiring Francis Scott Key to write the US national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, trying to show he is a patriot [again I call BS]. His speech was directed at Trump's opposition and warned that violence would spread in American cities if Joe Biden wins the Whitehouse in November stating that the hard truth is you won't be safe in Joe Biden's America, and that a vote for Biden was a vote for lawlessness.

Basically Pence was condoning the rise of the white supremacist movement of bigots and racists which since 2017 has crawled out from the shadows to be seen marching in favour of Trump's immigration, Gun ownership and racist policies while Conway condoned the sexual abuse and trafficking of women and girls by Trump and his cronies like Weinstein, Epstein and Maxwell as well as Trump's own personal views of how women should be treated by just 'Grabbing their P*****'. The Republican party that once stood tall is now a laughing stock within the world for allowing the country to plummet in to such destruction and fascism under the current president who sees protesters as looters and anarchists, dying Americans as cattle fonder to be discarded, world politics as unnecessary and runs the country as his very own profiteering business laundering millions of dollars [$6.9million at the last count and that is only from his own campaign fund not counting the money from government] in to offshore bank accounts instead of fighting the growing coronavirus threat, authoritarian brutality and murder, white teenagers killing peaceful black protesters unscrupulously with unregistered firearms, a growing unemployment problem and a crashing economy. America you have sixty nine days to make a change for the better and then watch as Trump spirals in to lawlessness by passing numerous ineffective bills and pardoning his convicted lackey's before he is escorted out of the Whitehouse in handcuffs [I hope] because we all know should he lose he will cause chaos for the new president elect in whatever way he can and may even barricade himself inside the Whitehouse refusing to accept the American peoples decision. All this is relevant due to Trump's latest sporadic outbursts and sensational claims like calling for himself and Democratic challenger Joe Biden to submit to drug tests before their first debate next month voicing his opinion, but not quite accusing Biden of taking performance enhancing drugs like he did with Hilary Clinton during the 2016 election debates. In an interview Trump questioned a sudden improvement in Biden's performance in the Democratic TV debates alluding to drugs, but not furnishing the claim with any evidence only saying he was 'pretty good at this stuff' leaving his comments open for others to fill in the blanks. Please, please America do the right thing come November!

On that note I will jump across the pond to dear old Blighty to see what the other inept leader of our fair country is doing. So as schools and businesses ready themselves to accept students and workers back through their doors to restart their lives, what do we see in the government doing in the headlines? we see stories about Johnson's health kick and his recent employment of a personal trainer which is all well and good for him, but what about the rest of us who can't afford personal trainers to help us lose weight, so in my opinion this is useless and shouldn't even be classed as newsworthy. Other headlines covered are about Matt Hancock's wonderful new income boost for self isolating people in badly affected areas. What this means is workers on low incomes in parts of England where there are high rates of coronavirus will be able to claim up to £182 if they have to self-isolate as from Tuesday, those who claim Universal Credit or Working Tax Credit and cannot work from home will be able to get the money, equal to £13 a day [whoopee F****** do]. Critics of the new payment have stated that the payment "goes nowhere near far enough", adding people need "full pay" because anyone told to self isolate for ten days and qualify for the fund will only receive £130 in compensation which is just the height of hypocrisy on the governments part. I think as soon as someone is elected in to parliament they lose the mental capacity to think like a normal person. They lose the power to understand that what the unemployed are expected to live on is barbaric for this day and age. How can £13 a day help anyone when a nine inch pizza and chips costs about that depending on where you live in the country, also if you are one of those people whose frugal and try to save a little bithere and there, what you will find is that the government will then deduct money from your claim making the F****** £13 obsolete anyway. This is what those morons who voted Blue back in December has gifted the rest of us. 

Speaking of our governments leader another headline has surfaced taking potshots at Johnson who on the back of his plans to get schools reopened addressed the nation’s children giving them a speech as they prepare to return to classrooms trying to bring order to chaos which has been upstaged by Twitter tongues wagging over a school librarian with a sense of humour. As Johnson told children at Castle Rock school in Coalville, Leicestershire [who looked bored and disillusioned with the experience], that exam results had almost been derailed by “A Mutant Algorithm”, eyes turned to the bookshelves behind him, lined with titles like The Twits, Betrayed and The Subtle Knife. All this on the very day it was announced that the scapegoats for the governmental exam debacle wouldn't be Education Secretary Wilkinson, but would in fact be a  top civil servant at the Department of Education (DfE), Jonathan Slater, who was to leave his job, hot on the heels of Ofqual chief Sally Collier, the titles had a resonance which did not go unnoticed. It seemed like a savvy school librarian or English teacher snatched a golden opportunity to have a pop at the PM in front of the nation. The question been asked is how such a person managed to hoodwink the PM and his entourage by placing not just just the “The Twits” but also “Betrayed”; “Resistance” and “Fahrenheit 451” in the shot behind Johnson is truly amazing as Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by American writer Ray Bradbury about a society where books are banned, not to mention the fact that other titles visible like the Subtle Knife; Glass Houses; The Toll (about a monstrous dictator); and Guards Guards (about a shady villain installing a puppet king) are all there too. What a marvel the person behind the display is as the scene just looks like it’s been carefully curated to embarrass Johnson who is the living embodiment of those books, my only criticism of the display is the fact they couldn't somehow get 1984, the George Orwell classic in the shot also. Apart from that comedic interlude the cameras panning around the children [during Johnson's mumbling's of a madman about nuclear fusion or Harry Potter being sexist which seemed out of place in such a setting] was comedic in itself as the cameraperson zoomed in on one poor schoolboy whose face told the story of what he was thinking which was probably 'how did I get roped in to this crap'. Is this what is thought of as an effective use of the PM's time when he should be at Downing Street combating COVID-19 deaths rising again, the economy tanking and the so called future of his government. Come on I know we have just over three years left under this inept PM, but surely there is some way we can remove such a incompetent leadership and cabinet before we descend deeper in to nine circles of Dante's Inferno depicted in his 'Divine Comedy'. Please tell me there is a way we can escape the current rulers of our future who seem hell bent on dragging us further in to an unstoppable mire of servitude to the rich and powerful within a new fascist dystopia. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow! 

Wednesday, 26 August 2020


Well here we are again half way through the week nearing the end of August nearly seven month's since the first cases of COVID-19 hit both the shores of the US and the UK, so let's take a look at how we are both faring in the wake of that fateful day in January.

First to America where, Trump the most corrupt president in history has continued to shift money from his donors to his businesses, In the last five years Trump's reelection campaign has paid his private companies for rent, food, lodging and other expenses, according to a review of the latest Federal Election Commission filings. The richest president in American history, who has yet to donate a single penny to his own 2020 campaign, has now moved $2.3 million of contributions from other people into his private companies. Most recently was a $38,000 in rent last month for campaign offices through Trump Tower Commercial LLC, the entity that owns his Fifth Avenue skyscraper plus $8,000 in July via the Trump Corporation, a management company that he owns. The precise reason for those payments is unclear. There is also Trump Restaurants LLC which has gotten $117,000 since its owner became president, Trump Hotel Collection, in which Trump also owns a 100% interest, received another $1,000 in July and the campaign has paid Trump’s hotel properties $226,000 since Inauguration Day, according to the analysis of federal filings.Bearing in mind these are just the campaign payments and don't include what has been paid by the federal government has paid out to Trump businesses for room rental, golf cart hire, restaurant and room service bills at Trump golf courses and hotels. Trump’s machinations have been going on for years and Forbes first reported on money moving from his reelection campaign to his business in 2018. The Trump Organization did not respond to a request for comment and a representative for the Trump campaign ignored a series of questions about the payments instead issuing a broad statement.The statement that was read said “The campaign complies with all campaign finance laws and FEC regulations,and the campaign pays fair market value under negotiated rental agreements and other service agreements in compliance with the law. The campaign works closely with campaign counsel to ensure strict compliance in this regard. The president’s total haul from his campaign, party and joint fundraising committee alone now stands at more than $6.9 million. Not a meaningless sum, even for a billionaire. So while all previous presidents have given up their businesses or jobs and President Carter placed his peanut farm in a blind trust the richest president in history is milking the American public for every penny he can find while illegally profiting from his position. In my opinion this man should be impeached on that alone and jailed under the Rico statute for money laundering and tax evasion along with his whole family who are profiting from the presidential seal. If Trump does lose in November the secret service should be removed from protecting Trump and his family because there just be a continuation of the profiteering as the Secret Service and the American people are over charged for the privilege of protecting this unscrupulous human being.

So as the president profits, the American economy tanks and the American people suffer under a lawless authoritarian style regime as yet another story emerges of a black man dying from a gun shot to the back at the hands of the Pasadena law enforcement agency on the 15th of August. As more violent protests break out nationwide the Republican party convention rolled on trying to convince Americans that Trump is a perfect president. Different elements of the second day of the convection angered Democrats and the American people when in a blatant disregard for the Hatch act which stops federal employees from misusing government resources for political campaigns both the first lady and the current secretary of state disregarded the act. Melania Trump used the background of the whitehouse with the presidential seal in plain view to give her televised speech to the convention, while Mike Pompeo used a federal position whilst on diplomatic business to back Trump which was a highly unethical use of his position. On the back of this Trump used propaganda methods to showboat his misuse of power by openly using the presidential seal as he pardoned a Black Nevada bank robber who founded a charity that helps convicts reintegrate into society as a 'look what I have done' moment as well as appearing live from the White House to preside over a naturalisation ceremony for immigrants, the same people Trump has been taken steps against during his presidency restricting their legal immigration, as well as crack down on illegal immigration policies. In response to these blatant acts of unethical showboating Biden's campaign has accused Trump and the Republican party of using both the office of the presidency and the newly coined American citizens as props for political propaganda.

In my outside looking in opinion it is both unethical and immoral to use such tactics to promote a man who is both profiteering from and destructing the most powerful position in the world today. You are seeing a Republican party trying to reconcile with itself for firstly allowing such a man to be elected in the first place and secondly trying to minimise the damage to its own standing as a party of the people he is causing. How can anyone still see Trump as an effective choice for president when in the space of four years he has has overseen a deadly virus get out of hand killing one hundred and eighty thousand Americans, the biggest economic collapse since the great depression of the 1920's, forty million American's at risk of eviction from their homes, fifty seven million Americans filing for unemployment benefits making one in ten people unemployed, ten billion a year in lost export revenues to China, a catastrophic effect on the amount of small businesses closing while multi million dollar businesses receive preferential treatment towards pandemic furlough aid and payroll tax rebates before those small businesses, the richest one percent getting richer through his tax cuts and continually suppressing bills to aid the poorer Americans while signing executive orders that benefit the rich. America this is the man that has taken your once great nation dumping it in to a cesspit of racist brutality that ruled the southern states of the country for nearly two hundred years along with an economic decline never seen in a hundred years. Can you really allow such a man to gain another four years in office where he will continue to subvert justice and destroy the constitution to benefit his own narcissistic wants.

On that I will move on to dear old Blighty where once again the government has taken yet another U-turn over the pandemic, lockdown and schools reopening as it changes it policies on mask in schools stating that in lockdown areas such as Greater Manchester, which have greater restrictions to stop the spread of the virus, wearing face coverings will become mandatory in school corridors where social distancing is more difficult. In areas of England not subject to tighter restrictions, headteachers will have discretion over whether to require face masks, but the government will no longer advise against their use. Again we see a government fighting with itself to stay head of the backlash it faces from the public over it inability to make the correct decision from the beginning, while trying to prevent in fighting between Conservative MP's and while this is going on the argument over people returning to office work rolls on as Fifty of the biggest UK employers have said they have no plans to return all staff to the office full-time in the near future. Some 24 of those firms said that they did not have any plans in place to return workers to the office, however, 20 have opened their offices for staff unable to work from home. These employer decisions come as many of the furloughed employees return to work from their summer holidays with the reality of a prolonged period of home working becoming increasingly likely.

What I believe we are seeing is a step towards an even more relaxed way of working as more and more employers see the benefit and cost effectiveness of their employees working remotely as technology gives them a broader narrative and ability meaning they no longer have to plant their offices in one area and can start to employ staff nationally giving them a wider pool of prospective applicants to choose from. This may mean less office space is required giving rise to the future of business where only management is required to work in house while their teams work remotely. Whether this is a good thing will only be fully noticeable at the end of the fiscal year when companies assess their bottom line on expenses as employees claim for worked based overheads. The one draw back I could foresee is in both the fixed assets and utilities expenditure as fixed assets and utilities outlay within office space should effectively decrease while multiple utility costs and offsite fixed assets from staff expenditure would need to factored in to the overall balance sheets which would mean a new way off recording these offsets on the bottom line of the business accounts. On the back of this what will also be seen is the decline in city centre businesses that accommodate and thrive on people who work in the offices as less footfall occurs. There is also going to be some winners and loser in this dramatic restructuring of businesses moving their employees on to a more work from home footing as on one hand the environment would win with less commuting via car, bus or train while public transport businesses and inner city car parks would suffer under less people using them. Businesses would see a saving in extortionate rental expenditure while employees may possibly see wages caps due to a percentage of the outlay for a business will move to supplying and covering the cost of specialised equipment needed to accommodate home working
. A more structured flexible working practice could accommodate better work/life balance for employees creating a round the clock business practice which would also create a bigger logistical nightmare for employers. All these factors will need to be taken in to account before a much wider transition could take place. The pandemic and the lockdown has brought with it a very unique and trying time which has has seen great loss, but has encouraged a greater emphasis on the ability to adapt to change for the nation which in the long run may prove to be what a stagnate infrastructure needed to evolve beyond the norms laid out for years pushing the old dog to learn new tricks to survive in an ever changing world. Ask yourself the question do I need to work in a stuffy office when I could easily do it from home. The up and coming businesses will be the one's who see potential in creating a work from home scenario with a smaller office for management and conferencing facilities to accommodate meetings and training needs. On that note I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 25 August 2020


Well it's a wet and rainy Tuesday in the UK and my mood is in line with the weather over my self-isolation protocols. The four walls are moving in on my mentality, but not as much as the way the world is governed is depressing me, so let's see what's rantable today.

In America as cities burn and people protest, the GOP (Republican Party) started their convention to declare Trump their nominee for president once again. The convention heard Trump warn them that the Democrats may steal November's election by using COVID to defraud the American people repeating his much-disputed claims that mail-in ballots could lead to voter fraud. Addressing delegates in person at a party conference that has been dramatically scaled back by COVID-19 Trump lashed out at his opponents with one lie after another which has been his life long way in business and now his presidency. Trump Jr. also took to the stage to endorse his father commanding the nation's attention. His words were not as much to praise his father, but to take swipes at Joe Biden. His speech stated that Trump's policies were like rocket fuel to the economy, then continued on by stating that Biden's radical left-wing policies would stop the economic recovery cold claiming that the Democrats would undo the economic gains that people had made with his father in the White House by taking back money [illegally got in Trump tax cuts to the rich] and placing it back in the swamp, before calling Biden the Loch Ness monster of politics. You have two men cut from the same cloth, but America beware Trump Jr. is worse than his father because where Trump Sr. lacks poise and glamour Trump Jr. has it in spades [racial pun meant], which makes him a shew in for a future run at the presidency [God forbid]. Trump Jr. is a product of nepotism being handed the keys to the Trump narcissistic and self aggrandising ego as well as his ability to tap into darker strands of the current presidency, portraying a younger, more acidic version of his father which means he has a lethal combination of corruption interlinked with a murderous mentality, so is definitely worse than his father when it comes to hiding family skeletons especially with his love of hunting. 

So while the convention fluffs the Trump family ego's in North Carolina the rest of America suffers with nearly one hundred and eighty thousand deaths due to COVID-19, more innocent people get brutalised or shot by over zealous law enforcement officers and natural disasters ravage America, what is heartening to see is more and more people who voted for Trump in 2016 putting their voices alongside Democrats denouncing Trump and changing their life long vote of Republican backed candidates to support Biden, the logical choice for the country which has been hoodwinked by Trump in to believing his BS. From 1919 Hitler rose in the ranks of politics in Germany finally taking control of the Reichstag from a flailing government in 1933, forming the first Nazi government which he acquired by creating a crisis which was the Jewish people [Trump with immigration], demonized his opponents within the Reichstag which was the Weimer Republic [Trump with the Democrats], declared a state of emergency which saw Jews rounded up [Trump with protesters bringing his own stormtroopers], undermined the electoral process [Trump with the USPS], made the rule of law irrelevant [Trump with his undermining of the judicial process] and then went on to rule with an iron fist bypassing the Reichstag creating his own executive orders [Trump's presidency with his own executive orders]. This is the history of how a dictator created his own country before deciding he wanted more starting the second world ward. So America do you see any comparisons with the way your country is been governed today because in my opinion the Trump 2020 election is basically using the Hitler playbook devised back in 1919 when Hitler first decided he would join politics, so all I will say on the election is that the Republican party is a modern day Nazi party and Trump is Hitler 2.0 with his sights on world domination for him and his family especially since Trump Jr. is very much a reincarnation of Hitler in the way he blends political acuity, deceptiveness, and cunning in to his speeches using phrases such as 'time of struggle' and 'years of struggle' to create volatility within fringe radicals. In my opinion we are starting to see a resurgence, not only within America, but the world of a radicalised belief in Hitlers words spoken prior to and during his leadership which ended in defeat and suicide. The only way for this madness to end is for the world to stand up to the fascist elements embedding themselves in politics and governments starting with America who cries freedom and liberty for all, which I am afraid is sadly missing under a Trump regime. Hitler took control and removed the right for certain people to vote which is exactly what Trump is trying to do within his rants about voter fraud and his underhanded actions against the USPS along with the Republican held Senate under McConnell who continually state they will not pass the bill to release funds to help with mail in voting verification of this years election.

I think I have ranted enough on America even though I never got to the protests resurgence across America and
Kellyanne Conway sudden announcement that she is resigning from her post as senior adviser to Trump [maybe Melania caught her in flagrante delicto with Trump]. So on that let's take a look at dear old Blighty and our leader of disrepute, Johnson. As the government weathers it's own political storms, dear old blighty is facing it's very own actual storm as Storm Francis sweeps across the UK bringing "unseasonably" strong winds of up to 70mph, heavy rain and flooding which only strengthens the issue of global warming which in recent days has seen two tropical storms hit the Caribbean and America, New South Wales, Victoria, the Australia Capital Territory and the island state of Tasmania have all experienced rare seasonal snowfalls and now the UK is hit with a deluge from an unseasonable storm. Do we not think it is time for world governments to take the subject of an increasing global weather change serious and put plans in to action, not just talk about it.

Anyway while the actual weather dampens spirits let's see what political BS there is to metaphorically dampen our spirits. As the row over school reopening's trundles on the newest debate is on whether students should be required to wear mask in school. Scotland is the first to implement a mandate that masks are to be warn in school corridors, communal areas and school buses as of next Monday by all student over the age of 12 except in classrooms where social distancing measures are in place. The opposite can be said in England as head teachers have complained about a lack of clarity over the rules on whether teachers or pupils can wear face masks in schools. They want to know if they can override the official guidance which rejects the use of face coverings in school as the published guidance does not take in to account, what is to be done if staff or pupils want to wear face coverings. In response a Downing Street spokesman ruled out any review on masks in school which is just another way of saying we haven't got a clue, please don't ask us to make such a hard decision. Once again the Scottish parliament has shown more back bone in it's decision making than the government themselves who are at an impasse about how to proceed due to the fact for a great deal of time in the last six months they have be leaderless like a rudderless ship battling against the onslaught of worsening weather without any means of correcting it direction on an open ocean. This inability to stay the course on any policy along with the exams debacle could fatally undermine Johnson’s singular claim to be a champion of “levelling up” as he fails time and time again to do just that. As the countries adults still face an uncertain future within the professional lives, their children face just as much uncertainty in their educational lives as both are been failed by the current government under the leadership [or no leadership] under Johnson.and more is needed to be done to ensure the country is not failed. 

The current fallout over various governmental actions like the slow start to the fight against a pandemic, a lack of PPE to keep health professionals safe, a hastened lockdown easing strategy, the way poorer pupils suffered disproportionately as A-level results were downgraded by an algorithm implemented by the Tories and the now inability to make simple decisions over the right course of safety actions needed to reopen schools, all of which this government have made countless humiliating and laughable U-turns on. All of the above could be the catalyst that does to Johnson what Black Wednesday in 1992 did to John Major, the then Conservative primeminister. On the back of all this superposition comes rumour as it has been reported that Johnson is planning to QUIT as PM in six months because he is struggling to recover from coronavirus. This prompted Downing Street to deny an extraordinary claim made by Dominic Cummings' father-in-law, Sir Humphry Wakefield who told a holidaymaker who visited his castle in Northumberland that the Prime Minister is still suffering longer-term ill effects of coronavirus. The baronet, whose journalist daughter Mary is married to Johnson's top aide Cummings, likened the Prime Minister to a horse that is made to work while injured, leaving it permanently lame. In the hastily released rebuttal Number 10 this morning stated the claim Mr Johnson would step down was 'total nonsense'. Yet isn't this par for the course for Johnson who hasn't been able to keep a regular position jumping in and out of roles like a tightly wound jack in the box for years.

Once again we find Cumming's at the centre of a political debate which he has no business being in, in the first place. This is the type of government Johnson is leading, one of backstabbing and misdirection as well as as it not being what is needed at this current juncture as we find our country in unstable times. The conservative government has always been the government of the rich and famous, but lately it is finding it's doubters arising from all walks of life as people start to feel the emotional and economic loss which is the underlying results of a deathly pathogen they failed to take serious until it was too late and the death toll reached more than a thousand dead with four or five times that infected. Johnson may have only been in charge for just over a year, but in my humble opinion that is twelve months too long for a man who has constantly shown an ineptitude to lead, firstly when he was mayor of London and now as the primeminister of the United Kingdom which he is only doing in name because really he is only the glorified leader of England at the moment as the first minister's of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are doing a better job for the devolved nations which he has no say in. On that terrifying fact I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!  

Monday, 24 August 2020


So as we begin a new week, we ask ourselves the question, can it get any better? The simplest answer is no, not while we are governed by incompetence. let's see what's been going on.

In America the election race keeps on rolling as more people start to protest police brutality and blatant murder which is now been recorded for posterity. Natural disasters are breaking out nationwide with wildfires in California and tropical storms head towards southern states, not to mention the ongoing battle with COVID-19. So it seems Trump's administration are facing multiple battles on multiple fronts in a year where everything has accumulated to form a never ending deluge of criticism for the sitting president, The latest protests against police brutality comes after a so called law enforcement officer shot an unarmed black man in the back at point blank range whilst he was trying to get in to his car. The incident happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin shortly after 5 pm on Sunday as three officers were seen pointing their weapons at a man identified as Mr Blake as he walked around a parked SUV. As he opened the door and leaned into the car, one officer can be clearly seen grabbing at the mans shirt and then firing his gun at the man's back. Seven shots were fired as witnesses shouted and screamed. Following the incident protests erupted as hundreds of people marched on the police headquarters setting vehicles on fire while throwing bricks and Molotov cocktails as protesters shouted "We won't back down". The problems lie within a law enforcement mentality which allows high strung police officers to carry weapons and needs to be dealt with at the highest levels of power, but when you have a president who supports the use of lethal force against it's black, white or minority citizens there will never be any reforms with in the law enforcement community. What was wrong with the officer involved with the shooting brandishing non lethal weapons on the man like a stun gun which would have incapacitated the man instead of putting him in hospital fighting for his life.

As an outsider who sees local police in the UK dealing with such incidents with non lethal tactics it just astonishes me that America still use sidearms as a deterrent. In the space of a few months the world has witnessed the over the top brutal tactics used by law enforcement individuals when dealing with the American public and witnessed a president who would rather send in his own stormtroopers to try to quell his peoples protests which has proved to incite further violence by the very individuals who vowed an oath to protect and serve the public. What is more liberating is that these methods to contain a situation are no longer left unspoken or unseen as more and more civilians are recording the actions of the police to hold them accountable for their actions which means the issue should be getting better not worse, but again that is down to the people in charge higher up in office. Again I say the systemic catalyst of this underlying issue is America's past rearing its ugly head under the guise of politics and evangelical religion with a president who profits from his role and would rather see his country burn than act upon the open prejudices formed within the white privileged culture that has never been eradicated from the hearts of the descendants of the confederacy who have built up their following quietly over decades disguised as the Republican Party or as they prefer the Grand Old Party who's ideals have slowly been returned to that of the slave owners of the past who believed it was their God given right to be the overseers of the minorities.

This is quite aptly proven by Trumps own family within his nieces book which quotes Trumps eldest sister, a former federal judge stating her brother is a liar who "has no principles", These critical remarks made by Maryanne Trump Barry were recorded by her niece, Mary Trump during interviews for content on Trump for her book. Ms Barry also stated "His [meaning Trump] goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God, It's the phoniness and this cruelty." Mary Trump decided for her own protection to secretly recorded the conversations with her aunt as the content of the conversations hit on wide ranging divides in the fabricated relationship of the Trump family compared to what his family relations are actually like, as Ms Barry also commented on her brothers point of view over immigration when referring to a 2018 interview Trump gave saying he would put his sister in charge of the trials of immigrant children and the unverifiable facts over Trumps SAT scores that got him a place at the University of Pennsylvania. All in all you have a family at war with itself. 

Basically what is been openly dissected in print and also actions is the mask of truth that is hiding the man who would be America's next king. The year 2020 will be remembered in history for not only the worst pandemic in over one hundred years, but the year America went to war over a president whose tactics were more that of a dictator than a democratically elected leader proven that some democracies are less than democratic in there formation which allows for corruption under the disguise of law.

On that it's time to check out dear old Blighty. So the country is still up in the air over what is happening to combat the coronavirus attack with no light at the end of the tunnel and the government scrambles to implement successful lockdown easing strategies while their leader stays absent from his post. What is the main COVID-19 news on this summer Monday in August, well it is non existent, there are no more briefings, there are no more run downs on death tolls, there are no visible leader and the main focus is still on reopening schools. The message been put out there by the absent leader of our country is that It is "vitally important"  for children to go back to school, with the life chances of a generation at stake. As the autumn term begins in Northern Ireland, the prime minister has stated that the risk of contracting coronavirus at schools across the UK is "very small and it is far more damaging for a child's development and their health... to be away from school any longer". It doesn't matter whether the government or the chief medical officers have signed joint statements to reassure parents schools could mitigate risks during the pandemic. As the staggered reopening of schools happens across the UK parents and children are more anxious about their safety than ever, which is yet to be alleviated by those in authority. Even with all the safeguarding teachers have made in preparation for UK schools to open they still face an untested hypothesis that children will be safe, not to mention the physical and mental health risks from not being in the classroom for months they will have to contend with as children act up or worse. Again rather than face up to these hidden problems Johnson is pushing that the best way to tackle any mental health problems is to get kids back into school by September.

The basics of the present government is to reopen the country as fast as possible to counteract the economic shortfall from no trade and exports for the last five months as well as the lack of retail business which helps through income tax and value added tax payments. Instead of looking at the safety of the people they have continually assessing the country in respect of money lost as we slip in to recession due to the pandemic. The government is taking an accountants point of view over the bottom line rather than the humanists point of view of lives lost. There have been a constant number of humongous fails by the primeminister and his cabinet in recent weeks and months which openly shows the fallibility of the people we elect to do our bidding. These individuals seem to think they are untouchable when they make decisions for the people without giving the people a say in their own lives by dropping laws and policies on us without due electoral input and that is how we as a people have blindly let it happen rather than openly voicing our stance on certain topics which go against our own belief system. The outbreak of a global pandemic has created a vacuum of trust between politicians and voters who put them where they are. What politicians should remember when they commit these acts of privilege is that there is always the day of reckoning when their roles can be snatched away from them during an election, so they should be more aware that their actions will have repercussions, maybe not today or tomorrow, but eventually the day will come when they ask the public to trust them and reelect them. On that day it should be no surprise when they lose their valuable place in politics and their extortionate incomes which they don't deserve. It may be three and a half years till our next general election, but they will face the public's wrath for their ineptitude someday. They should watch what is happening in America right now and adjust their responses accordingly if they don't want the same to happen here. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you Tomorrow!      

Saturday, 22 August 2020


Welcome to the weekend as we move on through yet another month under the threat of death from a pandemic and inept governments. Let's take a look at the latest BS surrounding our elusive leaders.

In America as the political machine trundles on, We see many different issues facing the country, such as out of control wild fires in California, police brutality in Portland, another corrupt Trump lackey facing jail for fraud, marches in New York in memory of the nearly 180,000 dead, political parties going to war verbally and what does America think is news worthy? An actress getting two months in jail for bribing her daughters way in to a good college. Come on America one women got her daughters a foot up the ladder with a bit of money and that's corruption (Yes it was wrong), what about the countless politicians across the country who are elected through bribery, election tampering, money laundering and lies, where is there trial for bribery? You have the most corrupt president in the history of the country, who has lied, defrauded and illegally funded his family for nearly four years with public money, yet he is still running the country. Where is the logic in your whole infrastructure of law, which allows the rich to be set free on technicalities while imprisoning the poor for life over three misdemeanours with the three strike rule. There is something truly wrong when a murderer can plead his way in to witness protection while a mother is jailed for years for shoplifting. You sentence corrupt people like Cohen, Manafort and Stone who ran Trumps illegal candidacy for president, yet they are either get released early or even commuted in the example of Stone, which is just dumbfounding to me as an outsider. There has to be a severe review of American law! 

Anyway speaking of ridiculous turns of events, how does a person get the right to have their funeral service held at the Whitehouse because in my opinion Trump having his brothers funeral service at the Whitehouse is travesty and shouldn't have been allowed. John Lewis was a much better person than any Trump living or dead and he wasn't even given that privilege. Trump even refused to attend the funeral which was surely race related. The funeral service of Trump's brother was a clear desecration of the formidable house that represents the people, what was wrong with the funeral service been held in a church or was Trump worried he would be struck down by lightning if he stepped inside.

So in the aftermath of the funeral desecration, Trump has now opened up a fresh attack on house speaker Nancy Pelosi by calling her 'Crazy Nancy Pelosi' which in a sitting president that kind of remark in a speech or even behind closed doors should never be allowed, but Trump isn't  a proper president, he is just a vindictive narcissistic sociopath. The comment was made in reference to the idiotic theory Trumps people are floating about, how if there is no election by January 20th 2021, the US Constitution's 20th amendment allows the Speaker of the House to assume the presidency. The stupidity within the Trump administration is truly baffling, do they just write his speeches to appease him without fact checking because in the event there was no election, whomever is the speaker of the house would be forced to step down too before been allowed to assume office. The campaign trump is running is against the constitution of the country and the language of the man is not fit for to be used by such an office, which in my opinion indicates that every word spoken by Trump proves categorically his unworthiness to hold such a position.

Well on that note let's hop the pond back to dear old Blighty and see what BS is been vomited up by our own government. As Johnson lounges around in Scotland, the Tory run government is in shambles. as more and more people voice their opinion from Labour leader Keir Starmer to Tory backbenchers, From Piers Morgan to the Financial Times, From leftists on Twitter to the Daily Mail. It is blatantly clear as the list of Johnson’s failures grows not only to include the coronavirus debacle or Brexit, but throughout just about every other policy area this government has proposed or implemented which gets longer every week making the ministers concerned objects of mockery and contempt. The issues of government incompetence matters, especially during a pandemic, yet it’s also an easy charge to make. It comes naturally to the disillusioned voters because of a distrust of politicians, the civil servants with scores to settle after government cuts and the journalists who do it simply for the enjoyment of judging the powerful while describing Whitehall meltdowns.

The problem doesn't really solely lie at the feet of the politicians because it was the voting public that put them where they are. Even with the current failures of the sitting government polls still have the masses voting for the Conservatives even though the divide has closed dramatically. Until the mentality of the voters who vote Tory for the sake of staying 'Blue' at all costs changes then that will always be the reason for the countries current predicament. We the people are to blame due to a colour blindness to what is going on beneath the surface. We blindly back whomever is wearing a particular colour rather than looking into their policies and electoral promises closer. For too long a labour supporter was a labour supporter and vice versa. We no longer live in a world where one party is working class and the other is toffs as proved with the fact that the new Labour leader is a 'SIR' rather than just a simple 'MISTER', but the problem that also brings with it, is class related. Will an old style working class voter back a knight of the realm (even one who wasn't born in to privilege, but earned it)? What we are seeing is clearly going to rumble on for a while because it would take a great deal of parliament cross party collaborating to unseat Johnson and his lackeys, so I can't see him going anytime soon. Also it is because of the blindness and unwillingness of Tory strongholds to criticise their MP's for failures by openly voicing a demand for resignations that we find those inept ministers keeping their jobs, not to mention the nepotism inherent in government where it is a scratch my back and I will reciprocate type of mentality, where votes are bought with promotion or a promise of help to push an agenda. The questions all voters should be asking is what do I expect from my ideal government, then for them to read each parties manifesto they produce prior to an election (don't just read the party manifesto, read your local candidates manifesto, so you can hold them accountable for their actions) and vote your conscience, not just your preferred colour. I admit that is something I have not done myself in the past, so I blame myself just as much even though I never voted 'BLUE' last December and have only ever voted 'BLUE' once when Labour was run buy the ban the bomb crowd in the late eighties, opting for the last few years to sit on the fence and vote 'ORANGE'. So when and if we get a chance to rid of ourselves of Johnson, we still aren't guaranteed an new general election as the basis of parliament is so complex it would depend on whether Johnson resigned as an MP or resigned as a government, but that would take a lot more of a decision under parliamentary rules. On that confusing note I think I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Friday, 21 August 2020


Good day and welcome to another Friday where we find our leaders focused once again on themselves rather than the people suffering due to their decisions, so let's see what they have done today.

In America it doesn't seem to get any better as Trump throws out insults at the people that are standing up to his systemic racist tendencies. In Pennsylvania during his speech he insulted both Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC for short as Trump likes to refer to her), but took what seemed to be great pleasure in insulting Miss Ocasio-Cortez's education which is what a person who doesn't know how react to a well spoken and powerful woman who cannot oppress. Thursday saw Joe Biden finally accept the nomination of the Democratic party and in his powerful speech vowed to move the country past its "season of darkness" under Trump. He stated that the current president had cloaked America in darkness for far too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division and that he gave his word, if entrusted with the presidency, to draw on the best, not the worst,and that united the people can and will overcome this season of darkness in America. In a bizarre reaction to Biden speech Trump who is supposedly trailing in the polls in nearly all swing states to Mr Biden, complained wrongly that photo ID was required to enter the virtual DNC convention and took pot shots at Biden's abilities whilst comparing himself to a chess grandmaster, The man is completely delusional and off his rocker, next he will compare himself to Sun Tzu or maybe not as he is racially aggressive towards the Chinese. 

 What can be seen in such a short time is the character of both candidates running for the presidency, where Biden calmly shows dignity and intellect while talking with solid outlined goals, Trump attacks with dirty and underhanded disrespect for anyone opposing him. The latest on the rumour mill is that Trump is prepared to deploy his stormtroopers, sheriffs and other law enforcement agents to election polling stations to monitor what he claims is widespread fraud, but is in fact largely non-existent which clearly shows an intent to subvert and corrupt the election process instilling a dictatorship style of control over the right to vote as seen in Russia and other corrupt countries where peoples rights are suppressed. He has clearly lost his mind and is beginning to publicly unravel as he makes one bizarre accusation after another and also tries to oppress the freedom of speech act for everyone, but himself as proven with the latest bizarre petitioning of the supreme court to let him block people on Twitter again.
In 2018, it was ruled the US president cannot block other users on the social media app because the messages are 'governmental in nature' and is therefore part of a public forum and as such, blocking users as a result of the political views they have expressed is impermissible under the First Amendment. Come on America how often does anyone have to exhibit the facts about Trump unsuitability to be president before you enact on your civil rights to vote him out of office. Whether you be Democrat or Republican, it is no longer about red or blue, it is about the sake of a nation that is drowning in hatred, corruption, authoritarianism and totalitarianism, not to mention the fact that under the present administration over one hundred and seventy thousand people have died from a pandemic (the likes of which has been not seen in over one hundred years), the economy is flailing (due to the pandemic and governmental ineptitude), Protests against oppressive and murderous law enforcement has risen (again the likes of which has not been seen in over fifty years) and to put it in words anyone can understand, America is on the brink of it's own internal annihilation where American will end up fighting American creating a second civil war, but this time it will not be Unionist against confederate it will be neighbour against neighbour and will be nationwide. So make the decision and make it peacefully showing how America can join together to eradicate the evil that has got a foothold on your countries halls of power not just in the whithouse, but throughout every political avenue of the nation from law enforcement to local government to state government to congress to senate to the presidency.

On that thought I will call it a day in America and check out dear old Blighty. So the whereabouts of our absentee primeminister has been found as pictures of Johnson emerge showing him in a woolly hat wandering around a cottage situated next to coast in Scotland. As Britain stumbles on through the worst pandemic in a hundred years and the UK debt rises above two trillion pounds,100% of gross domestic product (GDP) for the first time in sixty years our duly elected leader of the government is holidaying instead of performing his duty to the country. Johnson has remained silent and absent from public during the current crisis over exam results and the continuing rise of positive cases of coronavirus, only to use social media to congratulate GCSE pupils on their results and to comment on the sentencing of the Manchester Arena bomber's brother, which has lead to claims that he has been 'invisible' during the controversy because he has not got a clue and is floundering in his premiership. Surely as the political leader of the country Johnson should forgo any holidays until the country has turned the corner on the current growing list of crisis's the country is facing. You don't see those poor souls who have lost their jobs or loved ones taking off on holiday, do you? This is just one more factor that proves the country was duped in the December election which gave Johnson four more years in power to turn this once great world power in to just a little non existent island sitting to the west of Europe that no one could give a flying F*** about. As a country we need to stand up and show the government we will no longer accept their corrupt ineptitude that has been allowed the fester through the halls of parliament for too long. 

We need a new system that allows the people a greater say in what happens and a new law that can be enacted to remove a government that fails in its duty. We are a democracy that is been misled and misgoverned by someone that has been proven to be incapable of doing his job. In any other type of business the head of the board would be removed and replaced with someone more competent and in any other type of business someone who is proved to be unsuitable for the role would be demoted or dismissed. Why is government the only stylised 'business' where we see such ineptitude be allowed and condoned without any form of disciplinary procedure. I don't have an answer, I am just spit balling my opinion, but surely any governing body should have a probationary period to prove themselves or a bi-annually six monthly review period where they can be replaced rather than four years without even a slap on the wrist for poor performance. On that thought I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow! 

Thursday, 20 August 2020


Well as we move on through another week of pandemic uncertainty, let's see what's there to rant about.

In America Kamala Harris has accepted her historic nomination as the US Democratic party's vice-presidential candidate, running with Joe Biden for the White House. In a speech to her party convention, the first US woman of colour on a major-party ticket assailed Trump's failure of leadership, pledged to speak truths to the American public and urged Americans that they must elect a president who will bring something different, something better, and do the important work. Harris also hit back at Trump's racism pledging that they would revive a country fractured by the coronavirus pandemic and racial tension, but that there was no vaccine for racism, stating they've got to do the work to rectify Trump's failure that has cost lives and livelihoods. Before Harris gave her speech the air was filled with condemnation of Trump by former president Barack Obama who in his speech went all out to paint a future under Trump as grim and that a second term would tear down democracy to win. Obama carried on fanning the flames of Trump's ego by attacking his narcissism, conspiracy theories, corruption and laziness calling his presidency a 'reality show for the attention he craves' as he also urged people to vote for Joe Biden

 As the democrat convention televised both Obama's and Harris's speeches Trump swiftly hit back in his own mentally deranged way, tweeting about Ms Harris' previous attack on Mr Biden over his record on race issues, while they were both rivals for the Democratic White House nomination. Politics is a dirty game, but this time around I believe it will get worse as Trump's campaign put's it's illegal and inappropriate plans in to action to disrupt and disorientate the American voting public from removing their inept and corrupt president. Come November the problems will multiply with the issues within USPS, closed polling stations, pandemic spreading and corrupt electoral practices, but the worst outcome will be if Trump loses because his narcissism will kick in to overdrive causing one of two things. The first thing that may happen will be Trump refusing to vacate the Whitehouse and secondly his campaign team trying to cause problems by calling the result in to question. These are the issues that need addressing sooner rather than later because America is dealing with a madman who wants to president forever.

On that disturbing thought let's take a look at the issues in dear old Blighty. So as the government has one crisis after another the question been asked is why are the UK's MP's not holding the current government to task as the cases of incompetence are definitely overwhelming. With the country in the midst of a national pandemic, virus cases beginning to rise again, the abolishment of England's main public body, the debacle over exam results and a fallen recession, not to mention the failure of Brexit we find the primeminister absent from parliament and Downing Street supposedly taking a camping holiday in Scotland instead of running the country. So again I ask the question where are Britain’s MP's when they are needed? The conventional explanation is that this is simply the usual long summer recess. Parliament almost never sits between late July and early September, but MP's have met only twice in August in the last half century which in my opinion is disgusting considering the money they earn especially the primeminister. Why as a voting public do we accept a governing body that closes longer than schools during holidays? 

It is surely not the time for holidays when the country is at it's lowest for centuries with no possible answers to where we go from now while been governed by idiots who keep rolling out ineffective plans and policies to combat the issues facing the country. As we wake to new issues each and every day the public are starting to lose their faith in the government, but we have no way of removing the government for over three years which will see the country in a deeper quagmire of hell than we are already in. We have a primeminister who has not been seen in public more than a dozen times since the pandemic hit the UK and cabinet ministers who are not qualified to do the roles they have been given which is totally unacceptable from a leader. On that I leave you to stew on the fact we have an absentee leader and an ineffective cabinet, so I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Wednesday, 19 August 2020


In to Wednesday we head to see what fresh BS is trolling the news telling us how we should live. Let's take a look at what is rantable today.

In America as Biden is officially accepted as the Democratic parties presidential nominee more shitstorms hover over Trumps reelection campaign with a bipartisan Senate intelligence committee's fifth and final report release finding that the Trump administration has hindered its investigation and embraced Russian help in 2016 while another former president took aim at the Trump administration. Ex-president Clinton stated in a five minute speech that there was “only chaos” in the Oval Office and that the one constant was the current president’s “determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame”. This election cycle has become a comedic farce as it trundles along in one publicised error after another, the latest been Trump’s re-election campaign trying to circumvent voters rights by now suing New Jersey over its Democratic governor’s decision to send a mail ballot to each voter ahead of November's presidential election. The grounds of the lawsuit, which was filed late on Tuesday, seeks to invalidate the move and describes the step taken by Governor Phil Murphy as “illegal”. How can giving the people the right and means to perform their duty as citizens to vote be illegal, surely the opposite is illegal when the right to vote is denied or blocked. 

All this and more as the post master general 'Dejoy' is called to congress to face a hearing over his implemented plans to remove mail boxes, cancel delivery runs, stop overtime pay and close down sorting centres before the November election prompting his sudden backtrack on the new policies being rolled out within the USPS. What has been openly reported as Trump's attempts to sabotage the 2020 election under the guise of streamlining the postal service prompted a congress investigation in to the post master general. With fierce debate over postal funding in 2020, as record numbers of Americans are expected to vote by mail due to the pandemic, DeJoy has reversed his decision on operational changes to the USPS stating that to avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded, which is a small win for the people, but is just a small percentage of the problems facing America as systemic corruption lives deep within the highest offices of the nation. How can a country call itself the land of the free when so many are kept in, around or below the poverty line by the infiltration of white privilege in to the top jobs within in all walks of life who no longer hide their racist or sexist beliefs and openly condone the way any other person who is not white American is treated and abused, denying them their constitutional rights. Point of fact is the way Trump has strategically placed rich donors and supporters of him and his reelection campaign in to influential positions within his administration as well as openly using the office of the president to promote his supporters businesses, most recently for example with the news that Trump has backed the tech giant 'Oracle' take over of TikTok's US operations calling it a 'great company' which isn't surprising considering Oracle's chairman Larry Ellison is a supporter of Trump and held a fundraising event for him in February. These are the people that Trump's administration has continued to give back to with government contracts, tax breaks, funnelled money through the pandemic furlough scheme and the payroll tax relief. The only Americans that benefit from having Trump in the white house are the uber rich, the far right extremists (Neo Nazi's and White Supremacists), his corrupt family, big pharma companies, health insurance companies and the regimes of both Russia and North Korea, but not one American who fights to make a living or is living on the bread line. Come on America it is time to take your country back from the people profiting off your blood and sweat without them giving back. Stand up, have your voice heard and show the Trump's of this world that enough is enough.

On that I will leave America alone for today and jump across the pond to dear old Blighty where we find the current government blindly stumbling through this year making one mistake after another as we hear that their absent leader is set to defy calls for a cabinet reshuffle despite Tory backbench pressure to sack Gavin Williamson over his exams debacle. Johnson has been accused of a 'lack of grip' after a series of mishaps during the coronavirus crisis has left the Government being 'laughed at'. Johnson is only expected to make 'minor' changes to his cabinet after the summer recess before a full January 'reset' when the Brexit transition period has ended. The issue isn't only in the cabinet, it is in the inept leader and it should be him that goes first especially with his unwillingness to remove the people responsible for the mishaps. His refusal to sack or even ask for the resignations of Cummings, Jackel, Patel and now Williamson shows a leader incapable of making prolific decisions for the betterment of the people. This is a man who keeps his cronies in place no matter what happens which is clearly emphasised by the appointment of yet another friend of a friend in to the position of temporary chief of the newly formed National Institute for Health Protection. Putting Dido Harding in charge of the new health body is a sham after she was the one who oversaw the highly criticised NHS Test and Trace app and its excessive lockdown curbs which is another huge governmental failure. There is clearly nepotism within the current hapless government where it is not what you know, but who you know that gets you a job and allows you to keep it after one cock-up after another. What is been seen in the halls of parliament after the latest u-turn on policy is a growing number of Tory MP's dissatisfied with the leadership and sees Williamson's exam fiasco as one blunder too far which was bluntly stated by one Tory MP as a government that is 'being seen as hapless and have had too many mishaps for a government that is only a year old'. Once again what we are seeing is a government who too easily lays the blame for their own inadequacies at the feet of others as Hancock has done with scientists over the rise in deaths during the pandemic and now Williamson is doing with Ofqual over the debacle of the computer algorithm which downgraded thousands of school leavers grades. How can we find confidence in a governing body who all too frequently passes the buck for failures they implement.

Point of fact is the latest issues with the Brexit debacle where Johnson's failure to get 'Brexit done' which was his election cry last December has been dealt yet another blow as Scotland votes to object to the UK Government plans for a British internal market system after Brexit. The SNP motion was passed by 92 votes to 31 today, whilst an opposing Tory motion calling on Scottish ministers to "engage constructively with the UK Government" on the plans was also rejected by 30 votes to 91.  A Downing Street and Whitehall sources stated that the government was disappointed by the result. The internal market system which was published was a White Paper on new laws after Brexit which was published earlier this year would see measures which were previously managed by the EU return to the UK at the end of the year when the Brexit transition period expires. The issue the Scottish MP's have with the new law which is characterised by UK ministers as a "power surge" for devolved administrations as responsibilities are transferred from Brussels is that the controversial plans are a “power grab by Westminster” and could leave the UK Government with a veto on Scottish laws passed at Holyrood. This is the problem I have voiced my opinion on previously by removing the UK from the EU we are in fact causing more problems because we are no longer one nation under one union flag, we are now four nation under four nations flags with one figure head been the Queen who holds the union together under one flag. All we have done by agreeing to Brexit is to start the catalyst of destruction which will lead to more backstabbing and in fighting as each devolved government chooses it's own path while still recognising a royal figure head. I believe such things as higher law courts, law oversight, human rights advocacy, centralised governmental oversight, medication supplies and global military issues should remain linked to a central government of European nations rather than in the hands of the likes of Johnson who is moulding his image of what the UK should look like on the totalitarian governments of yesteryear such as Hitler's Nazi Germany, Franco's fascist Spain, Castro's fascist Cuba and Stallin's U.S.S.R. Brexit is wrong and always has been because we are not returning the decision making back in to the hands of the British people, we are in fact giving politicians the ability to do as they like without any external oversight meaning the rights of the people will be null and void under any government of the future. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!