Well we reach the end of another week with nothing much different happening. The world still rotates, night turns to day and politicians are still the biggest assholes to every draw breath, but life must go on. Let’s have a look at what the latest rantable ‘BS’ is, shall we?
In America the outgoing President and Vice president just don’t know when to hold up their hands and concede they are finished. While Trump tweets his criticism of his highly conservative Supreme Courts bad decisions that go against him, VP Pence has publicly stated they intend to keep fighting to push the Republicans to victory in Georgia, so they can hold on to the Senate majority under McConnell. Meanwhile the latest criminal lackey that Trump has pardoned has openly urged Trump to use the might of the military to force an election rerun. General Flynn who was accused of "wilfully and knowingly" making false statements to the FBI, has recently been very vocal about his support for suspending the U.S. constitution, silencing the press and holding a new election under military authority which in my eyes constitutes an act of treason for inciting a coup on American soil. This is a prime example of how the DOJ under AG Barr has corrupted the constitutional law created over two centuries ago. On the back of these well publicised breaches of law, there should be an investigation in to how the country is governed as a whole because the amount of corruption present in higher echelons of power is so rampant it is a cause for concern.
On the other side of the aisle Biden has took to the air waves in his first official interview as President-Elect. During the interview he politically answered the burning question of his son’s FBI investigation by simply stating “We have great confidence in our son. I am not concerned about any accusations made against him. It's used to get to me”. The thing that gets to me is how dirty the Republican Party is and how they get away with murder. You have two incumbent Republican Senators who used foreknowledge to buy and sell stocks in certain companies making millions of dollars in the process and not one investigation has been started, yet you saw it during the Clinton run for President and now during the Biden campaign highly politicised investigations to attack the democrat candidates or their families, all while the dirty Republicans of the Senate sweep Trump and the Trump families dirty laundry under the carpet. I say it again something stinks the high heavens when such corrupt politicians can literally get away with illegal and corrupt actions while throwing mud at their opponents.
I know politics is a dirty game, but the Republican Party takes it to a whole new level especially when they openly support a culture of racism, violence and treason. Come on America is it not past due to do something about the way these elected officials are judged on their character and suitability to lead. You have spent four years under the thumb of a grifter and his corrupt family, and you are still at the mercy of the likes of McConnell, Lindsey and Cruz who should be removed from office then tarred and feathered for the way they have corrupted the constitution of your once proud nation, and yes I mean once. Because in the eyes of the world you no longer deserve to be held up as a moral compass of democracy and decency after the way Trump has ruled rough shot over the land with his self-serving narcissistic money and power hungry ideology while the Republican Senate has subverted justice on more than on occasion.
You have allowed racism, sexism and xenophobia to rise from the darkest corners of your nation and hold its head high as a solution to democracy. You have opened your country up to the hatred and opinionated thinking of a past history that is covered in the blood of innocence. With one election cycle you created a demon of fascism and have finally set it free on the streets of your nation to burn, attack and kill without consequence, because that demon is prevalent in all institutions of politics, judiciaries and law enforcement where it goes unchecked. Unless the next cycle of presidential power takes swift action to purge it from American society the outlook for your dying democracy is very bleak. Just in recent weeks the demon has lay waste to the streets of your capital and went unopposed causing mayhem and violence while the authorities stood back and watched, yes the police were present and bore the brunt of the attacks, but where was the federal governments stormtroopers that Trump so willingly sent in to control the peaceful protestors speaking out against the brutality of law enforcement. They were nowhere to be seen because it was Trump’s Neo Nazi and White Supremacist supporters who were rampaging through the capital cities streets on this occasion. Time will almost certainly tell in the next four years because the demon will be either defeated or will incite a second civil war on American soil where violence begets violence and the once majestic land held up as a beacon of democracy will be plummeted in to Armageddon. General Flynn’s call to the armed forces to force an election rerun is just the start of the ‘Americana Apocalypse’.
On that dark realisation I will skip to dear old Blighty where we face our own fascist dictatorship in the form of Johnson’s government. So while America faces the ongoing political ‘BS’ of the Trump administration, we here in Britain are covered in the ineptitude of Johnson, who has set out his reality that we can have Christmas in a social bubble, but we need to start taking isolation measures immediately to prevent the worst case scenario of a festive season super spreader apocalypse. Basically Johnson is openly washing his hand of the impact that could occur after the Christmas and New Year festivities are done with. What he is responsible for though, is the amount of hospitality businesses that are suffering due to his closed doors protocols which have hit the industry hard without any realistic compensation package to help stabilise the businesses who have been forced to shut their doors during the past year. The Conservative cabinet sit comfortably cashing their extortionate wage packets while passing judgement on how others within this nation should conduct their lives under continuing threat of unemployment, homelessness and bankruptcy.
Would it not be proof of solidarity if all politicians took at least a fifty percent pay cut for the next twelve months and that ‘Thirty Seven Thousand’ pounds per month times 650 members as well as Johnson taking half his salary adding another ‘Seventy Five’ thousand pounds per month would create an extra ‘Two Hundred and Eighty Nine Million’ pounds to be used to help suffering businesses. Does this simple calculation not show how much these hyped up individuals are overpaid for doing so very little in the grand scheme of the nation?
So while the government play ‘A Game of Life’ with the nation creating depression and anxiety in the most resilient of people the future still looks very bleak because those between 18 and 60 are the one’s more likely to be feeling the pressure of imposed lockdowns and restrictions financially and mentally. In the past year I have pretty much self-isolated constantly because as a single fifty something unemployed person I have very little reason to leave the house except for the odd walk or leg stretch to the local shops. I am a very introverted and isolated guy without a family support network, so my days are spent in total isolation unless it to say hello and thank you to the staff in the local store or the once a month visit from the guy who delivers my food shopping. Even the once a fortnight face to face visit to the local jobcentre has ceased due to the virus [that I am not sorry about]. All in all this pandemic has caused me no issues, but I can see it from an extrovert’s point of view also. There is a little mental anxiety within me which is the uncertainty of how as a planet we will move on from this especially now the government has got the taste for creating a style of martial law on the populous.
The questions that come readily to mind are will the government seize the chance to become more authoritarian? Can we ever find our way back to normalcy? Will certain industries ever rise from the ashes like phoenixes? Will we learn from the mistakes of the past year and create better safeguards? Will this hyped-up vaccine be the saving grace the government preaches it will be? What does 2021 and beyond hold for us all? They are just a handful of the question I guess are being asked nationally and internationally.
We sit at the end of 2020 looking back at a year of hell, but let us not think we have seen the back of it, for the examples of two world wars and a similar pandemic a century ago prove that the human race is now very fickle compared to the past. We should take into comparison the start of the twentieth century to the start of this twenty first century. We have faced world terrorism of twenty plus years instead of a world war of four and now one hundred years after the ‘Spanish Flu’ we face a similar deadly flu like disease which is nearly in to its second year of infection. I say again one hundred years later! With all the advances in technology and pharmacology we have once again been struck down by a global pandemic which we predicted, but failed to safeguard against due to our blinkered view of life. As technology has evolved we as humans have devolved to the point where we see ourselves as invincible, but the opposite is the reality. The more humanity evolves mentally the more humanity devolves physically. We have grown too accustom to technology running our lives while more and more of us become physically inferior to our ancestors [myself included]. We rely too much on mechanical and computerised systems rather than building our own physical and mental strengths, so becoming an inferior human being to those a century ago. Our grandparents and great grandparents didn’t rely on computer programs to live their lives, they relied on their own wits, common sense, perseverance and physical strength to get them through life. Children of the past got outside and played building up their immune systems while the children of today spend their time in front of computers and game consoles never seeing the light of day, living in an isolated bubble, so when infection raises its ugly head they have no immunity to fight it. On that jaw dropping reality I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back January 4th unless I feel an overwhelming need to rant. Merry Christmas and hopefully a much better New Year.
This blog is in no way meant to offend it's my own way of expressing my own and no one else's opinion about the world today.
Friday, 18 December 2020
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
Its midweek again and we have seen the first COVID vaccinations being given here in the UK amidst calls for Christmas to be cancelled, while in America Biden is finally confirmed as president 46. That is all well, but what are we the commoners supposed to do? Let’s take a look at what else has been going on, shall we?
So as I said Biden is officially president-elect and Trump is done for even though he still insists he won. One of Trump’s biggest allies has finally stepped up and congratulated Biden on his election win. Speaking on the Senate floor, McConnell stated he had hoped for a “different result” from the November 3rd election but the Electoral College had spoken, “So today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden”, also congratulating Biden's running-mate, Kamala Harris, adding “All Americans can take pride that our nation has a female vice president-elect for the very first time”. This all came amidst Trump’s continued rhetoric that there had been widespread fraud during the election and when asked if Trump recognised Biden as president-elect, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany merely stated the president was still involved in ongoing litigation related to the election.
In the wake of the Electoral College vote this week Biden has opened up and hit out at Trump’s continuing refusal to concede the presidential election results calling Trump’s attacks on the election and election officials “simply unconscionable” and attempts to overturn the result an “abuse of power”. Biden went on to state that American’s had the right to be heard, to have their vote counted, to choose the leaders of their nation and to govern ourselves. He also stated politicians in the US “don't take power, the people grant it to them”, and “Nothing, not even a pandemic or an abuse of power can extinguish that flame”.
How can any democratic country as big as the United States have such a dysfunctional system of an election process where the loser has an ability to try and win a lost election by bringing lawsuit after lawsuit that claim unsubstantiated facts as reason for their defeat. The whole Electoral College scenario needs to be removed from existence and allow the public vote to stand nationwide because it is the people’s vote that should count not the puffed up politicians. Under the public vote scenario a clear winner should be chosen by number of votes not by seats won per state as this is clearly a biased style of count for the larger states over smaller ones. Nearly all modern democracies worldwide are chosen by the public vote and if the sitting leader is defeated they are removed from office immediately which as a resident of the UK, I believe that is the best scheme as it stops any of the ‘BS’ currently been seen in the US at the moment. It also prevents any corruption or illegality the sitting leader can perform. The current situation in America is a prime example of how a corrupt leader can create problems for an incoming opposition leader if given the time to implement policies and laws that go against the new administrations manifesto.
The biggest problem in America other than the sitting president inciting violence amongst underground militia’s, is how such people like Donald Trump Jnr. can go on live television and social media preaching a defamation of character about Hunter Biden’s business practises when he is involved in the world’s biggest family fraud ever committed this century which has brought the office of the President of the United States of America in to disrepute. There is a clear issue when one man is listened to by millions and believed without ever providing proof for his allegations, but that is how the world is evolving in to a scandal ridden trash bin of lies and unproven speculation. American politics and business is the epicentre of such practices which just throws mud at a topic or person and hopes the shit will stick enough to bring down that person or business allowing their enemies to profiteer of the fallout. This needs to change and needs to be prosecuted rather than acceptance as the norm and that it is how things are.
On that note I will skip the pond back to dear old Blighty and see what fallout we are facing at the present moment. So while Johnson resists open calls to cancel Christmas due to the pandemic the roll out of the vaccine has proceeded with nearly 140,000 people receiving a vaccination within the first week, but we are also been told that possibly only half of the UK population could receive a vaccination in 2021 due to the cost to the economy and the factor that a booster may also be needed later in the year for those already vaccinated. We have faced such a hellish outcome to 2020 and it looks like 2021 could be no better because of the way this government has handled the issues the pandemic brought with it. We as a country have faced many national problems throughout the centuries, but in this day and age of twenty four hour news for the first time the populous of our nation hear and see immediately what those in charge do or don’t do for us. During the two world wars, the Spanish flu of 1918 and many other issues handled by respective governments over the years took days and weeks to filter out to the public or in many cases would never be known. If such immediate news had, been available back in the past, I suppose there would have been widespread unrest seen over decisions made by elected officials, but that been said what we see these days is politicians ill-equipped to perform the roles they are elected in to, with none of the qualifications required to excel as a politician in a modern day world.
The scary facts that we are seeing are that even with so many vaccinations been given, just yesterday the number of positive COVID cases rose by nearly 19,000. This a clear picture that the governments restrictions are not working and people would rather chance catching the virus than listen to the government who have failed at their duty of care to the nation. For the first time ever UNICEF has started to provide food aid to families in the UK to feed children which is totally unacceptable in a modern age.
We as a nation are been told how to live our lives by a cabinet of incompetent morons who wouldn’t know how to live on the meagre universal credit payments paid to so many people living on or below the poverty line due to the divide between employed and unemployed incomes. The national minimum wage should be used to stabilise the drastic differences found in unemployment which the government states is there to incentivise the unemployed to find jobs, but in a society where jobs are limited how can that incentive be a reality, even in America where they are known for a poor benefits system they pay their unemployed a realistic benefit, so why do we in Britain still penalise those unlucky to be out of work with the stigma of having to survive on an average of less than £80 per week which around 80% goes towards paying extortionate utility and food costs. This year I have made the decision to manage my own bills during this time by wearing more clothes in doors to keep warm as temperatures falls rather than put the heating on, so I don’t receive an unmanageable bill come spring. I don’t know how more people don’t perish from the cold in this country due to not been able to afford the basics. All while the people deciding that the unemployed deserve less sit in the luxury apartments or homes with the heating blaring out 24/7.
Something needs to be done to bring households in this country back above the poverty line rather than them living like they were living back in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries doing without the basics just because their lords and masters didn’t care other than filling their own pockets. I know I sound embittered, but for a very long time I lived as a carer been told because I was caring for family I was only worth X amount of pounds and since the death of my father I am struggling to find suitable employment, all while now been told I am only worth Y amount of pounds. This doesn’t give a person much of a self-esteem to take forward in to finding a new life or even want that life to continue. The hours spent in the endless pursuit of employment starts to have a negative effect on one’s soul and makes you wonder if life is really worth it anyway.
As 2020 heads to a close we as humanity need to start questioning how we allow certain people to commit inhuman acts and never face the circumstances of their actions. We should be calling out the corruption and lies of our elected officials while protesting for better equality for all. Also those money grabbing billionaires who are profiting of the lowly masses should be taxed higher on their incomes rather than be allowed to continue extorting humanity for their own gains. If the recent insight is anything to go on, in to the lack of taxes paid by such corporations as the Trump Organization, Amazon, Facebook, etc. while they profit off modern day slave labour means a change is truly needed ASAP. We are living in the twenty first century, so let’s start acting like the evolved human beings we are supposed to be rather than some Neanderthals running around with clubs bashing each other’s heads in and strive to better the quality of life for all, not just the one percenters. On that I will call it a day and apologise if this rant was illegible.
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Friday.
So as I said Biden is officially president-elect and Trump is done for even though he still insists he won. One of Trump’s biggest allies has finally stepped up and congratulated Biden on his election win. Speaking on the Senate floor, McConnell stated he had hoped for a “different result” from the November 3rd election but the Electoral College had spoken, “So today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden”, also congratulating Biden's running-mate, Kamala Harris, adding “All Americans can take pride that our nation has a female vice president-elect for the very first time”. This all came amidst Trump’s continued rhetoric that there had been widespread fraud during the election and when asked if Trump recognised Biden as president-elect, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany merely stated the president was still involved in ongoing litigation related to the election.
In the wake of the Electoral College vote this week Biden has opened up and hit out at Trump’s continuing refusal to concede the presidential election results calling Trump’s attacks on the election and election officials “simply unconscionable” and attempts to overturn the result an “abuse of power”. Biden went on to state that American’s had the right to be heard, to have their vote counted, to choose the leaders of their nation and to govern ourselves. He also stated politicians in the US “don't take power, the people grant it to them”, and “Nothing, not even a pandemic or an abuse of power can extinguish that flame”.
How can any democratic country as big as the United States have such a dysfunctional system of an election process where the loser has an ability to try and win a lost election by bringing lawsuit after lawsuit that claim unsubstantiated facts as reason for their defeat. The whole Electoral College scenario needs to be removed from existence and allow the public vote to stand nationwide because it is the people’s vote that should count not the puffed up politicians. Under the public vote scenario a clear winner should be chosen by number of votes not by seats won per state as this is clearly a biased style of count for the larger states over smaller ones. Nearly all modern democracies worldwide are chosen by the public vote and if the sitting leader is defeated they are removed from office immediately which as a resident of the UK, I believe that is the best scheme as it stops any of the ‘BS’ currently been seen in the US at the moment. It also prevents any corruption or illegality the sitting leader can perform. The current situation in America is a prime example of how a corrupt leader can create problems for an incoming opposition leader if given the time to implement policies and laws that go against the new administrations manifesto.
The biggest problem in America other than the sitting president inciting violence amongst underground militia’s, is how such people like Donald Trump Jnr. can go on live television and social media preaching a defamation of character about Hunter Biden’s business practises when he is involved in the world’s biggest family fraud ever committed this century which has brought the office of the President of the United States of America in to disrepute. There is a clear issue when one man is listened to by millions and believed without ever providing proof for his allegations, but that is how the world is evolving in to a scandal ridden trash bin of lies and unproven speculation. American politics and business is the epicentre of such practices which just throws mud at a topic or person and hopes the shit will stick enough to bring down that person or business allowing their enemies to profiteer of the fallout. This needs to change and needs to be prosecuted rather than acceptance as the norm and that it is how things are.
On that note I will skip the pond back to dear old Blighty and see what fallout we are facing at the present moment. So while Johnson resists open calls to cancel Christmas due to the pandemic the roll out of the vaccine has proceeded with nearly 140,000 people receiving a vaccination within the first week, but we are also been told that possibly only half of the UK population could receive a vaccination in 2021 due to the cost to the economy and the factor that a booster may also be needed later in the year for those already vaccinated. We have faced such a hellish outcome to 2020 and it looks like 2021 could be no better because of the way this government has handled the issues the pandemic brought with it. We as a country have faced many national problems throughout the centuries, but in this day and age of twenty four hour news for the first time the populous of our nation hear and see immediately what those in charge do or don’t do for us. During the two world wars, the Spanish flu of 1918 and many other issues handled by respective governments over the years took days and weeks to filter out to the public or in many cases would never be known. If such immediate news had, been available back in the past, I suppose there would have been widespread unrest seen over decisions made by elected officials, but that been said what we see these days is politicians ill-equipped to perform the roles they are elected in to, with none of the qualifications required to excel as a politician in a modern day world.
The scary facts that we are seeing are that even with so many vaccinations been given, just yesterday the number of positive COVID cases rose by nearly 19,000. This a clear picture that the governments restrictions are not working and people would rather chance catching the virus than listen to the government who have failed at their duty of care to the nation. For the first time ever UNICEF has started to provide food aid to families in the UK to feed children which is totally unacceptable in a modern age.
We as a nation are been told how to live our lives by a cabinet of incompetent morons who wouldn’t know how to live on the meagre universal credit payments paid to so many people living on or below the poverty line due to the divide between employed and unemployed incomes. The national minimum wage should be used to stabilise the drastic differences found in unemployment which the government states is there to incentivise the unemployed to find jobs, but in a society where jobs are limited how can that incentive be a reality, even in America where they are known for a poor benefits system they pay their unemployed a realistic benefit, so why do we in Britain still penalise those unlucky to be out of work with the stigma of having to survive on an average of less than £80 per week which around 80% goes towards paying extortionate utility and food costs. This year I have made the decision to manage my own bills during this time by wearing more clothes in doors to keep warm as temperatures falls rather than put the heating on, so I don’t receive an unmanageable bill come spring. I don’t know how more people don’t perish from the cold in this country due to not been able to afford the basics. All while the people deciding that the unemployed deserve less sit in the luxury apartments or homes with the heating blaring out 24/7.
Something needs to be done to bring households in this country back above the poverty line rather than them living like they were living back in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries doing without the basics just because their lords and masters didn’t care other than filling their own pockets. I know I sound embittered, but for a very long time I lived as a carer been told because I was caring for family I was only worth X amount of pounds and since the death of my father I am struggling to find suitable employment, all while now been told I am only worth Y amount of pounds. This doesn’t give a person much of a self-esteem to take forward in to finding a new life or even want that life to continue. The hours spent in the endless pursuit of employment starts to have a negative effect on one’s soul and makes you wonder if life is really worth it anyway.
As 2020 heads to a close we as humanity need to start questioning how we allow certain people to commit inhuman acts and never face the circumstances of their actions. We should be calling out the corruption and lies of our elected officials while protesting for better equality for all. Also those money grabbing billionaires who are profiting of the lowly masses should be taxed higher on their incomes rather than be allowed to continue extorting humanity for their own gains. If the recent insight is anything to go on, in to the lack of taxes paid by such corporations as the Trump Organization, Amazon, Facebook, etc. while they profit off modern day slave labour means a change is truly needed ASAP. We are living in the twenty first century, so let’s start acting like the evolved human beings we are supposed to be rather than some Neanderthals running around with clubs bashing each other’s heads in and strive to better the quality of life for all, not just the one percenters. On that I will call it a day and apologise if this rant was illegible.
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Friday.
Monday, 14 December 2020
So nearly half way through December and 2021 approaching fast. My question for 2021 is, will it be any different to 2020 as the same politicians, anarchists, money grabbing businessmen and liars are still going to be in high powered positions. The only change I see happening is no more Trump or Trump family, the rest is simply going to move forward the same as before. Anyway let’s have a look at the shit that happened over the weekend.
So America, the rights of the ‘White Supremacists’ is greater than the majority of the national populous. When mixed races took to the streets to condemn police brutality of minorities, Trump’s action was swift and brutal, but when ‘White Supremacist Proud Boys’ and others who support Trump take to the streets unlawfully burning banners, attacking civilians and causing disharmony, what does Trump’s stormtroopers do? Sweet F*** all, like the cowards they are. In Trump’s mind his supporters are keeping the faith even when they are committing acts of violence against fellow Americans they feel are unworthy of the title. Has America lost the plot? It must have because when a women for no reason drives her car in to a peaceful group of people demonstrating their constitutional right to protest is only charged with reckless endangerment instead of attempted murder there has to be something severally wrong with the mental thinking of people and the scale of injustice present today.
So America, the rights of the ‘White Supremacists’ is greater than the majority of the national populous. When mixed races took to the streets to condemn police brutality of minorities, Trump’s action was swift and brutal, but when ‘White Supremacist Proud Boys’ and others who support Trump take to the streets unlawfully burning banners, attacking civilians and causing disharmony, what does Trump’s stormtroopers do? Sweet F*** all, like the cowards they are. In Trump’s mind his supporters are keeping the faith even when they are committing acts of violence against fellow Americans they feel are unworthy of the title. Has America lost the plot? It must have because when a women for no reason drives her car in to a peaceful group of people demonstrating their constitutional right to protest is only charged with reckless endangerment instead of attempted murder there has to be something severally wrong with the mental thinking of people and the scale of injustice present today.
Anyway while the morons who revere Trump spend their time causing unrest with their useless rallies and unconvincing lawsuits, what is the Big Orange Baby patting himself on the back for now. Well guess what in his mind he has singled handily furnished the world with a vaccine for COVID. The vaccine has nothing to do with the hundreds of dedicated medical personnel who have worked endlessly for nearly a year to create this vaccine. In an interview Trump stated that if he had not been president at the time of the pandemic the world would be waiting five years for a suitable vaccine which is rather hypocritical considering for most of this year Trump was calling the pandemic fake news and denying it even existed. What’s more if he is the main reason for the vaccine, how the hell did we in the UK start vaccinating people a full week before the US even accepted the vaccine as genuine? So America, Trump is caught in yet another blatant lie, but all is supporters still believes he has the ‘Midas Touch’ when in fact he simply creates ‘Fools Gold’.
This peacocking by Trump over the COVID vaccine is to hide the fact that his lawsuits are been shot down left and right meaning he is running out of avenues to appeal the November 3rd election results which have been rejected by his supposed bought and paid ‘Supreme Court’. Trump was expecting his lawsuits to go in front of the three new Justices he appointed and be ceremoniously passed, but that just didn’t happen clearing the way for the Electoral College’ to certify Joe Biden as the 46th United States of America President on December 14th, paving the road to inauguration come January next year. What I can’t understand as an outsider is the exasperating process to count, recount and certify before it can then be voted on again by the ‘Electoral College’. This has to be the most drown out electoral process in the world and then even after all that it could be thrown in to pandemonium by the law courts. Surely it is time the way politicians in America are voted for is changed so time and money is saved.
On that note I will return my voice back to the UK and see what has been happening in dear old Blighty. Well, all I can find is the same old shit. Brexit isn’t working, COVID is still kicking our butts and the members of the cabinet are still doing a useless job. Johnson’s talks with the EU leader are still at a stalemate and we look more likely to be exiting Europe with no deal at all because Johnson wants a dominant authority as a single voice against the many voices of the common market. He sits there believing the UK deserves something when in fact we deserve nothing. We have been led down a blind alley by a Conservative party who preached how much better we would be without European ties, but never had a clue of how to achieve that Promised Land. Johnson is simply leading us, his people in to the desert of discontent for forty years or longer with the blind hope and faith we will endure and prevail. Yet all we have to look forward to is hunger and thirst as he leads us in to the wilderness of exile from the common market.
Brexit will never work and it is time for a new referendum to vote us back in to Europe before it is this countries downfall. How can we navigate the perilous deserts of trade when we are overseen by incompetence and ineptitude at the highest levels of power who can’t even get the simple task of ordering the correct PPE or isolating full counties off as they try, but fail at controlling a national pandemic? The first wave of vaccinations has rolled out, but it will be a long time before any effect is noticeable due to the criteria’s been followed. This is something we will only see as we progress in to 2021 with more vaccinations rolled out, so until then take any reports at face value because we were told this pandemic would be over in less than six months and we are now heading towards a full year under the grip of the virus with millions of lives lost. It doesn’t matter which government you listen to the Pandemic’s effects will have long lasting circumstances globally for years to come. We are still seeing sharp rises in confirmed cases internationally as well as nationally as more areas face tier 3 restrictions.
The world is not out of the pandemic grip yet, so no celebrating like the moronic leaders we have are doing. Yes we have a vaccine, but it has yet to be tested on a global scale and may underperform on greater numbers unlike the small test groups. Both Trump and Johnson have tried to put a good news spin on the creation of the vaccine, but let’s just remember the cost to the planet as a whole in the number of unnecessary deaths we have seen as well as those individuals who are living with the side effects this disease has created within their own immune system. The amount of deaths of over seventies is a stark reminder to the mortality of the human race. Not only unnamed people, but the list of famous people who have passed away in this hellish year is far longer than the norm. We seem to have seen a sharp increase in the number of eighty something celebrities from movie, TV, literature, sports, etc. who have passed away this month, let alone this year. We as a planet mourn the losses of famous and unknown individuals. Let’s hope for less death, destruction and unrest in the New Year, but if America is an example, I think 2021 is going to be a bumpy ride. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.
This peacocking by Trump over the COVID vaccine is to hide the fact that his lawsuits are been shot down left and right meaning he is running out of avenues to appeal the November 3rd election results which have been rejected by his supposed bought and paid ‘Supreme Court’. Trump was expecting his lawsuits to go in front of the three new Justices he appointed and be ceremoniously passed, but that just didn’t happen clearing the way for the Electoral College’ to certify Joe Biden as the 46th United States of America President on December 14th, paving the road to inauguration come January next year. What I can’t understand as an outsider is the exasperating process to count, recount and certify before it can then be voted on again by the ‘Electoral College’. This has to be the most drown out electoral process in the world and then even after all that it could be thrown in to pandemonium by the law courts. Surely it is time the way politicians in America are voted for is changed so time and money is saved.
On that note I will return my voice back to the UK and see what has been happening in dear old Blighty. Well, all I can find is the same old shit. Brexit isn’t working, COVID is still kicking our butts and the members of the cabinet are still doing a useless job. Johnson’s talks with the EU leader are still at a stalemate and we look more likely to be exiting Europe with no deal at all because Johnson wants a dominant authority as a single voice against the many voices of the common market. He sits there believing the UK deserves something when in fact we deserve nothing. We have been led down a blind alley by a Conservative party who preached how much better we would be without European ties, but never had a clue of how to achieve that Promised Land. Johnson is simply leading us, his people in to the desert of discontent for forty years or longer with the blind hope and faith we will endure and prevail. Yet all we have to look forward to is hunger and thirst as he leads us in to the wilderness of exile from the common market.
Brexit will never work and it is time for a new referendum to vote us back in to Europe before it is this countries downfall. How can we navigate the perilous deserts of trade when we are overseen by incompetence and ineptitude at the highest levels of power who can’t even get the simple task of ordering the correct PPE or isolating full counties off as they try, but fail at controlling a national pandemic? The first wave of vaccinations has rolled out, but it will be a long time before any effect is noticeable due to the criteria’s been followed. This is something we will only see as we progress in to 2021 with more vaccinations rolled out, so until then take any reports at face value because we were told this pandemic would be over in less than six months and we are now heading towards a full year under the grip of the virus with millions of lives lost. It doesn’t matter which government you listen to the Pandemic’s effects will have long lasting circumstances globally for years to come. We are still seeing sharp rises in confirmed cases internationally as well as nationally as more areas face tier 3 restrictions.
The world is not out of the pandemic grip yet, so no celebrating like the moronic leaders we have are doing. Yes we have a vaccine, but it has yet to be tested on a global scale and may underperform on greater numbers unlike the small test groups. Both Trump and Johnson have tried to put a good news spin on the creation of the vaccine, but let’s just remember the cost to the planet as a whole in the number of unnecessary deaths we have seen as well as those individuals who are living with the side effects this disease has created within their own immune system. The amount of deaths of over seventies is a stark reminder to the mortality of the human race. Not only unnamed people, but the list of famous people who have passed away in this hellish year is far longer than the norm. We seem to have seen a sharp increase in the number of eighty something celebrities from movie, TV, literature, sports, etc. who have passed away this month, let alone this year. We as a planet mourn the losses of famous and unknown individuals. Let’s hope for less death, destruction and unrest in the New Year, but if America is an example, I think 2021 is going to be a bumpy ride. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.
Friday, 11 December 2020
Well we have reached Friday once more and the future outlook is still very bleak. Could we be having a bleak mid-winter before winter has even took hold? Let’s take a look at the latest ‘BS’ circulating within our society.
So America, do you really feel it is right to execute a person? As a person living in a nation that hasn’t had a death penalty for nearly sixty years, I am disgusted in a supposed civilised country who still feel the need to end a person’s life as an ‘Act of Justice’. Would you not class a president who has allowed over ‘Two Hundred and Eighty Thousand’ fellow Americans to die of a pandemic by ignoring it a mass murder? Would you not class a president who has colluded with a foreign nation as a traitor? Trump has sat on his hands while Fifteen million people have contracted a deadly disease and has colluded with Russia, so should he not be executed as a treasonous mass murderer?
The barbaric use of death for crimes in a world that is supposed to be evolved is the most heinous example of humankind’s devolution back to the time of Neanderthals and for a sitting president to pardon such people as his cronies who helped him commit treasonous acts just proves he should face criminal charges himself and be sent to death row.
A man [Brandon Bernard] who has sat on death row for twenty years and has now been put to death for murder after the Trump bought Supreme Court ruled against his clemency plea while the man that sits in the Whitehouse who is getting away with mass murder daily, simply ignored the cries from Bernard’s family, the original prosecutor, nine of the original sentencing jurors, two senators and millions on social media for him to live out his life in prison. AG Barr [Trump’s Pitbull] simply stated his department was upholding an existing law, yet since the death penalty was reinstated by the US Supreme Court in 1988, executions carried out by the national or federal government in the US have remained rare and before Trump took office, only three federal executions had taken place in this period, all were carried out under another Republican President, George W Bush. There has always been an understanding that any scheduled executions be paused during a presidential transition, but Trump seems to be allowing things to play out which is a break from a 130 year precedent. There are a further 5 executions scheduled to take place before Joe Biden takes office which will bring the count to 13 deaths by execution under the Trump administration the highest number in a century overseen by a single president. All these rushed executions appear from the outside as the Trump Administration and the Republican Party trying to get ahead of the expectation that Biden will fight during the next four years to have the death penalty ceased nationwide on both state and federal levels. This has to prove how mentally deranged and power hungry Trump really is. What should be being asked is what can or will this madman do with the remaining days he has in power because he is not finished yet.
He is still fighting his election loss with outrageous lawsuits backed by 106 G.O.P house members, while ignoring the rising death tolls from COVID-19 by holding two super spreader events to celebrate Hanukah. Is this Trump’s way of implementing his own holocaust event on the Jewish society which he not so secretly hates? On Wednesday of this week he held one event which it was reported to have included 100 guests from the Jewish religion including his maskless chief of staff who last month tested positive for the virus. These were just two of the 25 festive events planned to take place within the confines of the Whitehouse clearly against the advice of the experts on disease control both in the C.D.C and the W.H.O whom Trump has openly ignored for the last twelve months allowing his nation to have the highest number of deaths worldwide. What is really worrying is the amount of American voters who still believe everything Trump is doing is for the good of the nation, when in fact he is simply robbing the country blind through tax evasion, money laundering and nepotism, and committing mass murder through ignorance, ineptitude and a belief he and no one else knows best. I keep saying it and I am still in pure disbelief over the fact that the American people who are supposed to be evolved would rather see their country run by a Narcissistic racially bigoted moron who only wants what is best for him and his family rather than the people he took an oath of office to serve. America you only have yourselves to blame for allowing the last four years to happen!
On that note I will step across the pond and take a look at how dear old Blighty is fairing on this chill December Friday. So once more the headlines rally around the rising COVID infection rate and the failing Brexit escape plan. The lockdown in England which was meant to slow the infection rate has failed according to SAGE as there is indications that there is a fresh rise in effect since December 2nd when lockdown finished. If this is the case yet another epic failure by the Conservative government has been added to the ever growing list of ‘F*** Up’s’ by the Johnson led cabinet during their first official year in power. Yes you may say that previous governments this century have not had to contend with a pandemic and a huge economic upheaval like Brexit, but isn’t this what the Primeminister, Cabinet members and MP’s get paid to deal with. They are the ones seeking such notoriety in the limelight of politics and should be ready to shoulder the blame for such economic and mortality driven circumstances as the UK records another 20,964 positive COVID cases and 516 further COVID-related deaths.
We are been led to the slaughter by politicians incapable of making decisions on behalf of a nation without creating mass hysteria amongst the populous. It is said populous who are bearing the brunt of financial and economic ruin as well as seeing loved ones die from a disease which our government reacted too slowly to contain in its early days and then exited national lockdown far too early, just so they could see an economic upturn which has failed to appear. With Brexit, a decision which should have never been made, we are heading in to an economic wilderness of uncertainty and change which will affect not only trades people, but the whole country as the cost of living is expected to exponentially rise due to new tariffs on both import and export on or off this little island.
Johnson himself is in Brussels trying a last ditch effort to get a deal finalised before December 31st which is looking more and more likely to be a lost cause meaning we as a nation will for the first time in its history be alone in the global economic market with no colonies or global partners to rely on for assistance. The Conservative party leaders of the past and present have spent the last ten years killing off any economic stability we may well have had, just like their predecessor Margaret Thatcher did in the 1980’s with her ‘Privatisation’ of industries. They have created taxes and policies that benefit the wealthy and cripple the less fortunate, have created disunity between devolved nations and sat rough shot over the worst economic decision of a millennia which is ‘Brexit’. The future for the United Kingdom is looking very bleak as Ebenezer ‘Johnson’ Scrooge holds court in Downing Street this Christmas holding the nation to ransom. It is time for a change at the top, so we can feel we do truly have a future to live.
I know tend to rant about politics or the lack of it, but I do also have an interest in the wellbeing of Dementia and Alzheimer sufferers and the lack of assistance they receive from the government and how most of the care falls on family or partners. I myself spent seven years caring for my father who was diagnosed with mixed Dementia [which combined both Vascular Dementia with the decline of the brain through ageing] shortly after turning eighty years old and I saw first-hand the affect the disease takes on a human being struck down with it. The reason I mention it today is due to the news of the death of the Iconic Actress Dame Barbara Windsor from Alzheimer related complications, who used her fame to highlight the lack of help out there for Dementia sufferers. Dame Barbara was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s back in 2014 and has for the last six years battled against the crippling incurable disease, but at the same time used her own story to show how Alzheimer’s and Dementia can affect an individual as well as their loved ones. Dementia doesn’t only affect the sufferer mentally, but also affects those close to them like wives, husbands, partners and children, the list goes on. Alzheimer’s and Dementia is one of those incurable diseases that the human race suffers from, but has very little knowledge of. My heart goes out to Dame Barbara’s husband and family at this time.
We as human beings face so many different life altering events throughout our lives, yet we still choose to spend a great deal of time ignoring those things that closely affect us. I finish today with this thought: If just one person took the time to unselfishly help one other person and that person paid that kindness forward to one other person and so on, wouldn’t the world be a better place to live, rather than what we see in today’s society where it is dog eat dog and wealth is the goal of all, just think on that please. I will call it a day now,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
So America, do you really feel it is right to execute a person? As a person living in a nation that hasn’t had a death penalty for nearly sixty years, I am disgusted in a supposed civilised country who still feel the need to end a person’s life as an ‘Act of Justice’. Would you not class a president who has allowed over ‘Two Hundred and Eighty Thousand’ fellow Americans to die of a pandemic by ignoring it a mass murder? Would you not class a president who has colluded with a foreign nation as a traitor? Trump has sat on his hands while Fifteen million people have contracted a deadly disease and has colluded with Russia, so should he not be executed as a treasonous mass murderer?
The barbaric use of death for crimes in a world that is supposed to be evolved is the most heinous example of humankind’s devolution back to the time of Neanderthals and for a sitting president to pardon such people as his cronies who helped him commit treasonous acts just proves he should face criminal charges himself and be sent to death row.
A man [Brandon Bernard] who has sat on death row for twenty years and has now been put to death for murder after the Trump bought Supreme Court ruled against his clemency plea while the man that sits in the Whitehouse who is getting away with mass murder daily, simply ignored the cries from Bernard’s family, the original prosecutor, nine of the original sentencing jurors, two senators and millions on social media for him to live out his life in prison. AG Barr [Trump’s Pitbull] simply stated his department was upholding an existing law, yet since the death penalty was reinstated by the US Supreme Court in 1988, executions carried out by the national or federal government in the US have remained rare and before Trump took office, only three federal executions had taken place in this period, all were carried out under another Republican President, George W Bush. There has always been an understanding that any scheduled executions be paused during a presidential transition, but Trump seems to be allowing things to play out which is a break from a 130 year precedent. There are a further 5 executions scheduled to take place before Joe Biden takes office which will bring the count to 13 deaths by execution under the Trump administration the highest number in a century overseen by a single president. All these rushed executions appear from the outside as the Trump Administration and the Republican Party trying to get ahead of the expectation that Biden will fight during the next four years to have the death penalty ceased nationwide on both state and federal levels. This has to prove how mentally deranged and power hungry Trump really is. What should be being asked is what can or will this madman do with the remaining days he has in power because he is not finished yet.
He is still fighting his election loss with outrageous lawsuits backed by 106 G.O.P house members, while ignoring the rising death tolls from COVID-19 by holding two super spreader events to celebrate Hanukah. Is this Trump’s way of implementing his own holocaust event on the Jewish society which he not so secretly hates? On Wednesday of this week he held one event which it was reported to have included 100 guests from the Jewish religion including his maskless chief of staff who last month tested positive for the virus. These were just two of the 25 festive events planned to take place within the confines of the Whitehouse clearly against the advice of the experts on disease control both in the C.D.C and the W.H.O whom Trump has openly ignored for the last twelve months allowing his nation to have the highest number of deaths worldwide. What is really worrying is the amount of American voters who still believe everything Trump is doing is for the good of the nation, when in fact he is simply robbing the country blind through tax evasion, money laundering and nepotism, and committing mass murder through ignorance, ineptitude and a belief he and no one else knows best. I keep saying it and I am still in pure disbelief over the fact that the American people who are supposed to be evolved would rather see their country run by a Narcissistic racially bigoted moron who only wants what is best for him and his family rather than the people he took an oath of office to serve. America you only have yourselves to blame for allowing the last four years to happen!
On that note I will step across the pond and take a look at how dear old Blighty is fairing on this chill December Friday. So once more the headlines rally around the rising COVID infection rate and the failing Brexit escape plan. The lockdown in England which was meant to slow the infection rate has failed according to SAGE as there is indications that there is a fresh rise in effect since December 2nd when lockdown finished. If this is the case yet another epic failure by the Conservative government has been added to the ever growing list of ‘F*** Up’s’ by the Johnson led cabinet during their first official year in power. Yes you may say that previous governments this century have not had to contend with a pandemic and a huge economic upheaval like Brexit, but isn’t this what the Primeminister, Cabinet members and MP’s get paid to deal with. They are the ones seeking such notoriety in the limelight of politics and should be ready to shoulder the blame for such economic and mortality driven circumstances as the UK records another 20,964 positive COVID cases and 516 further COVID-related deaths.
We are been led to the slaughter by politicians incapable of making decisions on behalf of a nation without creating mass hysteria amongst the populous. It is said populous who are bearing the brunt of financial and economic ruin as well as seeing loved ones die from a disease which our government reacted too slowly to contain in its early days and then exited national lockdown far too early, just so they could see an economic upturn which has failed to appear. With Brexit, a decision which should have never been made, we are heading in to an economic wilderness of uncertainty and change which will affect not only trades people, but the whole country as the cost of living is expected to exponentially rise due to new tariffs on both import and export on or off this little island.
Johnson himself is in Brussels trying a last ditch effort to get a deal finalised before December 31st which is looking more and more likely to be a lost cause meaning we as a nation will for the first time in its history be alone in the global economic market with no colonies or global partners to rely on for assistance. The Conservative party leaders of the past and present have spent the last ten years killing off any economic stability we may well have had, just like their predecessor Margaret Thatcher did in the 1980’s with her ‘Privatisation’ of industries. They have created taxes and policies that benefit the wealthy and cripple the less fortunate, have created disunity between devolved nations and sat rough shot over the worst economic decision of a millennia which is ‘Brexit’. The future for the United Kingdom is looking very bleak as Ebenezer ‘Johnson’ Scrooge holds court in Downing Street this Christmas holding the nation to ransom. It is time for a change at the top, so we can feel we do truly have a future to live.
I know tend to rant about politics or the lack of it, but I do also have an interest in the wellbeing of Dementia and Alzheimer sufferers and the lack of assistance they receive from the government and how most of the care falls on family or partners. I myself spent seven years caring for my father who was diagnosed with mixed Dementia [which combined both Vascular Dementia with the decline of the brain through ageing] shortly after turning eighty years old and I saw first-hand the affect the disease takes on a human being struck down with it. The reason I mention it today is due to the news of the death of the Iconic Actress Dame Barbara Windsor from Alzheimer related complications, who used her fame to highlight the lack of help out there for Dementia sufferers. Dame Barbara was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s back in 2014 and has for the last six years battled against the crippling incurable disease, but at the same time used her own story to show how Alzheimer’s and Dementia can affect an individual as well as their loved ones. Dementia doesn’t only affect the sufferer mentally, but also affects those close to them like wives, husbands, partners and children, the list goes on. Alzheimer’s and Dementia is one of those incurable diseases that the human race suffers from, but has very little knowledge of. My heart goes out to Dame Barbara’s husband and family at this time.
We as human beings face so many different life altering events throughout our lives, yet we still choose to spend a great deal of time ignoring those things that closely affect us. I finish today with this thought: If just one person took the time to unselfishly help one other person and that person paid that kindness forward to one other person and so on, wouldn’t the world be a better place to live, rather than what we see in today’s society where it is dog eat dog and wealth is the goal of all, just think on that please. I will call it a day now,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Its midweek again as we ebb ever nearer to the festive time of year without a clue of what to expect because the protocols been implemented or not been implemented as the case may be, are just too confusing to navigate. In the UK there are four different devolved categories of restriction people have to adhere to while America I suppose has 50 different states of play because congress and the sitting president’s administration can’t come to a consensus of what should or shouldn’t be done. All this confusion and that is only in two nations of the globe. Until there is a global consensus which everyone adheres to, we will never be free from this pandemic. Anyway let’s see what has been happening since I last ranted.
In America I am surprised anything is actually getting done as the country teeters between fantasy and reality with their current predicament of two leaders and one pandemic in a battle of wills. On one side you have a president-elect who is setting out a time scale of what needs to happen in his first 100 days in office, while on the other you have a lame duck president who is still refusing to acknowledge the over ‘Two hundred and eighty thousand’ dead while preaching about his imaginary successes in the balancing of the stock market, ‘Warp Speed’ vaccine creation and how the election was stolen from him. January 20th can’t come quick enough as this unbalanced government needs steadying and the path ahead made visible. While Biden holds fast on this planet, it appears Trump is living in a parallel universe where the pandemic and the voting public haven’t destroyed his dreams of global domination.
And while Trump lives in his parallel universe still insisting he is the true winner of the November 3rd election, back in this reality his latest lawsuit which has finally reached the Supreme Court has crashed and burned. After the Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf had already certified Mr Biden's victory and the state's top court had rejected Trump’s campaign bid last week to overturn the decision they sent an appeal to the US Supreme Court in Washington. This was dismissed with only one sentence which simply read “No court has ever issued an order nullifying a governor's certification of presidential election results”, not even a mention of the allegations of voter fraud and illegal votes. Basically Trump’s bought and paid for justices couldn’t help him illegally stop the Pennsylvania certification. This isn’t the finally of the attempts been made as there is still some morons in Texas trying to subvert the constitution with frivolous lawsuits accusing four states of election irregularities which is just ridiculous on all types of level. When are the Republicans going to understand they have lost this battle, there dictator has been slain and is been evicted very, very soon while there Senate majority is still under attack as the Georgia runoffs start to appear on the horizon.
I know I am an outsider, but isn’t it about time some of these politicians on both sides of the aisle stepped away from the mirror they so clearly enjoy peering in to and look at how the rest of the world actually views them, because from the outside they appear as vain, narcissistic nobodies who are simply pretending to do a job while living it large on the taxpayers dime. It is time each and every politician no matter the constituency or country be held legally accountable for their actions and brought to their knees for the incompetence they have shown during this hellish year of death, disease and financial ruination while you have on the other side of the equation doctors, nurses and paramedics putting themselves at risk hourly by travelling to COVID hotspots to aid in the suffering of millions like the professionals they truly are.
On that note I will skip to dear old Blighty and check in on our own ruination. So basically while Johnson fights with the EU over Brexit, the rest of the populous awaits its turn to be given the COVID vaccine, but how will you be chosen and when will it happen? These are the question people want answering at the moment.
So first getting back to Brexit, I have let it be known in the past I was on the side of the ‘remain vote’ and find it ludicrous we are even leaving the common market, but we are and that is my pain to bare. The latest is that things are still not going Johnson’s way and time is running out to reach a deal before December 31st, when the UK stops following EU trading rules. This is going to cost us as a nation billions of pounds and some businesses will suffer or even disappear when new rules come in to practice. We are returning to an archaic time when borders were required and checks were stricter, but the big problem coming from our inclusion in the EU nearly fifty years ago is how we now implement checks in areas along the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland land borders as well as their coastal ports, not to mention the tunnel that now connects England to France which wasn’t a consideration pre-EU inclusion. We have a government trying to step back in time to when we had borders, which means we are once again going to be an island alone who will rely on single country to country trade agreements to prosper instead of a common market where trade is equal. Yes in some cases we will be better, but in the vast amount of cases we will be again at the mercy of much larger and more populated countries who can manufacture quicker, cheaper and in bulk. All I see is us been priced out of the marketplace which will intern create a mass exodus of the foreign investors we already have like Toyota, Nissan, Hitachi, Honda, etc. Brexit was and will always be a millstone around the neck of the UK economy.
Anyway that is all to come post 2020 and we have more to worry about which is what we sadly call a pandemic. Back to the questions from before, how will we be chosen for to receive the vaccine? The basic answer is for now, those being given the jab in the UK are all 80 or over and were chosen by the hospital in various different ways in the two days ahead of the launch. The government has laid out a plan which shows the groups and their priority for receiving the vaccine which is set out on their website. Even though the roll out has begun in some areas it will take well in to the beginning of next year to reach everyone, but there is a warning placed on the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine which is that people with a history of significant allergic reactions should not have the new COVID jab as it came to light that two NHS workers had allergic reactions to the virus on Tuesday, meanwhile Professor Whitty has stated the most vulnerable of recipients may need the vaccine again in 9 months. So what it sounds like to me is that we have a vaccine and it is been rolled out, but it may cause a severe allergic reaction in a minority and it will only restrict the virus in the most vulnerable for 9 months. I know we need a vaccine quickly, yet to me the one we have sounds like it is possibly dangerous or ineffective in some cases, but that is a risk the government is willing to take. Why not just add a disclaimer, ‘This may or may not save your life, the risk is up to you. We as the government bare no responsibility if you die’. We are nearly eleven months in since the first case of COVID-19 was recorded and the government is still playing ‘Russian Roulette’ with the public’s lives. I will stick to hiding away in my own little bubble where no-one and nothing can breach my defences because I don’t trust Johnson and his cronies on the cabinet one little bit with my safety. To me they are simply cashing their extortionate salaries and hoping they make the right decision, but are not willing to take any blame for the situation we as a nation find ourselves in. They might as well be playing a game of ‘Pin the tail on the Donkey’ for all the good their laws and policies are doing and that goes for the Brexit debacle also.
What we as a global population are facing is the worst death toll of an age where war has not been a factor for the rise in deaths. We are been led to the slaughter by ineptitude and incompetence within elected officials who have no clue of how to lead. They throw policy after policy at the situation or simply try to ignore it. In the United kingdom we have a split leadership who makes decisions then when they find it is unpopular they back track and reverse course on to the next ill-fated decision, while in America you just simply have an administration who has chosen to firstly deny the pandemic as a hoax, then try to lay the blame at the feet of another nation and finally chooses to just ignore it all together hoping it will just simply vanish. How can we as people just accept the way our elected official go about leading us without calling them out for their gross negligence that has created a global death toll of over one million innocent individuals who didn’t have to die if the leaders in charge had shown a backbone quicker by acting on the threat. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Friday.
In America I am surprised anything is actually getting done as the country teeters between fantasy and reality with their current predicament of two leaders and one pandemic in a battle of wills. On one side you have a president-elect who is setting out a time scale of what needs to happen in his first 100 days in office, while on the other you have a lame duck president who is still refusing to acknowledge the over ‘Two hundred and eighty thousand’ dead while preaching about his imaginary successes in the balancing of the stock market, ‘Warp Speed’ vaccine creation and how the election was stolen from him. January 20th can’t come quick enough as this unbalanced government needs steadying and the path ahead made visible. While Biden holds fast on this planet, it appears Trump is living in a parallel universe where the pandemic and the voting public haven’t destroyed his dreams of global domination.
And while Trump lives in his parallel universe still insisting he is the true winner of the November 3rd election, back in this reality his latest lawsuit which has finally reached the Supreme Court has crashed and burned. After the Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf had already certified Mr Biden's victory and the state's top court had rejected Trump’s campaign bid last week to overturn the decision they sent an appeal to the US Supreme Court in Washington. This was dismissed with only one sentence which simply read “No court has ever issued an order nullifying a governor's certification of presidential election results”, not even a mention of the allegations of voter fraud and illegal votes. Basically Trump’s bought and paid for justices couldn’t help him illegally stop the Pennsylvania certification. This isn’t the finally of the attempts been made as there is still some morons in Texas trying to subvert the constitution with frivolous lawsuits accusing four states of election irregularities which is just ridiculous on all types of level. When are the Republicans going to understand they have lost this battle, there dictator has been slain and is been evicted very, very soon while there Senate majority is still under attack as the Georgia runoffs start to appear on the horizon.
I know I am an outsider, but isn’t it about time some of these politicians on both sides of the aisle stepped away from the mirror they so clearly enjoy peering in to and look at how the rest of the world actually views them, because from the outside they appear as vain, narcissistic nobodies who are simply pretending to do a job while living it large on the taxpayers dime. It is time each and every politician no matter the constituency or country be held legally accountable for their actions and brought to their knees for the incompetence they have shown during this hellish year of death, disease and financial ruination while you have on the other side of the equation doctors, nurses and paramedics putting themselves at risk hourly by travelling to COVID hotspots to aid in the suffering of millions like the professionals they truly are.
On that note I will skip to dear old Blighty and check in on our own ruination. So basically while Johnson fights with the EU over Brexit, the rest of the populous awaits its turn to be given the COVID vaccine, but how will you be chosen and when will it happen? These are the question people want answering at the moment.
So first getting back to Brexit, I have let it be known in the past I was on the side of the ‘remain vote’ and find it ludicrous we are even leaving the common market, but we are and that is my pain to bare. The latest is that things are still not going Johnson’s way and time is running out to reach a deal before December 31st, when the UK stops following EU trading rules. This is going to cost us as a nation billions of pounds and some businesses will suffer or even disappear when new rules come in to practice. We are returning to an archaic time when borders were required and checks were stricter, but the big problem coming from our inclusion in the EU nearly fifty years ago is how we now implement checks in areas along the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland land borders as well as their coastal ports, not to mention the tunnel that now connects England to France which wasn’t a consideration pre-EU inclusion. We have a government trying to step back in time to when we had borders, which means we are once again going to be an island alone who will rely on single country to country trade agreements to prosper instead of a common market where trade is equal. Yes in some cases we will be better, but in the vast amount of cases we will be again at the mercy of much larger and more populated countries who can manufacture quicker, cheaper and in bulk. All I see is us been priced out of the marketplace which will intern create a mass exodus of the foreign investors we already have like Toyota, Nissan, Hitachi, Honda, etc. Brexit was and will always be a millstone around the neck of the UK economy.
Anyway that is all to come post 2020 and we have more to worry about which is what we sadly call a pandemic. Back to the questions from before, how will we be chosen for to receive the vaccine? The basic answer is for now, those being given the jab in the UK are all 80 or over and were chosen by the hospital in various different ways in the two days ahead of the launch. The government has laid out a plan which shows the groups and their priority for receiving the vaccine which is set out on their website. Even though the roll out has begun in some areas it will take well in to the beginning of next year to reach everyone, but there is a warning placed on the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine which is that people with a history of significant allergic reactions should not have the new COVID jab as it came to light that two NHS workers had allergic reactions to the virus on Tuesday, meanwhile Professor Whitty has stated the most vulnerable of recipients may need the vaccine again in 9 months. So what it sounds like to me is that we have a vaccine and it is been rolled out, but it may cause a severe allergic reaction in a minority and it will only restrict the virus in the most vulnerable for 9 months. I know we need a vaccine quickly, yet to me the one we have sounds like it is possibly dangerous or ineffective in some cases, but that is a risk the government is willing to take. Why not just add a disclaimer, ‘This may or may not save your life, the risk is up to you. We as the government bare no responsibility if you die’. We are nearly eleven months in since the first case of COVID-19 was recorded and the government is still playing ‘Russian Roulette’ with the public’s lives. I will stick to hiding away in my own little bubble where no-one and nothing can breach my defences because I don’t trust Johnson and his cronies on the cabinet one little bit with my safety. To me they are simply cashing their extortionate salaries and hoping they make the right decision, but are not willing to take any blame for the situation we as a nation find ourselves in. They might as well be playing a game of ‘Pin the tail on the Donkey’ for all the good their laws and policies are doing and that goes for the Brexit debacle also.
What we as a global population are facing is the worst death toll of an age where war has not been a factor for the rise in deaths. We are been led to the slaughter by ineptitude and incompetence within elected officials who have no clue of how to lead. They throw policy after policy at the situation or simply try to ignore it. In the United kingdom we have a split leadership who makes decisions then when they find it is unpopular they back track and reverse course on to the next ill-fated decision, while in America you just simply have an administration who has chosen to firstly deny the pandemic as a hoax, then try to lay the blame at the feet of another nation and finally chooses to just ignore it all together hoping it will just simply vanish. How can we as people just accept the way our elected official go about leading us without calling them out for their gross negligence that has created a global death toll of over one million innocent individuals who didn’t have to die if the leaders in charge had shown a backbone quicker by acting on the threat. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Friday.
Monday, 7 December 2020
And we start another week in December with nothing changed, but the ‘BS’ spin now on vaccine rather than death. While leaders around the world struggle to undersell the death toll and oversell what they are doing to reverse the global pandemic, the rest of us just go on suffering as debt rises for those less fortunate and the prosperity of those in power increases. It’s the same old story, the poorer get poorer while the politicians get richer, the economy takes a toll on the underprivileged while the bank balances of the privileged ring out with joy. On that profound realisation, let’s take a look at what has been happening over the weekend in the world of inept governments.
So while Biden tries to unify the country ready for his inauguration in January and the fight ahead, Trump was holding rallies in Georgia inciting his unmasked moronic supporters. He was officially there to support the Republican candidates trying to re-win the two seats the Republican party needs to hold the Senate Majority, but in his two hour speech he still denied he had lost the election and instead told supporters he would still win, blaming the State Governor and Secretary of State of Georgia for not pushing his orders through to call a special session and convince legislators to pick electors who would support him. He openly preached how the election was been stolen by illegal votes again ‘official bashing’ claiming his order for signature checking was not been undertaken. What you have is a man who doesn’t like been defeated and will do anything and everything including breaking the law to get what he wants. This is not a man used to conceding defeat, this is a man that rather than accept the will of the people will use every underhanded act at his disposal to win or at the very least cause unrest within the camp of his enemies. Trump needs to be stopped and needs to be made an example of by the highest courts in the land, he cannot be allowed to carry on inciting unrest and preaching false ideology amongst the morons who fall at his feet as if he is a ‘GOD’. This has been proven by the illegal show of force in front of the Michigan Secretary of States residence by ‘ARMED’ Trump supporters who chanted “Stop the steal” as Jocelyn Benson and her family tried to watch a Christmas film. This is an act of aggression by people who believe force is better than peace and could escalate it to the point of mass deaths for the innocent person just doing their job.
While the rest of America suffers with unemployment, financial ruin, illness and death, you have a president who would rather preach to a group of idiots than work to implement a successful plan to eradicate the deadly virus consuming America and the rest of the world. Even the moron [Rudy Giuliani] trying to fight Trump’s election defeat in the courts has succumb to the virus and has been hospitalised, not to mention Trump’s son been struck down with it. This the madness of the American first family, allies and supporters as they still try to deny the very existence of the COVID-19 virus by burying their heads in the sand to ignore the fact that under their watch America has falling fowl of this deadly disease to the tune of over ‘TWO HUNDRED and EIGHTY THOUSAND’ dead with nearly ‘FIFTEEN’ million positive cases in America alone. The figures don’t lie, just the politicians who wish to hide the truth from the American people who value their freedom of speech, freedom of liberty and the right to bear arms before their own mortality. Come on America start to put life before death, sanity before insanity, democracy before fascism instead of what you are doing at the moment which is choosing death of loved ones over life by ignoring the simple safety requests of the World Health Organisation to wear masks and stop congregating in mass.
On that note of insanity I will return my rant to the shores of dear old Blighty where our politicians are trying sweep their ineptitude under the proverbial rug by using the roll out of a hastened vaccine as a win. So as the supposed super drug to combat COVID-19 has started to appear at some hospitals within the UK ready for roll out nationwide, don’t expect it to be happening anytime soon because most people won’t see anything positive until between January and March next year which will be a full year since the first cases were reported. The roll out will be staggered and will be determined by need and age first as shown in this diagram below,
So the basics are that the elderly and vulnerable including hospital staff and carers will get the vaccine first and we can expect the numbers of cases and deaths to still rise above the numbers shown below even though the rise has slowed significantly.
As Christmas quickly approaches the restrictions still apply and could apply for quite a while to come until there is a drastic drop in fatalities from the virus. The most important thing to remember is the safety precautions we as individuals can implement in our own daily lives to protect ourselves. Wear a mask, Wash your hands regularly, use hand sanitizers when required, socially distance and remember the ‘rule of six’. Do this and they say there is less chance of infection. The government may be inept at combatting the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean we as a populous should follow suit and ignore our own safety.
Yet while most headlines are still fixed on the virus and the vaccine what is somewhat disturbing beyond the pandemic is the lack of progress our inept government is making on the Brexit front as talks have once again stalled. The failing ideology that the UK will be better off without the EU is just another example of a rushed decision. The referendum was a failure waiting to happen because the UK trade was installed so deep within the common market nothing would ever be right once Brexit came to pass. We have had a Conservative government in charge of removing a deep routed institutional hierarchy which has been in place since 1973. Yet for just over four years they have move forward without a static structured plan to gain a positive trade and economic deal. We are nearing the end of the transition period and facing a no-deal Brexit which inevitably means the UK will move forward with stronger border checks and taxes been introduced for goods travelling between the UK and the EU, but deal or no deal, we will still see changes which will cost the UK dearly in the increase of costs to export to Europe as we lose the right to the common market benefits. All in all the UK as a whole is going to ‘hell in a handbasket’ under the leadership of the Conservatives, especially Boris Johnson. Johnson, who infamously vowed to get Brexit done ‘do or die’, has told his chief envoy Lord Frost that he will not sign any deal that binds Britain to future Brussels laws while it is reported that ministers are pushing ahead with restoring controversial clauses to the Internal Market Bill, which enraged the EU as they would effectively override parts of the previous Brexit divorce terms to prevent blockages between Britain and Northern Ireland. The stupidity of our elected officials shows no calming as Cabinet ministers yesterday rallied behind Johnson, insisting that he was not afraid to crash out of the EU Single Market and Customs Union without an arrangement in place by January 1st next year.
As we start a new week all I see in the global headlines is inept leaders, especially in the US and the UK peacocking themselves as if they have a ‘God’ given right to display their bullishness without criticism or accountability. They seem to forget they are in their positions to serve all the people, not just the rich privileged people of their countries. We are living in the twenty first century, not the eighteenth century and everyone deserves to be treated with equality instead of obscurity, everyone has a civil right to live a better life and not be downtrodden by those individuals who managed to spread enough ‘BS’ to gain them the majority vote placing them in a position of power. It is time serving the majority was taken seriously rather than doing what is visible to gain support while obscuring the illegality beneath the surface and hope it stays hidden. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.
So while Biden tries to unify the country ready for his inauguration in January and the fight ahead, Trump was holding rallies in Georgia inciting his unmasked moronic supporters. He was officially there to support the Republican candidates trying to re-win the two seats the Republican party needs to hold the Senate Majority, but in his two hour speech he still denied he had lost the election and instead told supporters he would still win, blaming the State Governor and Secretary of State of Georgia for not pushing his orders through to call a special session and convince legislators to pick electors who would support him. He openly preached how the election was been stolen by illegal votes again ‘official bashing’ claiming his order for signature checking was not been undertaken. What you have is a man who doesn’t like been defeated and will do anything and everything including breaking the law to get what he wants. This is not a man used to conceding defeat, this is a man that rather than accept the will of the people will use every underhanded act at his disposal to win or at the very least cause unrest within the camp of his enemies. Trump needs to be stopped and needs to be made an example of by the highest courts in the land, he cannot be allowed to carry on inciting unrest and preaching false ideology amongst the morons who fall at his feet as if he is a ‘GOD’. This has been proven by the illegal show of force in front of the Michigan Secretary of States residence by ‘ARMED’ Trump supporters who chanted “Stop the steal” as Jocelyn Benson and her family tried to watch a Christmas film. This is an act of aggression by people who believe force is better than peace and could escalate it to the point of mass deaths for the innocent person just doing their job.
While the rest of America suffers with unemployment, financial ruin, illness and death, you have a president who would rather preach to a group of idiots than work to implement a successful plan to eradicate the deadly virus consuming America and the rest of the world. Even the moron [Rudy Giuliani] trying to fight Trump’s election defeat in the courts has succumb to the virus and has been hospitalised, not to mention Trump’s son been struck down with it. This the madness of the American first family, allies and supporters as they still try to deny the very existence of the COVID-19 virus by burying their heads in the sand to ignore the fact that under their watch America has falling fowl of this deadly disease to the tune of over ‘TWO HUNDRED and EIGHTY THOUSAND’ dead with nearly ‘FIFTEEN’ million positive cases in America alone. The figures don’t lie, just the politicians who wish to hide the truth from the American people who value their freedom of speech, freedom of liberty and the right to bear arms before their own mortality. Come on America start to put life before death, sanity before insanity, democracy before fascism instead of what you are doing at the moment which is choosing death of loved ones over life by ignoring the simple safety requests of the World Health Organisation to wear masks and stop congregating in mass.
On that note of insanity I will return my rant to the shores of dear old Blighty where our politicians are trying sweep their ineptitude under the proverbial rug by using the roll out of a hastened vaccine as a win. So as the supposed super drug to combat COVID-19 has started to appear at some hospitals within the UK ready for roll out nationwide, don’t expect it to be happening anytime soon because most people won’t see anything positive until between January and March next year which will be a full year since the first cases were reported. The roll out will be staggered and will be determined by need and age first as shown in this diagram below,
So the basics are that the elderly and vulnerable including hospital staff and carers will get the vaccine first and we can expect the numbers of cases and deaths to still rise above the numbers shown below even though the rise has slowed significantly.
As Christmas quickly approaches the restrictions still apply and could apply for quite a while to come until there is a drastic drop in fatalities from the virus. The most important thing to remember is the safety precautions we as individuals can implement in our own daily lives to protect ourselves. Wear a mask, Wash your hands regularly, use hand sanitizers when required, socially distance and remember the ‘rule of six’. Do this and they say there is less chance of infection. The government may be inept at combatting the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean we as a populous should follow suit and ignore our own safety.
Yet while most headlines are still fixed on the virus and the vaccine what is somewhat disturbing beyond the pandemic is the lack of progress our inept government is making on the Brexit front as talks have once again stalled. The failing ideology that the UK will be better off without the EU is just another example of a rushed decision. The referendum was a failure waiting to happen because the UK trade was installed so deep within the common market nothing would ever be right once Brexit came to pass. We have had a Conservative government in charge of removing a deep routed institutional hierarchy which has been in place since 1973. Yet for just over four years they have move forward without a static structured plan to gain a positive trade and economic deal. We are nearing the end of the transition period and facing a no-deal Brexit which inevitably means the UK will move forward with stronger border checks and taxes been introduced for goods travelling between the UK and the EU, but deal or no deal, we will still see changes which will cost the UK dearly in the increase of costs to export to Europe as we lose the right to the common market benefits. All in all the UK as a whole is going to ‘hell in a handbasket’ under the leadership of the Conservatives, especially Boris Johnson. Johnson, who infamously vowed to get Brexit done ‘do or die’, has told his chief envoy Lord Frost that he will not sign any deal that binds Britain to future Brussels laws while it is reported that ministers are pushing ahead with restoring controversial clauses to the Internal Market Bill, which enraged the EU as they would effectively override parts of the previous Brexit divorce terms to prevent blockages between Britain and Northern Ireland. The stupidity of our elected officials shows no calming as Cabinet ministers yesterday rallied behind Johnson, insisting that he was not afraid to crash out of the EU Single Market and Customs Union without an arrangement in place by January 1st next year.
As we start a new week all I see in the global headlines is inept leaders, especially in the US and the UK peacocking themselves as if they have a ‘God’ given right to display their bullishness without criticism or accountability. They seem to forget they are in their positions to serve all the people, not just the rich privileged people of their countries. We are living in the twenty first century, not the eighteenth century and everyone deserves to be treated with equality instead of obscurity, everyone has a civil right to live a better life and not be downtrodden by those individuals who managed to spread enough ‘BS’ to gain them the majority vote placing them in a position of power. It is time serving the majority was taken seriously rather than doing what is visible to gain support while obscuring the illegality beneath the surface and hope it stays hidden. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Welcome to December 2020 and the day lockdown is eased in England. So we wake up today with a world of political and homicidal ‘BS’. On one shore there are death threats against officials counting legal votes for an election that was a long four years in the making with a leader who incites said violence and on another shore there is a leader who because he is facing a rebellion wants to implement a fascist rule. Well let’s see what has been going on shall we?
In America the last state still to certify the election result of November 3rd is facing unprecedented abuse and threats against the people performing the counting and verifying role. Georgia where Biden has been projected to be the overall winner of the state turning it ‘Blue’, there has been significant verbal abuse and threats against voting officials which prompted a fiery statement from Gabriel Sterling, a Republican, stating: "It's all gone too far! All of it! It has to stop!" voicing his anger at the death threats and abuse within Georgia laying the blame for the abuse squarely at the Trump administration and election campaign. During the statement Sterling called for the president and senators to step up and show some leadership stating you who have chosen to run for office, so you need to stop inciting the violence and allow for a civilised democratic process to be run.
Trumps response to the televised statement was to double down and instead of condemning the actions reiterated his baseless allegations of voter fraud. This is a man who will deny the world revolves around the sun if it is against his thinking, this is a man who will rather incite civil war than accept the people have spoken out calling for his removal come January and this is an individual who believes his own lies and rhetoric even when it is proven fact less. Come on America you have to see that the person with his finger on weapons of mass destruction is so very impaired in his thinking and judgement, and should be removed sooner rather than later for the sake of the whole planet. Even his own bought and paid for Attorney General says there is no evidence of ‘voter fraud that could overturn election’.
The Trump White House heads in to its final days with an eerie quiet descending on the premises as attempts to challenge the election result flounder in the courts. As each state left to certify puts waste to Trump’s legal efforts to overturn the election results, history will show the man chosen as president between 2017 and 2021 as a self-obsessed narcissist who refused to accept the will of the people and tried to corrupt the constitution which the forefathers fought and died for. Donald J. Trump continues to claim victory, yet backstage at the White House, people see things the way they are. They know their days in the West Wing are numbered. They also know that when their boss is losing, it is best to steer clear of him so as not to feel the wrath of a dictator on the verge of a meltdown. Those staffers wander around on eggshells, while the big man himself continues believe he has not lost, but that the election has been stolen from him. Point of fact was his attitude to the rise in the stock markets last week claiming it as a Trump victory, when in fact it was purely down to official news that the Biden transition had begun. Basically America you’re spiralling out of control down a massive swirling chute of oblivion where politicians just incite the populous then blame the radical groups they despise for the generated hatred and violence. What is needed is a whole new style of government where politicians are charged for any act of incitement they verbalise or write stripping them of their duly elected position. Until this rhetoric is altered, condemned and ceased the country will always be on the brink of civil unrest and possible anarchy.
On that note I will skip to the shores of dear old Blighty and check out the latest inflammatory rhetoric our own dictatorial leadership is preaching today. So the headlines as we head out of lockdown in England is that a Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is been approved for use next week in UK which to me is a worrying push by the government to implement yet another flawed plan. As someone who is sceptical of any drug, I am worried that the process of acceptance for this drug that is supposed to fight against the COVID-19 virus has been walked through far too quickly by a government who has fallen at every hurdle since the coronavirus breeched our shores back in January of this year. They are far too quick to say they have a solution to the virus’s veracity and label themselves as finding a win. To roll out this vaccine on a widespread scale could be detrimental to the populous of the nation and should be used in sample batches within hospitals and designated groups first, then fully rolled out in the worst affected areas next and so on.
But while all this is going on the Health Secretary Mr Hancock stated that, with the first load next week and then “several millions” throughout December, but the bulk of the rollout will be next year, he added. “2020 has been just awful and 2021 is going to be better”. So in one breath Hancock is telling us everything is going to fine, while in the next that it will still be well in to next year before a mass roll out is seen. I wish they would make up their minds!
While Hancock sings pretty about the vaccine, his boss Johnson suffered his biggest Commons revolt to date as MP’s back tougher COVID tiers and only won through due to Labour’s abstention from the vote to avoid defeat on a tightened system of measures. 55 backbenches showed Johnson their feelings over his handling of the pandemic which if Labour had joined in would have seen our latest gestapo style restrictions been thrown out as policy. On the back of this narrow win Johnson has also decided to publish plans to regain power from courts and MP’s. Johnson’s plan will implement legislation taking away control of the election process from the courts and make it so the sitting primeminister can call a general election when they feel like it. This really sounds like a plan to instil a dictatorship style government where the sitting leader has carte blanche to do as they like without interference from parliament or the courts making Johnson a fascist dictator rather than a governing primeminister. This cannot be allowed to happen as Jonson’s proposed legislation would scrap the Fixed-term Parliaments Act passed by the Conservatives as part of a deal with the Liberal Democrats in 2010 to ensure a stable coalition government. It means parliaments should serve a fixed five-year term but it has been overruled twice by the 2017 and 2019 elections. The most controversial change is an attempt to bar the courts from ruling on the powers of the government to dissolve parliament. The move been seen as a direct retaliation against the Supreme Court, which humiliated Johnson last year after it ruled that his prorogation of parliament at a key point in the Brexit talks was unlawful. This document is clearly Johnson trying to flex political muscles he does not have and as a way to push forth his radicalised ideology of what government should look like. I believe if he had been in power back in 1939, Johnson would have opened up the borders and welcomed Hitler and his Nazi party in with open arms.
It is very clear that there are quite a few nations been pushed towards a fascist ideology lately and two of them been America and Briton. America has stopped there goose-stepping towards fascism for now with the election in favour of Biden and the democrats, but it is needed sooner rather than later within Britain as we need to remove Johnson from power legally and instil a government that does not want to segregate us from the rest of Europe and implement a more equal form of government. In the US this year and the UK last year elections have proven very controversial with how those in power go about the process and find ways to ‘Lie without Lying’ which I know is how politics works, but in a day and age of twenty four hour news surely just been truthful and transparent would win out in the end. To me I have lived through both a Labour and a Conservative government who have openly lied to the general public about how much better they will be, only to fall flat on their faces once in power. Politics is a game of who can spread the ‘BS’ better and who makes the bigger promises, but those promises never see it through to fruition as once in office the promises are simply discarded and forgot about, once the salaries start rolling in to the elected officials bank accounts, something needs to change. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back on Friday.
In America the last state still to certify the election result of November 3rd is facing unprecedented abuse and threats against the people performing the counting and verifying role. Georgia where Biden has been projected to be the overall winner of the state turning it ‘Blue’, there has been significant verbal abuse and threats against voting officials which prompted a fiery statement from Gabriel Sterling, a Republican, stating: "It's all gone too far! All of it! It has to stop!" voicing his anger at the death threats and abuse within Georgia laying the blame for the abuse squarely at the Trump administration and election campaign. During the statement Sterling called for the president and senators to step up and show some leadership stating you who have chosen to run for office, so you need to stop inciting the violence and allow for a civilised democratic process to be run.
Trumps response to the televised statement was to double down and instead of condemning the actions reiterated his baseless allegations of voter fraud. This is a man who will deny the world revolves around the sun if it is against his thinking, this is a man who will rather incite civil war than accept the people have spoken out calling for his removal come January and this is an individual who believes his own lies and rhetoric even when it is proven fact less. Come on America you have to see that the person with his finger on weapons of mass destruction is so very impaired in his thinking and judgement, and should be removed sooner rather than later for the sake of the whole planet. Even his own bought and paid for Attorney General says there is no evidence of ‘voter fraud that could overturn election’.
The Trump White House heads in to its final days with an eerie quiet descending on the premises as attempts to challenge the election result flounder in the courts. As each state left to certify puts waste to Trump’s legal efforts to overturn the election results, history will show the man chosen as president between 2017 and 2021 as a self-obsessed narcissist who refused to accept the will of the people and tried to corrupt the constitution which the forefathers fought and died for. Donald J. Trump continues to claim victory, yet backstage at the White House, people see things the way they are. They know their days in the West Wing are numbered. They also know that when their boss is losing, it is best to steer clear of him so as not to feel the wrath of a dictator on the verge of a meltdown. Those staffers wander around on eggshells, while the big man himself continues believe he has not lost, but that the election has been stolen from him. Point of fact was his attitude to the rise in the stock markets last week claiming it as a Trump victory, when in fact it was purely down to official news that the Biden transition had begun. Basically America you’re spiralling out of control down a massive swirling chute of oblivion where politicians just incite the populous then blame the radical groups they despise for the generated hatred and violence. What is needed is a whole new style of government where politicians are charged for any act of incitement they verbalise or write stripping them of their duly elected position. Until this rhetoric is altered, condemned and ceased the country will always be on the brink of civil unrest and possible anarchy.
On that note I will skip to the shores of dear old Blighty and check out the latest inflammatory rhetoric our own dictatorial leadership is preaching today. So the headlines as we head out of lockdown in England is that a Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is been approved for use next week in UK which to me is a worrying push by the government to implement yet another flawed plan. As someone who is sceptical of any drug, I am worried that the process of acceptance for this drug that is supposed to fight against the COVID-19 virus has been walked through far too quickly by a government who has fallen at every hurdle since the coronavirus breeched our shores back in January of this year. They are far too quick to say they have a solution to the virus’s veracity and label themselves as finding a win. To roll out this vaccine on a widespread scale could be detrimental to the populous of the nation and should be used in sample batches within hospitals and designated groups first, then fully rolled out in the worst affected areas next and so on.
But while all this is going on the Health Secretary Mr Hancock stated that, with the first load next week and then “several millions” throughout December, but the bulk of the rollout will be next year, he added. “2020 has been just awful and 2021 is going to be better”. So in one breath Hancock is telling us everything is going to fine, while in the next that it will still be well in to next year before a mass roll out is seen. I wish they would make up their minds!
While Hancock sings pretty about the vaccine, his boss Johnson suffered his biggest Commons revolt to date as MP’s back tougher COVID tiers and only won through due to Labour’s abstention from the vote to avoid defeat on a tightened system of measures. 55 backbenches showed Johnson their feelings over his handling of the pandemic which if Labour had joined in would have seen our latest gestapo style restrictions been thrown out as policy. On the back of this narrow win Johnson has also decided to publish plans to regain power from courts and MP’s. Johnson’s plan will implement legislation taking away control of the election process from the courts and make it so the sitting primeminister can call a general election when they feel like it. This really sounds like a plan to instil a dictatorship style government where the sitting leader has carte blanche to do as they like without interference from parliament or the courts making Johnson a fascist dictator rather than a governing primeminister. This cannot be allowed to happen as Jonson’s proposed legislation would scrap the Fixed-term Parliaments Act passed by the Conservatives as part of a deal with the Liberal Democrats in 2010 to ensure a stable coalition government. It means parliaments should serve a fixed five-year term but it has been overruled twice by the 2017 and 2019 elections. The most controversial change is an attempt to bar the courts from ruling on the powers of the government to dissolve parliament. The move been seen as a direct retaliation against the Supreme Court, which humiliated Johnson last year after it ruled that his prorogation of parliament at a key point in the Brexit talks was unlawful. This document is clearly Johnson trying to flex political muscles he does not have and as a way to push forth his radicalised ideology of what government should look like. I believe if he had been in power back in 1939, Johnson would have opened up the borders and welcomed Hitler and his Nazi party in with open arms.
It is very clear that there are quite a few nations been pushed towards a fascist ideology lately and two of them been America and Briton. America has stopped there goose-stepping towards fascism for now with the election in favour of Biden and the democrats, but it is needed sooner rather than later within Britain as we need to remove Johnson from power legally and instil a government that does not want to segregate us from the rest of Europe and implement a more equal form of government. In the US this year and the UK last year elections have proven very controversial with how those in power go about the process and find ways to ‘Lie without Lying’ which I know is how politics works, but in a day and age of twenty four hour news surely just been truthful and transparent would win out in the end. To me I have lived through both a Labour and a Conservative government who have openly lied to the general public about how much better they will be, only to fall flat on their faces once in power. Politics is a game of who can spread the ‘BS’ better and who makes the bigger promises, but those promises never see it through to fruition as once in office the promises are simply discarded and forgot about, once the salaries start rolling in to the elected officials bank accounts, something needs to change. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back on Friday.
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