And the end of January 2021 draws closer, but the end to this pandemic is still a blip on the horizon so far from reach. Today is one year to the day since COVID breached the shores of the UK officially and in that year nothing has been done properly by our the UK government to eradicate this deadly virus. All they have done is create uncertainty in the minds of the UK population. Anyway that’s a subject for later in this rant, let’s take a look elsewhere first.
So in America as many thousands still die from the virus and their new president tries to push through packages to help, the Senate once again does nothing. There is no headlines coming out of Capitol Hill that shows progress in dealing with the massive issues let untouched by the previous administration simply because there is still Trump lackey’s in place within the halls of power doing his bidding even though he no longer has a voice. What is most scary about the eviction of Trump is the fact ‘Grown Ass’ adults who fought to get a voice on how the country is legislated cower in the shadows of this narcissistic morons reach. As Biden gets to work putting right what Trump broke, Trump himself is aggrandising with the very people that should be aiding the American populations recovery. Even under the threat of impeachable conviction Trump is been lined up by the like of McCarthy to lead the Republicans assault on the capitol come 2022, using his racist rhetoric to lie to Americans once again to secure votes for the Republican party as they attempt to take back the Senate and win more seats in Congress. This is the reason for the Republicans U-turn on impeachment. Just days after the insurrection of January 6th top Republicans were heard to say the attack was due to the incitement perpetrated by Trump, but just weeks later there they are once again running scared of the ‘Big Orange Boogeyman’. America is not run by the people for the people, America is run by the elite for the elite. Money = Power, Power = Corruption, Corruption = Politician, politician = Money, Money = Power, on and on the vicious circle rolls.
There is a very deep rooted problem within American politics which as an outsider I see. The fact that a person who has never spent a day in their life serving the people as a councillor, mayor, in congress or the Senate is allowed to run for the highest office in the land is just wrong. The path to the Whitehouse should be on the back of recognised service and sacrifice to the people, not how much money they can raise or how many lies they can spin as truths. It should never be okay to say ‘I fancy been president, let’s give it a go!’ A style of apprenticeship should first be served where the person has a working knowledge of how the system runs, not ‘let’s take the plunge and try to tread water as we lead a country’. The British style of government may be archaic and outdated, but at least our primeminister has mostly paid their dues in the service of their constituents first [granted Boris Johnson does appear to be the exception]. In my humble opinion, no body seeking to be a presidential candidate should be allowed to throw their hat in to the ring unless they have at least served in Congress for two terms or more preferably progressed in to the senate first.
Another flaw is that members of the Congress or Senate need to be held accountable for their actions and removed from their post for any un-American or treasonous rhetoric preached just like the latest Trump mouthpiece to rise from the swamp. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a freshman US Representative who should have never been allowed to run for office over her fascist right wing views. This women condones gun violence and on camera openly confessed to carrying a concealed weapon as she harassed and followed gun-control activist David Hogg just a few weeks after he survived the February 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. How can America allow such a vicious razor-tongued individual to even enter the Capitol Building? Especially when she has previous called for the murder of Democrat politicians, she is an unexploded bomb just waiting to be ignited within an institution that follows the constitution rather than common sense. The 2nd amendment was written in to the constitution at a time when fire arms were used for hunting for food, in this day and age there is no need to carry a weapon except to make oneself feel powerful in a world that strips away common decency and common courtesy. Until the 2nd amendment is abolished or rewritten to a specific text minimising gun ownership, America will never be the land of the brave, just the land of the violent. What these politicians don’t take in to account is the number of 12 to 18 years old who are taking note of just how dysfunctional and corrupt the old guard that currently reside in Congress and the Senate really is. They follow the ideology for the new younger politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who are fighting to undermine the wanton corruption and old boys clubs within the American political scene of the present and bring equality to a nation with so much blood on its young hands. Wake up to reality your government is run by old white men believe the old adage ‘Women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen obeying their lord and master’, Time need to change and change fast or democracy will fall and the old guard will rule till their dying day!
On that note I will change course and check out dear old Blighty. Well as the government tries to get control of headlines showing how inept they really are, we see a fourth vaccine heading for approval to immunise us against COVID, but how really effective are they as the virus constantly mutates. The fact is, COVID is a flu type virus which means it will just keep on mutating as seen with the common flu which has carried on mutating even with a viable vaccine for decades. Basically we are looking at a similar story to the original influenza virus discovery, it was slowed but never totally eradicated. All this means is more money for the big pharma firms while the rest of us suffer and possibly die. No virus is ever totally cured, just simply kept at bay. History has taught us that the human body is an all too femmer instrument that is not meant to last and drugs may keep it going for a long time in to the future, but the end does come and only those companies who profit on misery are the winners because there will always be yet another body, yet another disease and yet another piece of the human build up that needs a drug or a medical innovation to enhance life. Until the profit from others suffering is eradicated within the production of vaccines itself, we will never see human life as what it really is, which a miracle of evolution and a thing of beauty to be in awe of.
Anyway getting back to the matter of vaccinations in present day, they say that 7.5 million people have received their COVID vaccination, yet who are they? Where are they? And how old are they? I am a fifty year old who is not really classed as been vulnerable, so another question is, when can I expect to receive my vaccination? All these questions with no answers that is the extent of this government’s ineptitude. They have us in a catch-22 situation where they control our movements, but hide relevant information we require to live a normal life. In a population of over 66 million people which is rapidly growing they are just over ten percent of the way through necessary vaccinations with no designated visually realistic timeline to when everyone or if everyone will receive at least one jab. If the yearly flu shots are anything to go on not everyone will receive the vaccine as supplies quickly run dry due to an underfunded and badly managed practice. People’s health has never been at the top of this governments list when all they can concern themselves with is their public image, which is not the best at the moment over their handling of not only the pandemic, but the growing number of issues related to post Brexit trade deals and border mandates for exported goods.
Speaking of exported goods, more and more firms are feeling the noose of bureaucracy tightening around their business necks as the cost and paperwork to export to Europe has increased fourfold. The red tape companies have to navigate is restricting there global market share as haulage vehicles leave the country for the continent half laden or stand dockside idle. The biggest concern is the amount of wasted food supplies that stands decomposing while paperwork is organised. We find out food is going to waste waiting to be shipped to the continent when so many individuals within our own borders go without just because they can’t afford to feed themselves, where is the humanity in such a mentality. The levels of poverty and hunger are rising daily within the UK, yet due to this stupid Brexit debacle foods stands decaying when it could be been given to the needy. We well and truly live in an insane society where the rich engorge themselves hourly and once again as throughout history the poor starve.
I have said, granted to myself, that if I had the capitol I would look to be doing something philanthropic with it rather than indulging a wanton need to possess more that is where humanity is flawed! Not enough individuals who become wealthy remember the humble beginnings they dragged themselves from and if they happen to be risen from privilege like Trump or Johnson then you will see even less of a philanthropic demeanour in them as all they want is more. We are descending back in evolution as humankind reverts back to times when the aristocracy and the self-made corrupted landlords ruled the lands we inhabit, keeping the poor downtrodden and subservient. One rule for the privilege and one rule for the rest of society as far back in history as can be seen. It may be 2021, but the way people are treated we might as well be in 1821 with the lords controlling the peasants.
Both here in the UK and elsewhere in the world like America, it’s the lower, middle and working classes whom are those who suffer the indignity of poverty or financial struggles while those born of wealth sit high on the heap looking down their highly paid plastic noses at us. Until equality of life and taxes are introduced to reflect the status one holds, the world will never change or evolve past the norms of society we witness to day. I do not have the answers to how these changes can be implemented, but creating a wealth tax would be a good start. For instance a 1% tax increase per 5 million meaning that a person earning £100 thousand and £5 million pays the higher rate set and for every extra 5 million earned above that 1% is added. In the UK the current higher tax rate is 45%. My suggestion is if someone earned or is worth £5 million, they would pay 46% and so on up to a threshold of 60% which is what anyone earning or worth over £75 million would pay in tax annually. This would start to even out the levels of living within any country and allow governments to fund the less fortunate of society. On that thought I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
This blog is in no way meant to offend it's my own way of expressing my own and no one else's opinion about the world today.
Friday, 29 January 2021
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
Wednesday 27/01/2021
Welcome to midweek and a world that is really upside down due to the year of hell we left, but appear unable to escape. Let’s have a look at what’s happening out there, shall we?
So America has a new president, but nothing has changed! You still have the racist autocrats sitting in the Senate willing to turn a blind eye to any systemic racism or corruption within government. You have a former President who spoke words of insurrection to a crowd that attacked the very foundations of American democracy putting politician’s lives at risk looking to take hostages or worse commit acts of execution. Yet, those very politicians put in danger will do nothing to bring justice to the party whose words incited a mob attack of Capitol Hill. Those moronic individuals who believe it wasn’t them the mob would have harmed if caught. A mob does not care who is guilty or innocent when they set forth on the rampage, all they care about is committing those acts of insurrection.
How can you call yourself a democratic country when the very people sitting on the seats of power acting as legislators are committing corruptible acts? Just the other day 45 such Senate Republicans cast a vote 45 to 50 which ‘yes’ they lost, but to even consider stopping the trial before it even starts is a corruptible act on their part. If 45 such individuals want to prevent the trial from even starting how can the American people trust those individual Republicans to convict Trump of his well televised and self-funded display of incitement? Until the corruption is drained from the highest offices in the land, America will never be seen at home or abroad as free and equal. Those biased morons dressed in red who call themselves the leaders of the people are no better or truthful than the murderers, fraudsters, petty thieves and drug pushers they legislate laws to eradicate. The 45 Republican Senators in that vote might as well be called ‘VAMPIRES’ because they are sucking the life blood out of their own nation drop by blood red drop. America you now have a President trying to turn the ‘BLOOD RED TIDE’ of corruption and racism, but with the blood suckers that still reside in both Congress and the Senate, no president now or in the future wishing to make reforms has a chance when a vote of two thirds is required to pass.
Another factor in the trial of Donald J. Trump is that any jury of Senators chosen which includes biased politicians like Cruz and Hawley will never be an unbiased trial due to the fact those types of individuals are just as responsible for the January 6th insurrection as Trump and the mob. Unless the trial is conducted by a bi-partisan group of Senators or transferred to Federal Court, who have the country and not an individual as their priority we will just see another travesty of an undemocratic trial which panders to Trump’s ego and the racist elements of the nation. Also while people use the situation to play political games the issues at hand are been stripped of its importance. Having McConnell, Graham and McCarthy who have all condemned Trump’s actions in one way or another since January 6th vote to stop the impeachment is just political Flim-flam to cover their own backs from investigation as they all stood shoulder to shoulder with Trump right up to the end before capsizing Trump’s life raft to save themselves. They are now trying to appease the morons within their states that put them back in office by trying to dismantle the due process by claiming it is not lawful to impeach a President once out of office which is pure ‘BS’ as no one is above the law and should face the consequences of their actions. As I have said before the mob was the weapon and Trump was the commander in chief sending his army in the direction of the enemy, this time the house representatives and Senators who would not destroy democracy to proclaim him ‘KING’. Don’t forget Graham tried to influence the Georgia secretary of State to dispose of legal ballots and should face trial himself while Cruz and Hawley were part of the incitement build up act travelling the nation to recruit viable mercenaries for the operation. All this corruption and it is overshadowing the fact that America now has a good man and women at the helm for the future.
On that note I will skip the pond back to dear old Blighty to see what mischievous acts our own politicians are performing. So Johnson took to the airwaves yesterday to inform the nation that the number of deaths registered due to COVID has surpassed 100,000 and started his speech with the words “I am very sorry” as he went on to try and give condolences to the bereaved which is just not acceptable for as a nation we expect more from our nation’s leader. Since the very first case nearly one year ago to the day Boris Johnson has played a waiting game filled with inept and questionable decisions which have led to this unbelievable amount of deaths. They say we are now number five in the world for totals number of deaths, but if you were to take in to account the country’s population compared to deaths I dare say you would find us ‘NUMERO UNO’. There is no excuse for this governments shit poor showing in controlling the path of the virus when they decided in the early days economy came before lives. Actions equal consequences, so surely ‘Johnson + CIVID deaths = mass murderer’.
We are a small island cut off from the world by beautiful seas, but we are also a proud nation who sees our pride slowly been drained from existence by an autocratic moron who looks more like a farmers scarecrow than a man the nation can trust. He appears to the world as an unkempt, untrustworthy person as if just dragged off the sidewalk to run the nation. Not even the polished Saville Row two piece suits can make him look professional. This man has spent his career bouncing from one ill-fated profession to another, but now he has the top job in the United Kingdom and he clearly doesn’t know how to succeed at this role either.
We as a nation are spiralling in to oblivion under the guidance of this man, who has made decision after disastrous decision within his first elected year of office by overseeing the destruction of the UK’s link with Europe and implementing some god awful laws expected to eradicate the chance of infection from the pandemic virus. I admit I am a loner and an introvert, but for the past ten months I have not left my home for more than two hours a week and have stared at the same environment scared to make contact with anyone in fear for my life. If I had chosen to keep a lockdown diary each day would read the same without any variation in activity or context. I do not know how I have remained sane throughout except for the fact I prefer my own company and loathe interference in my personal space. My thoughts are with those extroverts who find themselves locked away alone because your mental strain and nerves must by now be well and truly fraid.
As a nation we require some type of change in leadership which has a realistic plan to deliver us from this evil we are currently subjected to under the present regime which is using this pandemic to further their agenda towards a more autocratically run country where the government has ultimate power without oversight to distinguish its burning desires of national domination creating an Orwellian dystopia within these green and pleasant lands we call home. Scotland is already pushing for complete release from the bonds of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland is pretty much its own nation already and Wales isn’t very far behind Scotland’s lead. All in all to be known as English will become a millstone around one’s neck all because of the fact Parliament puts London first, London second and London last neglecting not only the three other nations that make up the Union flag, but also the many counties that do not preside within the boundaries of the M25 orbital motorway. Should there be a revolution London would become a hot zone and any future government would be non-existent all because of a misguided history that placed the seat of power on the bank of the Thames River. Change is needed and needed immediately to prevent the steel walls surely been erected along the borders of England and its neighbouring disputed lands. Take heed, the United Kingdom will fall unless compromises are taken to prevent the coming disaster and devolution of member nations.
Wow, I went off on one again! I watch, I learn and I consider whether humanity is on the verge of annihilation. When you see the poverty, hunger, anger and distrust within each nation of this plant you see the pathway to the inevitable fork in the round. To the left peace, prosperity and equality, to the right famine, pandemic, death and destruction and as it stands I see the world veering right rather than left without hesitation. Since the dawning of time humankind has chosen war over peace, famine over plenty, servitude over equality, religious persecution over harmony and death over life. As a people we study our histories, yet do nothing to learn from the past as we continue to enact the same types of barbaric thinking over and over and over again without thought of consequence. We allow our leaders to walk us in to conflict without question and when we do question we are beaten and abused for simply asking ‘WHY?’ Is this how we want to live our lives? Constantly under threat of annihilation all because the wrong war hungry fascist has conned his way in to a position of ultimate power which he intends to abuse for the betterment of himself rather than lead his people to a promised land of overwhelming Utopia. We as a planet facing a future hell-bent on jumping of the precipice of sanity towards the inevitable insanity of self-annihilation without even stopping to ask ‘Why am I doing this?’ ‘What the hell am I thinking?’ ‘Is this really all I have to look forward to?’ now is the time to remove the blinkers, use our voices to call out injustice, to stand in the way of corruption and to say ‘NO MORE’ to those individuals who wish to illegally belittle and undermine our civil rights. We need to choose our destiny in life rather than walk to party line of subservience. Call forth the legal wrath, open your mouths and shout the loudest enough is enough, we will not go quietly in to this goodnight! On that note I call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Friday, annihilation willing.
So America has a new president, but nothing has changed! You still have the racist autocrats sitting in the Senate willing to turn a blind eye to any systemic racism or corruption within government. You have a former President who spoke words of insurrection to a crowd that attacked the very foundations of American democracy putting politician’s lives at risk looking to take hostages or worse commit acts of execution. Yet, those very politicians put in danger will do nothing to bring justice to the party whose words incited a mob attack of Capitol Hill. Those moronic individuals who believe it wasn’t them the mob would have harmed if caught. A mob does not care who is guilty or innocent when they set forth on the rampage, all they care about is committing those acts of insurrection.
How can you call yourself a democratic country when the very people sitting on the seats of power acting as legislators are committing corruptible acts? Just the other day 45 such Senate Republicans cast a vote 45 to 50 which ‘yes’ they lost, but to even consider stopping the trial before it even starts is a corruptible act on their part. If 45 such individuals want to prevent the trial from even starting how can the American people trust those individual Republicans to convict Trump of his well televised and self-funded display of incitement? Until the corruption is drained from the highest offices in the land, America will never be seen at home or abroad as free and equal. Those biased morons dressed in red who call themselves the leaders of the people are no better or truthful than the murderers, fraudsters, petty thieves and drug pushers they legislate laws to eradicate. The 45 Republican Senators in that vote might as well be called ‘VAMPIRES’ because they are sucking the life blood out of their own nation drop by blood red drop. America you now have a President trying to turn the ‘BLOOD RED TIDE’ of corruption and racism, but with the blood suckers that still reside in both Congress and the Senate, no president now or in the future wishing to make reforms has a chance when a vote of two thirds is required to pass.
Another factor in the trial of Donald J. Trump is that any jury of Senators chosen which includes biased politicians like Cruz and Hawley will never be an unbiased trial due to the fact those types of individuals are just as responsible for the January 6th insurrection as Trump and the mob. Unless the trial is conducted by a bi-partisan group of Senators or transferred to Federal Court, who have the country and not an individual as their priority we will just see another travesty of an undemocratic trial which panders to Trump’s ego and the racist elements of the nation. Also while people use the situation to play political games the issues at hand are been stripped of its importance. Having McConnell, Graham and McCarthy who have all condemned Trump’s actions in one way or another since January 6th vote to stop the impeachment is just political Flim-flam to cover their own backs from investigation as they all stood shoulder to shoulder with Trump right up to the end before capsizing Trump’s life raft to save themselves. They are now trying to appease the morons within their states that put them back in office by trying to dismantle the due process by claiming it is not lawful to impeach a President once out of office which is pure ‘BS’ as no one is above the law and should face the consequences of their actions. As I have said before the mob was the weapon and Trump was the commander in chief sending his army in the direction of the enemy, this time the house representatives and Senators who would not destroy democracy to proclaim him ‘KING’. Don’t forget Graham tried to influence the Georgia secretary of State to dispose of legal ballots and should face trial himself while Cruz and Hawley were part of the incitement build up act travelling the nation to recruit viable mercenaries for the operation. All this corruption and it is overshadowing the fact that America now has a good man and women at the helm for the future.
On that note I will skip the pond back to dear old Blighty to see what mischievous acts our own politicians are performing. So Johnson took to the airwaves yesterday to inform the nation that the number of deaths registered due to COVID has surpassed 100,000 and started his speech with the words “I am very sorry” as he went on to try and give condolences to the bereaved which is just not acceptable for as a nation we expect more from our nation’s leader. Since the very first case nearly one year ago to the day Boris Johnson has played a waiting game filled with inept and questionable decisions which have led to this unbelievable amount of deaths. They say we are now number five in the world for totals number of deaths, but if you were to take in to account the country’s population compared to deaths I dare say you would find us ‘NUMERO UNO’. There is no excuse for this governments shit poor showing in controlling the path of the virus when they decided in the early days economy came before lives. Actions equal consequences, so surely ‘Johnson + CIVID deaths = mass murderer’.
We are a small island cut off from the world by beautiful seas, but we are also a proud nation who sees our pride slowly been drained from existence by an autocratic moron who looks more like a farmers scarecrow than a man the nation can trust. He appears to the world as an unkempt, untrustworthy person as if just dragged off the sidewalk to run the nation. Not even the polished Saville Row two piece suits can make him look professional. This man has spent his career bouncing from one ill-fated profession to another, but now he has the top job in the United Kingdom and he clearly doesn’t know how to succeed at this role either.
We as a nation are spiralling in to oblivion under the guidance of this man, who has made decision after disastrous decision within his first elected year of office by overseeing the destruction of the UK’s link with Europe and implementing some god awful laws expected to eradicate the chance of infection from the pandemic virus. I admit I am a loner and an introvert, but for the past ten months I have not left my home for more than two hours a week and have stared at the same environment scared to make contact with anyone in fear for my life. If I had chosen to keep a lockdown diary each day would read the same without any variation in activity or context. I do not know how I have remained sane throughout except for the fact I prefer my own company and loathe interference in my personal space. My thoughts are with those extroverts who find themselves locked away alone because your mental strain and nerves must by now be well and truly fraid.
As a nation we require some type of change in leadership which has a realistic plan to deliver us from this evil we are currently subjected to under the present regime which is using this pandemic to further their agenda towards a more autocratically run country where the government has ultimate power without oversight to distinguish its burning desires of national domination creating an Orwellian dystopia within these green and pleasant lands we call home. Scotland is already pushing for complete release from the bonds of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland is pretty much its own nation already and Wales isn’t very far behind Scotland’s lead. All in all to be known as English will become a millstone around one’s neck all because of the fact Parliament puts London first, London second and London last neglecting not only the three other nations that make up the Union flag, but also the many counties that do not preside within the boundaries of the M25 orbital motorway. Should there be a revolution London would become a hot zone and any future government would be non-existent all because of a misguided history that placed the seat of power on the bank of the Thames River. Change is needed and needed immediately to prevent the steel walls surely been erected along the borders of England and its neighbouring disputed lands. Take heed, the United Kingdom will fall unless compromises are taken to prevent the coming disaster and devolution of member nations.
Wow, I went off on one again! I watch, I learn and I consider whether humanity is on the verge of annihilation. When you see the poverty, hunger, anger and distrust within each nation of this plant you see the pathway to the inevitable fork in the round. To the left peace, prosperity and equality, to the right famine, pandemic, death and destruction and as it stands I see the world veering right rather than left without hesitation. Since the dawning of time humankind has chosen war over peace, famine over plenty, servitude over equality, religious persecution over harmony and death over life. As a people we study our histories, yet do nothing to learn from the past as we continue to enact the same types of barbaric thinking over and over and over again without thought of consequence. We allow our leaders to walk us in to conflict without question and when we do question we are beaten and abused for simply asking ‘WHY?’ Is this how we want to live our lives? Constantly under threat of annihilation all because the wrong war hungry fascist has conned his way in to a position of ultimate power which he intends to abuse for the betterment of himself rather than lead his people to a promised land of overwhelming Utopia. We as a planet facing a future hell-bent on jumping of the precipice of sanity towards the inevitable insanity of self-annihilation without even stopping to ask ‘Why am I doing this?’ ‘What the hell am I thinking?’ ‘Is this really all I have to look forward to?’ now is the time to remove the blinkers, use our voices to call out injustice, to stand in the way of corruption and to say ‘NO MORE’ to those individuals who wish to illegally belittle and undermine our civil rights. We need to choose our destiny in life rather than walk to party line of subservience. Call forth the legal wrath, open your mouths and shout the loudest enough is enough, we will not go quietly in to this goodnight! On that note I call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Friday, annihilation willing.
Monday, 25 January 2021
Monday 25/01/2021
Welcome to the last week of January 2021 with nothing much changing in a world under attack from a pandemic, moronic politicians and overzealous law enforcement. The one upside is there is no more Trump in the Whitehouse even though he still domineers the headlines over his impending impeachment trial. Let’s see what has been going on in the world since Friday, shall we?
Well as Biden took office and the truth started to flow about the real life problems facing America in the wake of the Trump administration, the world now watches on in astonishment that the narcissistic orange blob known as Donald J. Trump actually was supported and allowed to survive as America’s President for four whole years. From the non-existent COVID vaccine roll out plan to the information coming to light about the funding for the January 6th insurrection and failed coup, it is no wonder so many innocent lives have been lost in the past year as Trump employees wilfully backed the militia’s and white supremacists.
America is a divided nation which doesn’t seem to the world will heal quickly as politicians in the GOP run scared of the consequences voting to convict Trump will cause. As more and more Republican politicians look to their own future rather than their countries future and if Trump is not convicted this hell will only raise its ugly head once more come 2023 when the next presidential election restarts with candidates coming forth to represent each party. If Trump isn’t silenced now then he will most certainly throw his hat in to the ring for 2024 which would bring back the racist rhetoric now fully fuelled after four years of his racist abusive administration and as a British citizen I don’t see that ending well. But not only does Trump need silencing, so does his whole family because they are all as toxic as the patriarch. The articles of Impeachment go to the Senate today January 25th, but the trial will not be started till February 8th giving Trump’s defence team time to look for loop holes in the trial. Once again we see the Republican Senators getting their own way again because the Senate house is split 50/50 which is going to be a real problem for a positive outcome when the trial starts.
Basically it is the populous who will suffer, not the politicians due to the lack of bi-partisan cooperation in any democratic country. Yet for some reason it is hyper-exaggerated in American politics. What really gets my blood boiling is how if it was a normal citizen that incited such a revolt like that which occurred on Capitol Hill just over two weeks ago, that person would be sitting in a cell wearing an orange jumpsuit, not spending their days splitting golf sessions with more treasonous meetings like Trump is doing. Come on America rise up and use your voices, not your guns to make your cowardly politicians do what is right for the nation not themselves. The world is watching! Trumpism needs to be stopped!
On that note I will turn my eyes back on dear old Blighty to see what illegal and incompetent act our own politicians have been enacting. We are nearly at the end of the first month of 2021 and already the UK is feeling, not only the growing pandemic problems, but the knock on effect of Brexit on the economy. As the country suffers under the trauma of a pandemic that is still crippling our economy due to small businesses going bust and the hospitality industry on its knees, our export business is crumbling around our ears.
The Road Haulage Association are reporting that trucks coming in to the country full are returning to Europe empty which is the result of removing Britain from the EU. Johnson and his leave campaign cronies have set a ball rolling that will kill the UK and unless something drastic happens immediately the UK will become a blip in history as it sinks it to economic ruin once again under the control of yet another Conservative government similar to the one that crippled the UK economy back in the 1980’s under Thatcher. Brexit will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and our present government is hapless and useless to even see they are the cause of the bleak future we as a whole nation are about to suffer.
But the conservative government isn’t just content with destroying the economy they want to decrease the population at the same time. If that isn’t the reason for their ill-fated attempts at eradicating this pandemic then please tell me what other reason they have for the inept and inconsistent fowl up’s they have made time and time again over the past year. Even Johnson own father Stanley, did an interview where he stated a population reduction would vastly improve the UK standard of living for the better. The government cannot make up its mind which direction they want to take to succeed with more U-turns than any government before them. Also the representatives sent forth to calm the nation can’t keep themselves calm when interviewers start with the hard reality questions because they are simply ill-prepared and ill-equipped to perform the tasks asked of them, prime example is the work and pensions secretary who turned off her skype interview because she didn’t like the hard questions been asked of her by the host. If they can’t cope with the type of questions been asked they shouldn’t have got in to politics in the first place. This isn’t the first time this has happened on ‘Good Morning Britain’ as the conservative government have previously boycotted the program for 201 days because there interviewers pull no punches getting straight to the point. We need better truthful politicians and that isn’t only the UK.
I find myself questioning every politician I see been interviewed because none of them come across as genuine people. They appear as if the world owes them a thank you for doing a job they get very well paid for, some might say overpaid. It doesn’t matter which country you reside in, there will be 95% of the politicians simply looking out for themselves rather than their constituents. The minute they are elected, all their promises go out the window and are replaced with ‘let’s see what I can profiteer off today’ and it doesn’t matter at which level of government they currently occupy. In my own city the councillors spend around £2000 on buffet meals every time they convene while locals suffer on Universal Credit going hungry and the not to mention the MP’s in parliament who have had or will receive a pay rise to their already £75000 salary this year while the rest of the population struggles to make ends meet. You cannot tell me an individual becomes a politician to make their country or the world a better place. If that was the reason for them becoming a politician they would do it for far less of a salary. The average person earns a third of their salary and copes, so why do politicians need such an extortionate amount to perform what is supposed to be a public service? While politicians see their role in dollars, pounds or whichever currency their country uses, we will never see a moral equality within our lifetimes! On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.
Well as Biden took office and the truth started to flow about the real life problems facing America in the wake of the Trump administration, the world now watches on in astonishment that the narcissistic orange blob known as Donald J. Trump actually was supported and allowed to survive as America’s President for four whole years. From the non-existent COVID vaccine roll out plan to the information coming to light about the funding for the January 6th insurrection and failed coup, it is no wonder so many innocent lives have been lost in the past year as Trump employees wilfully backed the militia’s and white supremacists.
America is a divided nation which doesn’t seem to the world will heal quickly as politicians in the GOP run scared of the consequences voting to convict Trump will cause. As more and more Republican politicians look to their own future rather than their countries future and if Trump is not convicted this hell will only raise its ugly head once more come 2023 when the next presidential election restarts with candidates coming forth to represent each party. If Trump isn’t silenced now then he will most certainly throw his hat in to the ring for 2024 which would bring back the racist rhetoric now fully fuelled after four years of his racist abusive administration and as a British citizen I don’t see that ending well. But not only does Trump need silencing, so does his whole family because they are all as toxic as the patriarch. The articles of Impeachment go to the Senate today January 25th, but the trial will not be started till February 8th giving Trump’s defence team time to look for loop holes in the trial. Once again we see the Republican Senators getting their own way again because the Senate house is split 50/50 which is going to be a real problem for a positive outcome when the trial starts.
Basically it is the populous who will suffer, not the politicians due to the lack of bi-partisan cooperation in any democratic country. Yet for some reason it is hyper-exaggerated in American politics. What really gets my blood boiling is how if it was a normal citizen that incited such a revolt like that which occurred on Capitol Hill just over two weeks ago, that person would be sitting in a cell wearing an orange jumpsuit, not spending their days splitting golf sessions with more treasonous meetings like Trump is doing. Come on America rise up and use your voices, not your guns to make your cowardly politicians do what is right for the nation not themselves. The world is watching! Trumpism needs to be stopped!
On that note I will turn my eyes back on dear old Blighty to see what illegal and incompetent act our own politicians have been enacting. We are nearly at the end of the first month of 2021 and already the UK is feeling, not only the growing pandemic problems, but the knock on effect of Brexit on the economy. As the country suffers under the trauma of a pandemic that is still crippling our economy due to small businesses going bust and the hospitality industry on its knees, our export business is crumbling around our ears.
The Road Haulage Association are reporting that trucks coming in to the country full are returning to Europe empty which is the result of removing Britain from the EU. Johnson and his leave campaign cronies have set a ball rolling that will kill the UK and unless something drastic happens immediately the UK will become a blip in history as it sinks it to economic ruin once again under the control of yet another Conservative government similar to the one that crippled the UK economy back in the 1980’s under Thatcher. Brexit will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and our present government is hapless and useless to even see they are the cause of the bleak future we as a whole nation are about to suffer.
But the conservative government isn’t just content with destroying the economy they want to decrease the population at the same time. If that isn’t the reason for their ill-fated attempts at eradicating this pandemic then please tell me what other reason they have for the inept and inconsistent fowl up’s they have made time and time again over the past year. Even Johnson own father Stanley, did an interview where he stated a population reduction would vastly improve the UK standard of living for the better. The government cannot make up its mind which direction they want to take to succeed with more U-turns than any government before them. Also the representatives sent forth to calm the nation can’t keep themselves calm when interviewers start with the hard reality questions because they are simply ill-prepared and ill-equipped to perform the tasks asked of them, prime example is the work and pensions secretary who turned off her skype interview because she didn’t like the hard questions been asked of her by the host. If they can’t cope with the type of questions been asked they shouldn’t have got in to politics in the first place. This isn’t the first time this has happened on ‘Good Morning Britain’ as the conservative government have previously boycotted the program for 201 days because there interviewers pull no punches getting straight to the point. We need better truthful politicians and that isn’t only the UK.
I find myself questioning every politician I see been interviewed because none of them come across as genuine people. They appear as if the world owes them a thank you for doing a job they get very well paid for, some might say overpaid. It doesn’t matter which country you reside in, there will be 95% of the politicians simply looking out for themselves rather than their constituents. The minute they are elected, all their promises go out the window and are replaced with ‘let’s see what I can profiteer off today’ and it doesn’t matter at which level of government they currently occupy. In my own city the councillors spend around £2000 on buffet meals every time they convene while locals suffer on Universal Credit going hungry and the not to mention the MP’s in parliament who have had or will receive a pay rise to their already £75000 salary this year while the rest of the population struggles to make ends meet. You cannot tell me an individual becomes a politician to make their country or the world a better place. If that was the reason for them becoming a politician they would do it for far less of a salary. The average person earns a third of their salary and copes, so why do politicians need such an extortionate amount to perform what is supposed to be a public service? While politicians see their role in dollars, pounds or whichever currency their country uses, we will never see a moral equality within our lifetimes! On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.
Friday, 22 January 2021
Friday 22/01/2021
Welcome to Friday and a new President of the United States. President Biden is starting his second full day in the Whitehouse while we in the United Kingdom are in to our third week of lockdown. Will there be anything to rant about, we will just have to see.
As I said America has a new President, but they still have the same old shit going on in Congress and the Senate. Trump is gone, but he is still overshadowing anything President Biden is doing. The Senate Republicans want to delay his impeachment trial saying they want to give him time to prepare a defence or is it they just want to give him time to find a non-extradition country that will hide him from authorities. In this humble person’s opinion the quicker he is convicted the better it is for the rest of the world. Donald J. Trump has been a blight not only on America for four years, but also the rest of the world. As non-Americans we have sat waiting for him to start world war three with which ever country he took a dislike to. Mitch McConnell brought the motion to the floor on behalf of his fellow Republicans stating that “Senate Republicans are strongly united behind the principle that the institution of the Senate, the office of the presidency, and former President Trump himself all deserve a full and fair process that respects his rights and the serious factual, legal, and constitutional questions at stake”. Where was that full and fair process when they rushed through Justice Coney-Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court? Where was that full and fair process when they tried to prevent President Biden’s certification as President? And where was that full and fair process as they sat on their hands and subverted justice during Trump’s first impeachment trial when they refused to let witnesses to Trump’s illegal activities in the election of 2016 go unquestioned? There should be no delay!
For far too long Mitch McConnell has defied the will of the people by using the Senate Republican’s majority to undermine the true purpose of the Senate body to legislate for the people and have instead been allowed to fill their own pockets passing legislation that benefited big business and now when they no longer hold the majority he is running scared as democrats can pass certain legislation without needing to gain Bi-partisan approval just like the Republicans have done for years. The next step is for the country to start and replace the money hungry and corrupt Republican senators with a new generation of Senator whether Democrat or Republican by removing the corrupt individuals like McConnell, Graham, Cruz, Hawley, etc. and remake America in the image that their forefathers envisioned where the politicians work for the electorate, not business. America is no longer seen as the pinnacle of democracy and that is all due to the last four years of the Trump administration, but not all the blame lies at Trump’s feet because of the global news networks, we the rest of the world are now privy to more and more information about how top politicians perform their roles and many see the corruptness they use to undermine the constitution while claiming their actions are to protect the constitution, a document produce over two centuries ago by the victors of the revolution that saw the removal of the British flag and leadership from their shores. To me as an outsider I only see a number men and women who seek to inflate their bank balances and their own agendas rather than create a better country for their fellow American’s. Until the bad apples are removed America will never see equality for all. What I will say is congratulations President Biden and Vice-President Harris on your historic inauguration and good luck with your fight against the dark forces of the Republican Party.
On that note I will return to my dear old Blighty and see what catastrophes have befallen us lately. So as well as considering removing the £20 weekly top up from Universal Credit putting millions in to poverty, it has now been leaked that the government has also refused two thirds of applicants on low incomes the £500 discretionary grant supposed to aid during self-isolation. We are clearly been governed by individuals who as I have said before will pay billions of dollars to their cronies and donors for goods and services that are flawed or never materialise than see those on or below the poverty line threshold get financial help. Boris Johnson has to be the worst primeminister the United Kingdom has ever had and the way the Conservative government has led the country for a decade is purely diabolical. We have had three conservative primeministers in Downing Street and not one of them has lifted the country morally or financially, instead returning us to an era where the wealthy prospered on the blood and sweat of the impoverished.
If you were one of those moronic individuals who voted Conservative in the last ten years, you are the reason we as a nation are more a third world country than a world leader. Now we are no longer a European Parliament Member it is only going to get worse as the instigators of the Leave campaign clearly were not telling us the truth because trade, law and civil rights are all under the jurisdiction of the government now, with no over watch from EU member nations or courts anymore, putting us as a nation on a perilous precipice of self-destruction over seen by money hungry and corrupt politicians who no longer need to abide by the majority ideology of the European Parliament.
So as I said it is a new dawn in America while the rest of us tumble along in the same old shit. What is needed is a global restart for everyone, but that will not happen and what’s to say it is truly happening in America. We can but hope that America is in a reboot phase that will bring about change and affect the rest of the world also. Yet as a citizen of the UK I won’t hold my breath while we are still under the control of our very own Trump clone named Johnson. Until he and his lackey’s are sent packing from parliament the UK will never see a change for the better and unless there is a coup within the Conservative party we are stuck with Johnson for around three more years in which time we could have fallen foul of his ideology sinking us in to a dictatorship of autocracy not seen on these hallowed shores since before Cromwell’s time. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
As I said America has a new President, but they still have the same old shit going on in Congress and the Senate. Trump is gone, but he is still overshadowing anything President Biden is doing. The Senate Republicans want to delay his impeachment trial saying they want to give him time to prepare a defence or is it they just want to give him time to find a non-extradition country that will hide him from authorities. In this humble person’s opinion the quicker he is convicted the better it is for the rest of the world. Donald J. Trump has been a blight not only on America for four years, but also the rest of the world. As non-Americans we have sat waiting for him to start world war three with which ever country he took a dislike to. Mitch McConnell brought the motion to the floor on behalf of his fellow Republicans stating that “Senate Republicans are strongly united behind the principle that the institution of the Senate, the office of the presidency, and former President Trump himself all deserve a full and fair process that respects his rights and the serious factual, legal, and constitutional questions at stake”. Where was that full and fair process when they rushed through Justice Coney-Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court? Where was that full and fair process when they tried to prevent President Biden’s certification as President? And where was that full and fair process as they sat on their hands and subverted justice during Trump’s first impeachment trial when they refused to let witnesses to Trump’s illegal activities in the election of 2016 go unquestioned? There should be no delay!
For far too long Mitch McConnell has defied the will of the people by using the Senate Republican’s majority to undermine the true purpose of the Senate body to legislate for the people and have instead been allowed to fill their own pockets passing legislation that benefited big business and now when they no longer hold the majority he is running scared as democrats can pass certain legislation without needing to gain Bi-partisan approval just like the Republicans have done for years. The next step is for the country to start and replace the money hungry and corrupt Republican senators with a new generation of Senator whether Democrat or Republican by removing the corrupt individuals like McConnell, Graham, Cruz, Hawley, etc. and remake America in the image that their forefathers envisioned where the politicians work for the electorate, not business. America is no longer seen as the pinnacle of democracy and that is all due to the last four years of the Trump administration, but not all the blame lies at Trump’s feet because of the global news networks, we the rest of the world are now privy to more and more information about how top politicians perform their roles and many see the corruptness they use to undermine the constitution while claiming their actions are to protect the constitution, a document produce over two centuries ago by the victors of the revolution that saw the removal of the British flag and leadership from their shores. To me as an outsider I only see a number men and women who seek to inflate their bank balances and their own agendas rather than create a better country for their fellow American’s. Until the bad apples are removed America will never see equality for all. What I will say is congratulations President Biden and Vice-President Harris on your historic inauguration and good luck with your fight against the dark forces of the Republican Party.
On that note I will return to my dear old Blighty and see what catastrophes have befallen us lately. So as well as considering removing the £20 weekly top up from Universal Credit putting millions in to poverty, it has now been leaked that the government has also refused two thirds of applicants on low incomes the £500 discretionary grant supposed to aid during self-isolation. We are clearly been governed by individuals who as I have said before will pay billions of dollars to their cronies and donors for goods and services that are flawed or never materialise than see those on or below the poverty line threshold get financial help. Boris Johnson has to be the worst primeminister the United Kingdom has ever had and the way the Conservative government has led the country for a decade is purely diabolical. We have had three conservative primeministers in Downing Street and not one of them has lifted the country morally or financially, instead returning us to an era where the wealthy prospered on the blood and sweat of the impoverished.
If you were one of those moronic individuals who voted Conservative in the last ten years, you are the reason we as a nation are more a third world country than a world leader. Now we are no longer a European Parliament Member it is only going to get worse as the instigators of the Leave campaign clearly were not telling us the truth because trade, law and civil rights are all under the jurisdiction of the government now, with no over watch from EU member nations or courts anymore, putting us as a nation on a perilous precipice of self-destruction over seen by money hungry and corrupt politicians who no longer need to abide by the majority ideology of the European Parliament.
So as I said it is a new dawn in America while the rest of us tumble along in the same old shit. What is needed is a global restart for everyone, but that will not happen and what’s to say it is truly happening in America. We can but hope that America is in a reboot phase that will bring about change and affect the rest of the world also. Yet as a citizen of the UK I won’t hold my breath while we are still under the control of our very own Trump clone named Johnson. Until he and his lackey’s are sent packing from parliament the UK will never see a change for the better and unless there is a coup within the Conservative party we are stuck with Johnson for around three more years in which time we could have fallen foul of his ideology sinking us in to a dictatorship of autocracy not seen on these hallowed shores since before Cromwell’s time. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
Wednesday, 20 January 2021
Wednesday 20/01/2021
Well its midweek again and nothing feels like progress as the world spins on its axis in to another day under threat of infection and death. I just can’t find anything positive about life at the minute, not even the fact Trump in just a matter of hours will no longer be America’s President. Let’s me see what is rantable today.
Firstly congratulations America the man you call the 45th President is finally on his way out, but not before pardoning every single bad apple of a moron who stood at his side during his four years of criminality and lies. I know he only has the power to pardon or commute federal sentences, but should such an act even be allowed. Where is the justice in the pardoning of blue collar criminals while hundred or maybe thousands of innocents still have to serve out their sentence? Granted Trump and some previous Presidents have used the right to pardon as political ammunition and to serve their own interests. Pardoning all those involved in working for Trump or even his son-in-law’s father is an act of criminality in itself. The worst thing is as I write this Trump still has just over six hours to cause more damage or enact more gross abuses of power which could involve pardoning his family and himself for past crimes they have committed including the incitement of the January 6th insurrection attempt. There has to be a legal way to walk back some of these pardons Trump has performed in the Supreme Court system. Sometimes I can’t believe how unequal the rights of people are within the American way of life. A new amendment needs to be written to incorporate a clause that allows a presidential successor to overturn their predecessor’s bad decisions.
As a British citizen living thousands of miles away, it just worries me that a country which is held as the pinnacle of democracy, now sees thousands of National Guard troops encamped in the countries capital which was last seen during America’s civil war. This is what having Trump as president has brought America to, a return to armed personnel deployed against armed civil unrest. Trump’s lasting legacy will be how he turned American against American and incited the racist militia forces to take up arms just because he can’t cope with the fact that over eight million individuals chose he was not what they wanted in a president. I have said it before and I will say it again the way America votes for their president is biased against what the people want because politicians have the last say when a simple head count should be the way forward. One vote, one count, one president not the way it is done now that dictates a candidate has to secure 270 seats and then be certified by the Electoral College. In some ways here in Britain our style of democracy far out ways that chosen in America. Don’t get me wrong it is still a flawed process especially when the likes of Johnson become Primeminister, but at least it was the majority count that put him in to office instead of the biased method used in America. You tell me, if Biden hadn’t took California, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia, Trump would be starting his second term today, would that be a good outcome. Four states out of fifty have stopped the inauguration of a madman. Back in 2016 the flawed system was highlighted when Trump was declared the victor even though Hilary Clinton had 2% more people vote for her. How is this a true democratic system when the loser of the popular vote can still win just because they took more Electoral College seats? America really needs to reassess how it elects its leaders.
What really shows the hypocrisy of the American people is that such a person as Trump was ever in the Whitehouse. He has continued throughout his four years in office to hide his tax returns. Instead of stepping down from his position as CEO of the Trump organization, he has continued to have a say in how it was run. He has blatantly profiteered off the use of his facilities by charging the country for his stays in rooms he doesn’t pay for anyway. The biggest test of his character has been the way he has or should we say not accepted defeat to Joe Biden. Every day since his defeat he has lied about the validity of the election and come inauguration day 2021 he will go down in history as one of only six Presidents who have not attend an inauguration ceremony of their successor. This really does show how petty and vengeful Trump really is, even Hilary Clinton sat through Trump’s own inauguration which makes her a slightly better person than him. It is said that he will even leave Washington DC early, so he and his family can utilise Air Force One to travel to Florida just so he doesn’t have to pay for the trip himself which once again show his failed character and money grabbing persona. All I can say is good riddance and hope that the Senate does convict Trump of the heinous act of incitement, but as it will take 17 Republican Senators to make that happen I wouldn’t hold your breath. This man will leave office with America in its worst ever state which includes 400,000 dead from a virus he called a democrat hoax, an economy on its knees because he stole from the poor to give to the rich, went to war with America’s allies while embracing it enemies, laundered American taxpayers dollars in to his own pockets and committed treasonous acts while representing the Office of President, not to mention spent more days on a golf course than any other president in history, even Nixon did a better job than Trump which is saying something.
On that small list of criminality I move to dear old Blighty and see what criminal acts our own Trump clone is enacting against us. So the Conservative in fighting is ramping up as Conservative backbenches turn on Johnson. Former Primeminister Theresa May has accused Johnson of ‘abandoning Britain’s moral leadership’ with his actions during Brexit negotiations which blackened the countries moral compass in the eyes of the world. Since Johnson took up the mantle of Leader of the United Kingdom he has created a divide with other world leaders while cosying up to those leaders whom have the same mentality as himself. He has dragged the country out of Europe with lies and subterfuge, telling us how so much better we will be outside the laws and policies of Europe while trying to create an authoritarian style government right under the noses of us the voting public. He has openly condoned the release of billions of pounds in taxpayers money to Conservative party donors and friends to supply goods and services they are ill-equipped to actually provide. This as the headlines focus on the unemployed and low paid individuals within the country as the argument over £20 a week still rages on showing the Conservative party as the money hungry out of touch morons they really are.
We live in a society governed by wealth. The rich live high on the top of the pyramid where the wealth filters downwards very, very unequally. Most of the supposed leaders of this nation come from privileged lifestyles hidden away from the actual people they supposedly represent. It is we the downtrodden and impoverished forgotten that suffer due to the ineptitude and incompetence of the present Conservative government who see us as leeches. It is we who face debt, eviction, cold and starvation not the elitist cabinet ministers who get to decide what we are worth as a person just because we cannot find suitable work within this economic and medical crisis we currently find ourselves in. Some of us are at an age where we are too young for a pension, but also too old for ninety percent of employers to even consider. Yes some blame lies at our doors, but is it not reality that employers view anyone above fifty and below sixty seven as surplus to requirement because it is much easier to employ a teenager fresh out of school on half the salary they are required to pay a person of a certain age about 25, especially when they may need re-training or re-educating to for fill the position advertised.
So while the argument rages on Universal Credit payments, there is another bigger issue coming to light. The supposed miracle drugs to vaccinate you against COVID-19 may not be good enough or even be effective to fight of the infection. The government's chief scientific adviser has stated that a close eye will need to be kept on the Pfizer drugs true effectiveness after reports from Israel seem to contradict the trial results compared to the actual results on full rollout. Israel reports that one dose is more likely to be 30 to 40 percent effective against trial results which placed it at nearly 90 percent effective. This doesn’t bode well for the future if the miracle cure isn’t actually a miracle, but simply another lie. My questions are, how much profit are the suppliers of these miracle drug actually making? What is the cost of the drugs manufacture compared to its sale price to the governments of the world? A tweet outlining the cost of each vaccine was quickly removed, but not before the true value of human life was recorded for posterity. Once again it is seen that American companies are making money of death, as the price of a vaccines ranges from just under £2 to the most expensive which is just over £13. You can’t tell me there isn’t some profiteering going on by these big pharmaceutical companies especially the American based one’s who have the backing of the government to profit off American’s suffering. So I have covered the government, the miserly Universal Credit, and COVID vaccine, I think that is enough.
The last thing I want to consider is the global impact corrupt politicians in any country has on it populous. Some governments abuse verbally, some physically, but the worst type of government is the one that does it secretly by not allowing the populous to know what they are actually doing whilst in power. We as a global society require more transparency from those elected officials we place in a position of power. If anything the last four years in America and the last official year in the UK has seen what a corrupt leader can do to that country. There has to be more accountability for a leaders actions. In a less democratic country Trump and Johnson would have faced the death penalty for the criminality they have shown and would have been overthrown, so as democracies, why do we simply stand back and allow it? I am not saying we should revert to violence to get what we want, but we should move towards a more legal stance where leaders are prosecuted for their crimes under the law of the land like us simple commoners rather than just public damnation and a slap on the wrist. On that I will call it a day as my ranting is a little erratic at the moment, P.S Secret service please check the Trump families luggage as they leave the Whitehouse for any stolen items.
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Friday.
Firstly congratulations America the man you call the 45th President is finally on his way out, but not before pardoning every single bad apple of a moron who stood at his side during his four years of criminality and lies. I know he only has the power to pardon or commute federal sentences, but should such an act even be allowed. Where is the justice in the pardoning of blue collar criminals while hundred or maybe thousands of innocents still have to serve out their sentence? Granted Trump and some previous Presidents have used the right to pardon as political ammunition and to serve their own interests. Pardoning all those involved in working for Trump or even his son-in-law’s father is an act of criminality in itself. The worst thing is as I write this Trump still has just over six hours to cause more damage or enact more gross abuses of power which could involve pardoning his family and himself for past crimes they have committed including the incitement of the January 6th insurrection attempt. There has to be a legal way to walk back some of these pardons Trump has performed in the Supreme Court system. Sometimes I can’t believe how unequal the rights of people are within the American way of life. A new amendment needs to be written to incorporate a clause that allows a presidential successor to overturn their predecessor’s bad decisions.
As a British citizen living thousands of miles away, it just worries me that a country which is held as the pinnacle of democracy, now sees thousands of National Guard troops encamped in the countries capital which was last seen during America’s civil war. This is what having Trump as president has brought America to, a return to armed personnel deployed against armed civil unrest. Trump’s lasting legacy will be how he turned American against American and incited the racist militia forces to take up arms just because he can’t cope with the fact that over eight million individuals chose he was not what they wanted in a president. I have said it before and I will say it again the way America votes for their president is biased against what the people want because politicians have the last say when a simple head count should be the way forward. One vote, one count, one president not the way it is done now that dictates a candidate has to secure 270 seats and then be certified by the Electoral College. In some ways here in Britain our style of democracy far out ways that chosen in America. Don’t get me wrong it is still a flawed process especially when the likes of Johnson become Primeminister, but at least it was the majority count that put him in to office instead of the biased method used in America. You tell me, if Biden hadn’t took California, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia, Trump would be starting his second term today, would that be a good outcome. Four states out of fifty have stopped the inauguration of a madman. Back in 2016 the flawed system was highlighted when Trump was declared the victor even though Hilary Clinton had 2% more people vote for her. How is this a true democratic system when the loser of the popular vote can still win just because they took more Electoral College seats? America really needs to reassess how it elects its leaders.
What really shows the hypocrisy of the American people is that such a person as Trump was ever in the Whitehouse. He has continued throughout his four years in office to hide his tax returns. Instead of stepping down from his position as CEO of the Trump organization, he has continued to have a say in how it was run. He has blatantly profiteered off the use of his facilities by charging the country for his stays in rooms he doesn’t pay for anyway. The biggest test of his character has been the way he has or should we say not accepted defeat to Joe Biden. Every day since his defeat he has lied about the validity of the election and come inauguration day 2021 he will go down in history as one of only six Presidents who have not attend an inauguration ceremony of their successor. This really does show how petty and vengeful Trump really is, even Hilary Clinton sat through Trump’s own inauguration which makes her a slightly better person than him. It is said that he will even leave Washington DC early, so he and his family can utilise Air Force One to travel to Florida just so he doesn’t have to pay for the trip himself which once again show his failed character and money grabbing persona. All I can say is good riddance and hope that the Senate does convict Trump of the heinous act of incitement, but as it will take 17 Republican Senators to make that happen I wouldn’t hold your breath. This man will leave office with America in its worst ever state which includes 400,000 dead from a virus he called a democrat hoax, an economy on its knees because he stole from the poor to give to the rich, went to war with America’s allies while embracing it enemies, laundered American taxpayers dollars in to his own pockets and committed treasonous acts while representing the Office of President, not to mention spent more days on a golf course than any other president in history, even Nixon did a better job than Trump which is saying something.
On that small list of criminality I move to dear old Blighty and see what criminal acts our own Trump clone is enacting against us. So the Conservative in fighting is ramping up as Conservative backbenches turn on Johnson. Former Primeminister Theresa May has accused Johnson of ‘abandoning Britain’s moral leadership’ with his actions during Brexit negotiations which blackened the countries moral compass in the eyes of the world. Since Johnson took up the mantle of Leader of the United Kingdom he has created a divide with other world leaders while cosying up to those leaders whom have the same mentality as himself. He has dragged the country out of Europe with lies and subterfuge, telling us how so much better we will be outside the laws and policies of Europe while trying to create an authoritarian style government right under the noses of us the voting public. He has openly condoned the release of billions of pounds in taxpayers money to Conservative party donors and friends to supply goods and services they are ill-equipped to actually provide. This as the headlines focus on the unemployed and low paid individuals within the country as the argument over £20 a week still rages on showing the Conservative party as the money hungry out of touch morons they really are.
We live in a society governed by wealth. The rich live high on the top of the pyramid where the wealth filters downwards very, very unequally. Most of the supposed leaders of this nation come from privileged lifestyles hidden away from the actual people they supposedly represent. It is we the downtrodden and impoverished forgotten that suffer due to the ineptitude and incompetence of the present Conservative government who see us as leeches. It is we who face debt, eviction, cold and starvation not the elitist cabinet ministers who get to decide what we are worth as a person just because we cannot find suitable work within this economic and medical crisis we currently find ourselves in. Some of us are at an age where we are too young for a pension, but also too old for ninety percent of employers to even consider. Yes some blame lies at our doors, but is it not reality that employers view anyone above fifty and below sixty seven as surplus to requirement because it is much easier to employ a teenager fresh out of school on half the salary they are required to pay a person of a certain age about 25, especially when they may need re-training or re-educating to for fill the position advertised.
So while the argument rages on Universal Credit payments, there is another bigger issue coming to light. The supposed miracle drugs to vaccinate you against COVID-19 may not be good enough or even be effective to fight of the infection. The government's chief scientific adviser has stated that a close eye will need to be kept on the Pfizer drugs true effectiveness after reports from Israel seem to contradict the trial results compared to the actual results on full rollout. Israel reports that one dose is more likely to be 30 to 40 percent effective against trial results which placed it at nearly 90 percent effective. This doesn’t bode well for the future if the miracle cure isn’t actually a miracle, but simply another lie. My questions are, how much profit are the suppliers of these miracle drug actually making? What is the cost of the drugs manufacture compared to its sale price to the governments of the world? A tweet outlining the cost of each vaccine was quickly removed, but not before the true value of human life was recorded for posterity. Once again it is seen that American companies are making money of death, as the price of a vaccines ranges from just under £2 to the most expensive which is just over £13. You can’t tell me there isn’t some profiteering going on by these big pharmaceutical companies especially the American based one’s who have the backing of the government to profit off American’s suffering. So I have covered the government, the miserly Universal Credit, and COVID vaccine, I think that is enough.
The last thing I want to consider is the global impact corrupt politicians in any country has on it populous. Some governments abuse verbally, some physically, but the worst type of government is the one that does it secretly by not allowing the populous to know what they are actually doing whilst in power. We as a global society require more transparency from those elected officials we place in a position of power. If anything the last four years in America and the last official year in the UK has seen what a corrupt leader can do to that country. There has to be more accountability for a leaders actions. In a less democratic country Trump and Johnson would have faced the death penalty for the criminality they have shown and would have been overthrown, so as democracies, why do we simply stand back and allow it? I am not saying we should revert to violence to get what we want, but we should move towards a more legal stance where leaders are prosecuted for their crimes under the law of the land like us simple commoners rather than just public damnation and a slap on the wrist. On that I will call it a day as my ranting is a little erratic at the moment, P.S Secret service please check the Trump families luggage as they leave the Whitehouse for any stolen items.
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Friday.
Monday, 18 January 2021
Monday 18/01/2021
Welcome to a new week with the same old shitstorm of political lies, subterfuge and Britain in lockdown. We are eighteen days in to 2021 with nothing looking like it will be normal again except the fact that politicians will be lying to cover their own asses in whichever country you live in. Let me see what ‘BS’ occurred over the weekend.
In America over the weekend armed protesters took up positions at many state capitol building, some carrying assault rifles. To a British citizen who lives in a country where carrying weapons is illegal even for 95% of police officers seeing images of civilians openly walking around with weapons of war without been arrested or shot not only dumbfounds me, but actually makes me feel worried and I am sitting thousands miles away in another country. I have to ask, what kind of mentality firstly allows such behaviour to go on and secondly, why is there still an actual constitutional amendment that allows this to happen. Until it is against the law for civilians to hold a permit to carry a gun whether visible or hidden, gun violence will never be eradicated within the borders of America. There is no living sense to allowing a person the right to walk the streets of any city carrying a fully or semi-automatic rifle or any kind of gun. Come on America, right to bear arms equals an increase in gun violence.
Moving on, after the incidents where Capitol Hill Police were seen to simply step back and allow the mob to breach the capitol building on January 6th questions are been asked about police officers and military personnel’s allegiances to Trump or to the flag. With all this uncertainty of whom is a pro-Trump or not, within the organisations who swear an oath to defend the country against foreign and domestic attackers, along with such a high presence of armed national guard personnel on the ground around capitol hill it is a scary thought that armed insurrectionists could be present within the forces deployed to defend the inauguration of President-elect Biden in two days’ time. There have been so many movies and TV programs made that show how easy it could be for one individual to infiltrate any given department hell bent on assassination or worse a mass casualty event. The way America is perching on the abyss of civil war is incomprehensible because if America can fall then what’s to stop other democratic nations of the world falling also. To try and prevent such an event it is said that every member of the national guard is been strongly vetted by the FBI, but if someone wants to commit their lives to such an act of destruction a background check will not suffice, for they will find a way to hide their true intensions especially if they are backed by an organisation who wants a civil war within America.
Another factor in America that is still puzzling to me is this transition period between incoming and outgoing administrations. To me it is a pointless and stupid waste of time especially if the outgoing president is a vengeful and corrupt individual like Trump. Since he lost the election on November 3rd, Trump has proven how the transition period can be abused. The actions this narcissist has taken proves how vulnerable the transition period is and can be used to the detriment of the country. He has signed executive orders and signed off on pardons which benefit the people close to himself. There is even stories been floated about how he plans to pardon 100 hundred more individuals before he leaves office in two days including his children and more of his lackey’s who helped secure his win four years ago through treasonous links to Russia. It is also been reported that cash incentive payments are been made to secure a pardon which if true is a total and illegal abuse of power. The way Trump has conducted himself in the last sixty plus days shows how a corrupt president can subvert the laws of the land for his own good. The biggest test of how this period of time allowed to an outgoing President is corrupted will be if Trump actually does do what he says he will do. He is looking for loopholes which will allow him to pardon himself! If you are going to have a transition period, you have to write in to law that the outgoing President cannot sign executive orders, pardons or anything else that can be abused unless the six people at the top of the congressional food chain agrees. The senate majority and minority leaders, the house majority and minority leaders and both parties’ house chairs should have control to veto any decision made by the defeated President. America may call itself democratic, but beneath the surface it is still a country run by one person who has the tools to make unilateral decisions when they want. Again I bring you back to the very public executive orders signed by Trump in the past four years as well as his unilateral belief that he has ultimate power to yield as he pleases. Having someone with that kind of mentality as the leader of a superpower is just asking for world war three to commence.
On that note I will swap continents and check out what’s been happening in dear old Blighty over the weekend. So as vaccinations of the over seventies start nationwide, the question to be asked is, are we been governed adequately? In my eyes the simple answer is no. As more seniors are set to receive their first jab of the vaccine the number of beds available for those already infected are growing less and less as hospitals reach a saturation of their current resources. The nightingale hospitals set up last year have since closed costing the country millions and now when they are needed, we don’t have them. We have a government of privileged individuals who have no concept of the struggles the normal British person faces and we have a National Health Service at breaking point due to the private sector hierarchy who hold the purse strings. We are yet to see anything Johnson does actually help the unemployed, furloughed or lower paid people within this nation, not to mention the vulnerable. The talk of removing the extra £20 a week from the unemployed is just inhumane and will create more poverty within an already impoverished sector of the population. While our unbeloved government sit pretty in their mansions and ornately decorated townhouses the rest of us go cold and hungry because we can’t afford to buy food or heat the homes we are faced with losing.
I know I keep coming back to the unemployed bandwagon, but that is what I understand. Twenty pounds a week doesn’t go very far and that is me speaking as a single bloke, a family will be struggling even more. Labour leader Kier Starmer has rightly called Johnson ‘Pathetic’ when it comes to his decision making and downright incompetent leadership skills. Starmer’s attack on Johnson comes as Conservative MP’s have been told to abstain from the proposed vote to stop the increase which will send hundreds of thousands back in to poverty. I have said it before and I will say it again, the current government of privileged under achievers should be made to spend at least one quarter of the coming year living on Universal Credit without the assistance of their wealth and parliamentary incomes. I would like to see how far into debt they fall on the inadequate government handout they say ordinary people can live on.
It doesn’t matter where you live, if you are unemployed or paid the minimum wage poverty is always nipping at your ankles like a hungry puppy. In an economic climate where less and less firms are hiring and are doing the exact opposite. The numbers laid off because the company they work for cannot afford to pay them is on the rise made worse by the pandemic. Under the Conservative government we have endured for the last ten years there has been a slow decline in employed individuals as more and more people find themselves obsolete to requirement. Also with the uncertainty of Brexit employers have been slow to employ not knowing what the future would bring for them. But in the past year and a half since Boris Johnson took the reins of the Conservative party and the country we have gone from bad to worse to cataclysmic due to his ineptitude and single minded pursuit of breaking us away from Europe. Brexit was and will always be the worst decision in the history of this great nation, cutting us off from free trade with our allies in Europe, along with the possibility of losing a long term ally in America, due to Brexit and Johnson’s style of politics.
Whatever your politics, surely the main issue that we as humans need to resolve is survival from this pandemic and a future of equality. For now all I see is nations at war with themselves over what is right or wrong when it comes to how we combat this deadly virus and the fascist rhetoric been openly preached worldwide does not help with a global recovery from the death and economic sinkhole we are descending into without a lifeline to hold on to. The issues run deeper than just the pandemic, each and every country has its skeletons hidden away of how they have committed acts of inequality, but in the past few years there has been another greater global shift towards injustice for the poor and impunity for the rich. We have always had some form of abuse committed by those in power, but it has never been blatantly portrayed for the world to witness. Is it not time we took a global stand and fight those privileged individuals who believe the world is theirs to own. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.
In America over the weekend armed protesters took up positions at many state capitol building, some carrying assault rifles. To a British citizen who lives in a country where carrying weapons is illegal even for 95% of police officers seeing images of civilians openly walking around with weapons of war without been arrested or shot not only dumbfounds me, but actually makes me feel worried and I am sitting thousands miles away in another country. I have to ask, what kind of mentality firstly allows such behaviour to go on and secondly, why is there still an actual constitutional amendment that allows this to happen. Until it is against the law for civilians to hold a permit to carry a gun whether visible or hidden, gun violence will never be eradicated within the borders of America. There is no living sense to allowing a person the right to walk the streets of any city carrying a fully or semi-automatic rifle or any kind of gun. Come on America, right to bear arms equals an increase in gun violence.
Moving on, after the incidents where Capitol Hill Police were seen to simply step back and allow the mob to breach the capitol building on January 6th questions are been asked about police officers and military personnel’s allegiances to Trump or to the flag. With all this uncertainty of whom is a pro-Trump or not, within the organisations who swear an oath to defend the country against foreign and domestic attackers, along with such a high presence of armed national guard personnel on the ground around capitol hill it is a scary thought that armed insurrectionists could be present within the forces deployed to defend the inauguration of President-elect Biden in two days’ time. There have been so many movies and TV programs made that show how easy it could be for one individual to infiltrate any given department hell bent on assassination or worse a mass casualty event. The way America is perching on the abyss of civil war is incomprehensible because if America can fall then what’s to stop other democratic nations of the world falling also. To try and prevent such an event it is said that every member of the national guard is been strongly vetted by the FBI, but if someone wants to commit their lives to such an act of destruction a background check will not suffice, for they will find a way to hide their true intensions especially if they are backed by an organisation who wants a civil war within America.
Another factor in America that is still puzzling to me is this transition period between incoming and outgoing administrations. To me it is a pointless and stupid waste of time especially if the outgoing president is a vengeful and corrupt individual like Trump. Since he lost the election on November 3rd, Trump has proven how the transition period can be abused. The actions this narcissist has taken proves how vulnerable the transition period is and can be used to the detriment of the country. He has signed executive orders and signed off on pardons which benefit the people close to himself. There is even stories been floated about how he plans to pardon 100 hundred more individuals before he leaves office in two days including his children and more of his lackey’s who helped secure his win four years ago through treasonous links to Russia. It is also been reported that cash incentive payments are been made to secure a pardon which if true is a total and illegal abuse of power. The way Trump has conducted himself in the last sixty plus days shows how a corrupt president can subvert the laws of the land for his own good. The biggest test of how this period of time allowed to an outgoing President is corrupted will be if Trump actually does do what he says he will do. He is looking for loopholes which will allow him to pardon himself! If you are going to have a transition period, you have to write in to law that the outgoing President cannot sign executive orders, pardons or anything else that can be abused unless the six people at the top of the congressional food chain agrees. The senate majority and minority leaders, the house majority and minority leaders and both parties’ house chairs should have control to veto any decision made by the defeated President. America may call itself democratic, but beneath the surface it is still a country run by one person who has the tools to make unilateral decisions when they want. Again I bring you back to the very public executive orders signed by Trump in the past four years as well as his unilateral belief that he has ultimate power to yield as he pleases. Having someone with that kind of mentality as the leader of a superpower is just asking for world war three to commence.
On that note I will swap continents and check out what’s been happening in dear old Blighty over the weekend. So as vaccinations of the over seventies start nationwide, the question to be asked is, are we been governed adequately? In my eyes the simple answer is no. As more seniors are set to receive their first jab of the vaccine the number of beds available for those already infected are growing less and less as hospitals reach a saturation of their current resources. The nightingale hospitals set up last year have since closed costing the country millions and now when they are needed, we don’t have them. We have a government of privileged individuals who have no concept of the struggles the normal British person faces and we have a National Health Service at breaking point due to the private sector hierarchy who hold the purse strings. We are yet to see anything Johnson does actually help the unemployed, furloughed or lower paid people within this nation, not to mention the vulnerable. The talk of removing the extra £20 a week from the unemployed is just inhumane and will create more poverty within an already impoverished sector of the population. While our unbeloved government sit pretty in their mansions and ornately decorated townhouses the rest of us go cold and hungry because we can’t afford to buy food or heat the homes we are faced with losing.
I know I keep coming back to the unemployed bandwagon, but that is what I understand. Twenty pounds a week doesn’t go very far and that is me speaking as a single bloke, a family will be struggling even more. Labour leader Kier Starmer has rightly called Johnson ‘Pathetic’ when it comes to his decision making and downright incompetent leadership skills. Starmer’s attack on Johnson comes as Conservative MP’s have been told to abstain from the proposed vote to stop the increase which will send hundreds of thousands back in to poverty. I have said it before and I will say it again, the current government of privileged under achievers should be made to spend at least one quarter of the coming year living on Universal Credit without the assistance of their wealth and parliamentary incomes. I would like to see how far into debt they fall on the inadequate government handout they say ordinary people can live on.
It doesn’t matter where you live, if you are unemployed or paid the minimum wage poverty is always nipping at your ankles like a hungry puppy. In an economic climate where less and less firms are hiring and are doing the exact opposite. The numbers laid off because the company they work for cannot afford to pay them is on the rise made worse by the pandemic. Under the Conservative government we have endured for the last ten years there has been a slow decline in employed individuals as more and more people find themselves obsolete to requirement. Also with the uncertainty of Brexit employers have been slow to employ not knowing what the future would bring for them. But in the past year and a half since Boris Johnson took the reins of the Conservative party and the country we have gone from bad to worse to cataclysmic due to his ineptitude and single minded pursuit of breaking us away from Europe. Brexit was and will always be the worst decision in the history of this great nation, cutting us off from free trade with our allies in Europe, along with the possibility of losing a long term ally in America, due to Brexit and Johnson’s style of politics.
Whatever your politics, surely the main issue that we as humans need to resolve is survival from this pandemic and a future of equality. For now all I see is nations at war with themselves over what is right or wrong when it comes to how we combat this deadly virus and the fascist rhetoric been openly preached worldwide does not help with a global recovery from the death and economic sinkhole we are descending into without a lifeline to hold on to. The issues run deeper than just the pandemic, each and every country has its skeletons hidden away of how they have committed acts of inequality, but in the past few years there has been another greater global shift towards injustice for the poor and impunity for the rich. We have always had some form of abuse committed by those in power, but it has never been blatantly portrayed for the world to witness. Is it not time we took a global stand and fight those privileged individuals who believe the world is theirs to own. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.
Friday, 15 January 2021
Friday 15/01/2021
A good day to you, on this the 15th new day of 2021. Half a month in and we are still no better off than we were fifteen days ago. It’s hard to believe it’s only been 363 days since COVID-19 breached the shores of dear old Blighty and in that time we have seen three lockdowns, an economic catastrophe, registered 3.26 million positive cases and over 86 thousand deaths. That is just in the UK, worldwide there has been over 92 million positive cases recorded with 2 million deaths. Those figures are astonishing and very, very scary. This in an era where technological and medical advancement is on the rise, but we still can’t fight a deadly virus and prevent unnecessary deaths. Anyway let me see what else has happened that needs ranting about.
So in America the house of representatives voted to impeach Trump for inciting the riot on the Capitol Building last week, but what as a non-US citizen watching the vote take place really disgusted me was seeing only 10, yes 10 Republicans cross the party divide and vote in favour of impeachment. Are the other 197 Republican members that voted ‘NAY’ really so spineless or morally corrupt that they don’t see or want to see their chosen leader as the violence hungry individual he is?
My question to all Americans, is how can you still support a President who incites a mob to storm your beacon of democracy? Also to those Republican members of congress, how can you defend the actions of a person who put your very lives at risk by inciting anger in such a way that it ended in an armed insurrection? I just can’t understand the mentality of such people who will defend such a narcissistic, vengeful person, let alone vote not to hold him accountable for his actions of late. Another astounding fact to come from this historic event that has made Trump ‘Infamous’ is that Republicans instead of attacking Trump and uniting behind a call for him to resign, are fighting amongst themselves calling for the leader of the ten members who voted ‘YAY’ to resign. Congresswoman Liz Cheney, the third ranking House Republican, is facing calls to resign her party leadership role after she voted to impeach. Personally I believe it should be the likes of Cruz, Hawley, Graham, McConnell and the other 197 House republicans who should be forced to resign for their blatant support of Trump over the last four years.
All this backstabbing and in fighting going on while the capitol is been fortified against any further attacks against the Capitol building or President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris’s inauguration in five days. But it isn’t just the capitol under possible attack, the FBI has stated they are aware of reports that armed aggressors are planning attacks on all 50 state capitols in the next five days. Not since Lincoln’s day has America housed troops in the Capitol Building, yet here we are in 2021 and American National Guard personal are sleeping on the floors of the Capitol Building a week after the flag of the confederacy was walked through the halls of democracy which had never happened before in all of American history and these armed personnel have now been granted permission to use lethal force in defence of an attack on inauguration day which means American killing American. I am not an American and I seem to have more concern about the rising factions of decent within the American people than I see in America itself. One of the only countries on earth where you wouldn’t expect to see an armed attack on the house of its lawmakers and it has actually happened under the worst president in American history, a man the rest of the world saw for whom he is, but the American voters did not. The last four years is a dark stain on America and it will continue to grow like it has under the cover of darkness for so many years if not dealt with and crushed immediately.
World War Two came to pass because a country stayed silent while a grass roots movement developed taking over Germany then Europe fuelled by one man’s hatred for people of colour, people of the Jewish faith and anybody else who didn’t follow the same ideology as himself. Hitler formed a ‘Stammtisch’ of likeminded individuals which later became the Nazi Party who invaded Europe and such militia groups are been formed all over America such as the ‘Proud Boys’ to name just one. America has always had their fair share of these far right groups, but only since Trump’s rise to power have they bothered to speak openly and appear at rallies. Now is the time that America needs to be prepared for the rise of these domestic terrorists. An RV used to bomb an area in Nashville, an armed takeover of the Michigan state office along with a foiled attempt to kidnap its state governor, pipe bombs placed at both the RNC and DNC party offices in Washington and the armed insurgence of the Capitol Building on January 6th of this year, not to mention the double standards within law enforcement agencies who treat whites better than any other race within the country. Open your eyes and see the escalation in verbal and physical attacks on the American way of life by individuals and groups claiming to be ‘American Patriots’, when in fact they are nothing but a blight on society who like to think they could defend the country just because the 2nd amendment gives them the right to bear arms.
And while all this is going on The President-Elect has laid out his plans for a $1.9tn US economic relief package to be placed in front of congress as soon as he is inaugurated on January 20th, which will mean in one day he will have done more than Trump has done in twelve months and what is Trump doing? Apart from cowering in the oval office Trump has been taking a final swing at Chinese companies by placing eight more on a Pentagon blacklist which just the baby throwing his toys out of the pram if you ask me, all because he can’t get what he wants!
On that note I will have a look at dear old Blighty which is pretty normal compared to America at the moment, even though we are also under the control of a narcissistic white privileged moron who struggles to make any sense when he opens his mouth unless it is a blatant lie or words meant to misdirect us. So what can we say about the UK except we are in a shit load of trouble! The deaths and positive cases from COVID-19 are fluctuating but not dramatically reducing as Johnson’s scapegoats try to keep telling us and as the first issues of Brexit start to rise the Conservatives are coming under rising anger from UK businesses whose export trade is been affected by the new rules. Johnson flag flying and Brexit mentality has cost the UK both financially and medically with the UK now cut off from much needed supplies from our old European partners, not to mention no solid trade deals been accomplished outside the EU.
Johnson and other Brexiteer’s contempt for Europe has led to us falling flat when it came to getting adequate supplies of much needed equipment and PPE while the new export rules on British businesses is causing more hassle than creating much needed income. Many firms are finding a locked door policy when it comes to exporting their goods across Europe with UK fisherman seeing their catches going bad piled up dockside due to new health checks, IT systems and customs documents. So the big fight over who can fish where, is pretty much null and void if those doing the fishing can’t get their produce to European markets before it goes bad. As for locally run businesses on the high street or hospitality firms who are suffering without the help from the government during lockdown, they are facing bankruptcy from being forced to close their doors for most of the past year. So all in all the Conservative cabinets both past and present over the last ten years have well and truly F***** the UK economy through their incompetence, ineptitude and looking after their own self-interest before the populous who stupidly elected them (Not me, I wouldn’t vote Blue if my life depended on it), sending the country back to pre-war times where poverty is rife among the inhabitants of this fair isle.
The basics of life at the moment is that as a nation we are still been forced to lockdown, isolate, socially distance and do lots of other things no one ever considered we would need to do to survive. We are living a reality only ever envisioned on the movie screen or in literature and it is all been controlled by a government who don’t understand the needs of the normal person who lives from pay check to pay check. Each member of the cabinet has moved in to politics from a privileged position in life and has never had to struggle or feel the pangs of poverty gripping at their throats. Even the man in charge of Britain’s finances Rishi Sunak is a millionaire and doesn’t have to worry about money, yet deems that the rest of us can cope on the ridiculous Universal Credit payments the government sets. Now comes Brexit where those unknowledgeable persons sitting high on the top of society have been given back the right to pass laws and enact policies without any oversight from other member countries meaning they have carte blanche to pass any law which they feel will cut down on the civil and human liberties we as individuals deserve. Johnson can push any authoritarian agenda he likes and as long as he has the majority vote in parliament it will pass. This country through both Brexit and the necessary curfew style restrictions to fight COVID has been brought to its knees which means any fascist leader of our present or future can bring forth George Orwell’s dystopian imaginary fantasy world of ‘1984’ to reality. I just hope it doesn’t happen in my lifetime.
Trump is trying to overthrow an established democracy in America by inciting a revolution never seen since the American civil war and Johnson is passing Britain in to the hands of the elitist money hungry vultures called Conservative donors. Both men are hell bent on creating a reality where they have ultimate control to enact whatever they wish on a downtrodden populous who they deem unworthy of scraps from their slobbering mouths. This is only two countries of the world, in Russia you have Putin, and across Europe you have other fringe parties gaining support for a fascist style future to succeed while in North Korea and China they are ruled by dictators. I could go on to outline all the other countries, but you get my meaning. We are seeing a global turn away from democracy and an insurgence of dictator style leaderships who have all they can want in life while the peoples of their countries grow hungry living in poverty. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
So in America the house of representatives voted to impeach Trump for inciting the riot on the Capitol Building last week, but what as a non-US citizen watching the vote take place really disgusted me was seeing only 10, yes 10 Republicans cross the party divide and vote in favour of impeachment. Are the other 197 Republican members that voted ‘NAY’ really so spineless or morally corrupt that they don’t see or want to see their chosen leader as the violence hungry individual he is?
My question to all Americans, is how can you still support a President who incites a mob to storm your beacon of democracy? Also to those Republican members of congress, how can you defend the actions of a person who put your very lives at risk by inciting anger in such a way that it ended in an armed insurrection? I just can’t understand the mentality of such people who will defend such a narcissistic, vengeful person, let alone vote not to hold him accountable for his actions of late. Another astounding fact to come from this historic event that has made Trump ‘Infamous’ is that Republicans instead of attacking Trump and uniting behind a call for him to resign, are fighting amongst themselves calling for the leader of the ten members who voted ‘YAY’ to resign. Congresswoman Liz Cheney, the third ranking House Republican, is facing calls to resign her party leadership role after she voted to impeach. Personally I believe it should be the likes of Cruz, Hawley, Graham, McConnell and the other 197 House republicans who should be forced to resign for their blatant support of Trump over the last four years.
All this backstabbing and in fighting going on while the capitol is been fortified against any further attacks against the Capitol building or President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris’s inauguration in five days. But it isn’t just the capitol under possible attack, the FBI has stated they are aware of reports that armed aggressors are planning attacks on all 50 state capitols in the next five days. Not since Lincoln’s day has America housed troops in the Capitol Building, yet here we are in 2021 and American National Guard personal are sleeping on the floors of the Capitol Building a week after the flag of the confederacy was walked through the halls of democracy which had never happened before in all of American history and these armed personnel have now been granted permission to use lethal force in defence of an attack on inauguration day which means American killing American. I am not an American and I seem to have more concern about the rising factions of decent within the American people than I see in America itself. One of the only countries on earth where you wouldn’t expect to see an armed attack on the house of its lawmakers and it has actually happened under the worst president in American history, a man the rest of the world saw for whom he is, but the American voters did not. The last four years is a dark stain on America and it will continue to grow like it has under the cover of darkness for so many years if not dealt with and crushed immediately.
World War Two came to pass because a country stayed silent while a grass roots movement developed taking over Germany then Europe fuelled by one man’s hatred for people of colour, people of the Jewish faith and anybody else who didn’t follow the same ideology as himself. Hitler formed a ‘Stammtisch’ of likeminded individuals which later became the Nazi Party who invaded Europe and such militia groups are been formed all over America such as the ‘Proud Boys’ to name just one. America has always had their fair share of these far right groups, but only since Trump’s rise to power have they bothered to speak openly and appear at rallies. Now is the time that America needs to be prepared for the rise of these domestic terrorists. An RV used to bomb an area in Nashville, an armed takeover of the Michigan state office along with a foiled attempt to kidnap its state governor, pipe bombs placed at both the RNC and DNC party offices in Washington and the armed insurgence of the Capitol Building on January 6th of this year, not to mention the double standards within law enforcement agencies who treat whites better than any other race within the country. Open your eyes and see the escalation in verbal and physical attacks on the American way of life by individuals and groups claiming to be ‘American Patriots’, when in fact they are nothing but a blight on society who like to think they could defend the country just because the 2nd amendment gives them the right to bear arms.
And while all this is going on The President-Elect has laid out his plans for a $1.9tn US economic relief package to be placed in front of congress as soon as he is inaugurated on January 20th, which will mean in one day he will have done more than Trump has done in twelve months and what is Trump doing? Apart from cowering in the oval office Trump has been taking a final swing at Chinese companies by placing eight more on a Pentagon blacklist which just the baby throwing his toys out of the pram if you ask me, all because he can’t get what he wants!
On that note I will have a look at dear old Blighty which is pretty normal compared to America at the moment, even though we are also under the control of a narcissistic white privileged moron who struggles to make any sense when he opens his mouth unless it is a blatant lie or words meant to misdirect us. So what can we say about the UK except we are in a shit load of trouble! The deaths and positive cases from COVID-19 are fluctuating but not dramatically reducing as Johnson’s scapegoats try to keep telling us and as the first issues of Brexit start to rise the Conservatives are coming under rising anger from UK businesses whose export trade is been affected by the new rules. Johnson flag flying and Brexit mentality has cost the UK both financially and medically with the UK now cut off from much needed supplies from our old European partners, not to mention no solid trade deals been accomplished outside the EU.
Johnson and other Brexiteer’s contempt for Europe has led to us falling flat when it came to getting adequate supplies of much needed equipment and PPE while the new export rules on British businesses is causing more hassle than creating much needed income. Many firms are finding a locked door policy when it comes to exporting their goods across Europe with UK fisherman seeing their catches going bad piled up dockside due to new health checks, IT systems and customs documents. So the big fight over who can fish where, is pretty much null and void if those doing the fishing can’t get their produce to European markets before it goes bad. As for locally run businesses on the high street or hospitality firms who are suffering without the help from the government during lockdown, they are facing bankruptcy from being forced to close their doors for most of the past year. So all in all the Conservative cabinets both past and present over the last ten years have well and truly F***** the UK economy through their incompetence, ineptitude and looking after their own self-interest before the populous who stupidly elected them (Not me, I wouldn’t vote Blue if my life depended on it), sending the country back to pre-war times where poverty is rife among the inhabitants of this fair isle.
The basics of life at the moment is that as a nation we are still been forced to lockdown, isolate, socially distance and do lots of other things no one ever considered we would need to do to survive. We are living a reality only ever envisioned on the movie screen or in literature and it is all been controlled by a government who don’t understand the needs of the normal person who lives from pay check to pay check. Each member of the cabinet has moved in to politics from a privileged position in life and has never had to struggle or feel the pangs of poverty gripping at their throats. Even the man in charge of Britain’s finances Rishi Sunak is a millionaire and doesn’t have to worry about money, yet deems that the rest of us can cope on the ridiculous Universal Credit payments the government sets. Now comes Brexit where those unknowledgeable persons sitting high on the top of society have been given back the right to pass laws and enact policies without any oversight from other member countries meaning they have carte blanche to pass any law which they feel will cut down on the civil and human liberties we as individuals deserve. Johnson can push any authoritarian agenda he likes and as long as he has the majority vote in parliament it will pass. This country through both Brexit and the necessary curfew style restrictions to fight COVID has been brought to its knees which means any fascist leader of our present or future can bring forth George Orwell’s dystopian imaginary fantasy world of ‘1984’ to reality. I just hope it doesn’t happen in my lifetime.
Trump is trying to overthrow an established democracy in America by inciting a revolution never seen since the American civil war and Johnson is passing Britain in to the hands of the elitist money hungry vultures called Conservative donors. Both men are hell bent on creating a reality where they have ultimate control to enact whatever they wish on a downtrodden populous who they deem unworthy of scraps from their slobbering mouths. This is only two countries of the world, in Russia you have Putin, and across Europe you have other fringe parties gaining support for a fascist style future to succeed while in North Korea and China they are ruled by dictators. I could go on to outline all the other countries, but you get my meaning. We are seeing a global turn away from democracy and an insurgence of dictator style leaderships who have all they can want in life while the peoples of their countries grow hungry living in poverty. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
Wednesday, 13 January 2021
Wednesday 13/01/2021
So it is coming up on seven days since the failed coup in America and it is week three of England’s third lockdown since March 2020. Yet there is no solutions to either situation appearing on the horizon. All there is, is more and more BS coming from the politicians elected. Let’s have a look at what has or has not happened in the last two days.
In America as the FBI chase down the insurgents captured on film and start arresting individuals, nothing is happening to the inciter of the violence that took place last Wednesday in America’s capitol city. Trump still lounges safely in the oval office and still has control of the country instead of been in a jail cell alongside the perpetrators responsible for the storming of the capitol building. Where is the justice been seen to be handed out? How can the man still be classed as the President of the United States? Articles of impeachment have once again been drawn up ready to be voted on, but how can anything go forward when you still have the majority of Senate Republicans refusing to enact on the call for Trumps removal from office. Congress can bolster the votes and pass the impeachment, but once again it’s down to the Senate to impeach and charge Trump which won’t happen with McConnell, Graham, Cruz and Hawley leading the revolt to save Trump. Until the Democrats can turn most of the sitting Republicans to their side nothing will happen to Trump opening the door to him doing more damage and giving him the chance to declare himself a runner in the 2024 election. Senators like Cruz, Hawley and any others who supported the move to stop Biden’s certification should be forced to resign their positions because they have acted treasonous in their call for the legal election to be overturned and for their own rhetoric of lies calling the election rigged.
It has been reported that if Trump is impeached again that Giuliani would be his lawyer of choice to represent him. My question to that why has Giuliani not been arrested for incitement yet, when he was clearly seen and heard to call for a trial by combat at the rally held by Trump just an hour before armed pro-Trump supporters attacked and overran the capitol building. At the very least he should be barred from practising law within America, even though he should be jailed for his treasonous rhetoric since the November 3rd election which led up to last Wednesdays failed coup. This should happen immediately preventing such a fraudulent lawyer from representing Trump in any impeachment hearing. Most of the Trump children, especially Don Jnr. Should be facing legal action for their part in the same rally also.
To try and appease the nation and his accusers Trump has been seen to back the Mayor of Washington DC’s call for a state of emergency to be enacted due to the possibility of more armed riots before and during Biden’s inauguration on January 20th. This will mean if such a gathering like that seen on January 6th the mayor and the DC police will have federal backing to quash an uprising. More and more information is filtering out about a plan to attack all 50 states capitol buildings which is a scary possibility creating massive unrest and problems for law enforcement. Yes, people have the right to protest, but to call for a simultaneous attack on federal properties is a clear act of insurgents and treason against the country and if it was anyone other than white American citizens planning this the full force of America’s federal law enforcement would be smashing down doors under the terrorism laws of the land to prevent it happening. This is clearly a double standard, when white American’s are given the benefit of the doubt instead of been classified as domestic terrorists when Muslim or Antifa extremists would already be languishing in a detainment facility.
The shining light to come from January 6th is that it has forced social media platforms to ban Trump from using them to preach his false rhetoric and ideology to the masses unchecked. They have also started to shutdown accounts held by member of the ‘Proud boys’ and ‘QAnon’ who use the platforms to organise demonstrations. Even though this is a good move on the likes of Titter, Facebook, YouTube, etc., the move is clearly at least four years too late because if Trump had been monitored properly from the beginning, his lies and falsehoods would not have brainwashed so many individuals in to believing he is a cult leader. Lessons have to be learned and policies need to be changed starting with the removal of Fox news’s licence to broadcast while they still employ hosts like Hannity and Carlson who clearly use their shows to incite unrest.
On that thought I will now take a look at dear old Blighty for any ongoing rantable issues. So as I said in England we are starting week three of our third lockdown called by our incompetent Primeminister which sees many thousands of people effected by a forced isolation just to stay safe from infection once again. What really disgusts me is the clear signs of money laundering been done by this Conservative government. Since Johnson took the helm as Primeminister there has been an increase in nepotism in the way government contracts have been distributed without tender to companies run by former Tory members, Leave campaign supporters or party donors. The most recent is for the supply of free school meals parcels to those eligible during lockdown and another for providing food boxes to those shielding or vulnerable. Both Edenred with the Department for Education supplying the Voucher scheme for children on free school meals and BFS Group along with Brake Bros with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs supplying food boxes for shielded and vulnerable people between them gaining contracts worth 446 million pounds without having to compete with anyone else. This doesn’t include the 470 million pounds in contracts dished out to eight other companies for the sole purpose of supplying computers for teachers and disadvantaged children or supplying test kits, reagents, training material and support for virus checking or the supplying necessary PPE. This total of nearly one billion pounds is atrocious!
The latest public outcry has come as families started to receive parcels relating to free school meals vouchers with one disgusted parent posting a picture of the contents on social media. The said parcel which cost £30 of public funds, yet is seen to only contain around £5 worth of food which also appeared less than fresh. Chartwells the company responsible has blamed the contents on having such short notice of when they had to supply the parcels which is pure ‘BS’, also they claim the parcel seen is for 5 days not 10 and was valued at £10.50 not £30. Either way the contents wasn’t worth £10.50. This is a company that saw a way of how they could make a quick profit off the suffering of those in need like all the companies that have recently received government contracts and it isn’t the first time Compass group who own Chartwells have been accused of such poor service. Even in the major supermarkets £30 gets you a whole lot more than what Chartwells are providing which is a disgrace and not worth the tax paying public’s money.
Some of the companies used by the government for supplies throughout this pandemic have been set up and run by lackeys of the Johnson regime pocketing thousands of pounds weekly without providing an adequate service they are getting paid to provide. Some of the companies barely have the finances or the staff to provide the service required, yet in their wisdom our Conservative leadership has thrown multiple millions of pounds at their friends rather than receive tenders from more well established firms or businesses that can actually provide the service needed. It is time for this government to be replaced from the top down.
It doesn’t matter which country you hail from the people running government are using companies and businesses which will enhance their own finances. From Trump using his own hotels, golf courses and placing family members in high value positions all been paid by tax payers money to Johnson and the untendered contracts given to donors and friends. The money been made off the suffering of others is just disgusting and immoral. These people have supposedly taken an oath to serve their countries and their own constituents, but have clearly spend their time filling their own pockets with under table deals. It was even reported that Trump’s hotel costs and golf buggy hire charges for secret service staff who are required to stay close the president at all times was dramatically increased which is just blatantly wrong and downright illegal. For me any politician found to be profiteering from their position should come under imminent threat of legal action, if not imprisonment. For too long politicians have been allowed to get away with criminality without consequence. We are living in the twenty first century and still we allow certain individuals to subvert and commit acts of abuse within power. It is time a more stringent eye is kept on every person taking on the oath of any political office and hold them to the high standard to which the position requires. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Friday.
In America as the FBI chase down the insurgents captured on film and start arresting individuals, nothing is happening to the inciter of the violence that took place last Wednesday in America’s capitol city. Trump still lounges safely in the oval office and still has control of the country instead of been in a jail cell alongside the perpetrators responsible for the storming of the capitol building. Where is the justice been seen to be handed out? How can the man still be classed as the President of the United States? Articles of impeachment have once again been drawn up ready to be voted on, but how can anything go forward when you still have the majority of Senate Republicans refusing to enact on the call for Trumps removal from office. Congress can bolster the votes and pass the impeachment, but once again it’s down to the Senate to impeach and charge Trump which won’t happen with McConnell, Graham, Cruz and Hawley leading the revolt to save Trump. Until the Democrats can turn most of the sitting Republicans to their side nothing will happen to Trump opening the door to him doing more damage and giving him the chance to declare himself a runner in the 2024 election. Senators like Cruz, Hawley and any others who supported the move to stop Biden’s certification should be forced to resign their positions because they have acted treasonous in their call for the legal election to be overturned and for their own rhetoric of lies calling the election rigged.
It has been reported that if Trump is impeached again that Giuliani would be his lawyer of choice to represent him. My question to that why has Giuliani not been arrested for incitement yet, when he was clearly seen and heard to call for a trial by combat at the rally held by Trump just an hour before armed pro-Trump supporters attacked and overran the capitol building. At the very least he should be barred from practising law within America, even though he should be jailed for his treasonous rhetoric since the November 3rd election which led up to last Wednesdays failed coup. This should happen immediately preventing such a fraudulent lawyer from representing Trump in any impeachment hearing. Most of the Trump children, especially Don Jnr. Should be facing legal action for their part in the same rally also.
To try and appease the nation and his accusers Trump has been seen to back the Mayor of Washington DC’s call for a state of emergency to be enacted due to the possibility of more armed riots before and during Biden’s inauguration on January 20th. This will mean if such a gathering like that seen on January 6th the mayor and the DC police will have federal backing to quash an uprising. More and more information is filtering out about a plan to attack all 50 states capitol buildings which is a scary possibility creating massive unrest and problems for law enforcement. Yes, people have the right to protest, but to call for a simultaneous attack on federal properties is a clear act of insurgents and treason against the country and if it was anyone other than white American citizens planning this the full force of America’s federal law enforcement would be smashing down doors under the terrorism laws of the land to prevent it happening. This is clearly a double standard, when white American’s are given the benefit of the doubt instead of been classified as domestic terrorists when Muslim or Antifa extremists would already be languishing in a detainment facility.
The shining light to come from January 6th is that it has forced social media platforms to ban Trump from using them to preach his false rhetoric and ideology to the masses unchecked. They have also started to shutdown accounts held by member of the ‘Proud boys’ and ‘QAnon’ who use the platforms to organise demonstrations. Even though this is a good move on the likes of Titter, Facebook, YouTube, etc., the move is clearly at least four years too late because if Trump had been monitored properly from the beginning, his lies and falsehoods would not have brainwashed so many individuals in to believing he is a cult leader. Lessons have to be learned and policies need to be changed starting with the removal of Fox news’s licence to broadcast while they still employ hosts like Hannity and Carlson who clearly use their shows to incite unrest.
On that thought I will now take a look at dear old Blighty for any ongoing rantable issues. So as I said in England we are starting week three of our third lockdown called by our incompetent Primeminister which sees many thousands of people effected by a forced isolation just to stay safe from infection once again. What really disgusts me is the clear signs of money laundering been done by this Conservative government. Since Johnson took the helm as Primeminister there has been an increase in nepotism in the way government contracts have been distributed without tender to companies run by former Tory members, Leave campaign supporters or party donors. The most recent is for the supply of free school meals parcels to those eligible during lockdown and another for providing food boxes to those shielding or vulnerable. Both Edenred with the Department for Education supplying the Voucher scheme for children on free school meals and BFS Group along with Brake Bros with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs supplying food boxes for shielded and vulnerable people between them gaining contracts worth 446 million pounds without having to compete with anyone else. This doesn’t include the 470 million pounds in contracts dished out to eight other companies for the sole purpose of supplying computers for teachers and disadvantaged children or supplying test kits, reagents, training material and support for virus checking or the supplying necessary PPE. This total of nearly one billion pounds is atrocious!
The latest public outcry has come as families started to receive parcels relating to free school meals vouchers with one disgusted parent posting a picture of the contents on social media. The said parcel which cost £30 of public funds, yet is seen to only contain around £5 worth of food which also appeared less than fresh. Chartwells the company responsible has blamed the contents on having such short notice of when they had to supply the parcels which is pure ‘BS’, also they claim the parcel seen is for 5 days not 10 and was valued at £10.50 not £30. Either way the contents wasn’t worth £10.50. This is a company that saw a way of how they could make a quick profit off the suffering of those in need like all the companies that have recently received government contracts and it isn’t the first time Compass group who own Chartwells have been accused of such poor service. Even in the major supermarkets £30 gets you a whole lot more than what Chartwells are providing which is a disgrace and not worth the tax paying public’s money.
Some of the companies used by the government for supplies throughout this pandemic have been set up and run by lackeys of the Johnson regime pocketing thousands of pounds weekly without providing an adequate service they are getting paid to provide. Some of the companies barely have the finances or the staff to provide the service required, yet in their wisdom our Conservative leadership has thrown multiple millions of pounds at their friends rather than receive tenders from more well established firms or businesses that can actually provide the service needed. It is time for this government to be replaced from the top down.
It doesn’t matter which country you hail from the people running government are using companies and businesses which will enhance their own finances. From Trump using his own hotels, golf courses and placing family members in high value positions all been paid by tax payers money to Johnson and the untendered contracts given to donors and friends. The money been made off the suffering of others is just disgusting and immoral. These people have supposedly taken an oath to serve their countries and their own constituents, but have clearly spend their time filling their own pockets with under table deals. It was even reported that Trump’s hotel costs and golf buggy hire charges for secret service staff who are required to stay close the president at all times was dramatically increased which is just blatantly wrong and downright illegal. For me any politician found to be profiteering from their position should come under imminent threat of legal action, if not imprisonment. For too long politicians have been allowed to get away with criminality without consequence. We are living in the twenty first century and still we allow certain individuals to subvert and commit acts of abuse within power. It is time a more stringent eye is kept on every person taking on the oath of any political office and hold them to the high standard to which the position requires. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Friday.
Monday, 11 January 2021
Monday 11/01/2021
We are entering the second full week of January 2021 and you know what, nothing has changed, if anything things have gotten worse. We live in a world of uncertainty and lies, pre-ordained by political liars and cheats who are self-serving, instead of living up to their oath of office to help and serve their constituents. On that let’s take a look at what’s rantable from the last few days, shall we?
In America it is now four days since the armed insurrectionists breached the Capitol building under the orders of Trump to take back America which was a massive failure, word of advice if you are going to do something illegal don’t be seen and recognised doing it. Those morons who took selfies, videoed and posed for pictures on the day of infamy are all now feeling the long arm of the law, but the problem isn’t the people who wandered the halls of power freely, the problem is the people who incited the violent coup which has left four pro-trump supporters and one Capitol police officer dead. Trump, Trump Jnr. And Giuliani all called for the ‘Save America March’ to ascend on the Capitol building with insurrectionist rhetoric just an hour before the storming occurred then departed for the Whitehouse to watch their incitement unfold.
Again I say it, it is four days since the attempted coup and Trump still sits comfortable in the Oval office of the people’s house while politicians talk about what to do. Democrats have called on Pence to act upon the 25th amendment and remove Trump which Pence refuses to do. There is a vital flaw in the American constitution which allows a president to operate without consequence and not be removed from office other than with congressional impeachment or through mental or physical ailment. This flaw needs to be looked at! If a president is doing or is seen to be doing an illegal act they should not be above the laws of the land and escape justice. As I keep hearing it said the military, law enforcement, congress and the judiciary are there to serve the flag, not the president, yet for the last four years all these branches have done is served the man in the oval office and done his bidding without question ignoring the acts of treason and illegality performed by this individual against America and its civil liberties.
So the first act of the next congress and Senate after jailing Trump should be to right in to law a third option where a sitting president can be removed from office for blatant acts of criminality without the need of an impeachment hearing. Remember the person sitting in the Whitehouse has ultimate capability of inciting Armageddon upon their or any other nation, which to me is a terrifying thought especially when such a person shows a very apparent mental frailty, that is been witnessed in every action taken by Trump over the past twelve months from his lies and falsehoods spoken to his actions of a fascist mentality to quash the peaceful protests over the slaying of an innocent black man during the summer of 2020. During the summer Trump used the might of the military to remove peaceful protestors with pepper spray, tear gas and violence just so he could get a photo opportunity outside a church holding a bible, upside down and facing away from the camera I may add, but on January 6th instead of armed riot officers the ‘Save America March’ mob was welcomed in to the capitol building by a passive police force not ready for such an insurrection and then it took several hours for the might of America’s law enforcement to be dispatched and that was done by a Vice President scared for his life, not the sitting President who simply asked them to go home while telling them he and America loved them. This man has openly showed a narcissistic and racially motivated persona for years, yet America in their wisdom decided he would make a better president than Hilary Clinton back in 2016. Since his November 3rd defeat at the polls, his mentality has simply degenerated in to that of a scolded school boy who was caught cheating on an exam calling for his besties to take vengeance on the school principle for punishing him. Come on America, is it not time for you to remove the blinkers and see yourselves as the world sees you. Because from the outside looking in what I see is seventy million cult followers paying homage to their mad messiah who has told them lie, after lie to keep them worshipping him. Trump is no better than the likes of Manson, Koresh, Jones, Applewhite and Rajneesh, all of whom are still locked up or have died behind bars. America, jail is too good for Trump because he has committed treason upon your nation as well as being implicit in the deaths of five people who died because of his lies and deserves the same punishment doled out to all treasonous individuals. All this and he is still accountable for over ‘Three Hundred and Sixty thousand’ deaths from COVID-19 due to his non-existent leadership, lies and unwillingness to put widespread pandemic policies in to action which to me is also classed as mass murder putting the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands which makes him no better than Hitler.
On that note I will take a look at what has been happening in dear old Blighty in the past few days. So the issues facing us in the UK is four more weeks of lockdown, self- isolation and uncertainty in how we will cope. We are been told that we should expect more restrictions to be forced upon us with supermarkets and exercise the next points on the governments agenda. What is most prevalent is the lack of face to air time Boris Johnson gives us, as our supposed Primeminister choosing to leave his lackey’s to dole out the bad news daily. As a nation for nearly a year we have been treated to a style of martial law where our civil liberties have been slashed for the betterment of society’s health, but what we are really giving up is our freedom to live life as we please. I agree we need to take precautions to stave of complete annihilation as a species, but the way our government has handled this pandemic is filled with incompetency and ineptitude all the way to the top. We couldn’t have asked for a worst leader than Johnson, he has responded to this pandemic in a similar fashion to how Chamberlain responded to the Nazi movement at the outbreak of World War Two. Chamberlain took the nicely, nicely approach with Hitler which got him nowhere except to be replaced with a coalition leadership chaired by Churchill. What is needed now is for Johnson to be removed and replaced by a coalition government led by Kier Starmer until we are free and clear of this deathly virus and have a new election.
In Starmer it can be seen, a man clearly focused on the betterment of us as a people rather than Johnson’s view of us as an economy first and a people possibly half a dozen places from the top of the list. Starmer has called for us to have a fighting spirit and sees the need for people’s finances to be safeguarded in this perilous time of uncertainty. He also sees the need for Universal Credit to stay as it is rather than been reduced again in April. Personally I think the extra £20 a week is still too miserly as that doesn’t provide any significant help unlike the possible £2500 per month been offered to employed people forced to stay home. Across the rest of the world much better aid packages are been given to those unfortunates who find themselves unemployed or furloughed. As a nation we drastically under fund rather than treat people to a value well above the poverty line.
On the subject of the virus, we are now been told by England's chief medical officer that we are heading in to treacherous times. Even with the introduction of two COVID-19 vaccines the time between vaccination and it having a visible impact which means people should still take precautions to stay safe. By the middle of February which is four weeks from now the government only expects to have vaccinated the groups who fall in the categories of over 70’s, healthcare workers and those individuals required to shield due to been at a higher risk from the virus due to underlying medical issues. This means wide groups of individuals will still be at risk from the virus for many months to come. All I see is a government who lies and cheats their way through everything they do. Hancock has said two million people have received the vaccination to date, yet even the government’s own data for the week ending January 3rd showed that less than 1.3 million people had actually been vaccinated. When will this government stop rounding up or rounding down respectively, when they wish to give out figures of accomplishment? Tell us the truth rather than lying to make yourselves look better.
I know I shouldn’t expect any better than lies from politicians, but in a world of technology and 24 hours news coverage where they can be fact checked immediately wouldn’t you think they would know better by now and simply give up the incessant need to fabricate untruths. They said 2021 would a better year, yet 11 days in and I just see a rerun of last year as deaths rise exponentially, and politicians lies become bigger and bolder, all while it is not just the innocent commoners, but also the rich and famous who are feeling the sorrow and grip of deaths hand laid to bare on their very existence. The leaders of the world who have contracted this virus, have only survived because they received a better service than the rest of us. The likes of Johnson and Trump were treated within hours of the virus taking hold while the rest of the population had to wait before receiving the best care possible under dire circumstances by overworked, underpaid and unprotected medical staff which shows where everyone falls in order of priority. I praise the lifesaving skills of the world’s doctors and nurses while condemning those politicians who chose to ignore the imminent threat and put the economy ahead of even one lost life let alone over one million lives worldwide. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.
In America it is now four days since the armed insurrectionists breached the Capitol building under the orders of Trump to take back America which was a massive failure, word of advice if you are going to do something illegal don’t be seen and recognised doing it. Those morons who took selfies, videoed and posed for pictures on the day of infamy are all now feeling the long arm of the law, but the problem isn’t the people who wandered the halls of power freely, the problem is the people who incited the violent coup which has left four pro-trump supporters and one Capitol police officer dead. Trump, Trump Jnr. And Giuliani all called for the ‘Save America March’ to ascend on the Capitol building with insurrectionist rhetoric just an hour before the storming occurred then departed for the Whitehouse to watch their incitement unfold.
Again I say it, it is four days since the attempted coup and Trump still sits comfortable in the Oval office of the people’s house while politicians talk about what to do. Democrats have called on Pence to act upon the 25th amendment and remove Trump which Pence refuses to do. There is a vital flaw in the American constitution which allows a president to operate without consequence and not be removed from office other than with congressional impeachment or through mental or physical ailment. This flaw needs to be looked at! If a president is doing or is seen to be doing an illegal act they should not be above the laws of the land and escape justice. As I keep hearing it said the military, law enforcement, congress and the judiciary are there to serve the flag, not the president, yet for the last four years all these branches have done is served the man in the oval office and done his bidding without question ignoring the acts of treason and illegality performed by this individual against America and its civil liberties.
So the first act of the next congress and Senate after jailing Trump should be to right in to law a third option where a sitting president can be removed from office for blatant acts of criminality without the need of an impeachment hearing. Remember the person sitting in the Whitehouse has ultimate capability of inciting Armageddon upon their or any other nation, which to me is a terrifying thought especially when such a person shows a very apparent mental frailty, that is been witnessed in every action taken by Trump over the past twelve months from his lies and falsehoods spoken to his actions of a fascist mentality to quash the peaceful protests over the slaying of an innocent black man during the summer of 2020. During the summer Trump used the might of the military to remove peaceful protestors with pepper spray, tear gas and violence just so he could get a photo opportunity outside a church holding a bible, upside down and facing away from the camera I may add, but on January 6th instead of armed riot officers the ‘Save America March’ mob was welcomed in to the capitol building by a passive police force not ready for such an insurrection and then it took several hours for the might of America’s law enforcement to be dispatched and that was done by a Vice President scared for his life, not the sitting President who simply asked them to go home while telling them he and America loved them. This man has openly showed a narcissistic and racially motivated persona for years, yet America in their wisdom decided he would make a better president than Hilary Clinton back in 2016. Since his November 3rd defeat at the polls, his mentality has simply degenerated in to that of a scolded school boy who was caught cheating on an exam calling for his besties to take vengeance on the school principle for punishing him. Come on America, is it not time for you to remove the blinkers and see yourselves as the world sees you. Because from the outside looking in what I see is seventy million cult followers paying homage to their mad messiah who has told them lie, after lie to keep them worshipping him. Trump is no better than the likes of Manson, Koresh, Jones, Applewhite and Rajneesh, all of whom are still locked up or have died behind bars. America, jail is too good for Trump because he has committed treason upon your nation as well as being implicit in the deaths of five people who died because of his lies and deserves the same punishment doled out to all treasonous individuals. All this and he is still accountable for over ‘Three Hundred and Sixty thousand’ deaths from COVID-19 due to his non-existent leadership, lies and unwillingness to put widespread pandemic policies in to action which to me is also classed as mass murder putting the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands which makes him no better than Hitler.
On that note I will take a look at what has been happening in dear old Blighty in the past few days. So the issues facing us in the UK is four more weeks of lockdown, self- isolation and uncertainty in how we will cope. We are been told that we should expect more restrictions to be forced upon us with supermarkets and exercise the next points on the governments agenda. What is most prevalent is the lack of face to air time Boris Johnson gives us, as our supposed Primeminister choosing to leave his lackey’s to dole out the bad news daily. As a nation for nearly a year we have been treated to a style of martial law where our civil liberties have been slashed for the betterment of society’s health, but what we are really giving up is our freedom to live life as we please. I agree we need to take precautions to stave of complete annihilation as a species, but the way our government has handled this pandemic is filled with incompetency and ineptitude all the way to the top. We couldn’t have asked for a worst leader than Johnson, he has responded to this pandemic in a similar fashion to how Chamberlain responded to the Nazi movement at the outbreak of World War Two. Chamberlain took the nicely, nicely approach with Hitler which got him nowhere except to be replaced with a coalition leadership chaired by Churchill. What is needed now is for Johnson to be removed and replaced by a coalition government led by Kier Starmer until we are free and clear of this deathly virus and have a new election.
In Starmer it can be seen, a man clearly focused on the betterment of us as a people rather than Johnson’s view of us as an economy first and a people possibly half a dozen places from the top of the list. Starmer has called for us to have a fighting spirit and sees the need for people’s finances to be safeguarded in this perilous time of uncertainty. He also sees the need for Universal Credit to stay as it is rather than been reduced again in April. Personally I think the extra £20 a week is still too miserly as that doesn’t provide any significant help unlike the possible £2500 per month been offered to employed people forced to stay home. Across the rest of the world much better aid packages are been given to those unfortunates who find themselves unemployed or furloughed. As a nation we drastically under fund rather than treat people to a value well above the poverty line.
On the subject of the virus, we are now been told by England's chief medical officer that we are heading in to treacherous times. Even with the introduction of two COVID-19 vaccines the time between vaccination and it having a visible impact which means people should still take precautions to stay safe. By the middle of February which is four weeks from now the government only expects to have vaccinated the groups who fall in the categories of over 70’s, healthcare workers and those individuals required to shield due to been at a higher risk from the virus due to underlying medical issues. This means wide groups of individuals will still be at risk from the virus for many months to come. All I see is a government who lies and cheats their way through everything they do. Hancock has said two million people have received the vaccination to date, yet even the government’s own data for the week ending January 3rd showed that less than 1.3 million people had actually been vaccinated. When will this government stop rounding up or rounding down respectively, when they wish to give out figures of accomplishment? Tell us the truth rather than lying to make yourselves look better.
I know I shouldn’t expect any better than lies from politicians, but in a world of technology and 24 hours news coverage where they can be fact checked immediately wouldn’t you think they would know better by now and simply give up the incessant need to fabricate untruths. They said 2021 would a better year, yet 11 days in and I just see a rerun of last year as deaths rise exponentially, and politicians lies become bigger and bolder, all while it is not just the innocent commoners, but also the rich and famous who are feeling the sorrow and grip of deaths hand laid to bare on their very existence. The leaders of the world who have contracted this virus, have only survived because they received a better service than the rest of us. The likes of Johnson and Trump were treated within hours of the virus taking hold while the rest of the population had to wait before receiving the best care possible under dire circumstances by overworked, underpaid and unprotected medical staff which shows where everyone falls in order of priority. I praise the lifesaving skills of the world’s doctors and nurses while condemning those politicians who chose to ignore the imminent threat and put the economy ahead of even one lost life let alone over one million lives worldwide. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.
Friday, 8 January 2021
Friday 08/01/2021
Did I go to sleep and wake up in an alternate universe where mob rule and incitement are the norm? Well it is Friday, at the end of the first full week in January 2021 and the year is off to one hell of a start!
I am a person who doesn’t watch the news or current affair programs because I get too bored at watching the same repetition hour after hour, but two days ago I watched CNN for hours as America imploded under the incitement to attack Capitol Hill with the intention of impeding the certification of Biden as the 46th president of the United States. I watched as hundreds of Pro-Trump supporters walked through [yes walked through] police lines and broke in to the Capitol Building with one intent which was violence. The problems of the last four years came home to roost within the epicentre of American democracy where the people like McConnell, Graham, Cruz, Loeffler, Hawley and many more of Trump’s enablers thought they were safe.
They are calling for Trump’s head with only 12 days of his term left to run, when they should have done it at least two years ago. They knew the type of man he was, a man who hates to lose and believes his own lies with a vindictive streak running through his veins instead of blood. Yet they stood back and condoned everything he has done until it was their own lives put in danger on a day where the house of democracy was breached for only the second time in the history of the country and for the first time a confederate flag was seen to be displayed. Both Democrats and Republicans alike are calling on VP Pence to invoke the 25th amendment and remove Trump from power while also talking about another impeachment trial. If Trump is removed through the 25th amendment that will give Pence the time needed to do even more damage by pardoning Trump for everything he has done while an impeachment trial will do just then same if it pushes Trump to resign. Either way Pence stepping in as president 46 for only a few days will give Trump exactly what he wants which is a get out of jail free card.
What should be done is for congress to simply set a new precedent and have Trump arrested on charges of treason for inciting sedition, insurrection and a failed coup punishable by death. As a country, America is definitely on the brink of civil war as hate groups and militia are allowed to fester not in darkness anymore, but in plain sight. Every one of those individuals who breached the halls of power causing damage, mayhem and violence should be hunted down and made examples of with charges of treason. The authorities have known who the instigators are for years, yet have done nothing about it, now is the time to take back America from the Fascists, White Supremacists and insurrectionists showing the world what happens to people who join groups like the Proud Boys, KKK, QAnon and any other group whether Far-right or far-left in origin.
This attack on the seat of democracy incited by Trump who openly told his supporters during a speech prior to the mob advancing on and ascending the steps of Congress has left five people dead for nothing. Those dead included one female insurrectionist who was shot by a policeperson on entering the building, One Capitol Police Officer who was removed from life support yesterday after been hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and three other insurrectionists who were classed as medical emergencies. Is this what the free world is coming to, where morons who believe the lies and conspiracy theories of a madman take to the streets and commit acts of violence and sedition because said madman is upset that the voters finally saw him for what he is, a narcissistic, vindictive egotist who supports fascism and segregation of anyone whom is not white or privileged. America is and has always been a country of multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural peoples, but it has also always and is still is, a very racist, homophobic and xenophobic country which when combined with a leader of the same ideology will cause the fires of hell to burn on the surface of the lands occupied. In Trump America elected such a man who used rhetoric and ideology to build an army of true believers willing to do anything for him and on January 6th 2021 that is what the world witnessed as armed insurrectionists breached the sacred halls of power while the instigator and the demagogue who spread the falsehoods sat in the oval office and watched it play out on television. He sat and watched as democracy was attacked and you can’t say it was just a protest that got out of hand because there was intent to cause death and destruction with the placement of two bombs at the headquarters of both the Democrat and Republican parties. When he finally did speak out he told the mob they were loved while repeating the same conspiracy BS of a stolen election. Yes remove Trump from office, but don’t install Pence as president because he is tarred with the same brush as Trump. Give him some power, but not enough to grant pardons or implement executive orders, only the power to get the country through the next twelve days or break from tradition and install Biden now.
On that note I will take a look at dear old Blighty and see what has been going on back here. So what can be said about life here in the UK at the minute? Very little. We are still under the laws made by Johnson and his lackeys whom have the freedom to do as they please with very affluent bank accounts while the rest of us stay home and suffer financial hardship. The country has seen a rise in COVID cases since Christmas, up by 27% and does not seem to be slowing down any time soon. We are back in lockdown nationwide, which is the third time without the effects of the virus changing except that there is a supposed new mutation of the virus attacking us. The government is still incompetent and useless at their jobs.
Well this little island of ours is well and truly cut off from the outside world as new restrictions come in to effect for people entering the country who have to now prove negative for the virus before been allowed in. Should this not have been the case twelve months ago when the virus was first detected instead of letting people enter, then been made to isolate for 14 days after spreading the virus between fellow travellers and customs workers? What we have been put through is nothing less than a viral ringer by our so called leaders whom have pussy footed around the problems with half measures and U-turned policies over and over again. Not once have we seen a comprehensive win against this virus that the government has implemented. Yes it is an invisible killer, but should this type of scenario not have been discussed and safeguards devised rather than the wait and see mentality that appears to be getting used. We need a change of leadership now and not just another white privileged moron, but a coalition government like during the war to combat this new type war we face blind.
If you can call it lucky, I am someone who has no family or close friends who can infect me and been unemployed, no reason to really enter the public domain unlike those of you with a social and professional life. You know some days I feel depressed because of my personal situation, but on days where I see and read about the death, mayhem and destruction going on around me in this country and in other countries like America, I feel thankful. Don’t get me wrong it would be nice to have other human contact or have the need to leave the house to perform a job related role and feel purpose in life. But at this present time, a life outside my own four walls where I could catch a deadly disease or be faced with an angry mob does not appeal to me one little bit. When you look at how leaders like Trump and Johnson conduct themselves implementing their own ideologies of what life should look like for anyone not of a white privileged upbringing, it makes you wonder if being part of a so called civilised democracy is really worth it. To me when placing politicians in to categories, you just have go by the 80-20 rule. 80% of them are in it to serve their own agendas while 20% want to serve the people. 80% got in to politics as a way to profiteer off the position while 20% wanted to give back to society in some fashion. 80% of the real work done is by the 20% who shy away from the spotlight and get on with their job. 20% of our politicians actually know what they’re doing while the other 80% just blunder through haphazardly. Basically if you want a job where you make money for doing very little or even nothing and have the gift of the gab as well as an eye for how to make a sizable income from back handers than politics is the job for you. Yes if you didn’t realise it already I don’t think much of politicians and yes I couldn’t do a better job if I tried, before you condemn me for my thoughts. On that note I call it a day and a week, unless something juicy pops up I feel the need to rant about,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
I am a person who doesn’t watch the news or current affair programs because I get too bored at watching the same repetition hour after hour, but two days ago I watched CNN for hours as America imploded under the incitement to attack Capitol Hill with the intention of impeding the certification of Biden as the 46th president of the United States. I watched as hundreds of Pro-Trump supporters walked through [yes walked through] police lines and broke in to the Capitol Building with one intent which was violence. The problems of the last four years came home to roost within the epicentre of American democracy where the people like McConnell, Graham, Cruz, Loeffler, Hawley and many more of Trump’s enablers thought they were safe.
They are calling for Trump’s head with only 12 days of his term left to run, when they should have done it at least two years ago. They knew the type of man he was, a man who hates to lose and believes his own lies with a vindictive streak running through his veins instead of blood. Yet they stood back and condoned everything he has done until it was their own lives put in danger on a day where the house of democracy was breached for only the second time in the history of the country and for the first time a confederate flag was seen to be displayed. Both Democrats and Republicans alike are calling on VP Pence to invoke the 25th amendment and remove Trump from power while also talking about another impeachment trial. If Trump is removed through the 25th amendment that will give Pence the time needed to do even more damage by pardoning Trump for everything he has done while an impeachment trial will do just then same if it pushes Trump to resign. Either way Pence stepping in as president 46 for only a few days will give Trump exactly what he wants which is a get out of jail free card.
What should be done is for congress to simply set a new precedent and have Trump arrested on charges of treason for inciting sedition, insurrection and a failed coup punishable by death. As a country, America is definitely on the brink of civil war as hate groups and militia are allowed to fester not in darkness anymore, but in plain sight. Every one of those individuals who breached the halls of power causing damage, mayhem and violence should be hunted down and made examples of with charges of treason. The authorities have known who the instigators are for years, yet have done nothing about it, now is the time to take back America from the Fascists, White Supremacists and insurrectionists showing the world what happens to people who join groups like the Proud Boys, KKK, QAnon and any other group whether Far-right or far-left in origin.
This attack on the seat of democracy incited by Trump who openly told his supporters during a speech prior to the mob advancing on and ascending the steps of Congress has left five people dead for nothing. Those dead included one female insurrectionist who was shot by a policeperson on entering the building, One Capitol Police Officer who was removed from life support yesterday after been hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and three other insurrectionists who were classed as medical emergencies. Is this what the free world is coming to, where morons who believe the lies and conspiracy theories of a madman take to the streets and commit acts of violence and sedition because said madman is upset that the voters finally saw him for what he is, a narcissistic, vindictive egotist who supports fascism and segregation of anyone whom is not white or privileged. America is and has always been a country of multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural peoples, but it has also always and is still is, a very racist, homophobic and xenophobic country which when combined with a leader of the same ideology will cause the fires of hell to burn on the surface of the lands occupied. In Trump America elected such a man who used rhetoric and ideology to build an army of true believers willing to do anything for him and on January 6th 2021 that is what the world witnessed as armed insurrectionists breached the sacred halls of power while the instigator and the demagogue who spread the falsehoods sat in the oval office and watched it play out on television. He sat and watched as democracy was attacked and you can’t say it was just a protest that got out of hand because there was intent to cause death and destruction with the placement of two bombs at the headquarters of both the Democrat and Republican parties. When he finally did speak out he told the mob they were loved while repeating the same conspiracy BS of a stolen election. Yes remove Trump from office, but don’t install Pence as president because he is tarred with the same brush as Trump. Give him some power, but not enough to grant pardons or implement executive orders, only the power to get the country through the next twelve days or break from tradition and install Biden now.
On that note I will take a look at dear old Blighty and see what has been going on back here. So what can be said about life here in the UK at the minute? Very little. We are still under the laws made by Johnson and his lackeys whom have the freedom to do as they please with very affluent bank accounts while the rest of us stay home and suffer financial hardship. The country has seen a rise in COVID cases since Christmas, up by 27% and does not seem to be slowing down any time soon. We are back in lockdown nationwide, which is the third time without the effects of the virus changing except that there is a supposed new mutation of the virus attacking us. The government is still incompetent and useless at their jobs.
Well this little island of ours is well and truly cut off from the outside world as new restrictions come in to effect for people entering the country who have to now prove negative for the virus before been allowed in. Should this not have been the case twelve months ago when the virus was first detected instead of letting people enter, then been made to isolate for 14 days after spreading the virus between fellow travellers and customs workers? What we have been put through is nothing less than a viral ringer by our so called leaders whom have pussy footed around the problems with half measures and U-turned policies over and over again. Not once have we seen a comprehensive win against this virus that the government has implemented. Yes it is an invisible killer, but should this type of scenario not have been discussed and safeguards devised rather than the wait and see mentality that appears to be getting used. We need a change of leadership now and not just another white privileged moron, but a coalition government like during the war to combat this new type war we face blind.
If you can call it lucky, I am someone who has no family or close friends who can infect me and been unemployed, no reason to really enter the public domain unlike those of you with a social and professional life. You know some days I feel depressed because of my personal situation, but on days where I see and read about the death, mayhem and destruction going on around me in this country and in other countries like America, I feel thankful. Don’t get me wrong it would be nice to have other human contact or have the need to leave the house to perform a job related role and feel purpose in life. But at this present time, a life outside my own four walls where I could catch a deadly disease or be faced with an angry mob does not appeal to me one little bit. When you look at how leaders like Trump and Johnson conduct themselves implementing their own ideologies of what life should look like for anyone not of a white privileged upbringing, it makes you wonder if being part of a so called civilised democracy is really worth it. To me when placing politicians in to categories, you just have go by the 80-20 rule. 80% of them are in it to serve their own agendas while 20% want to serve the people. 80% got in to politics as a way to profiteer off the position while 20% wanted to give back to society in some fashion. 80% of the real work done is by the 20% who shy away from the spotlight and get on with their job. 20% of our politicians actually know what they’re doing while the other 80% just blunder through haphazardly. Basically if you want a job where you make money for doing very little or even nothing and have the gift of the gab as well as an eye for how to make a sizable income from back handers than politics is the job for you. Yes if you didn’t realise it already I don’t think much of politicians and yes I couldn’t do a better job if I tried, before you condemn me for my thoughts. On that note I call it a day and a week, unless something juicy pops up I feel the need to rant about,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
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