Thursday, 3 September 2020


Hey its Thursday once again and we just keep getting the BS thrown at us don't we? So let's see what the BS is today.

In America the federal law is been subverted by there own president once again as he makes prolific non-factual statements on federal funding and voting. After Trump's photo op visit to Kenosha, Wisconsin he has threatened to cut funding to cities run by the Democratic party following violence at recent protests signing a memo targeting those cities such as Seattle, Portland, New York and Washington DC, which he describes as "lawless zones". Tru
mp's Wednesday's memo instructs corrupt Attorney General William Barr to compile a list of anarchist jurisdictions that have 'Permitted' violence with the destruction of property who persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to defund them, while also asking the White House's budget director to issue guidance within 30 days on restricting eligibility of or otherwise disfavouring, to the maximum extent permitted by law, anarchist jurisdictions in the receipt of federal grants. Part of Trump's reelection campaign is to use the visible protests within democratically run areas to attack those democrats claiming that they run dangerous cities. Then on the back of those attacks on federally mandated funds Trump then goes on to tell voters in North Carolina to commit federal fraud by voting twice in the forthcoming presidential elections. In an interview with WECT-TV in Wilmington, North Carolina Trump urged those choosing to vote via mail in votes or by absentee ballot to also turn up and vote in person on November 3rd clearly saying during the interview, "Well, they'll go out and they'll vote, and they're going to have to go and check their vote by going to the poll and voting that way, because if it tabulates then they won't be able to do that," [which is illegal]. He continued on to say "So, let them send it in, and let them go vote, and if the voting system is as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote." This prompted an immediate twitter response from the American Civil Union (ACU) and Michigan's Attorney General. The ACU tweeted urging voters to ignore Trump as voting more than once violates US law and is illegal, while Michigan's AG told voters not to try it as he would prosecute them. Later in the day whilst been interviewed himself on CNN, AG Barr when asked about the statement made by Trump sidestepped the issue by claiming he didn't know the law in North Carolina so couldn't comment on whether Trump was asking people to break the law or not, yet the law is the same nationwide isn't it? So Trump was in fact telling his supporters to break the law and vote illegally twice.

Come on America you have to see these men for what they are by now, corrupt liars who will break any law they feel counteracts their ultimate goal of dominance from voters fraud, to withholding federal funds needed, witness tampering and so much, much more that will come to light come January 21st 2021 when he is officially removed from office I hope, because if he wins a second term, what will occur from then on is pure lawlessness which has already been proven by Trump's latest attempts to interfere in the election process and suppress information the constitution states congress is entitled to. Two months before the 2020 presidential election, the US intelligence agencies are under increasing pressure from the Trump administration to provide only the information it wants congress and the public to hear which is worse than the Nixon era and one step closer to fascist state. To do so Trump has placed yet another lackey in a high position of power by installing loyalist John Ratcliffe at the pinnacle of the intelligence community which is to help the administration who is seeking to limit congressional oversight, and has started in it's black ops campaign goal by removing a veteran official from a sensitive national security role in the justice department so to cut down on leaked memo's. One former senior intelligence officer has suggested Trump is seeking to create the very thing he was repeatedly complained about: a “deep state”, while another official has compared it to the intelligence fiasco that preceded the 2003 Iraq invasion. As the campaigning for November's election continues there has been an intense focus on the covert Russian role in the election campaign. It has been assessed that Moscow is in fact taking an active role, as it did in 2016, to damage Joe Biden and boost Trump, largely through spreading disinformation, but Trump's administration officials have sought to stop public discussion of such interference which is damaging to Trump. Wow, is America the new Russia or North Korea with its very own dictator, I know one thing if it becomes one or the other the world will face annihilation as Trump seeks to rule the world which I never thought I would see in my lifetime, it's like a really bad conspiracy movie where the audience can see what is going on, but the bumbling characters never see what's happening till the bomb is detonated or maybe it's a future prediction of what's to come like the TV show 'The man in the high castle' where the Nazi's won world war two, 'God Help Us All' if Trump wins a second term because there will be no more democracy within America.

On that terrifying thought I will skip the pond and check out dear old Blighty where we find ourselves at the mercy of yet another bumbling narcissistic leader. From televised primeminister question times to unrehearsed interviews this leader we have stumbles through mumbling nonsense and false rhetoric never knowing what his brain is telling his mouth to say which time and time again comes out garbled. In the most recent PMQ instead of simply answering the questions asked he chose to once again attack the opposition leader calling him an IRA sympathiser and when asked to apologise he simply carried on to throw more falsehood and slander across the parliament floor. How can such a man ever be allowed to do such deeds unchallenged is beyond comprehension, but he does and keeps getting away with it. This is why I don't watch such debates because it makes my blood boil and infuriates me that supposed well educated people turn in to school yard bullies as soon as they get a ounce of power. 

Under this government we stand at the brink of another wave of COVID-19 as we head in to Autumn with less knowledge of why it keeps resurging even with all the safeguards in place and the government is less sure of how to proceed than they were back in February when the outbreak started. As policy after policy is swiftly changed in unprecedented U-turns we find ourselves on a knife edge wondering what will happen next and what bizarre law will be implemented taking away yet more of the public's civil liberties like freedom, right to protest, right to transparency and the best one yet freedom to govern our own lives while making our own decisions of right and wrong which this Tory government doesn't seem to be able to do for itself let alone us. After four or five well publicised cabinet members and aids breaking policies made by them, how can the nation be expected to abide by said laws. The most recent noticeable cock up was the defence secretary clearly been seen to shake hands with someone just out of camera shot as he arrived at Downing Street earlier in the week for the first full cabinet meeting in over a month. Just the little things like Johnson visiting schools without wearing a mask, which is unforgivable and down right disrespectful to those students and teachers should be prodded at to show they can't do as they please.

What we have at the moment not only in the UK, but also the US and even maybe worldwide is policy makers clearly flaunting their own mandates and putting peoples lives and safety at risk by not adhering to their own rules. So if Johnson and his cronies want the nation to listen to what they have to say, they need to start doing what they preach, instead of the old adage 'Do what I say, not what I do' been their slogan. As a single person living in the UK, I don't find I am encouraged by the current political climate both at home and abroad because we have to live with the mistakes these governments make. we have Johnson in charge for just over three more years which is a petrifying conundrum especially with his track record over the last thirteen months in office, but what really scares and sends a shiver down my spine as a non-American is the thought of Trump getting four more years which he will try to turn in to a lifetime role if he wins. I look back four years and still can't believe the American people thought putting a failed businessman and TV personality in charge of the nation was a good idea, but guess what my worries have been proved right and I feel now just as I did in 2016, which totally scares me, especially when his own Secretary of State says the International Criminal Court in The Hague has no right to prosecute Americans who commit acts of genocide and have even gone down the path to impose sanctions on senior officials in the International Criminal Court (ICC), including chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda which Trump did by issuing an executive order back in June, allowing the US to block the assets of ICC employees and stop them entering the country, so what will he do if he wins? On those terrifying facts of a global anti-future I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

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