This blog is in no way meant to offend it's my own way of expressing my own and no one else's opinion about the world today.
Thursday, 7 May 2020
Well, nearly the weekend again, is there really such a thing as a weekend? With more and more people having to work on a Saturday or Sunday or both. That's not my rant today, it was just a passing thought.
So in America, President Trump throws down against China again, comparing the pandemic to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour and the terrorist attacks on September eleventh. Trump pointed the finger at China by describing the coronavirus pandemic as the "worst attack" ever on the United States. He then went on to say "We went through the worst attack we've ever had on our country, this is worst attack we've ever had. This is worse than Pearl Harbour, this is worse than the World Trade Centre. There's never been an attack like this and it should have never happened. Could've been stopped at the source. Could've been stopped in China. It should've been stopped right at the source. And it wasn't". The main reason for all this finger pointing is because he is trying to make someone else the enemy of America rather than the useless man running the country who is the biggest enemy America has right now.
Donald Trump is a war monger who has never been to war and has no idea what he is doing, if the world isn't careful we will not only be in a global pandemic, but dragged in to a third world war with mass destruction and maybe some of those apocalyptic movies like Contagion, I am Legend, Resident Evil, etc. will come true. Another thing to remember if the F****** narcissistic racist does push the button he will be safe in some well prepared bunker thousands of feet underground, while the rest of us are doing the dieing and fighting.
Anyway that's enough about Trump, shall we check out the other useless leader in the world. So Prime-minster Johnson faces off against his foe the new Labour leader Mr Keir Starmer today in prime-ministers question time which should be hand bags at nine paces. We wait eagerly to hear the schoolboy rhetoric between these two toffy nosed men and whether Johnson has an answer for the millions of pounds worth of PPE sent from Turkey that is ineffective against the coronavirus.
In other news people are finally finding out that life on universal credit isn't all roses. Those who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic are now finding it hard to enjoy all their hard earned luxuries while claiming unemployment benefit as what the government says people can survive on is totally BS. People who have earned at least fifteen hundred to two thousand pounds a month without contemplating saving any of it are suddenly struggling to feed their kids or pay their rent or enjoy their luxury items, which is a heartbreaking reality for some.
But even if you have been frugal and saved up while working, there's another shock in store because if they have more than six thousand pounds in savings or bank accounts holding that amount they will have a percentage of their universal credit deducted and be expected to live on their savings till they have less than six thousands pounds then they may get the sixty to one hundred that was been deducted added back to their benefits. Basically the government screws you on tax and national insurance when you're working, screws you on your benefits and god help you if you are a retired getting a state and private pension they screw you for tax on the private pension. All in all one rule for the rich and another for the poor, society has never changed since man first evolved from the apes, there's always someone higher up to F*** with you.
I can't be bothered to find any good news today except for the new art by Banksy depicting a child playing with a nurse doll who is an angel.
Rant you tomorrow!
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