As we enter the final full week of February, the people of the each nation face their own issues that has been caused by the coronavirus, a downturn in the economy and the ineptitude of the governing bodies within certain nations. What is needed is a transparency within politics, instead of the constant way they talk down to the public as if they know better than the lowliest of souls. Let’s see what has been happening since my last rant which was a week ago.
In America, there is an ongoing argument by the politicians who earn around $174,000 annually and get more holidays than teachers for the minimum wage President Biden wants to introduce to be scrapped from the $1.9 Trillion COVID relief bill. To me as a person this mentality from both sides of the aisle is damn hypocritical and I would like to see President Biden’s administration put a clause in the next bill whatever it maybe for a reduction in Senate and house members own salaries. This would make them think about others who are suffering through poverty while they live it large on taxpayer’s money. What they seem to forget is that those people who earn minimum wage are the one’s paying federal taxes which are used to pay each and every Senator or House Representative their extortionate annual salary, not to mention allows them to live in their plush state owned mansions during their terms in office. It is sickening to see that 535 individuals get to dictate what the other 331 million individual should be paid, where is the democracy in that?
Then on top of the politicians stalling a minimum wage, you have big energy firms who failed to secure adequate power supplies in Texas through poor management of equipment during a deathly cold front are passing the buck on to those very people they left out in the cold. Many residents in badly hit areas of Texas have been sent extortionate bills with the threat of disconnection from a supply they have not had the use of. Some residents have reported bills in excess of $16,000 (£11,500) for a few days of usage which is disgraceful considering wide spread power loss has been seen across the whole of the state. Another example of how the Republican politicians within the state are failing their constituents as the wealthy prey on the poor to orchestrate yet another miscarriage of ethical justice. Even Texas’s own Senator sought the warmth of Cancun, Mexico to brave out the cold, until his little trip was leaked to the public. His excuse was that he was only chaperoning his children on the flight and was coming straight back, which was just one more lie in the ever growing list of untruth’s told by Senator Cruz. Is it not about time the American political institute used its power for good instead of supporting criminality within big business like the oil and gas industry or the pharmaceutical industry or even the departments of correction who profit from the misery of those individuals they are supposed to help. These industries have become vampires who suck the populous dry and then come back for more when the carcass has nothing more to give. Change has to start at the top and until the likes of McConnell, Graham, Cruz, Hawley and every other power and money hungry politician with a say on America’s future is brought to task there will be no change. The war of independence was fought to remove a power hungry king from rule, but has only replaced one person’s rule with over 500 other tyrannical individuals each out to profiteer of the peasants known as American citizens. There is no democracy when those elected to serve are hell bent on self-service rather than serving a nation of equals. I tell you, I know we in Britain are governed by an archaic institution, but I don’t envy Americans one bit because there style of government makes ours look positively just.
On that note I will take a look at how just our politicians have been of late as I check out dear old Blighty. First off let me just say as a 50+ male with underlying medical issues, I have finally got a date for my COVID vaccination which I am apprehensive about. I know they say it is safe, but as a person who stopped getting Flu vaccinations because of side effects and has pretty much been self-isolating alone for over a year, I am just a little scared of how I will react to the vaccination because I live alone and have no family to check on me should something happen. It is a big, big step for me as a person. Anyway more news on that as the time approaches. So getting back to dear old Blighty. In news headlines they say there is positives in the number of cases been registered as they decrease, but we are not out of the woods yet because there is a worry in some medical reports of a third wave of cases as people think they are immune and start fraternising openly again with the belief nothing will happen to them instead of being cautious.
With that Johnson has given a brief rundown of his road map out of lockdown which sounds feasible, but so has every other initiative he has announced then rescinded in the past year. Lockdown was only supposed to be for l2 weeks not 12 months plus like it has and Johnson government’s ineptitude is to blame. There inexperience in all matters political and economic showed through within days of the pandemic reaching Britain’s shores. Then they just kept making blunder after blunder week in, week out and we haven’t seen the last of it as we still have just under three years of this Primeminister unless his own party does something about him and replaces him with a slightly less moronic personality. His demeanour is not fit for politics and he shows his leadership unsuitability more often than his ability to lead daily. Wiping down a chair within a vaccination centre as a photo opportunity last week was pure stupidity as it just showed how uncoordinated he as a person truly is. He may have the last say in anything done, but if that display of how he cleaned a chair resonates in to how he leads the country we as a nation are in a truly dire state. A person’s action in one instance radiates out to how they deal with every action and Boris Johnson is not a person I as a British citizen am happy with being in charge of my countries international and domestic affairs. I say it again, I did not and will never vote Conservative while so many of their members are clearly bred from the upper classes like they have been for centuries. A vote for conservatism is a vote for a downtrodden and subjugated populous as every conservative member is more about self and wealth than they are for equality and prosperity amongst the lower classes of this nation. Boris Johnson is the worst of this mentality and is the type of person who will suck this nation dry and has made a start at it with his unlawful style of premiership both during this current pandemic and the Brexit debacle.
Just last week both he and the health secretary were accused of appointing people to top jobs without the role been advertised and then also failed to provide transparency [there’s that word again, TRANSPARENCY, which is lacking in this cabinet]. This method of cronyism is now been challenged as unlawful and illegal jointly by the Good Law Project and race equality think tank the Runnymede Trust. These two parties are fighting the nepotism been shown by the current Conservative cabinet when creating job vacancies or allocating taxpayers funds to people or companies that are personally known to Johnson or his cabinet ministers. Yet none of the cabinet or the Primeminister have chosen to comment on the accusations which usually means they are guilty. Hancock did however, make an excuse for the lack of transparency over the allocations of awards stating his team was too busy buying badly needed PPE to post the requisite notification notices on time, which is political speak for we will do it when and if we please and ‘F*** you’.
What we have seen in just two nations governments over the past year is more than likely happening in many nations leaderships where too much knowledge held by the voters is too toxic to those elected to serve and will cause problems for them in the future, so it is best hidden or lied about to save their own skins [Trump was a clear example of this]. Again I am repeating myself, but until equality and transparency is acted upon within governments there will always be a them and us attitude which leads to such instances as America’s January 6th insurrection or Myanmar’s coup as many of the world’s government’s come under attack for the worsening economy, racism, death’s and political ineptitude or fascist policies. The planet stands at a crossroads of Armageddon which will dictate how we move forward as a humanity or perish at the hands of those would be overlords looking to objectify and control the masses for their immoral wants and needs which drew them to power in the first place. A leader should be empathetic, understanding and open to all avenues of conversation unlike more than fifty percent of international leaders in this day and age which harks back to a time last seen well in to the century when the poor were objectified by their employers and members of parliament who saw profit before life. I am not a totally religious person, but I do still find myself asking GOD why such devious and corrupt individuals are allowed to succeed, while so many good people suffer. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
This blog is in no way meant to offend it's my own way of expressing my own and no one else's opinion about the world today.
Monday, 22 February 2021
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Wednesday 17/02/2021
As the world feels the climate change and snow falls in areas that never expects to be in a white out situation politicians are feeling the heat from there ineptitude. We are mid-way through the month of February and still politicians can’t seem to go about their daily routines without little white lies or should we call them subterfuge. Let’s take a look at what’s been going on.
We have seen a change of guard in America’s famous old house of white, but still people expect miracles to happen immediately, instead of allowing the man at the top to do his job. The country has been woefully underfunded for four years when it comes to people’s wellbeing and health unless they had money to spare, so when OCVID hit and the president ignored the gravity of the virus, the people suffered. Since January 20th the new man in charge has faced an uphill battle that many don’t want to acknowledge because they believed the lies of his predecessor who for most of the last year called the virus a hoax instead of committing resources to fight the spread. Now Biden’s administration has had to start from scratch and create a vaccine release plan that will work for the whole nation and not just the wealthy. Now there is another emergency as Mother Nature fights back with a freeze never before seen in certain states thought to be immune to snow and ice because of their placement near the equator.
Texas is one of those states who has felt the wrath of climate change suffering with a rarely seen snow fall and freezing temperatures. The biggest concern is the issues it has caused with state wide power cuts which the Texas governor is blaming on green initiative power sources like frozen wind turbines while using it as a reason to stick with oil, gas and nuclear instead of wind and solar. The blame lies within multiple breakdowns not only wind and the governor’s remarks are misleading and out of context as reports have surfaced stating the primary reason for the Texas power shortage was frozen instruments within gas, coal and nuclear facilities who did not take adequate precautions to insulate against freezing temperatures. So when a Republican run state blames green power take heed because many factors determine power failures and the biggest issue is always human error through not taking good preventative measures to limit disruption. Also when a man in the pockets of the fossil fuel and nuclear giants says futuristic green power initiatives are deadly to the country what he is really saying is they are deadly to his personal finances and under the counter payments from those fossil fuel and nuclear power plants suppliers. Once again the public is been fed half-truth’s by the people they elected to powerful positions of leadership, when will the electorate learn to read between the lines of the statements made by politicians and decipher the ‘BS’ they spout.
Talking of liars within political positions, it looks like there is a growing rift within the Republican Party as Trump takes a swipe at McConnell over the wording of McConnell’s speech after Trump’s acquittal. McConnell’s condemnation of Trump’s actions on January 6th has angered the former President to the point that he has publically called McConnell a dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack. The battle has turned internal for the Republican former President as he devises his return from the cold to first have his favoured Republican friends re-elected or elected before fighting for the Presidential candidacy again ready for 2024. The only way Trump can be silenced is if he is convicted of a federal offence between now and the start of the primaries in 2023. The problem that comes then is how many Republican appointed judges will side with Trump’s defence teams and allow for more breaches of judicial etiquette. Trump is a tumour on American politics and until he is lanced from the political arena nothing will change for the better because he will continue to incite his far right base to create and conduct violence against the constitution and democracy in the name of patriotism.
America is once again at a crossroads where they have stood many times since the war of independence, but today it is a simple step one-way or the other which will replace democracy with fascism. The answers lie in the people elected and those individuals will drive the future, yet there is evidence that the Republicans will never relinquish their ideology and will steer their party towards a fascist reality. This is what I see, a country who fought separate wars to remove a monarchy, remove slavery and to defeat fascism on three separate occasion throughout history now allows those ideologies to fester within its legislative and law enforcement institutions openly and destructively. The far right have a foothold now which needs to be eradicated and sent back the darkest corners of reality forever, but only unity within democracy will win out in the end.
On that note I will skip over to dear old Blighty and see what democracy is doing for us. Well as the virus still attacks the British public killing Indiscrimitively our glorious leader is filling the headlines with more and more ‘BS’ to confuse. I personally can’t tell whether we are in lockdown or not as the world outside appears to be moving to the tune of politics rather than health concerns. Johnson is now saying he will look at the data rather than set his sights on dates. Schools and workplaces have been closed on and off for nearly a year and hospitality venues have suffered the worst out of all industries because of lockdown. As we head towards the anniversary of one year under lockdown protocols I myself have grown despondent with Johnson and his cabinet because rather than lay out a definitive plan to fight the pandemic they keep shifting the goalposts and changing the rules while funnelling billions in to their cronies pockets for goods and services that fall well below what is required. The governments test and trace technology has cost immense amounts of taxpayers money, but has yielded poor results and the billions given to fresh start up companies for PPE which was wholly inadequate for practical reason is just irresponsible which the present cabinet should be held accountable for, by not only the public but by all political parties as well.
On top of this the Primeminister himself should be raked over the coals for his incompetence which has led to the state of the economy and the continuing death toll from COVID. The one headline that struck me as worrying recently was the one stating we in the UK are about to start human guinea pig trials where young healthy individuals are given the virus on purpose to record the effectiveness of the current vaccines in use. To me this sounds more like Nazi occupied Europe of the forties rather than free Britain of the twenty first century. They say the reason for the human trials is to test the effectiveness of vaccines in healthy subjects against possible future infection which will entail giving a person the vaccines followed by squirting the virus up said persons nose a few weeks later then monitoring under quarantine protocols for two weeks to see if they get sick. To me this is a barbaric and medieval method of data analysis which should be outlawed. Yes I understand such testing is necessary and purely voluntary, but that doesn’t make it right especially as these tests use control group scenarios where half get the vaccine and half don’t. Again I ask, who would put themselves through this type of abuse? I know I wouldn’t, but then again I ain’t young and healthy!
Anyway whether we are in crisis or not in the years I have lived not one political party has made my life better. When I was ready to leave school there were no apprenticeships to apply for so I chose college which got me nowhere. When family responsibilities made my career path obsolete I relied on the government who generously paid me £108 a week while I worked twenty four seven as fulltime carer for my father for seven years. Yes it was my decision to give up work and support an ill parent, but we as a nation do not look kindly on unemployed fulltime caregivers who could use a better financial support system from the government. If I had done it as a profession instead of a philanthropic endeavour for free, I would have at least earned minimum wage for a forty hour week instead of less than minimum wage for a 168 hour week. Now since my father’s passing we are under the guidance of yet another Conservative government who due to the pandemic is causing more unemployment just like when I was a teenager back in the 1980’s. They may use the excuse of the pandemic, but in my eyes it is purely down to bad governmental management of the situation as well as a blinkered view of what is right for the public. Until we have more politicians from working class backgrounds and not upper class power hungry morons looking to better their own finances and position rather than their constituents needs.
In the modern era you would think that self-aggrandising and hatred would be left in the dark ages, but guess what the world still revolves around little people with little minds looking to manipulate and project their ideologies on to the rest of humanity. There is a certain way life is looked upon where the wealthy are treated with more respect than they deserve compared to those of us less fortunate. Equality is a non-existent concept even in our day and age. We are still controlled by one’s status within society. We are still controlled by racist ideologies. We are still controlled by xenophobic attitudes, we are still controlled by discrimination within sexual orientation. We are still blinkered to anyone else’s religious beliefs. So until this world corrects people’s outlook on all things prejudice driven and eradicate the impure elements of politics we will never see equality of life within humanity. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
We have seen a change of guard in America’s famous old house of white, but still people expect miracles to happen immediately, instead of allowing the man at the top to do his job. The country has been woefully underfunded for four years when it comes to people’s wellbeing and health unless they had money to spare, so when OCVID hit and the president ignored the gravity of the virus, the people suffered. Since January 20th the new man in charge has faced an uphill battle that many don’t want to acknowledge because they believed the lies of his predecessor who for most of the last year called the virus a hoax instead of committing resources to fight the spread. Now Biden’s administration has had to start from scratch and create a vaccine release plan that will work for the whole nation and not just the wealthy. Now there is another emergency as Mother Nature fights back with a freeze never before seen in certain states thought to be immune to snow and ice because of their placement near the equator.
Texas is one of those states who has felt the wrath of climate change suffering with a rarely seen snow fall and freezing temperatures. The biggest concern is the issues it has caused with state wide power cuts which the Texas governor is blaming on green initiative power sources like frozen wind turbines while using it as a reason to stick with oil, gas and nuclear instead of wind and solar. The blame lies within multiple breakdowns not only wind and the governor’s remarks are misleading and out of context as reports have surfaced stating the primary reason for the Texas power shortage was frozen instruments within gas, coal and nuclear facilities who did not take adequate precautions to insulate against freezing temperatures. So when a Republican run state blames green power take heed because many factors determine power failures and the biggest issue is always human error through not taking good preventative measures to limit disruption. Also when a man in the pockets of the fossil fuel and nuclear giants says futuristic green power initiatives are deadly to the country what he is really saying is they are deadly to his personal finances and under the counter payments from those fossil fuel and nuclear power plants suppliers. Once again the public is been fed half-truth’s by the people they elected to powerful positions of leadership, when will the electorate learn to read between the lines of the statements made by politicians and decipher the ‘BS’ they spout.
Talking of liars within political positions, it looks like there is a growing rift within the Republican Party as Trump takes a swipe at McConnell over the wording of McConnell’s speech after Trump’s acquittal. McConnell’s condemnation of Trump’s actions on January 6th has angered the former President to the point that he has publically called McConnell a dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack. The battle has turned internal for the Republican former President as he devises his return from the cold to first have his favoured Republican friends re-elected or elected before fighting for the Presidential candidacy again ready for 2024. The only way Trump can be silenced is if he is convicted of a federal offence between now and the start of the primaries in 2023. The problem that comes then is how many Republican appointed judges will side with Trump’s defence teams and allow for more breaches of judicial etiquette. Trump is a tumour on American politics and until he is lanced from the political arena nothing will change for the better because he will continue to incite his far right base to create and conduct violence against the constitution and democracy in the name of patriotism.
America is once again at a crossroads where they have stood many times since the war of independence, but today it is a simple step one-way or the other which will replace democracy with fascism. The answers lie in the people elected and those individuals will drive the future, yet there is evidence that the Republicans will never relinquish their ideology and will steer their party towards a fascist reality. This is what I see, a country who fought separate wars to remove a monarchy, remove slavery and to defeat fascism on three separate occasion throughout history now allows those ideologies to fester within its legislative and law enforcement institutions openly and destructively. The far right have a foothold now which needs to be eradicated and sent back the darkest corners of reality forever, but only unity within democracy will win out in the end.
On that note I will skip over to dear old Blighty and see what democracy is doing for us. Well as the virus still attacks the British public killing Indiscrimitively our glorious leader is filling the headlines with more and more ‘BS’ to confuse. I personally can’t tell whether we are in lockdown or not as the world outside appears to be moving to the tune of politics rather than health concerns. Johnson is now saying he will look at the data rather than set his sights on dates. Schools and workplaces have been closed on and off for nearly a year and hospitality venues have suffered the worst out of all industries because of lockdown. As we head towards the anniversary of one year under lockdown protocols I myself have grown despondent with Johnson and his cabinet because rather than lay out a definitive plan to fight the pandemic they keep shifting the goalposts and changing the rules while funnelling billions in to their cronies pockets for goods and services that fall well below what is required. The governments test and trace technology has cost immense amounts of taxpayers money, but has yielded poor results and the billions given to fresh start up companies for PPE which was wholly inadequate for practical reason is just irresponsible which the present cabinet should be held accountable for, by not only the public but by all political parties as well.
On top of this the Primeminister himself should be raked over the coals for his incompetence which has led to the state of the economy and the continuing death toll from COVID. The one headline that struck me as worrying recently was the one stating we in the UK are about to start human guinea pig trials where young healthy individuals are given the virus on purpose to record the effectiveness of the current vaccines in use. To me this sounds more like Nazi occupied Europe of the forties rather than free Britain of the twenty first century. They say the reason for the human trials is to test the effectiveness of vaccines in healthy subjects against possible future infection which will entail giving a person the vaccines followed by squirting the virus up said persons nose a few weeks later then monitoring under quarantine protocols for two weeks to see if they get sick. To me this is a barbaric and medieval method of data analysis which should be outlawed. Yes I understand such testing is necessary and purely voluntary, but that doesn’t make it right especially as these tests use control group scenarios where half get the vaccine and half don’t. Again I ask, who would put themselves through this type of abuse? I know I wouldn’t, but then again I ain’t young and healthy!
Anyway whether we are in crisis or not in the years I have lived not one political party has made my life better. When I was ready to leave school there were no apprenticeships to apply for so I chose college which got me nowhere. When family responsibilities made my career path obsolete I relied on the government who generously paid me £108 a week while I worked twenty four seven as fulltime carer for my father for seven years. Yes it was my decision to give up work and support an ill parent, but we as a nation do not look kindly on unemployed fulltime caregivers who could use a better financial support system from the government. If I had done it as a profession instead of a philanthropic endeavour for free, I would have at least earned minimum wage for a forty hour week instead of less than minimum wage for a 168 hour week. Now since my father’s passing we are under the guidance of yet another Conservative government who due to the pandemic is causing more unemployment just like when I was a teenager back in the 1980’s. They may use the excuse of the pandemic, but in my eyes it is purely down to bad governmental management of the situation as well as a blinkered view of what is right for the public. Until we have more politicians from working class backgrounds and not upper class power hungry morons looking to better their own finances and position rather than their constituents needs.
In the modern era you would think that self-aggrandising and hatred would be left in the dark ages, but guess what the world still revolves around little people with little minds looking to manipulate and project their ideologies on to the rest of humanity. There is a certain way life is looked upon where the wealthy are treated with more respect than they deserve compared to those of us less fortunate. Equality is a non-existent concept even in our day and age. We are still controlled by one’s status within society. We are still controlled by racist ideologies. We are still controlled by xenophobic attitudes, we are still controlled by discrimination within sexual orientation. We are still blinkered to anyone else’s religious beliefs. So until this world corrects people’s outlook on all things prejudice driven and eradicate the impure elements of politics we will never see equality of life within humanity. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Monday, 15 February 2021
Monday 15/02/2021
Welcome to day fifteen of February when the world just seems to be getting more unhinged the further we venture in to 2021. Over a year of a pandemic which still takes innocent lives and still less than a month since Trump was finally ousted from power, but life is still far from normal. Let’s see what ‘BS’ has been going on, shall we?
So America, The GOP is the party that just keeps on giving! They give to the wealthy, they give to the corrupt, they give to big business, they have given Trump two get out of jail free cards and they have given the finger to the American public who put them where they are. Yes the second impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump ended in acquittal because GOP Senators didn’t have the back bone to once and for all tell Trump how they really felt. On national television Senator Graham praised the former president while the minority leader of the Senate Mitch McConnell made excuses for 43 Republicans who voted against conviction stating the flimsy argument of the constitution, McConnell stood in front of the world and condemned Trump’s actions on January 6th, but in the same breath stated the constitution says he couldn’t vote to convict or impeach a former President who has left office. This is the man who whilst serving as the majority leader refused to recall the senate before Trump left office to hold the impeachment trial which gave the GOP senators that margin of respectability which meant they could condemn Trump, yet not appear to be preserving their own political futures when they voted against conviction. This even came after a vote which made it constitutional to impeach Trump.
McConnell even went as far as to advise authorities to start criminal and civil proceedings against Trump without openly telling them to. There is a faction of GOP members who want away from the stench left behind by Trump’s actions, yet are too worried about the political fallout to stand up for what is right and democratically needed to give America an air of respectability once again. They want their cake and to eat it also! Unfortunately, the party still has it radical right wing fascists who want to follow Trumpism and condone White Supremacy as the way forward. Hawley, Cruz and Graham need to be threatened with expulsion for their views and their abhorrent behaviour since the 2020 November 3rd election.
Luckily there are still ways and means to get the right result for American democracy and that is the law. As McConnell said the Senate is not a criminal institution who could legally hold Trump, Cruz, Hawley and Graham accountable, but the law authorities of the land can now start criminal proceedings against Trump as he is a private citizen. There can now be investigations in to the conduct of certain Senate and house representatives as well as Trump’s campaign team over the co-ordinated attack of the Capitol by insurrectionists while Trump is investigated for his part in the coup plot as well as his unpresidential efforts to threaten certain parties involved in the certification of the election results. With several cases been considered to prosecute Trump for his past indiscretions such as election tampering, fraud, tax evasion and business irregularities as well as sexual harassment cases been held over from trial due to Trump’s position as president. These cases can now proceed as the former president is a private citizen. All in all Trump keeps flying close to the sun and getting singed, the question is can anything burn him enough to cripple his attempts at further political desires in the future as the GOP refused to ban him even though a percentage of the members regard Trump as toxic.
As an outsider looking in at the way America is run it still dumbfounds me that over seventy million morons voted for Trump in the 2020 election and that so many members of the Republican Party still fall at Trump’s feet as if he was the messiah instead of just a corrupt MAN. There is clearly something wrong with a country that condones such actions by a man who is clearly mentally delusional with thoughts of grandeur. The politicians who preserve his image as godlike need to be checked for neurological damage because it is not right for them to be so blinkered that his wrong doing appears as a blur while millions suffer and die from his mismanagement of the countries affairs just so the rich can become richer and a far right ideology can take a disastrous hold on the minds of the populous giving rise to a new fascist movement making Trump the reincarnation of Hitler.
On that note I will head back across the pond to check out the shitstorm still rolling through dear old Blighty. So as the death toll in the UK nears ‘One Hundred and Twenty Thousand’ dead, Johnson takes to air to outline, his outline to ease us out of lockdown which he is expected to give on February 22nd. The question I have is, were we ever in or out of lockdown? As a single person with no family I feel like I have been in lockdown since this time last year even before lockdown became official. I have spent the last year at home with no visitors or outside contact except for the monthly food delivery or the once or twice a week I venture to the corner shop. I am neither a key worker or in the age bracket to warrant a vaccination immediately, so hiding myself away is the logical answer as no one would care if I was sick or not. I hear and read the news headlines about what is going on, but have not seen it first hand, so can’t speak to what is going on beyond my own doorstep. The government to me just seems to be going through the motions without making any progression other than lining the pockets of their bestie’s. The vaccination process rolls forward, yet to date there has been a further 258 deaths which is unforgivable especially since a third of social care staff are still to be vaccinated.
One story I read which makes me laugh is that British and Irish citizens and UK residents who arrive in England after being in a high-risk COVID country now have to self-isolate in hotels. The reason it made me laugh is because these people who probably have a home to go to have to pre-book a stay at a government sanctioned hotel to stay in for ten days, but also have to pay for the privilege of been isolated. As well as the hotel fees [which rise if children are involved] there is a further charge incurred for an NHS test.
If any of the above is not done the person is liable for a fine, so either way they are screwed. How can the government say they are working on the best interests of the public when they are finding ways to overcharge UK citizens? They are simply using the public to prop up the failing economy their poor decision making has created. We are becoming a fascist state under the leadership of Boris Johnson which is exactly what he wants. Johnson wants to be Trump without the political fallout, but that will come to him sooner or later. The country is suffering, but the government just keeps heaping more despair on top of what we have already. The cabinet ministers tasked with the role of governing our fair isle just keep making mistake after mistake and have no answers to the correct path out of the current predicament we and the world find ourselves in. We need a leadership we can believe in and the Tory leadership currently in charge has lost all credibility. I keep saying it and will continue saying it. We need a coalition government that has the countries interest at heart, not themselves.
It has been seen both here and abroad that certain nation’s leadership are ill-equipped to take on the mammoth task of eradicating this pandemic especially when there is so much infighting going on. America has spent the last year more concerned about a presidential election while the UK government spent most of the last year more concerned over our exit from the European common market. What the world needs and I am unsure if it has even been talked about, is a global conference on how the planet moves forward to eradicate COVID-19 because until every country of the world is on the same page there will be no end to the current health crisis that is effecting every single country. Countries working alone will suffer alone in both health and finance. Until all countries are vaccinated there will always be a threat to life from COVID-19 or any other type of virus easily transmitted. The World Health Organisation (WHO) can monitor and give aid, but there should also be an international group made up of diplomats and health experts to work closely with the world health organisation to create a global team whose goal is the eradication and prevention of pandemics with a set protocol which overrides individual governments when it comes to the world’s health. I know I talk a lot of ‘BS’ sometimes, but I can only speak about what I see or feel. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
McConnell even went as far as to advise authorities to start criminal and civil proceedings against Trump without openly telling them to. There is a faction of GOP members who want away from the stench left behind by Trump’s actions, yet are too worried about the political fallout to stand up for what is right and democratically needed to give America an air of respectability once again. They want their cake and to eat it also! Unfortunately, the party still has it radical right wing fascists who want to follow Trumpism and condone White Supremacy as the way forward. Hawley, Cruz and Graham need to be threatened with expulsion for their views and their abhorrent behaviour since the 2020 November 3rd election.
Luckily there are still ways and means to get the right result for American democracy and that is the law. As McConnell said the Senate is not a criminal institution who could legally hold Trump, Cruz, Hawley and Graham accountable, but the law authorities of the land can now start criminal proceedings against Trump as he is a private citizen. There can now be investigations in to the conduct of certain Senate and house representatives as well as Trump’s campaign team over the co-ordinated attack of the Capitol by insurrectionists while Trump is investigated for his part in the coup plot as well as his unpresidential efforts to threaten certain parties involved in the certification of the election results. With several cases been considered to prosecute Trump for his past indiscretions such as election tampering, fraud, tax evasion and business irregularities as well as sexual harassment cases been held over from trial due to Trump’s position as president. These cases can now proceed as the former president is a private citizen. All in all Trump keeps flying close to the sun and getting singed, the question is can anything burn him enough to cripple his attempts at further political desires in the future as the GOP refused to ban him even though a percentage of the members regard Trump as toxic.
As an outsider looking in at the way America is run it still dumbfounds me that over seventy million morons voted for Trump in the 2020 election and that so many members of the Republican Party still fall at Trump’s feet as if he was the messiah instead of just a corrupt MAN. There is clearly something wrong with a country that condones such actions by a man who is clearly mentally delusional with thoughts of grandeur. The politicians who preserve his image as godlike need to be checked for neurological damage because it is not right for them to be so blinkered that his wrong doing appears as a blur while millions suffer and die from his mismanagement of the countries affairs just so the rich can become richer and a far right ideology can take a disastrous hold on the minds of the populous giving rise to a new fascist movement making Trump the reincarnation of Hitler.
On that note I will head back across the pond to check out the shitstorm still rolling through dear old Blighty. So as the death toll in the UK nears ‘One Hundred and Twenty Thousand’ dead, Johnson takes to air to outline, his outline to ease us out of lockdown which he is expected to give on February 22nd. The question I have is, were we ever in or out of lockdown? As a single person with no family I feel like I have been in lockdown since this time last year even before lockdown became official. I have spent the last year at home with no visitors or outside contact except for the monthly food delivery or the once or twice a week I venture to the corner shop. I am neither a key worker or in the age bracket to warrant a vaccination immediately, so hiding myself away is the logical answer as no one would care if I was sick or not. I hear and read the news headlines about what is going on, but have not seen it first hand, so can’t speak to what is going on beyond my own doorstep. The government to me just seems to be going through the motions without making any progression other than lining the pockets of their bestie’s. The vaccination process rolls forward, yet to date there has been a further 258 deaths which is unforgivable especially since a third of social care staff are still to be vaccinated.
One story I read which makes me laugh is that British and Irish citizens and UK residents who arrive in England after being in a high-risk COVID country now have to self-isolate in hotels. The reason it made me laugh is because these people who probably have a home to go to have to pre-book a stay at a government sanctioned hotel to stay in for ten days, but also have to pay for the privilege of been isolated. As well as the hotel fees [which rise if children are involved] there is a further charge incurred for an NHS test.
If any of the above is not done the person is liable for a fine, so either way they are screwed. How can the government say they are working on the best interests of the public when they are finding ways to overcharge UK citizens? They are simply using the public to prop up the failing economy their poor decision making has created. We are becoming a fascist state under the leadership of Boris Johnson which is exactly what he wants. Johnson wants to be Trump without the political fallout, but that will come to him sooner or later. The country is suffering, but the government just keeps heaping more despair on top of what we have already. The cabinet ministers tasked with the role of governing our fair isle just keep making mistake after mistake and have no answers to the correct path out of the current predicament we and the world find ourselves in. We need a leadership we can believe in and the Tory leadership currently in charge has lost all credibility. I keep saying it and will continue saying it. We need a coalition government that has the countries interest at heart, not themselves.
It has been seen both here and abroad that certain nation’s leadership are ill-equipped to take on the mammoth task of eradicating this pandemic especially when there is so much infighting going on. America has spent the last year more concerned about a presidential election while the UK government spent most of the last year more concerned over our exit from the European common market. What the world needs and I am unsure if it has even been talked about, is a global conference on how the planet moves forward to eradicate COVID-19 because until every country of the world is on the same page there will be no end to the current health crisis that is effecting every single country. Countries working alone will suffer alone in both health and finance. Until all countries are vaccinated there will always be a threat to life from COVID-19 or any other type of virus easily transmitted. The World Health Organisation (WHO) can monitor and give aid, but there should also be an international group made up of diplomats and health experts to work closely with the world health organisation to create a global team whose goal is the eradication and prevention of pandemics with a set protocol which overrides individual governments when it comes to the world’s health. I know I talk a lot of ‘BS’ sometimes, but I can only speak about what I see or feel. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Friday, 12 February 2021
Friday 12/02/2021
I find the world a disturbing place today. I remember the years of protests witnessed here in the UK during the eighties over mine closures, but the riots, yes riots, not protests that have been witnessed in several countries is what makes the world a disturbing place. We are living in time where lives are been lost due to a deadly pandemic which politicians are losing the battle against daily. When I look at the news headlines and see how inept the people we have given the power to really are. It simply shows us they are not capable of doing the job we elected them to do and that brings disgust to the forefront. Instead of their focus been on helping those effected by the riots and the pandemic they are simply rolling with the punches and not fighting back adequately enough to save lives and govern professionally.
In America you see legislators within the Senate fighting over a should we, shouldn’t we argument on whether the worst president in American history deserves conviction for incitement of a failed insurrection while their new leader tries his best to turn the tide of despair felt by Americans over unnecessary deaths and financial hardship. The country is fixed on the Trump impeachment trials which should be a foregone conclusion if it wasn’t for the Republican Senators who are playing games and disrupting the rule of law for their own benefits. The likes of Hawley, Cruz and lee are fighting to acquit on the simplicity that if Trump is convicted then they could follow suit for their part in the build up to the January 6th insurrection failure. Six people’s lives where cut short that day who needn’t have died. One police officer was killed by an insurrectionist while two others took their own life because of what happened. Many other officers bear the scars of that day both mentally and physically for simply doing their sworn duty to protect and serve. The prosecution have spent hours replaying the events of that infamous day with some graphic images of the violence committed against the American seat of power and the law enforcement personnel protecting those moronic Republican Senators who are too scared of Trump to do the right thing for the country they claim to be patriots of. What the world sees is white men and women who believe in a fascist state controlled by them instead of a democracy for all. The question that should be shouted out loudly is, how can a fair trial be accomplished? When people like Graham, Hawley, Cruz and Lee are amongst those who have to vote yay or nay to convict Trump of incitement of insurrection especially when they are responsible for the same crimes.
To let a man like trump getaway with what he has done is a gross misconduct of both ethics and democracy. Those 44 Senators who refuse to convict should be removed from office for been complicit after the fact especially those rabble raises seen to be using the situation to better themselves and their standing within the party. No politician or leader should be allowed to condone or incite violence to benefit themselves. America is supposed to be a democracy, a country of individuals who vote constitutionally to elect the people they wish to serve their needs, but at this moment in time all that the world sees is a body of people subverting the laws of the land by claiming ignorance to the facts. Senators within the Republican party are vying to acquit Trump because of their ineptitude in allowing such a man become President in the first place followed by their constant overlooking of Trump’s activities whilst in office. All in all 44% of the Senate are doing the American public an injustice by siding with Trump and should be held accountable for their actions in the future because the only fair outcome of the ongoing impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump is guilty and the sentence should be a total sanction of his ability to hold any political office in the future which should also be extended to his family. The Trump dynasty and legacy needs to be thoroughly cleansed from the countries future and held in history as an example of a non-democratic leadership with an emphasis on racism, sexism, xenophobia and corruptness for future generation where it should be taught in schools as part of the syllabus on democracy and a leader should act.
On that note I will change shores to dear old Blighty to find out what new ineptitude our own government has enacted to date. So as the country suffers in prolonged jeopardy our politicians sit on their behinds concocting ill-conceived plans that are unable to be implemented correctly and are reversed immediately. It is us the downtrodden public that are forced in to isolation while the people responsible for the rules are left to go about their lives unaffected by the said rules or the financial burdens lockdown creates. How can money hungry liars who have used this pandemic to launder tax pounds in to the pockets of their friends and themselves. We plod along unsure of right or wrong, lockdown or not lockdown while the likes of Johnson and his lackey’s fill their bank accounts off the deaths of the innocent.
In what reality does this pandemic just fade away like politicians have tried to promote. Each government tried to play down the pandemic in the beginning which caused the spread to quicken worldwide and nationally. What we as people want is truth and honesty, not ‘BS’ and lies which is what they spread in the beginning. Now they paint angel wings on everything they do trying recover from their past mistakes which are long and lengthy. This pandemic has put a spotlight on the incompetence of the elected officials globally and only a handful have been proven to be professional whilst accomplished in their performance.
Here in the UK we have a Primeminister and cabinet constantly lying or misdirecting truths to deflect from not only blatant lies, but fabricated inaccuracies that are factually wrong about both the pandemic and the Brexit treaty. We are in the hands of politicians that condone corruption, but at the same time criticise the public for protesting against their ineptitude. We have a Home Secretary that attacks the rights of the minorities that she is part of, instead of been a cheerleader for the cause of equality within this nation. We have a Chancellor of the Exchequer that is a millionaire, so cannot even understand the needs of the poor and we have Primeminister who is out of touch with reality, so when he portrays empathy or grief it is known he is faking it. How can we allow such fake characters to be in charge of our nation? How can we simply just keep giving them the benefit of the doubt? It is time the voice of the people was heard and understood. It is time for the government to stand a side and allow some new blood to lead this nation to a healthy and safe future.
America has spoken removing Trump and his corrupt administration, it is time the UK followed suit because as a nation we are clearly under attack from within the political halls of power by a fascist group of politicians who wish to change the face of democracy just like the American Senate who condones racism and unlawful actions to go unpunished. I feel I have ranted about something today that the peoples of every nation sees, but feel unable to stand up against and until we the people use our democratic vote to expel these fascists, then we have no one to blame except ourselves. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
In America you see legislators within the Senate fighting over a should we, shouldn’t we argument on whether the worst president in American history deserves conviction for incitement of a failed insurrection while their new leader tries his best to turn the tide of despair felt by Americans over unnecessary deaths and financial hardship. The country is fixed on the Trump impeachment trials which should be a foregone conclusion if it wasn’t for the Republican Senators who are playing games and disrupting the rule of law for their own benefits. The likes of Hawley, Cruz and lee are fighting to acquit on the simplicity that if Trump is convicted then they could follow suit for their part in the build up to the January 6th insurrection failure. Six people’s lives where cut short that day who needn’t have died. One police officer was killed by an insurrectionist while two others took their own life because of what happened. Many other officers bear the scars of that day both mentally and physically for simply doing their sworn duty to protect and serve. The prosecution have spent hours replaying the events of that infamous day with some graphic images of the violence committed against the American seat of power and the law enforcement personnel protecting those moronic Republican Senators who are too scared of Trump to do the right thing for the country they claim to be patriots of. What the world sees is white men and women who believe in a fascist state controlled by them instead of a democracy for all. The question that should be shouted out loudly is, how can a fair trial be accomplished? When people like Graham, Hawley, Cruz and Lee are amongst those who have to vote yay or nay to convict Trump of incitement of insurrection especially when they are responsible for the same crimes.
To let a man like trump getaway with what he has done is a gross misconduct of both ethics and democracy. Those 44 Senators who refuse to convict should be removed from office for been complicit after the fact especially those rabble raises seen to be using the situation to better themselves and their standing within the party. No politician or leader should be allowed to condone or incite violence to benefit themselves. America is supposed to be a democracy, a country of individuals who vote constitutionally to elect the people they wish to serve their needs, but at this moment in time all that the world sees is a body of people subverting the laws of the land by claiming ignorance to the facts. Senators within the Republican party are vying to acquit Trump because of their ineptitude in allowing such a man become President in the first place followed by their constant overlooking of Trump’s activities whilst in office. All in all 44% of the Senate are doing the American public an injustice by siding with Trump and should be held accountable for their actions in the future because the only fair outcome of the ongoing impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump is guilty and the sentence should be a total sanction of his ability to hold any political office in the future which should also be extended to his family. The Trump dynasty and legacy needs to be thoroughly cleansed from the countries future and held in history as an example of a non-democratic leadership with an emphasis on racism, sexism, xenophobia and corruptness for future generation where it should be taught in schools as part of the syllabus on democracy and a leader should act.
On that note I will change shores to dear old Blighty to find out what new ineptitude our own government has enacted to date. So as the country suffers in prolonged jeopardy our politicians sit on their behinds concocting ill-conceived plans that are unable to be implemented correctly and are reversed immediately. It is us the downtrodden public that are forced in to isolation while the people responsible for the rules are left to go about their lives unaffected by the said rules or the financial burdens lockdown creates. How can money hungry liars who have used this pandemic to launder tax pounds in to the pockets of their friends and themselves. We plod along unsure of right or wrong, lockdown or not lockdown while the likes of Johnson and his lackey’s fill their bank accounts off the deaths of the innocent.
In what reality does this pandemic just fade away like politicians have tried to promote. Each government tried to play down the pandemic in the beginning which caused the spread to quicken worldwide and nationally. What we as people want is truth and honesty, not ‘BS’ and lies which is what they spread in the beginning. Now they paint angel wings on everything they do trying recover from their past mistakes which are long and lengthy. This pandemic has put a spotlight on the incompetence of the elected officials globally and only a handful have been proven to be professional whilst accomplished in their performance.
Here in the UK we have a Primeminister and cabinet constantly lying or misdirecting truths to deflect from not only blatant lies, but fabricated inaccuracies that are factually wrong about both the pandemic and the Brexit treaty. We are in the hands of politicians that condone corruption, but at the same time criticise the public for protesting against their ineptitude. We have a Home Secretary that attacks the rights of the minorities that she is part of, instead of been a cheerleader for the cause of equality within this nation. We have a Chancellor of the Exchequer that is a millionaire, so cannot even understand the needs of the poor and we have Primeminister who is out of touch with reality, so when he portrays empathy or grief it is known he is faking it. How can we allow such fake characters to be in charge of our nation? How can we simply just keep giving them the benefit of the doubt? It is time the voice of the people was heard and understood. It is time for the government to stand a side and allow some new blood to lead this nation to a healthy and safe future.
America has spoken removing Trump and his corrupt administration, it is time the UK followed suit because as a nation we are clearly under attack from within the political halls of power by a fascist group of politicians who wish to change the face of democracy just like the American Senate who condones racism and unlawful actions to go unpunished. I feel I have ranted about something today that the peoples of every nation sees, but feel unable to stand up against and until we the people use our democratic vote to expel these fascists, then we have no one to blame except ourselves. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Friday, 5 February 2021
Friday 05/02/2020
So we’re moving on in to February with very little change happening. Governments are still refusing to understand the impact the pandemic has had on the poorest households of their nations while they sit pretty in their big houses and live the high life on their high salaries, not to mention the hypocrisy in the way they approach each problem with blatant blinkered views. Anyway let’s see what’s been going on lately shall we.
SO while President Biden tries to right his countries unstable ship, he comes up against an opposition hell bent on putting up brick wall after brick wall to slow down his task of moving the country on from the past four years of the Trump Administration. The biggest culprit who keeps on pushing his far right ideology on a daily basis is Senator Hawley, the same Senator who egged on the insurrectionists on January 6th, the same Senator who has declared the impeachment of Trump unconstitutional and the same senator who is still a pup in the eyes of the Senate because he is relatively green compared to a lot of his party who use their seats to quietly promote their own ideologies. The problem with American politics in my eyes is the fact that they allow such characters as Senators Hawley and Cruz, as well as Congress women Boebert and Greene to openly lie without consequence of action when they should be reprimanded or ejected from office. These individuals especially Hawley appear to be drumming up support from the Trump supporters for his own future interests rather being in the Senate to help legislate, he is a power hungry individual who will say and do whatever to get him noticed which he use to benefit his status instead of helping his constituents.
Now speaking of Congresswoman Greene, she is another type of crazy all together. She is true Trump acolyte if there ever was one. I suspect if Trump asked her to lead an armed assault on congress she would gladly obey. She is the type of politician who shouldn’t have even been elected in the first place going off her social media platforms which cry out insanity and anarchy. For a reasonably intellectual person and successful business person, she show a whole lot of ignorance and lack of common sense believing that her in your face politics will win over other representatives. This woman has only been in Washington a matter of weeks and she has alienated herself already. Taylor Greene is the type of politician the GOP needs to silence because she is not doing them any favours when it comes to headlines and the vote to expel her from committees is less than she deserves. Her past remarks which she tried to play down before the vote should also be used to expel her from Congress, but we all know that won’t happen because that would set a precedent for others to be expelled on past inflammatory remarks they made such as Hawley and Cruz’s incitement of the January 6th coup attempt. Politics is a dirty game, yet for some reason the way America sees democracy is so far above the line of insanity that it becomes looked upon as normal to preach conspiracy and lies rather than fact. Until the ‘BS’ is stripped away American politics will never be seen as the blueprint for democracy as they try to hold it up to be, leaving the non-democratic nations to use it as a blueprint for what not to do and why fascism and socialism is more preferable.
So the world waits open mouthed for not only to see what happens to Hawley, Cruz, Boebert and Green, but also to former President Trump as his impeachment trial is set to start come Monday. We all know it will just be a show for the cameras because the Republicans are too scared to step out of line in case they are targeted by Trump’s bully boy militia groups who have already stated there will more violence to come as Biden cracks down on them. These groups are too well represented within congress in the form of Congresswomen Greene and Boebert who are pro-gun with Boebert claiming to be a member of a militia while the Greene admits to carrying a concealed weapon. Should Trump in fact be impeached these groups need to be brought to justice before they kill any more innocent people just to further their ideologies. With the impeachment set to start Trump has declined to be heard at the hearing refusing to give evidence in his own defence. It is obvious Trump has been told not to give evidence as he is likely to say something that will hang him. He is a loose cannon that could explode in the faces of the Republican members of the Senate should his words be heard in person instead of through a lawyer, but as I said before we all know this will go no further than a hearing because there is already 45 Republican Senators who have voiced an opinion when they tried to get the impeachment nullified in a vote they lost and finding 12 more Republican Senators who want to see Trump convicted is a tall order especially when they are scared of the repercussions that could befall them if Trump is convicted of ‘Incitement’ over January 6th failed insurrectionist coup. All in all what the people want will once again be dismissed so power hungry and corrupt politicians can play ‘GOD’ instead of been seen to protect the people. In America there is no longer a body of politicians who serve at the pleasure of the people, Instead it is a body of self-serving power hungry egomaniacs who see themselves above everyone else and deserving of been worshipped.
On that note I will transfer my rant to the shores of dear old Blighty to see what ‘BS’ has been occurring here. As the vaccine rolls out there is still very little evidence that the infection rate is decreasing or the country is heading back to normality. I have to get my news through social media and news headlines because I am unable to watch Johnson when he does briefings as he garbles his words far too often. How can a nation have any confidence in a leader when they are unable to speak clearly and coherently? Johnson has to be one of the worst Primeministers we have ever had. He cannot think on his feet and the way he speaks is more disillusioning and does not portray a person with confidence in their ability to perform at the highest levels of politics let alone run a country. The briefings he and his lackey’s front do nothing to instil in me a confidence that we are moving forward and beating this deadly virus. All I feel is anxious for the nation’s future with just under three years left to be governed by this clownish buffoon. His style of leadership is questionable in that he doesn’t appear to have one and was voted in to power by blinkered individuals who chose the colour of his party rather than the person himself.
He is clearly disliked nationwide due to him lacking an air of authority, but rather a stature better suited to working in a fast food restaurant and that is been disrespectful to such a profession because many an individual who work in a takeaway would do a better job as primeminister than Johnson is doing. Not only is he destroying the links we as a nation have within Europe, he has systematically been responsible for over 100,000 deaths related to COVID because he failed to act quickly enough on stopping the spread and then opened up the country up far too early creating a second wave of the virus to take hold and mutate. Johnson has held the reins of government for just over eighteen months and Britain has seen the most deaths in one year since the second world war and fallen in to a bottomless pit of economic decline which will only get worse the longer we fight this pandemic and lose. Yes, you can say no other Primeminister has faced the same setbacks as Johnson in their first year of leadership, but you can also say a better leader such a Churchill would have rallied the country better and given us hope rather than discontentment and worry.
Johnson is a man that has no presence other than that of a unkempt individual in expensive suits, his mannerisms and body language do not signal an authoritative grace a leader should have, but instead come across as a person who wishes the briefing would just finish, so he can get back to something more important like his afternoon nap. Do not think I am suggesting I could do better, the opposite is in fact true. I just know my limitations as a person not overstepping my boundaries of knowledge and social abilities unlike Johnson and many other politicians of today who think they are invincible until they find out they are not and then try to bluff their way through causing pandemonium for the rest of us.
If the last year has shown us one thing, that is that humankind needs to re-evaluate who we listen to and promote to positions of power because nearly every leader of the world has fallen flat in their efforts to successfully navigate their nations through the year of hell we know as 2020, but America and the UK lead the way in the history stakes for having the worst leaders of all time in charge when a global pandemic breached their shores and did a piss poor performance of leadership when it came to righting the sinking ship they commanded. Into 2021 and America has a better Commander in chief steering the way ahead while we in the UK are been steered further towards oblivion and capsizing in to the pits of hell under out supreme leader. If nothing changes quickly dear old Blighty will just keep sinking till there is no way back from the brink of catastrophe. One final word today is that if America does not embrace their new outlook on the future under Biden and Trump walks free form impeachment again the future will look just as bleak for the land of liberty because Trump is a sore that will just not heal and will become more gangrenous, firstly in the 2022 Senate elections and then in the 2024 presidential elections. There will be nothing the Democrats or the Republicans can do to stop him from either running for himself or backing one of his family members for office. The way the former first family has subverted, corrupted and broken the law is a blight on the American judicial system and until people like them are convicted of their misdeeds, America will never be the land of the free and the home of the brave. It will be simply seen as the land of the lawless and the home of the corruptible just like the old west was or Chicago under Capone. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
SO while President Biden tries to right his countries unstable ship, he comes up against an opposition hell bent on putting up brick wall after brick wall to slow down his task of moving the country on from the past four years of the Trump Administration. The biggest culprit who keeps on pushing his far right ideology on a daily basis is Senator Hawley, the same Senator who egged on the insurrectionists on January 6th, the same Senator who has declared the impeachment of Trump unconstitutional and the same senator who is still a pup in the eyes of the Senate because he is relatively green compared to a lot of his party who use their seats to quietly promote their own ideologies. The problem with American politics in my eyes is the fact that they allow such characters as Senators Hawley and Cruz, as well as Congress women Boebert and Greene to openly lie without consequence of action when they should be reprimanded or ejected from office. These individuals especially Hawley appear to be drumming up support from the Trump supporters for his own future interests rather being in the Senate to help legislate, he is a power hungry individual who will say and do whatever to get him noticed which he use to benefit his status instead of helping his constituents.
Now speaking of Congresswoman Greene, she is another type of crazy all together. She is true Trump acolyte if there ever was one. I suspect if Trump asked her to lead an armed assault on congress she would gladly obey. She is the type of politician who shouldn’t have even been elected in the first place going off her social media platforms which cry out insanity and anarchy. For a reasonably intellectual person and successful business person, she show a whole lot of ignorance and lack of common sense believing that her in your face politics will win over other representatives. This woman has only been in Washington a matter of weeks and she has alienated herself already. Taylor Greene is the type of politician the GOP needs to silence because she is not doing them any favours when it comes to headlines and the vote to expel her from committees is less than she deserves. Her past remarks which she tried to play down before the vote should also be used to expel her from Congress, but we all know that won’t happen because that would set a precedent for others to be expelled on past inflammatory remarks they made such as Hawley and Cruz’s incitement of the January 6th coup attempt. Politics is a dirty game, yet for some reason the way America sees democracy is so far above the line of insanity that it becomes looked upon as normal to preach conspiracy and lies rather than fact. Until the ‘BS’ is stripped away American politics will never be seen as the blueprint for democracy as they try to hold it up to be, leaving the non-democratic nations to use it as a blueprint for what not to do and why fascism and socialism is more preferable.
So the world waits open mouthed for not only to see what happens to Hawley, Cruz, Boebert and Green, but also to former President Trump as his impeachment trial is set to start come Monday. We all know it will just be a show for the cameras because the Republicans are too scared to step out of line in case they are targeted by Trump’s bully boy militia groups who have already stated there will more violence to come as Biden cracks down on them. These groups are too well represented within congress in the form of Congresswomen Greene and Boebert who are pro-gun with Boebert claiming to be a member of a militia while the Greene admits to carrying a concealed weapon. Should Trump in fact be impeached these groups need to be brought to justice before they kill any more innocent people just to further their ideologies. With the impeachment set to start Trump has declined to be heard at the hearing refusing to give evidence in his own defence. It is obvious Trump has been told not to give evidence as he is likely to say something that will hang him. He is a loose cannon that could explode in the faces of the Republican members of the Senate should his words be heard in person instead of through a lawyer, but as I said before we all know this will go no further than a hearing because there is already 45 Republican Senators who have voiced an opinion when they tried to get the impeachment nullified in a vote they lost and finding 12 more Republican Senators who want to see Trump convicted is a tall order especially when they are scared of the repercussions that could befall them if Trump is convicted of ‘Incitement’ over January 6th failed insurrectionist coup. All in all what the people want will once again be dismissed so power hungry and corrupt politicians can play ‘GOD’ instead of been seen to protect the people. In America there is no longer a body of politicians who serve at the pleasure of the people, Instead it is a body of self-serving power hungry egomaniacs who see themselves above everyone else and deserving of been worshipped.
On that note I will transfer my rant to the shores of dear old Blighty to see what ‘BS’ has been occurring here. As the vaccine rolls out there is still very little evidence that the infection rate is decreasing or the country is heading back to normality. I have to get my news through social media and news headlines because I am unable to watch Johnson when he does briefings as he garbles his words far too often. How can a nation have any confidence in a leader when they are unable to speak clearly and coherently? Johnson has to be one of the worst Primeministers we have ever had. He cannot think on his feet and the way he speaks is more disillusioning and does not portray a person with confidence in their ability to perform at the highest levels of politics let alone run a country. The briefings he and his lackey’s front do nothing to instil in me a confidence that we are moving forward and beating this deadly virus. All I feel is anxious for the nation’s future with just under three years left to be governed by this clownish buffoon. His style of leadership is questionable in that he doesn’t appear to have one and was voted in to power by blinkered individuals who chose the colour of his party rather than the person himself.
He is clearly disliked nationwide due to him lacking an air of authority, but rather a stature better suited to working in a fast food restaurant and that is been disrespectful to such a profession because many an individual who work in a takeaway would do a better job as primeminister than Johnson is doing. Not only is he destroying the links we as a nation have within Europe, he has systematically been responsible for over 100,000 deaths related to COVID because he failed to act quickly enough on stopping the spread and then opened up the country up far too early creating a second wave of the virus to take hold and mutate. Johnson has held the reins of government for just over eighteen months and Britain has seen the most deaths in one year since the second world war and fallen in to a bottomless pit of economic decline which will only get worse the longer we fight this pandemic and lose. Yes, you can say no other Primeminister has faced the same setbacks as Johnson in their first year of leadership, but you can also say a better leader such a Churchill would have rallied the country better and given us hope rather than discontentment and worry.
Johnson is a man that has no presence other than that of a unkempt individual in expensive suits, his mannerisms and body language do not signal an authoritative grace a leader should have, but instead come across as a person who wishes the briefing would just finish, so he can get back to something more important like his afternoon nap. Do not think I am suggesting I could do better, the opposite is in fact true. I just know my limitations as a person not overstepping my boundaries of knowledge and social abilities unlike Johnson and many other politicians of today who think they are invincible until they find out they are not and then try to bluff their way through causing pandemonium for the rest of us.
If the last year has shown us one thing, that is that humankind needs to re-evaluate who we listen to and promote to positions of power because nearly every leader of the world has fallen flat in their efforts to successfully navigate their nations through the year of hell we know as 2020, but America and the UK lead the way in the history stakes for having the worst leaders of all time in charge when a global pandemic breached their shores and did a piss poor performance of leadership when it came to righting the sinking ship they commanded. Into 2021 and America has a better Commander in chief steering the way ahead while we in the UK are been steered further towards oblivion and capsizing in to the pits of hell under out supreme leader. If nothing changes quickly dear old Blighty will just keep sinking till there is no way back from the brink of catastrophe. One final word today is that if America does not embrace their new outlook on the future under Biden and Trump walks free form impeachment again the future will look just as bleak for the land of liberty because Trump is a sore that will just not heal and will become more gangrenous, firstly in the 2022 Senate elections and then in the 2024 presidential elections. There will be nothing the Democrats or the Republicans can do to stop him from either running for himself or backing one of his family members for office. The way the former first family has subverted, corrupted and broken the law is a blight on the American judicial system and until people like them are convicted of their misdeeds, America will never be the land of the free and the home of the brave. It will be simply seen as the land of the lawless and the home of the corruptible just like the old west was or Chicago under Capone. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
Monday, 1 February 2021
Monday 01/02/2021
And we start a new month still in the grip of medical and economic crises, with no clue to the direction the world leaders are taking to eradicate the problems. We hear a lot of talk, but not a lot of action. Yes there are now vaccines been distributed and they have drawn up yet more plans to move forward, but it is now well over a year since the very first cases were even heard about. The global effect of COVID has been devastating and deadly without nations leaders showing the back bone required to make the correct decisions when it comes to the safety of their people.
We have only seen a handful of dedicated politicians in leadership roles who have taken the right path to control to spread of the virus while the rest have blundered and fallen in every decision they have made. COVID-19 is heading the way of the Spanish flu if circumstances and actions do not change. Spanish flu lasted for years in a time of limited medical technology and advancements during the recovery after a world war, yet COVID is spreading despite there been no global war and despite the technological advancements made in the past 100 years. This disease has spread due to complacency with the mentality of the global population who believe they know better than the experts and push back at any authoritative move to limit what they can do. Then you just have morons who think they will never catch the disease creating super spreader events which gives the virus it pathway to more killing opportunities. Until the mentality of these individuals is changed the virus will just keep on spreading and mutating beyond the scope of the imagination. It is time the world as a whole stopped their moronic pursuit of individuality and joined together to combat this deadly disease.
As countries take their own paths to eradicate the disease there is little evidence of global cooperation in preventable measures other than travel bans which haven’t worked so far. The countries fairing the best are the ones with female leadership in place which could be down to way a female views certain circumstances differently to a male, such as their maternal instincts. That is just my opinion and it doesn’t help if the leader of your country is narcissistic moron who sees money as the motivator rather than human life like the UK’s current Primeminister and America’s former president who look out for themselves first. The world is not as big as it once was and diseases are quicker to spread out of control as people travel in close proximities in confined spaces. Until the world works as one to firstly eradicate COVID then set up a better global defence against pandemics as well radicalisation of fascists and militia groups, nothing will change.
We as a populous deserve better from our politicians who have sworn that their future is in helping us their constituents, yet more and more self-serving assholes are getting in to politics to serve their own interests and profiteer off the suffering of others. I am merely a humble unemployed ex-carer who sees the world been overrun by unscrupulous and corruptible leaders while the rest of the world suffers in the midst of the pandemic. These people choose to ignore the facts while squirreling away tax payers money and cutting the assistance we the low income or poverty laden individuals receive. The hierarchy of wealth is crippling the global economy while creating a death toll that was never needed. If they had only took up the fight sooner there would be less mortality, less unemployment, less violence, less fascism and less hatred been heaped on the less fortunate or minority cultures. Fascism and racism is rife within the world of politics as the radical right wingers crawl out from under their rocks to gaze at sunlight instead of cowering in the darkness where they belong.
I have really lost focus on where I wanted this rant to go today, so instead I will call it a day and hope I have a clearer mind next time,
Rant you tomorrow,
Back Wednesday.
We have only seen a handful of dedicated politicians in leadership roles who have taken the right path to control to spread of the virus while the rest have blundered and fallen in every decision they have made. COVID-19 is heading the way of the Spanish flu if circumstances and actions do not change. Spanish flu lasted for years in a time of limited medical technology and advancements during the recovery after a world war, yet COVID is spreading despite there been no global war and despite the technological advancements made in the past 100 years. This disease has spread due to complacency with the mentality of the global population who believe they know better than the experts and push back at any authoritative move to limit what they can do. Then you just have morons who think they will never catch the disease creating super spreader events which gives the virus it pathway to more killing opportunities. Until the mentality of these individuals is changed the virus will just keep on spreading and mutating beyond the scope of the imagination. It is time the world as a whole stopped their moronic pursuit of individuality and joined together to combat this deadly disease.
As countries take their own paths to eradicate the disease there is little evidence of global cooperation in preventable measures other than travel bans which haven’t worked so far. The countries fairing the best are the ones with female leadership in place which could be down to way a female views certain circumstances differently to a male, such as their maternal instincts. That is just my opinion and it doesn’t help if the leader of your country is narcissistic moron who sees money as the motivator rather than human life like the UK’s current Primeminister and America’s former president who look out for themselves first. The world is not as big as it once was and diseases are quicker to spread out of control as people travel in close proximities in confined spaces. Until the world works as one to firstly eradicate COVID then set up a better global defence against pandemics as well radicalisation of fascists and militia groups, nothing will change.
We as a populous deserve better from our politicians who have sworn that their future is in helping us their constituents, yet more and more self-serving assholes are getting in to politics to serve their own interests and profiteer off the suffering of others. I am merely a humble unemployed ex-carer who sees the world been overrun by unscrupulous and corruptible leaders while the rest of the world suffers in the midst of the pandemic. These people choose to ignore the facts while squirreling away tax payers money and cutting the assistance we the low income or poverty laden individuals receive. The hierarchy of wealth is crippling the global economy while creating a death toll that was never needed. If they had only took up the fight sooner there would be less mortality, less unemployment, less violence, less fascism and less hatred been heaped on the less fortunate or minority cultures. Fascism and racism is rife within the world of politics as the radical right wingers crawl out from under their rocks to gaze at sunlight instead of cowering in the darkness where they belong.
I have really lost focus on where I wanted this rant to go today, so instead I will call it a day and hope I have a clearer mind next time,
Rant you tomorrow,
Back Wednesday.
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