Thursday, 28 May 2020


Here we are again, Thursday is upon us. Let's see what there is to rant about today.

In America it begins, the mental breakdown of a president on the edge, as Trump starts over reacting once again in his on going illiterate fight with social media and other media outlets. After his tirade once again on twitter who he sees as the enemy (but still uses there platform for his tirades), he publicly attacked the Atlantic magazine metaphorically laughing at the fact they had to lay off twenty percent of there workforce, just because they wrote a couple of scathing reports about him. This is a man who is using his position of authority to chastise his enemies rather than using it to decrease the unemployment within his country especially at a time when the unemployment rate is soaring out of control. He has also lost it over his inflammatory tweets been fact checked now (by the so called enemy of free speech) by threatening to sign an executive order targeting social media firms It comes after he threatened to shut down social media platforms he accused of stifling conservative voices. The order's details have not been shared and it is unclear what regulatory steps the president can actually take without new laws passed by Congress. White House officials gave no further information on what is expected in the executive order which is set to be signed on Today. 

So once again we see a president trying to circumvent due process to get what he wants, surely giving one person such an ability where he can choose to sign an order without getting permission is a big mistake especially when that person is clearly mentally deranged. Even so with America's history of electing old white men to such a position of power is ludicrous and is clear that a age limit on who can run for office should be implemented ASAP making it impossible for some one to become the president if they are, for example, under forty five and over fifty five years old which gives the person running the country a reasonable mental agility. Another factor which could be implemented is that no person who has not previously served as a senator or governor should be allowed to run for the office of president and must have served at least on term in that position giving them some kind of background in local politics. I am not saying the UK has a perfect system, but at least some one fresh off the sidewalk can't put themselves forward to run the country and they have to be a member of parliament first.

Speaking of dear old Blighty, let's see what has been happening there over the last twenty four hours that we can rant about. So we see the roll out of the governments 'Test and trace system' is kicking off in England and Scotland where thousands of contact tracers are making their first phone calls to track down people who will be told to self-isolate under new test and trace schemes being launched in England and Scotland. Tracers will text, email or call people who test positive with coronavirus and ask who they have had contact with and if those contacts are deemed at risk of infection they will be told, not asked, told to isolate for 14 days, even if they are not sick, with those who have already had the virus also been asked to self-isolate. The aim of the system is to lift blanket lockdown restrictions and move towards more localised, targeted measures, in other words we are going to be monitored, watched, dictated to and governed as if we live in a dictatorship, not a democracy. The 25,000 tracers working for England's NHS Test and Trace team will start by contacting the 2,013 people who tested positive for the virus on Wednesday. 

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said in the daily coronavirus briefing that it is the public's "civic duty" to follow the instructions of the NHS Test and Trace team. then went on to say "This will be voluntary at first because we trust everyone to do the right thing. But we can quickly make it mandatory if that's what it takes," he added again throwing a threat out in to the public domain stating how the lockdown could become more of a military state than a democratic one, again alluding to a big brother style dystopia. Scientists, including those advising the government, have warned that it will be harder to get public support for such measures in the wake of the row over the prime minister's chief adviser, Dominic Cummings and his two hundred and sixty mile journey from London to County Durham and his sixty mile round trip to Barnard Castle because, he said, he was concerned about childcare for his son when his wife became ill and that he was only testing his eye sight for the long trip back to London.

What we are seeing at the moment in two of the worst hit countries is inept leaders trying to demand loyalty from their country rather than working with the relevant civilian services to rectify the current predicament the world finds itself in. We only have to look at the likes of Russia and China to see what a martial law scenario would look like. Russia has become volatile over the last few years with greedy politicians running the infrastructure down, so it now can't cope with the deluge of virus cases, while China's parliament has backed a new security law for Hong Kong which would make it a crime to undermine Beijing's authority in the territory and has caused deep concern among those who say it could end Hong Kong's unique status, which could also see China installing its own security agencies in the region for the first time. The move has already sparked a new wave of anti-mainland protest with running battles between protesters and authorities including the use of water cannons and smoke grenades. Is this really the way we want to let our governing bodies run our countries, further pushing us in to a dystopian world of martial law and the rich ruling what the poor can and can't do reverting us back to an age of indentured servitude and morally corrupt hierarchies using force and imprisonment as a means of controlling the public. They all ready have the capability and the technology to spy on our every movement with out our consent, so handing over that consent for them to track and trace who we have contact with second by second is just a step too far in my humble opinion.

Rant you tomorrow!

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