Wednesday, 30 September 2020


Good day world, it’s the last day of September, the last quarter of 2020 is ahead and there is no good news for us to revel in as COVID-19, the virus that just keeps taking has no end in sight. The world sits on a knife edge of destruction from natural and manmade disasters, while politics has just hit an all-time low. Let’s see what’s rantable today.

So America burns, drowns and dies of a deadly pandemic while the world watches on, all this and the first presidential debate took place on Fox news, the most biased and untrustworthy news channel ever. It was ninety minutes of lies, insults, interruptions and chaos, and that was only Trump. Biden calmly held fast while Trump insulted his family, his career and his intelligence with nonstop interruptions and slanderess remarks. At times it looked like Biden was unsure of himself, but that was just his stutter fighting to escape which he cleverly disguised by word swopping quickly, but he did lose his cool occasionally calling Trump a liar and a clown as well as telling him to shut up when the incessant interruptions got the better of his coolness. As an outsider all I can say is America is lost and could take decades to recover if Trump serves four more years.

In a debate that has been the most anticipated in thirty years, both candidates at times looked unpresidential, yet Biden was the one who tried to stay focused on the American people while Trump chose to attack Biden’s long political career and Biden’s family with insults and unproven rhetoric. Biden used political fowl ups made by Trump like his response to the pandemic and the 205,000 dead to attack Trump, but did have a little dig at Trump telling him that maybe he should inject some bleach in his arm. What was seen was both men taking pot shots at each other’s character rather than two men debating how they would serve the country. In response to Biden’s attack on Trump’s handling of the pandemic, Trump lied about the possibility of a vaccine been ready by November. Also when the subject of the pandemic was raised the camera’s panned to the Trump family prominently sitting in the front row because all the Trump children were mask less. The rules required everyone in the room to wear masks but of the president's family members present, only US First Lady Melania Trump donned a face covering during the debate which just shows the mentality of these people and how they openly flout the rules without any regard to the consequences.

In response to a question on the protests and white supremacy, Biden stated Trump doesn't want to calm things down, adding that the president wanted to "pour gasoline on the fire" instead and when asked to condemn white supremacist and militia groups, Trump stated "Sure I'm willing to do that, but almost everything I see is from the left-wing. I'm willing to do anything. I want to see peace.", but when pressed further, Trump seemed harassed and said: "What do you want to call them? Give me a name. Give me a name?", which finally got the name ‘Proud Boys’ prompting him to say "Proud Boys - Stand back, stand by, but I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about Antifa and the left because this is not right-wing problem... This is a left wing problem". These words are not one of a peacemaker, these are the words of a racial inciter. To actually use the name of an organisation on national television is a gross misuse of power. His statement was more a call to arms than a condemnation of the right wing group which is 100% male and 100% white. After that statement the Proud Boys, a known neo-Nazi organisation, appeared to use Trump's "stand back, stand by" call in a new logo posted on Telegram shortly after the debate as a call to arms. When the subject got round to whether Trump would accept the final result, Trump’s reply was to state that military ballots with his name on them were found in a bin, which Biden then replied that with, mail in ballots would not be opened until the election and would take a long time to count, while Trump simply called the Democrats cheats, even insulted the people of Philadelphia by stating “bad things happen in Philadelphia” just because Trump supporters who he called poll watchers were not allowed to in to one election premises to watch. Except the truth was that there were several reasons why elections staff did not allow members of the public to arbitrarily enter their offices. Firstly, the Trump campaign has no poll watchers approved to work in Philadelphia and secondly, there are no actual polling places open in the city right now. Thirdly, the elections officials were following coronavirus safety regulations, such as those limiting the number of people indoors and fourthly, it was true that voters were casting ballots, but the locations where they were doing so were satellite elections offices where mail ballots can be requested, completed, and submitted where poll watchers don’t have the same rights at such locations as they do at traditional polling places on Election Day, officials stated.

This was the first of three debates which I think will just get bloodier the closer to November 3rd, we get. Trump will not lie down and will use every dirty trick in his insane mind to disrupt the election results. I cannot understand how America can still see Trump as a viable candidate for four more years in power when he is nothing but a manipulative white supremacist. Biden took a set response to the debate with very precise answers, when he was allowed to answer that is, while Trump merely went in to shoot from the hip with anything he simply thought up on the spot and a tactic of intimidation, interruption and verbal attacks. There is very little to say about the debate except to reiterate CNN’s political correspondent Dana Bash, It was a “shitshow”.

On that I will pop across the pond to dear old Blighty and see if there was anything as good to check on. The biggest issue at the moment is the clarification of the new restrictions implemented by the government as both Johnson and one of his ministers could not clarify exactly what the rules are when asked, as they stuttered through interviews and briefings like deer’s caught in car headlights with nowhere to run. Johnson himself during a briefing where he was quizzed on the rules kept looking to his left as if to ask an unseen person for help or to get him out of the briefing. I have never seen a primeminister with less composure or uncertainty of themselves ever. Johnson is clearly a man who cannot take the pressure while been asked questions requiring specific data, which he displays weekly at primeministers questions time. Later in the day a government minister accused BBC News of treating interviews like a "quiz show" after Boris Johnson got local coronavirus restrictions wrong. The Business Secretary Alok Sharma criticised the "gotcha line of questioning" when asked about the PM's mistake over rules in the North East, while a police chief for the area stated Johnson's mistake had "stoked further confusion" for people and Labour shadow health minister Alex Norris criticised Mr Sharma's comments stating that “The prime minister should understand the rules he is asking huge numbers of people to follow. That's not a gotcha, that's just basic government competence”.

So basically no one from the primeminister to the simple household truly knows what is or isn’t the right thing to do. All this misunderstood information needs to be thinned out and confirmed properly as we face yet another more critical future as the UK recorded 7,143 confirmed coronavirus cases on Tuesday, a new high since mass testing began, while deaths recorded within 28 days of a positive test also rose to 71, the highest total since 1 July. This is a scary time for the nation as measures do not appear to be working and we could really face another national lockdown by Christmas. As a single person with no family bubble, the solitude is not a real a concern for me as for others. My main concern is the ability to go to the shops when required, but it would be nice if the rules were better noted and more clearly defined. I never wanted Johnson as my primeminister, but I proved to be in the minority who saw him for what he really was. Clearly he greased the right palms on his rise to party leader and misled enough people to win four years in power, but his mannerisms and attitude towards the people of the nation is circumspect at best. He is born of white privilege, educated of white privilege, employed a methodology of white privilege in everything he has done and now has proven to be less than impartial in his ideology of government which is rule hard, rule corruptly and profit solely for himself and his cronies. He is a cheat, a liar and untrustworthy, both in his personal and political life. A man who can manipulate and deceive without a conscience or morals to define him. On that I think I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 29 September 2020


Well welcome to the second, but last day of September 2020, nearly nine months down in our year of hell which isn’t finished yet.

What will America remember? The death, destruction, unlawful police brutality, political corruption and maybe a defeat for Trump, I said maybe because there are still those moronic idiots out there that believe his BS. The first debate will take place at 2am GMT time, but will it be a win for Trump or a win for Biden, that is the question the world is asking at the moment. I may be British living in the UK, but I know the winner in November will have a huge impact on the British economy, so I wait with bated breath also. In the last couple of days we have seen a lot of speculation about Trump’s illegal tax returns which still says is been audited by the IRS [more BS]. He claims the reports about his lack of payments to the federal tax are ‘FAKE NEWS’, yet he still refuses to release them, but there is no legal reason why Trump can't release his returns while an audit is taking place, and he would be the first presidential candidate/president in almost 50 years not to make them available. It is not definitively known whether Trump is still under audit because it's confidential, only the person being audited or their lawyer can release that information publicly. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) which conducts the review is not permitted to disclose if an individual's finances are under inspection. What is known is that both Biden and Harris along with their spouses have released their tax returns for 2017 showing that between those four individuals they paid nearly 4.5 million dollars in federal taxes?

This tax release debacle has raged for over four years and has now brought forth severe allegations from the top-ranked Democrat in Washington who has called Trump's alleged tax avoidance a question of "national security". Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, has asked whether Trump owed money to foreign interests, following an article on his financial records by the New York Times. Speaking on NBC, Ms Pelosi stated the report showed that this president appears to have over $400m in debt which begs the questions most people are wondering which is 1) To whom is the debt owed? 2) What different countries hold Trump’s debt? And 3) what leverage do they have on Trump? Pelosi also stated that she considered this a national security question over the safety of the country because in fact you could have a sitting president who owes hundreds of millions of dollars that he's personally guaranteed to lenders which is due payable in four years and it is not known who the lenders are, but it could be suggested that Trump may be indebted to Russian President Vladimir Putin. None of facts can be verified as Trump is hiding who is indebted to. Yet surely the tax returns show where the money is coming from or has he illegally redacted that information?

Look America you hold twenty percent of the world deaths to Covid-19, you have a president who cares only for himself, you have a vice president who believes it is God’s will to kill 200,000 lives, You have a senate controlled by corrupt politicians who regard their role as one of one upmanship rather than serve the people, you have law enforcement that is bigoted and violent towards the downtrodden minorities and you have a country on the brink of implosion.

It shouldn’t be down to whether Trump is corrupt, we all know he is.

It shouldn’t be down to whether Trump is racist, we all know he is.

It shouldn’t be down to whether Trump is suppressing civil rights to vote, we know he is.

It shouldn’t be down to whether Trump is mentally incapable of doing the job, we all know he is.

It shouldn’t be down to whether Trump is worthy of your vote, we all know he isn’t.

So before November 3rd make sure your right to vote is registered, apply for mail in vote ballot and get it back well before election day, Vote early where possible, make sure the correct people have the your completed ballot [hand deliver if possible]. Basically do everything in your own power to make sure your voice is heard.

On that note let’s skip the pond to dear old Blighty to see what BS has been unfolding there. So as part of the government’s battle to restrict the spread of the COVID-19 virus, is to close pubs and clubs at 10pm, restrict people from communing with other people outside their home or bubble with the threat of a £10,000 fine and place large areas of the country in temporary lockdown causing many people to rebel. The government has been accused of creating "doubt and uncertainty" with its announcement of tighter lockdown restrictions in the North East of England. This new law against mixing socially, which comes into force on Wednesday amid a spike in Covid-19 cases, means people in the North East now face a maximum £6,400 fine if they disregard the law. I ask this, how will they enforce it? Will the County Durham and Northumbria police force be knocking on doors or will they start providing rewards to neighbours who rat on each other. These tougher measures will affect about two million people, but Newcastle City Council's leader has stated a lack of detail has led to people spreading half-truths and myths about the measures and that one of the things that undermines these tougher measures is the principle of community consent which is an uncertinty.

Another ongoing debate is the issues rising from the new 10pm licencing law as it has shown once pubs close their doors people are congregating outside which could lead to shop workers being put at greater risk of violence, verbal abuse and coronavirus infection a retail union has warned. Usdaw stated stores in England were likely to become "very busy" with people buying alcohol, "triggering" antisocial behaviour as some shops can continue to sell alcohol until later, this could cause additional problems to arise as licensing laws are not the same as shop opening hours or off-sales licensing hours become now they are longer than on-sales. Another issues the government in their wisdom neglected to take in to account. Basically pubs doors closing early has always been a problem for those with the mentality to drink themselves unconscious, but now as the licensing laws return to the pre 1990’s and the off licence laws stay squarely in the 2020’s the government has caused a potential ripple effect of anarchy as revellers look for their next alcoholic fix as well as refusing to go home at the end of the night which makes more work for the police to clean up early than normal. Further to these new measures Conservative backbenchers are demanding votes in Parliament be taken before any further coronavirus restrictions are introduced in England to stop the unilateral decision making of Johnson and his cabinet of late.

One other issue that will impact the economy due to COVID-19 is the unemployment rate, so in their wisdom the cabinet has come up with a new idea to combat that which is to fully fund college course for adults in England without an A-level or equivalent qualification. Funding for courses offering "skills valued by employers" will be made available from next April. Johnson in a speech stated the government couldn’t "save every job" amid the coronavirus pandemic, but wants to help people find new work as the predicted unemployment rate is expected to peak at between 9.7% and 13.2% in the next few years compared to the rate for May to July which was 4.1%. My concerns over these new proposed funds for adult students is will it affect the money already been paid in benefits putting them on a similar footing to present students who get no help and are expected to pay loans back. Currently if a person on Universal Credit decides to take on full time education they are no longer entitled to any benefits, losing their rent and council tax rebates as well as the measly unemployment benefit they currently receive. So how does the government plan to prevent that? An other question on education is, how can current University students be expected to pay the extortionate university fees for an education they are not receiving, but are still been charged for? Education Secretary Gavin Williamson is due to make a statement in the House of Commons later as thousands of students have been told to self-isolate following a surge in cases at universities.

What the public is seeing time and time again this year is a governmental cabinet falling over its own feet and stumbling in to one crisis after another without a reliable plan to firstly eradicate COVID-19, Secondly get the economy buoyant again, thirdly stop unemployment rising and fourthly get a decent deal on Brexit. Speaking of Brexit a new report has been released stating that during the Brexit referendum back in 2016, Dominic Cumming [Johnson’s lapdog or master, you decide] used the sister company of Cambridge Analytic (AIQ) to target millions of voters with disinformation about the European union to influence the Brexit leave vote whilst also illegally overspending on the campaign. So once again we see the culpable and corruptness with in the present UK governing Conservative cabinet who will stop at nothing to get what they want.

I only find time to rant about the US and the UK, but I wouldn’t be surprised if more governments around the world are just as corrupt in this day and age. It’s just that we here in England seem to hear more about America and Britain’s dishonesty especially because Trump and Johnson are cut from the same cloth as far as their beliefs on white privilege and law breaking is concerned. On that note I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Monday, 28 September 2020


Welcome to a new week in the world of anarchy. More police brutality in and around the global nations as protesters take to streets to show solidarity, more election BS from the US and more political BS from the government in the UK, so let’s take a look shall we?

In America the breaking news is more police brutality in Portland as a militia group as well as local law enforcement in Portland, Los Angeles and other cities cause havoc and injury during protests. These groups have no intention of just policing the streets, they run in packs pushing, shoving and attacking peaceful protesters and journalist just trying to document the abuse of power. They use riot shields as weapons inflicting pain and injury without a care for public safety or even life itself. This is the Trump administrations idea of ‘Law and Order’ where if a person appears to be in the protest, they are fair game for the police to attack proven by the bicycle delivery person in Portland who was randomly attacked and set upon by four or five so called peace keepers disregarding the man’s cries that he was a delivery cyclist and then there’s the young protester attacked by half a dozen Los Angeles police officers who tried to break his leg with a shield. This is just a world gone mad, it’s not supposed to be a reality, and it’s more like a scene from a movie or television drama. Yet just further up the state in Napa County the forests are burning out of control which shows the mentality of the authorities in America at the minute, who would rather assault innocent people than obey their oath to protect and serve, just ludicrous.

And what do you see the so called US president doing? He is nominating the most right wing judge in the country to the vacant seat on the Supreme Court called Amy Barrett, a woman who believes in segregation, a women who belongs to a religious ideology where a woman’s right to do with her own body what she wants including whether or not to give birth or have an abortion is made illegal. This judge who is linked to a religious group called ‘People of Praise’, which is a religious organization that appears to dominate some members’ everyday lives, in which so-called “heads” or spiritual advisers make big life decisions, and in which members are expected to financially support one another. It is also thought that married women such as Barrett count their husbands as their “heads” and all members are expected to donate 5% of their income to the organization very similar to the movie and television show ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’. It has been reported that some conservative and progressive activists have said any discussion of Barrett’s faith is inappropriate in the context of a Senate confirmation to assess her judicial qualifications, and potentially reflects anti-Catholic bigotry, yet how can it not be influenced by her religious tendencies if those beliefs will sway any verdicts the court passes as she pushes her own agenda and beliefs down the public’s throats.

In other news the New York times has published facts about Trump’s taxes, revealing that in the tax years 2016/17 and 2107/18 Trump only paid federal tax to the tune of $750 (£580) the year he ran for the US presidency, and in his first year in the White House. The newspaper obtained tax records for Trump and his companies over two decades also stated that Trump paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years which records reveal chronic losses and years of tax avoidance, but Trump has once again called the report "fake news" stating that had actually paid tax and that the country would see that as soon as his tax returns which has been under audit for over four years by the IRS [Internal Revenue Service] who Trump stated “does not treat him well… they treat me very badly”. Boo [F******] who for him! The IRS only treat cheats and liars badly while they prove wrong doing by corrupt individuals who supposedly spend over $70,000 a year on their hair, while hard working Americans pay their fair share to the federal tax, Trump a supposed billionaire gets away with recording losses in the millions to avoid paying his tax and the people of America thought he was a good choice for president, more fool you. So the country burns, the streets are battle grounds, the halls of power are corrupt and there’s a president milking the country for millions, is this what real democracy looks like? Just dictatorship in disguise!

On that outstanding revelation I think it’s time to check out dear old Blighty. So as more and more people face the ongoing doom of the pandemic what does the primeminister feel is a good topic? Well he has revealed plans on how he will protect an extra 400,000 hectares of English countryside to support the recovery of nature under plans to be announced. Johnson is joining a global pledge from 65 leaders to reverse losses in the natural world promising that the government will increase the amount of protected land in the UK to 30% by 2030 as national parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty and other protected areas make up 26% of land in England. This is good news, but how about saving the people who reside in the nation first! The amount of new positive virus cases is still rising with deaths up very slightly, yet the government is chasing their tails to resolve the problems thinking that fines are the way forward as they push the rule of six down people’s throats threatening to fine rule breakers £10,000 if the law is broke, but there is one flaw in that plan, if people aren’t earning how can they pay the fine? The law for pubs, clubs and bars to close at 10pm daily is a piece of fiction also if the one bar in the country that doesn’t close at 10pm is situated in the houses of parliament and caters to Johnson and his cronies as well as other MP’s.

We keep seeing laws been flouted by those individuals who set them unilaterally without even debating the new rule with Parliament, yet they expect the rest of the country to abide by their laws while they hypocritically disobey them, themselves. What kind of government, did we the people, misguidedly elect back in December 2019? I know I didn’t vote for Johnson because even in my less than stellar knowledge, I knew Johnson wasn’t the man to run our country, but other moronic individuals out there really were hoodwinked by his lies and false promises which are blatantly been forgotten as he tries to get a foothold within the halls of power, so he can further corrupt the rights of the people and create a future utopia for the wealthiest in the land while the rest of us drown in his dark dystopia where we are treated worse than the animals slaughtered to adorn the plates of the rich proven by Johnson allowing grouse shooting season to go ahead while the rest of the nation suffered and struggled to feed their families.

This is what George Orwell warned us about, this is what many Hollywood blockbuster’s unwittingly predicted, this is what an authoritarian world looks like where the downtrodden suffer while those rich few bask in their mansions while eating, drinking and earning millions from the suffering of the many. The governments of today believe in the precedence that ‘the needs of the few out way the needs of the many’, meaning the working class is there to allow the rich to profit while they corrupt whatever law they feel doesn’t apply to them, like the numerous MP’s, advisers and aids who break the law and are treated with impunity when it comes to the consequences of such flagrant abuse. We are governed by a regime of pilfering snobs who only have the goals to improve their own wealth and status rather than work on behalf the electorate. In America this is openly seen daily where as in Britain it carefully disguised, but still gets found out. On that note I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Friday, 25 September 2020


In the world today we see unnecessary death, violence and political corruption, we see more natural disasters and more authoritarian abuse of power, yet we are more oppressed and downtrodden than any decade in the last eighty years due to the people we ourselves elect to power who’s ambition and hunger for wealth has corrupted the fragrant of society our fathers, mothers and our ancestral lines fought against in two world wars. We are allowing the elements that were the catalyst for those wars infiltrate our society once more.

In America we see a man hell bent on furthering his own agenda’s of a superior race sitting in the highest office of that land corrupt and demolish a pledge the forefathers of America signed in to existence nearly 250 years ago, a man who believes in the same principles as the worst fascist in history who came to power to implement genocide of the blacks and the Jews. In the past forty eight hours this man has showed contempt for people who speak out against him and urge change by publicly insulting them, he has publicly stated if he does not win in November he will not accept his defeat, openly claiming the due process of ballots was rigged and will do everything in his power to disrupt the transition of power. In his own words Trump when asked by a reporter on Wednesday evening if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power “win, lose or draw” to Democrat Joe Biden who he currently trails in national opinion polls with 40 days to go until the election stated “I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster”. When the same journalist countered by stating people are rioting, Trump interjected like he always does by stating “Get rid of the ballots, and you'll have a very, you'll have a very peaceful, there won't be a transfer, frankly, there'll be a continuation”. So the basics of those few words outlines Trump’s intention to not leave the Whitehouse in January when he loses the election. It shows the mentality of the man who believes the world owes him and how deranged he has become, putting the world at risk.

In response when asked Joe Biden whilst speaking to reporters in Delaware, stated Trump's comments on the transition of power were "irrational" and a spokesperson for his campaign stated they were prepared for any "shenanigans" from the president adding that "the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House". On the topic of the riots Biden has himself been accused by conservatives of stoking unrest over the election by stating in August when asked replying "Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is re-elected?" and was urged by Hilary Clinton to this time around not to concede defeat "under any circumstances" in a close race on election night raising the scenario that Republicans would try "messing up absentee balloting" and mobilise an army of lawyers to contest the result. If you thought previous elections were contentious, you haven’t seen nothing yet. If you don’t want a long drawn out court battle putting the country in to a quagmire of BS, then the only answer is to make a clean sweep of blue nationwide to show Republicans they can’t hold American lives hostage.

Yet after Trumps comments about a peaceful transition of power the US Republican leaders came out and stated there would be an "orderly" transfer of power should Donald Trump lose November's election. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell said there would be a peaceful handover in January as there had been every four years since 1792, while Democratic senators label Mr Trump a grave threat to American democracy. This statement coming from the man who wants to install a new supreme justice before the November election reneging on his own words four years ago for no such decision be made during an election year. It can clearly be seen the Republicans are trying their best to push through as many changes as possible before the election because they are running scared due to the fact that many ardent Republican voters are pledging support for Biden which was witnessed when Trump visited the court on Thursday morning to pay his respects to the late justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg where he was greeted with boos and chants of "Vote him out" by the crowd outside the Supreme Court. You have to love freedom of speech which by the way Trump is clearly trying to remove and will if he succeeds in November.

On that it’s time to swap to dear old Blighty and check out what corruption is befalling us under our inept primeminister. So the government announces its revised, revised furlough scheme now called ‘Jobs Support Scheme (JSS)’ which it states will help small businesses and employees by subsidising the pay of employees who are working fewer than normal hours due to lower demand, will apply to staff who can work at least a third of their usual hours, employers will pay staff for the hours they work while for the hours employees can't work, the government and the employer will each cover one third of the lost pay with a grant capped at £697.92 per month. On the other side of the coin the Resolution Foundation has warned that the chancellor's new jobs support scheme risks a major living standard squeeze for six million households. The think tank stated it would not live up to its promise and would only slow, not stop, further job losses with the coming rise in unemployment causing a major living standards squeeze for families this winter.

Resolution Foundation chief executive Torsten Bell predicted that more than six million households could face an income loss of £1,000 from next April at a time when unemployment could still be at its highest level in a generation, also stating that a single adult homeowner earning £20,000-a-year would face an income reduction of around 19% if they worked a third of their previous hours on the jobs support scheme, compared with a 70% drop were they to lose their job completely and move onto Universal Credit which again proves how inadequate Universal Credit really is to anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves jobless in this day and age as the cost of living increases while unemployment benefit decreases. The major drawback to JSS is that employees will only receive the benefit if their employers choose to use it, as the new scheme is far less generous to businesses which gives the employer little or no incentive to use the scheme and choose to cut jobs in preference as those industries already hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic face further uncertainty after missing out on help in the chancellor's new emergency jobs scheme.

Again and again we hear about what the government is going to do for those on furlough or working less hours to help with shortfall in wages, but nothing is been said about the millions already unemployed who struggle week in week out on the pittance known as Universal Credit while also been expected to search for work in an ever decreasing economy where companies will look at those most recently unemployed more favourably than those who have been unemployed for over a year or more. On top of that hurdle comes the next which is that everyone unemployed is expected to work thirty five hours a week searching for work. This means that an unemployed single person over twenty five years of age gets £9500 per annum (with no tax or national insurance to pay) to live on while doing thirty five hours a week searching for work which works out at £5.27 per hour, while a single person over twenty five who works thirty five hours a week for an employer on a minimum wage of £8.72 per hour earns £14500 per annum (after tax and national insurance). What we’re seeing is that the government states employers cannot pay a person less than the minimum wage without facing consequences, yet the government finds it okay to pay someone unemployed £5000 less per annum creating a poverty divide within the nation and never faces any consequences. Surely it would be fairer to increase the basic unemployment rate say for example to £6.50 per hour which in turn would give that person an annual income of around £11800 which could be offset by taxing the wealthiest 20% of people at a much higher rate. Just a simple opinion from someone who feels the rich are unjustly taxed and are given more breaks than the 60% who work for a pittance putting in excessive hours to earn a living while the last 20% suffer on the pittance paid as Universal Credit.

There is no equality in this nation or the world as politicians supplement the richest people’s income by providing them with the biggest breaks after receiving backhander donations to their party or a bogus charity they receive an extortionate income from as a silent stockholder, because we all know certain charities classed as non-profits are actually shady piggy banks for the corrupt politicians and their advisers. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Wednesday, 23 September 2020


Yesterday was a bust, due to copy/paste errors and my idiocy, but I will try again today. Anyway the world sweeps in to yet another hell forsaken aftermath of political ineptitude with US registering 200,000 deaths and the UK heading in to another forced lockdown. Let’s see what is rantable today.

In America, Trump is still encouraging the idiotic supporters of his to mingle and spread the virus while he defended overseeing the world’s highest coronavirus death toll, saying 200,000 Americans amounted to "doing it right" because the mortality rate could potentially have been far higher. Trump then went on to slander and insult women of colour within congress at his latest campaign rally in Pennsylvania, deploying racist attacks on Democratic congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, accusing the former of “telling us how to run our country” while using his old favourite line that the mail in voting process will be tampered with as his excuse to install a right wing, pro-life, pro-gun and biased supreme justice nominee before the election who he stated he would name on Saturday citing the need to have a full roster of nine justices in place ahead of election day on 3 November because "with the unsolicited millions of ballots that they're sending, it’s a scam, it’s a hoax” referencing the fact that the Democrats are pushing to vote by mail in all states. This is a man hell bent on inciting a war, not a war where soldiers will fight an enemy and die, but a war where Mother Nature will take hold and clean house with deaths. Donald J Trump believes in one thing and one thing only, that’s Donald J Trump! He has no concern for people’s lives, he has no concern for the world economy, he has no concern for equality, and he is only concerned with how much money he can make from running the country in to a quagmire of deceit, depravity and destruction. As he circumnavigates the country state by state spreading his white supremacist, white privilege ideology amongst the moronic chanting idiots who display little respect for themselves, let alone anyone else by believing each and every lie this person spouts.

Well America we the world sit here with bated breath to see how you will vote, will it ‘BLUE IS TRUE or RED WITHOUT A CLUE’, will be ‘SANITY WITH BIDEN or INSANITY WITH TRUMP’. You see it day in, day out as the insanity brews within Trumps head. When asked a question he doesn’t like, he simply ignores it or calls the person shameless for even considering to ask it or simply stands disrespectfully shaking his head as the question is asked. This is a man on the edge, a man who is willing to lie, cheat and subvert his way out of everything he deems below him, even a free fair political election. He calls the opposition and the news networks that call him out as fakes and liars, taking every opportunity to question Biden’s health, principles and political career in to question. Trump boasts that he has done more in 47 months than Biden has done 47 years of politics which is probably true if you consider he has created the biggest death toll in modern history now standing at 200,000 dead due to ineptitude and inexperience, he has given the top 100 hundred richest people in the country, who this year alone earned 300 billion dollars, huge tax cuts and is set to give them more as he plans to give them another 30 billion in tax cuts during a deadly pandemic and an economic recession. So you ask yourself this who benefits from a Trump administration? Except for Trump and his rich business cronies. He has lied, cheated and broken numerous laws while stealing millions of tax dollars from the under-payed, under-valued middle and lower classes while laundering millions of dollars in campaign donations in to his personal offshore bank accounts disguised as payments to his many businesses. It is clear to me as a non-American living in another country that the only answer for America and the world is for a landslide victory for Biden in November turning every state in the union blue. Once again I ask will it be ‘BLUE IS TRUE or RED CREATES DEAD’, you need to choose ‘BIDEN’ over ‘TRUMP’, ‘DEMOCRAT’ over ‘REPUBLICAN’ if you wish to be ‘THE PHOENIX RISES FROM THE ASHES INSTEAD OF THE DINOSAUR FACING EXTINCTION’.

On that note I will skip the pond to dear old Blighty to see what authoritarian BS we face anew today. As of yesterday Tuesday September 22nd in England we are now being told to work from home if we can, which is a massive U-turn on what the government has spent the last month telling us to do and rules on face coverings have been expanded with the restrictions been announced in all four UK nations. Other measures introduced in England include a 10pm closing time for pubs and restaurants and the number of people allowed at weddings has been halved. The fines for breaking the rules are set to increase to £200 on the first offence. Hospitality venues will also have to close early in Scotland and Wales, but Scotland has gone further, by banning people from visiting other people's homes from Wednesday 23rd while Northern Ireland has also already banned households mixing indoors.

The Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has defended what is being called "balanced, targeted and proportionate" new coronavirus measures amid criticism from some scientists as the new measures have exposed a split among scientists with Prof John Edmunds, who advises the government, saying they did not go "anywhere near far enough" while other scientists say they hope they are a shift towards a coherent policy. With this dissent between scientists just the usual problems within a deeply passionate profession the worry should be what the cabinet and Johnson aren’t telling us and what other measures they may inflict on an already mentally exhausted nation. Johnson had already stated that he was deeply, spiritually reluctant to infringe on anyone's freedom, but also said "Unless we take action the risk is that we will have to go for tougher measures later, if people don't follow the rules we have set out, then we must reserve the right to go further” which in other words he has plans already in place to put more police back on the streets and for the Army to be used as back-up if need be. He has stated if everyone follows the simple rules together, the nation will get through this winter together. Johnson acknowledged that there were going to be unquestionably difficult months to come asking the public to summon the discipline, and the resolve, and the spirit of togetherness to carry us through the bad times will eventually give to good.

The issue I have with Johnson and the present cabinet is the fact that they are too indecisive, plucking ideas out of thin air, implementing them and then making the inevitable U-turns that they do without acknowledging their failures or giving a single apology for the extortionate death toll this nation has endured. Also while the populous suffer with the likelihood of bankruptcy, eviction, dwindling savings and possible unemployment each and every Member of Parliament still receives their over paid monthly salary whether they are doing their job or not. Not one Member of Parliament has had to worry about how they are going to feed their family or pay the forthcoming bills, rent and mortgage or if they may lose their job. Do we see the MP’s of this nation offering to take a pay cut in solidarity to those in their constituents, the simple answer is ‘NO’!

Johnson has expressed that he feels the current situation will linger on for another six months taking us squarely in to 2021 as the new decade trundles in to a ‘Life imitating Art’ scenario as storytelling from literature, movies and television all becomes blatantly factual and the world faces its first stylised apocalypse coming from a deadly pathogen which is set to cross the 1,000,000 dead mark worldwide very soon if things don’t change drastically. When you consider back in January this virus was still thought of as Chinese problem and none of the other world powers could have given a shit about it, fast forward nine months and the world is finding lockdown restriction a normal way of life.

When you look at the numbers of positive recorded cases of the virus in certain countries along with corresponding related deaths it makes you wonder about protection from the virus or pollution through masks. In Japan it has been quite common sight to see people going about their daily lives wearing masks for years which could explain why out of 80,000 positive recorded cases, the virus has resulted in only 1500 people dead. Also the country of origin for this virus which is China who are also seen to wear masks daily, out of 86,000 positive recorded cases, the virus has resulted in only 4600 people dead. Yet jump to the UK where wearing masks in public is laughed at, there are over 400,000 positive recorded cases of the virus which has resulted in just under 42,000 people dead and in the US whose president has continually called the virus a hoax, the recorded positive cases of the virus stands at nearly 7,000,000 which has resulted in a staggering 201,000 people dead. You need to start questioning the likelihood that certain countries where PPE has been considered part of the dress code for everyday life for years have been insightful in their endeavours considering that in a world population of 7,800,000,000 the current recorded instances of the virus now stands at 31,600,000, with deaths at 971,000. What I see is the Asian continents have fared remarkably better than the rest of the world. Yes the disease did start there, but they took it serious and have reaped the benefit of wearing masks daily, so think about this if everyone wore a mask to protect themselves, they are also protecting someone else at the same time, cutting down on the likelihood of the virus spreading which will in turn create a vacuum within which the virus cannot thrive, so eradicating the threat of infection and death. Think about it! On that note I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Monday, 21 September 2020


We step in to another new week as we near the end of September, three quarters of the way through a year of hell which showed us that e are not immune to Mother Nature, we are not immune to a global pandemic, we are not immune to political ineptitude, we are not immune to political corruptness and we should take more care when electing the people we ask to serve our interests within our countries. What we are finding is a complicit fracture of abusive power throughout all world governments where the people at the top regard their personal fortunes rather than their promise to serve the people. On that let's see what is rantable on this chilly September morn.

In America it has been less than three days since the death of the Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Trump has disrespected the ladies place in not only Jewish history, but in American history by not even waiting for the the former justice to be laid to rest before announcing his plans to move swiftly in appointing a replacement without a mourning period. Throughout the country there have been calls for the replacement to be selected after the inauguration of the next president whether it be Trump or Biden. Democrats fear Republicans will vote to lock in a decades-long conservative majority making it six to three on the country's highest court disrupting the ideological balance of the nine-member court which is crucial to its rulings on the most important issues in US law. While Trump promises a woman to replace Ginsberg, his true reasons is to place someone who his pro life and will uphold the right bare arms, Biden during his speech on Sunday stated that Trumps intentions to install a new supreme justice by the end of this coming week was clearly about power, pure and simple, but was also simply an abuse of power because the United States constitution allows Americans the chance to be heard and their voice should be heard as he appealed to Senate Republicans to please follow their conscience, let the people speak, cool the flames that have been engulfing our country and don't vote to confirm anyone nominated under the circumstances President Trump and Senator McConnell have created. He asked them 'don't go there'.

As  two Republican senators, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, have both backed a delay in the vote until after November's presidential election and are joined by two more unnamed Republican senators, they could block or at least delay a confirmation vote, as the Republicans have a majority of only six in the Senate this would mean under the constitution if in case of a tied vote that then allows Vice-President Mike Pence to cast a tie-breaking vote, but to avoid that outcome, McConnell is seeking to secure the support of Republican senators already winning the backing of Republican Senator Lamar Alexander, who was viewed as a potential swing vote.

All this backstabbing and under the bench shenanigans really dumbfounds me, surely the people in congress and the senate are their to serve their constituents, not use votes to get one over on the oppositions or am I just been naïve about the reason for someone to get in to politics. The same man [McConnel] pushing to fast track the nomination is the same man who four years ago helped delay president Obama from filling a vacant seat which remained empty for nearly a year. McConnell then helped Trump install two new conservative justices, one of them been accused by three women of sexual assault during the nomination procedure. As a non-American I thought the American democracy was supposed to be the fairest in the world, yet in the last four years all I have seen from the outside looking in is a democracy of lies and deceit with an unethical and unlawful stance on the white man always be on top telling the women and non white people of the country that they are third rate citizens hankering back to a time of slavery, servitude and a woman's place was to obey her father, dote on her husband and produce lots and lots of babies. Do we live in the twenty first century of equality and civil rights or do we still live in the seventeenth century of plantations, slave ownership and female obedience. Clearly something has to change in the land of the unfree and the constitution of the forefathers clearly requires a lot more amendments to prevent the scale of abusive power we are seeing within the current American administration and senate.

On that note I think it's time to check out the abuse of power currently running rampant throughout dear old Blighty. so on this new start to the week, the country becomes a hot bed resembling a 'Big Brother state' with the governments unilateral decision making on how the general public should conduct it's life within the eye of the storm we call COVID-19 and the stark reminder that no one understands how this virus is effecting so many individuals while the question being asked is what will we be told we can't do next. Johnson and his cronies keep implementing rule after rule then backtracking or changing their minds on a daily basis which is influencing the lives of the commoner more than those of the rich and privileged who have millions in the bank. People are facing bankruptcy, eviction, starvation, mental trauma and death, but do you see the likes of the politicians who are still getting paid their extortionate salaries while they do sweet F*** all to earn them, doing anything. The rich sit at home in their million plus pound houses while the unemployed and the furloughed face eviction. Where is the equality of life and 'YES' before you say I'm just bitter old man with nothing, ranting unnecessarily about the privileged upper classes, I agree, but it is still a fact of life that the very people who decide what the national minimum wage should be or how much a single person should be able to live on, are the very same people who are raking in a extortionate wage packet for simply sitting on their arses listening to the BS spouted by the most inept primeminister in the last two centuries.

In the current climate it has been clearly proven the great divide there is in the living wage as those unemployed are told they can survive on under £800 per month while those furloughed have been guaranteed up to £2500 per month dependant on their monthly wage after tax. Surely a more realistic way would have been to put anyone either unemployed or furloughed on an equal footing by paying everyone £1150 per month or is this just too easy, just because those who would have received £2500 are already living above their means so would find it too difficult to make ends meet. 

So as the UK is once again at a critical point in the coronavirus pandemic and clearly heading in the wrong direction, the government's chief medical adviser warns that the country is facing a very challenging winter period. This belief has come about after the Johnson spent the weekend considering whether to introduce further measures in England which yesterday Sunday September 20th witnessed a further 3,899 daily cases and 18 deaths were reported in the UK. In the starkness of the rise Johnson is understood to be considering a two-week mini lockdown in England which the cabinet joyfully refers to as a "circuit breaker" in an effort to stem widespread growth of the virus and was discussed during a meeting at Downing Street on Sunday, along with Prof Whitty, Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Matt Hancock, debating possible measures. It was reported that while the view from Downing Street was that doing nothing was not an option, neither was a full national lockdown and that whatever measures they imposed should be able to be turned off and on throughout the winter. So this pandemic Johnson and his cronies told us would not last past the summer is now expected to effect the population on and off, as they put it, in to the beginning of next year possibly. So do they have an answer to what the a fore mentioned low paid or unemployed commoners should do to survive economically and practically while they switch us on and off over the forth coming months. Do they have a plan? for the businesses that will be told to close at a moments notice. Do they have a plan? on how people are going to survive while not been paid. Do they have a plan? on how the economy can survive, but most of all do they have a plan? on how more deaths are going to effect the mental strain on an already strained population. 

All I see is a primeminister and a cabinet that are playing 'pin the tail on the donkey' with the lives of millions of people without a clue to what they should do. I for one have lost faith in politics even more than I had before, since back in July 2019, when the Conservative party appointed Johnson as their leader and the idiotic British public then went one better and elected him officially in December 2019. I have become disillusioned with the whole political process that allows such men as Johnson or even Trump in to such a position of power which they have single handily and openly unlawfully abused since taking office. On that note I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Friday, 18 September 2020


Yes it's Friday again and 'Lockdown fever' is one again upon us as more areas in the UK get restrictions thrown at them by local councils and the Tory government as a way to stop the virus spreading. Let's see what the world outside has been up to, shall we?

In America as Biden steps up his assault on Trump ineptitude while Trump announces and signs yet another unilateral executive order that he has dubbed “The 1776 Commission,” at the first White House Conference on American History. He stated the commission will be aimed at establishing “patriotic” and “pro-America” education that will celebrate American history. In his remarks, he criticized the 1619 Project, a New York Times project that explores slavery’s legacy. So if Trump criticises a project that wants to teach American students about the real American history and then signs in to law that students are taught about patriotic history, does that mean he see's the nations true history as fake and slavery never actually happened. For the sake of your children's, children's children you have to mark history with a humiliating landslide victory in November for Biden removing the 'White Supremacist' and false prophet cult leader from the Whitehouse.

In recent days there has been two women hitting out at Trump. One who was an aide to VP Pence and one who has claimed Trump sexually assaulted her back in 1997. 

Pence's former aide has been recorded stating she will vote for Biden come November because she was disgusted at Trump and Pence's attitude to the pandemic. She claims Trump knew how bad the coming pandemic was back in February, but was more concerned about how it would effect, what he considered his record of success. This lifelong Republican, who served as a top organiser for the White House Coronavirus Task Force, stated Trump had referred to the coronavirus as a hoax in the early stages, but the truth was he didn't actually care about anyone else but himself and if Trump had taken this virus seriously, he would have slowed the virus spread, he would have saved lives. She also commented that Trump allegedly suggested during a task force meeting that COVID-19 might be "a good thing" because it would mean he would not have to "shake hands" with so many "disgusting people". It maybe all lies, but just consider for one moment if it is all true. How can so many people come forward with remarks about Trump on many different subjects which show the character of the man as holy unpatriotic, racist and xenophobic, Are they all lying? or is Trump the one that Hasn't been telling the 'TRUTH'?

The other lady that has attacked Trump and come forward with information about Trump's character is an ex model who has accused Trump of sexual misconduct. This brings the count to at least 26 recorded accounts of Trump sexually assaulting women between 1970 and now. The latest accuser who was 24 in 1997 at the time of the alleged assault conveyed what had happened to family and friends after the incident, but felt powerless to enact at the time, later considering to join the many women who came forward in 2016, but decided to keep her family out of the headlines. She has now decided it is time to come forward so that she can show her twin girls, who are about to turn 13 years old that you don’t let anybody do anything to you that you don’t want and that she'd rather be a role model to them. She wants them to see that she didn’t stay quiet, that she stood up to somebody who did something that was unacceptable. Again I say when so many ladies come forward to denounce a man publicly with similar experiences, how can the authorities ignore them even if it is about the President of the United States of America. Surely they can't all be just looking for their fifteen minutes of fame, placing their lives out there for the world to scrutinize and analyse over. When is this world going to understand powerful men and even some powerful women use their position or status to break the laws of the land and the laws of decency. Trump is and will always be a predator as well as a misogynistic, racist, xenophobic and corrupt human being who needs bringing to justice.

All this bad press, whistleblowing and recorded proof of Trump's incompetence, but he still takes to twitter to throw in to the ether dumbfounding conspiracy theories like his latest attack on Biden stating that if Biden had been in the Whitehouse Osama bin Laden, Qassem Soleimani and Isis ‘would still be alive’. His ludicrous Twitter attacks on his challenger yesterday, declaring that the late al-Qaeda leader (assassinated during Barack Obama’s tenure) plus the Iranian Quds commander and the Islamist terror faction would all still pose a global threat without him in the White House. Yet wasn't him who almost brought the international community to the brink of war early in the new year by having Soleimani needlessly taken out? And didn’t that kick 2020 off nicely? So once again Trump is taking credit for something his predecessor's administration was responsible for. He must live in a differing reality to the rest of the world, which really does mean that his sanity is failing.

On that let's change direction and check out dear old Blighty for rantable material. Well after the announcement yesterday that two million people in the North East of England now face new lockdown restrictions, it appears the rest of England faces the same, if not all restrictions. The new England-wide measures which could see hospitality businesses shut are being considered by the UK government [or should we say the English government as it seems there is no longer a UK government] to slow a surge of coronavirus cases which could last a few weeks and is been rumoured as possibly been announced within the next week. Schools and most workplaces would be kept open during those weeks as the Health Secretary stated the government is "prepared to do what it takes" against Covid-19 as UK coronavirus cases rose by 3,395 on Thursday. He also stated that there had been an "acceleration" in the number of coronavirus cases over the last couple of weeks, along with the number of people admitted to hospital with coronavirus doubling about every eight days stressing that it was "critical" that people follow social distancing guidelines and local lockdown rules, where they apply and if we do all these things, we could avoid having to take serious further measures. This new policy called 'Circuit Break' was outlined at a meeting on Wednesday night, where the government's chief scientific adviser and medical officer forecast that there would be a significant rise in the number of deaths by the end of October if there were no further interventions. 

The possible measures being discussed would include asking some hospitality businesses to close, or limiting the opening hours of some pubs and restaurants nationwide, but no final decisions has yet been reached on the next course of action. In response Labour's shadow health secretary stated it's "not surprising national restrictions are back on the table" as the UK's testing system is "collapsing".

What I personally find worrying is that the whole of the UK which has been in single figures for much of the past six weeks, is suddenly recording the daily number of deaths of people within 28 days of a positive coronavirus test as rising above 20 for the past three days. Have we been getting fed false information by the government? or has it simply took the six weeks since lockdown easing for the virus to get a foothold once again? Like it did back in January when it was first detected. Is this the start of our mass extinction event? or have people just become too relaxed within themselves? 

Basically the country and the world needs to return to normal to prevent a national and global economic meltdown like what was seen in the 1920's after 'World War One', first with the outbreak of the Spanish flu in 1918 lasting nearly three years followed by the wall street crash of 1929, a ten year period where the people of the world couldn't see a future for themselves. The more we are effected by the pandemic in conjunction with Brexit, the more the nations future will resemble the the catastrophises of the 1920's, but in a much shorter time frame. Another comparison that can be gained from looking back one hundred years is that both the consequences of the Spanish flu and the great depression combined heralded the rise of fascism in Europe leading to 'World War Two'. Why I say this is a comparison is because you have a sitting president, several sitting primeministers and a couple of dictators, all of whom could lead the world in to a third global war if nothing is done about them and their agendas aren't quashed now before they can hasten the highly anticipated global apocalypse of our future. I see it as a fork in histories path, to the left is wisdom and a route clear of the forth coming annihilation of humanity, while to the right is fascism, authoritarianism, mass deaths and a '1984' type of dystopia built from the ashes of 'World War Three'. On that stark insight in to my mind I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow! 

Thursday, 17 September 2020


It's Thursday again and the weeks to me just seem to be passing us by ever quicker the older I get and my tolerance for the BS spouted by politicians is getting less and less as we face disaster after disaster, as we the public suffer as the cost of living rises, but the wages or benefits we receive decreases. While we the people suffer the leaders and politicians live the lives of 'Riley' doing less and less for more and more money, where is the social justice in that. Anyway let's take a look at what there is to irritate us today.

In America as the west coast burns and the east coast drowns what do the politicians do, They just keep F****** arguing between themselves looking for political points while lying about what they will do to make life better. Once again during a press briefing Trump is seen to get flustered and attacks journalists that push for the truth, telling ABC's journalist that his question about Trump lying about COVID-19 calling it a flu was a disgrace, all because the journalist called him out on television. Never before has it been seen where a president actively attacks journalists or a news network for trying to get at the truth, yet over and over again it is witnessed as Trump loses his temper and verbally insults his critics. The said briefing went down hill from the beginning as journalists one by one pushed Trump on his contradictory remarks over the differing views of himself and the CDC chief who was appearing before congress. During the same briefing Trump continued to make absurd promises over vaccines, attacked Joe Biden over his choice to wear a mask, blamed democrat run states for the spread of the COVID-19 virus and pushed his conspiracy theory of ballot tampering and fraud which will inevitably lead to an appeal when he loses in November. 

What the American public is witnessing is an unhinged man that has his finger on the red button of destruction metaphorically and literally. As the country suffers one natural disaster after another the Trump administration is finding new ways to downplay climate change and the pandemic by shifting the blame to the people instead of the politicians who deny funding to the areas needing  research. In response to the wildfires on the west coast, Trump blames the forestry and parks workers for not clearing the ground in forests instead of the rising temperatures . In response to the flooding on the east coast, well he will probably blame the people responsible for flood defences instead of the rising sea levels or climate. In response to the pandemic, he still blames China for spreading a biological weapon and the democratic run states for spreading the virus instead of his ineptitude to act over proper protocols to contain the virus. In response to the civil unrest and protests he blames minorities, democrat mayors, democrat governors and ANTIFA instead of the murderous law enforcement officers, his own department of stormtroopers, white supremacists and the systemic racial profiling that has existed in America since the introduction of slavery nearly four hundred years ago. How can a country that was built on the bedrock, blood and sweat of immigrants still claim to be the land of the free, but still not see how there is a systemic bloodline of racial abuse at the core of its past and present. To allow a man like Trump [who is the ancestor of immigrants and shows open hatred for all peoples not white] be allowed to spread his propaganda across a supposed civilised nation inciting racists to bare arms against those they fear and condone pure white law enforcement officers to openly assault, injure and murder innocent people of colour, no matter their heritage or religion. This is a country heading in to civil war which can only end in one way which is self annihilation as the madman bombs his own country. This years presidential election will take weeks or months to finalise if it is not won by a sweeping majority of blue, yet the narcissistic entity that currently resides in the Whitehouse will not go quietly. One prediction I would like to make is that if he does lose and accepts it, come lets say December 1st there will be a resignation of power installing Pence in to office for less than sixty days, so that as all presidents have done in the past, Pence can pardon Trump. This will occur so that every illegal act Trump has done in the past or the present will be dropped never to be prosecuted.

On that note I will jump to dear old Blighty and see if there is anything rantable. Well as yet another section of the country faces a second wave of lockdown laws due to the rise in positive tests the government, in particular the primeminister are receiving flack from all avenues over the lack of turn around of virus test results. A large chunk of the country which is the North East of England faces forced lockdown once again with more mortality and economic insecurity heaped on top of the previous post lockdown worries. This means that almost two million people in north-east England are expected to face restrictions as coronavirus cases rise. Northumberland, Newcastle, Sunderland, North and South Tyneside, Gateshead and County Durham council areas are in discussions to get the measures. These may include pubs closing earlier and restrictions on households mixing. As a government, the cabinet under Johnson has continually failed in its mandate to safeguard the British people from harm and what is Johnson reasoning behind the decision, well he said that "The only way to make sure the country is able to enjoy Christmas is to be tough now". This soundbite coming on the back of him stating the government was doing "everything in our power" to avoid another nationwide lockdown. A full announcement detailing the new measures for the North East is expected later on Thursday following the number of cases that have risen rapidly in many parts of the country, but in particular in the North East, so a decision has been made to impose further restrictions in the North East which will be announced and will apply from midnight on Thursday evening.

Basically as one area opens, another closes, all due to the government easing lockdown way too soon just so they could get the economy fixed which guess what, it didn't work. All premature lockdown easing has done is create a second wave as we head in to the Winter flu season. But while Johnson tries to look successful in one part of his job he fails at another. In the on going Brexit debacle it has been revealed that Number 10 has reached a deal with some of the Tory MP's unhappy with plans to give the government the power to override parts of the UK's Brexit agreement which Johnson has agreed to amend. The compromise is that the amendment to the Internal Market Bill will give MP's a vote before Johnson can use the powers in it that would be seen to be breaking international law. It is hoped the compromise could head off any potential rebellion over the issue next week. On the opposite side of the house Labour have said the UK was on course to break its word, as a senior government legal officer quit over the issue. Lord Keen, Scotland's Advocate General, stood down on Wednesday after days of speculation about his future. In his resignation letter, he told the PM: "I have found it increasingly difficult to reconcile what I consider to be my obligations as a Law Officer with your policy intentions". 

Again the government is been seen to be lawless within there actions since Johnson took power, in the fact that his cabinet ministers and advisors are performing backhand and underhanded deals in contravention to the rule of law. The Conservative party donors are in receipt of large governmental deals or given the go ahead on contracts they have by simply giving the conservative's money. A prime example of this been the firm run by friends of the primeminister's adviser who donated £400,000 to the Tories, then received a governmental PPE deal worth £93,800,000 to them. This kind of lawlessness within the political establishment has to be stopped. These people are elected to parliament for the good of the people and should serve those people, not their own or their parties agenda. 

It makes me sick how someone who claims to be interested in making a nation better for those who live in it, can also be self-serving narcissistic hypocrites at the same time, but that is how the world works today isn't it, a 'Dog Eat Dog' mentality. We live in a world that claims to be civilised, yet as the rich get richer, the rest of us are treated like something horrible they've has just stepped in. While we allow the likes of Johnson, Gove, Cummings, Pence and the whole Trump family to have a say in how we should live our lives or the countries are run, we will never ever see a change that creates an equality in life for everybody. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Wednesday, 16 September 2020


It's midweek again on 'Planet Pandemic' and nothing has changed in over six month's, we're still dying, we're still living in an authoritarian world, we're still being governed by idiots and we're still lying down and taking it up the proverbial. Let's see what the latest enema induced instalment is, shall we?

In America the forests still burns, the hurricane still whip's up a storm and Trump still spouts BS. In his latest attempt to appease the American voters he endured a televised Q&A in Pennsylvania where he was seen to be quizzed by what appeared to be a selected dozen people all wearing masks while he still refused to wear one. During that Q&A he was asked questions on COVID-19, Black lives matter and many other questions. The main rebuttal he used was always to deny and lie, as he claimed to have up-played the deadly virus rather than downplay it like his recorded interview with Bob Woodward proved. He also claimed their would be a vaccine within weeks which contradicts the science community and even had the balls to say he wasn't racist claiming he likes all races contradicting the proven facts in his own words as he incited 'White Supremacy'. What really gets to me about Trump is that every answer he gives is an attack at the previous administration, specifically the first black American president which in my humble opinion he is racially attacking a man that proved himself to be a great president. 

Trump has a narcissistic mentality, not to mention the health problem he is most definitely suffering from and the whole administration is covering up, 'Trump is suffering from dementia!'. His inability to control his hands, always needing to pretend he is holding an imaginary bowl or ball. Then there's the slurred speech, the repetition of sentences and words, the use of the wrong words which was proven factually during his Q&A, when he said the COVID-19 virus would disappear on its own because people would "develop a herd mentality", likely referring to and meaning a "herd immunity", these things are signs of dementia. Another problem with Trump is in the fact he lives in the past, he compares himself to an honest man, he lies through his teeth making claims that the country is in the best economical state than it has been under any previous president, he has done more for 'Blacks' than any other president since Lincoln. My personal opinion is that he has a 'GOD' complex when he keeps claiming we were this, we were that, while blaming the current state of affairs on a disease he knew was coming, a disease he did nothing to prevent, a disease that has indiscriminately killed nearly two hundred thousand people in America alone, a disease he called a hoax and still refuses to do anything about. 

Come on America see this man for what he is, a blood sucking leech that is dishonest and inept. It is time to stop accepting the BS he, his family and his administration have peddled from the moment he played to the crowds outside Trump tower proclaiming his intention to run for president back in 2015. Listen to the people that have worked for him, with him and against him. Listen to the man who was his fixer for years and knows where the skeletons are buried. Listen to the science community he has ignored especially the magazine 'Scientific American' who has stated that despite warnings in January and February, Trump did not develop a national strategy to provide protective equipment, coronavirus testing or clear health guidelines, openly rejecting the evidence and science he was presented with and have now for the first time in it's 175-year history, is endorsing a presidential candidate by backing Democrat Joe Biden for the White House. The magazine also described Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic as "dishonest and inept". Make your vote count, remove the would be 'KING' from his democratic throne before he subverts the law, the constitution and over 250 years of history to claim America his sovereignty to rule over for life passing the illegitimate crown on to his first born son reinstalling a monarchy.

On that note I will skip the pond to dear old Blighty and see if there's anything there to rant about. As the main interest still remains on the rising amount of COVID-19 tests been found to have positive results, there is still the worry about how long said test results are taking to process as the backlog grows exponentially. There is also the issue of people going to busy A&E departments instead of test centres to get tested which creates an even bigger problem on top of the numbers of staff now self isolating putting a strain on hospital resources. Yet Johnson's government appears to be doing nothing to combat these problems, instead putting more time in to the failing Brexit agreement and trying to reassure foreign politicians that Johnson's efforts to scupper the agreement made last year will not effect US-UK trade agreements. What makes me laugh is the fact that America is fighting its own internal war and it still wants to have its say on Brexit. 

I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but Brexit is not good for the country. Along with mass unemployment due to companies moving their manufacturing to other countries with more favourable export deals, a diving economy, a level of unemployment benefit that is below the poverty line and the way the Tory government sees the country as a place needing tougher controls such as  more far reaching surveillance protocols. A bigger issue is the way the present government whose idea's on law and order are archaic want to remove a convicted persons human rights imposed on the country by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Johnson's government wants to remove certain rights of criminals turning to a more Americanised view of law and order by implementing the 'Three rules and your out' concept for habitual criminals, meaning three offences and you get life imprisonment. Also they want to remove the ECHR's minimum time served rule by upping the present sentencing law that states a prisoner will serve half the sentence in prison with the other half on licence and change it to serving two thirds of the sentence before release which returns the criminal justice system back in time. 

Overall leaving Europe only benefits one section of the nation and that is the rich people because eighty percent of poverty and law breaking is found in the downtrodden section of society who have to fight for everything they have, while the other twenty percent live luxurious lives and tend to buy their way out of a prison sentence. If Johnson's government is given the chance to repeal either the whole or any part of the Human Rights Act (HRA), it would signal a pernicious intent to break European human rights law in practice. It would ultimately transform the UK into a pariah state. The HRA has brought so many vital benefits to people across Scotland and the UK. It has stopped elderly couples from being separated and placed in different residential care homes, secured homes for survivors of domestic violence, challenged the discrimination of people who are homeless, disabled or LGBTQ, prevented degrading practices in psychiatric hospitals and prisons, and so much more. Yet our present government wishes to take away the simplest of human rights and turn us in to a iron fist nation which will lead us down a very dark path in the future.

Basically Johnson wants to emulate America and create a structure of government similar to theirs where the corrupt politicians pilfer and lie their way through life. The sooner we get a government that is for the people not against the people we may be able to start treating all citizens of the union equally rather than condemning them to poverty, hardship and a path to perpetual criminality. We do not need a Donald John Trump clone running the UK disguised as Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. We need our more honest Members of Parliament to bring a stop to the rising authoritarian and fascist rule we face over the next three years under a Johnson leadership where Cabinet Ministers and politicians run rough shot over the nations citizens while quietly profiteering off their position. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 15 September 2020


Another day, another load of BS from political leaders on everything and nothing, which is basically what they are doing sweet F*** all. Let's have look at what's rantable today.

In America as people protest, California and Oregon burns, COVID is spreading it's death and the election day gets closer, what is been done to stop any of this by the sitting president? 'NOTHING' except create more mayhem within a country already to implode. Trump has now dismissed concerns over climate change on a visit to fire-ravaged California, telling an official there it would "start getting cooler" while blaming poor forest management for the wildfires getting out of control which prompted his rival Biden to call him a 'Climate Arsonist'. Fires in California, Oregon and Washington state have burned almost 2m hectares (5m acres) of land and killed at least 36 people since early August. Trump met with Californian officials involved in the battle against the wildfires at a stop near Sacramento, in the centre of the state and when one official asked him to stop ignoring the science, Trump replied "It'll start getting cooler, you just watch... I don't think science knows actually." Can this man get anymore ignorant on what is going on around him, it's true what is been said by his opponent for the position of president, this man cares nothing for the country and is only interested in funding his families lavish lifestyle.

While Trump tells people in California climate change is a myth, yet another hurricane has formed and is closing in on the US Gulf Coast, threatening several southern US states including Florida, Mississippi and Alabama.
 This one called 'Sally' is now a category two storm and is expected to make landfall early on Wednesday. So Trump, if there is no such thing as 'Climate Change', how for only the second time in recorded history can there be five tropical storms churning in the Atlantic basin at the same time. The southern region of America is still trying to recover from hurricane Laura which hit Louisiana and Texas last month. When are politicians who value their bank balances over their communities going to start realising the plant is fighting back for the centuries of neglect and theft of natural resources. Are we heading towards another extinction event similar to what killed of the dinosaurs? Science can only predict so much before nature finally wins out, so isn't it time to save the planet which will in turn save humanity. Sitting in the wings in addition to Sally, there are four further tropical cyclones named Paulette, Rene, Teddy and Vicky swirling in the Atlantic Ocean basin.  It has been stated that If only one more storms is officially named (Wilfred has already been chosen for the next one) meteorologists will begin naming new storms after the Greek alphabet which is a frightening prospect. Not only is Trump been blind, so are many other leaders who see profit before circumstance and are merely concerned about global economy rather than global survival. We are seeing one natural disaster after another in an already apocalyptic year we now know as 2020. 

I think it's time to check in on dear old Blighty and her incompetent leader. So as the nation sees rises in positive cases of coronavirus, unemployment and those now living in poverty, what is the primeminister doing?, as I said earlier 'SWEET  F*** ALL'. Instead he is once again trying to push unlawful legislation down our throats which will do nothing, but benefit him and his cronies. This new legislation is a proposed law which will give Johnson's government the power to override parts of the Brexit agreement with the EU and has passed its first hurdle in the Commons as MP's backed the Internal Market Bill by 340 votes to 263. The government states the new bill contains vital safeguards to protect Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK, if negotiations on a future trade deal breaks down, yet the critics which include a number of Tory MP's, warned it risks damaging the UK by breaching international law. Only two Tory MP's voted against the bill on Monday night (Sir Roger Gale and Andrew Percy) while a further 30 abstained, although some of those may not have been for political reasons. The shadow business secretary Ed Miliband took to the floor of parliament to openly accuse the prime minister of “legislative hooliganism” as he warned the Bill would “equip the government with the power to break the law” in a widely-praised speech leading Labour’s opposition in the commons. The former Labour leader also accused the prime minister of trying to shift the blame for reneging on the 'Withdrawal Agreement' on which he fought last year’s general election, saying: “For the first time in his life, it is time to take responsibility, it is time to fess up" calling out Johnson for his lies and hypocrisy. Once again we see a Tory government hell bent on finding ways to subvert any trade deals made by installing a loop hole clause which proves what many people are now coming to understand, the Tories under Johnson are corrupt and dishonest in everything they do using legislation to enact there hunger for power and wealth, Johnson is a modern day version of Hitler and Cummings is his Heinrich Himmler. As the country suffers under a sentence of death for COVID-19, an ever decreasing economy and an authoritarian government, the government is said to be playing mind games with both the EU and the cross party opposition by heaping more unwanted and unlawful counter productive laws and bills in to an already over tasked parliament just so they can feel they have ultimate power, 'Heil Johnson'.

On the back of this governments ineptitude we are now seeing NHS staff who were praised weekly for their diligence in the early months of the pandemic, but have received very little praise since lockdown was eased are now being put at risk because a lack of coronavirus testing which is forcing many staff to self-isolate when they could be at work. NHS Providers, which represents NHS trust leaders have stated that the recovery of services is being put in jeopardy while preparations for the winter pressures of COVID-19
 and seasonal flu are also being hampered. Also It's not just actually the test for the individual member of staff, it's also getting access to tests for their family members which is causing concern throughout medical professionals. Johnson praised doctors, nurses and auxiliary staff for helping save his life, but now when those people need his assistance Johnson is nowhere to be heard, let alone be seen. This is the character of the man the British public elected to lead our country. We are seeing the rise of the virus each day in the thousands and again we see the government sitting on their well paid asses doing nothing to improve the safety and welfare of not only the general public, but the people the ill, infirm and dying rely on to save them. This is simply not good enough instead of wasting time on a document that will never work like the Brexit agreement, the primeminister should be seen to be working on solutions that will preserve human life post pandemic.

In a world that is technologically advance, some what morally good and one that is thought to civilised, why do keep seeing those who lead ignore the science? Are we as a combined humanity determined to run head long in to extinction? Are we that self-centred that we will ignore the suffering of our fellow humans? Is money really what matters? I don't have the answers, but as a person that has no regard for politics, no regard for wealth and has no one else to worry about on this planet, why am I more concerned than the politicians elected on the back of pledges they made and constantly break? We are at a crossroads in human existence where the people charged with the welfare of nations are more likely to create the extinction event where billions of innocent people will die while the privileged survive in their underground bunkers. In the 2026 when this pandemic and election cycle has run it's course a movie will be made depicting the atrocities delivered on humankind in the year 2020 showing just how corrupt and inept the policy makers of today were. It maybe sooner, but if Trump wins four more years the real truth will be suppressed and the freedom of speech in America will be quashed until he is no longer president unless he first destroys the constitution and remakes America in a mirror image of North Korea and while Johnson will face his judgement day in 2024 unless the backbench Tories have a coup and remove Johnson sooner. Either way the movie depicting 2020 will be a blockbuster that those concerned will try to block from ever been made just to save face. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!  

Monday, 14 September 2020


In to another week of life we start within a world of uncertainty and panic. We have leaders struggling to cope with the enormity of the pandemic which we are now twenty four weeks in to here in the UK and all we see is the governments blundering on without a clue of how to strive forward and accomplish the simple task of protecting their electorate. So shall we what is happening on the front lines?

In America there is a continuation in the presidential election BS, more wildfires, even more death and the gun mad Trump supporters are wielding firearms without provocation. With all this going on and Trump has yet another rally, but this time breaks COVID-19 guidelines as he hosted his first indoor rally in three months in front of a packed, mainly mask-less, crowd in Nevada which defied state regulations and his own administration's guidelines. The COVID-19 guidelines in Nevada is a ban on gatherings of more than 50 people, but Trump soaked up raucous cheers from the large crowd inside a warehouse in Henderson, just outside of Las Vegas. To make out that Trump was sticking to guidelines the supporters who would be seen on camera behind Trump were made to wear masks while the crowd in front remained maskless. So Trump doesn't give a damn about peoples lives, which we already knew, yet what is more ridiculous is the idiots who attended and didn't wear a mask. How much more stupid can Trump American's get? During the same rally in Nevada while stating Biden took drugs and was soft on law and order, Trump also stated that if Biden wins, the mob wins going on to say that when he wins in November he would negotiate for a further four years in 2024 because he feels he is entitled to it due to his imaginary spying claim he keeps saying Obama authorised back in 2016. Come on America you can't let this delusional madman get for even four more years because he has already made his intentions known, that he will find a way to subvert the constitution and proclaim himself president for life creating a dictatorship the same as North Korea. Trump has already created his own authoritarian stance with the creation of his law enforcement stormtroopers, his use of the department of justice as his personal lawyers, his organised effort to disrupt voters rights and his controlling of the Republican party, so what is to stop him turning America in to a dictatorship? Only you the American people can stop this narcissistic immoral windbag from creating Trumpland on American soil. Two hundred and sixty four years ago America gained independence, now it seems like you are heading back towards a monarchy as Trump sets his eyes on becoming the 'KING' of America. The scariest part of the speech is that Trump actually means it!

What else did Trump do over the weekend? Well he called for the death penalty in the case of the person who killed two sheriff deputies. So he condones police brutality and murder of suspects and agrees they should have immunity from prosecution, but calls for the death of anyone who kills a law enforcement officer. Where is the moral high ground a president should be seen to taking? Not Trump he believes the downtrodden, homeless and poverty stricken citizens should be removed from society just like he did in New York when he insisted vagrants be moved on from the front of his building. This is a man with no ethical or moral compass which is also seen in his supporters who believe every word he spouts as gospel according to Trump.  iIs Trumpism the new cult? Will he call for his holy civil war? Will he tear up the constitution? These are the questions any normal person should be asking as more and more 'White Supremacists' and 'Neo Nazi's' openly defy the laws of the country and preach their racist, xenophobic beliefs without repercussion. It is no conspiracy theory, it is fact Trump incites racism, sexism, xenophobia and fascist brutality of anyone that he deems a threat. Come on America, when his own words are used against him he denies ever saying them. Even when they are recorded audibly or visually. The man lives in his own fantasy land and believes his lies are the truth and everyone else's are 'Fake news'. He spent his time during eighteen interviews with Bob Woodward speaking in to a recorder, but now the book is published he denies ever saying anything that Woodward has quoted him as saying, for F*** sake even his own speech writers can't stop him from going off on tangents and spouting his crazed ideas. So when interviewed by a world renowned journalist what else can you expect from this mentally challenged person who believes he knows more about anything and everything than his top advisers or the brainiest people in the world know. Get a life America because if Trump wins in November the old saying 'Liberty and Justice for all' will no longer be part of the 'Pledge of Allegiance' and will be replaced by 'I pledge allegiance to Trump and Trumpism for which he stands, One nation under Trump with his law and order we do bow'.

On that terrifying thought I will move to dear old Blighty and see what our leader is up to. So today is the first day of the six people rule or ' The rule of six', the governments answer to eradicating the coronavirus. The restrictions bans applies both indoors and outdoors in England and Scotland, and indoors only in Wales. England's restrictions affect everyone, but children under 11 in Wales and under 12 in Scotland are exempt. The Crime Minister is calling for a 'Big Brother' style dob on your neighbours mentality as he encourages people to report those suspected of hosting a gathering of seven or more people. The restrictions are due to the UK's R number escalating to between 1 and 1.2 for the first time since March, indicating infections are rising with the current count up by a further 3,330 positive cases recorded in the UK on Sunday alone which is the third consecutive day with more than 3,000 reported cases along with five more deaths been reported bringing the number of total deaths to a staggering 41,628 which as a percentage per population makes the UK actually higher than the US. So when the government states they are doing well to combat deaths don't believe them because that figure of nearly 42,000 is not a good statistic when compared as a percentage. 

While the nation battles with the rise in positive cases what is our illustrious leader doing to save lives, 'F*** all'. Instead he spends his time trying to kill the Brexit deal he approved himself while taking flack from all sides. David Cameron has become the fifth former prime minister to criticise a new bill attempting to override the Brexit withdrawal agreement which is called 'The Internal Market Bill' and will come before MP's later today, with the government calling it an "insurance policy", yet Cameron stated he had "misgivings" over it because breaking an international treaty should be the "final resort" in any negotiation. Former Tory PMs Theresa May and Sir John Major as well as Labour's Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have condemned the plan. The new bill is been seen by the government as practical step or a just in case step  to no deal been accomplished while backbench Conservatives and the government's opposition is calling it an unconscionable damage to the UK and legislative hooliganism. As a staunch opposer of the whole Brexit BS, I can't believe we have not pushed for a new referendum to stop the removal of the UK from the EU due to the fact no one can agree on the right course of action or the fact the leave group who won out in the last referendum basically lied about how easy and beneficial it was for the UK to exit from a common market which gave us stability as a nation with a guaranteed trade agreement. That is history now and we have to just grin and bare the shit that is coming within our future.

Basically we as a nation stand on the global precipice of obscurity ready to become a third world nation while our contemporaries languish in royalties and spend the windfall they receive as we pay back what we lent pushing the country in to bankruptcy. The UK and the US are both been held hostage by inept and egotistical men who believe they are more worthy of hero worship than condemnation for their inept efforts to lead the country. What is more worrying is that the people that put them where they are are stupider than the men they elected and don't see what they have done. We are heading in to a time of 'Dystopian regression' rather than of a 'Utopian progression' where as common people we will no longer have a freedom of speech or the right to vote and will in fact be ruled with an iron fist while been spied on overtly rather than the covertly system of today. Unless we as people stand up to the fascist and radicalised rantings of the madmen in charge, we will deserve whatever future they design for us. So I call on all Americans to go 'Blue' in November to help push the UK back to a more sane style of government where we can slowly remove the 'Blue' line of Conservatism to restore sanity. On that I think I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!