Well it’s Friday once again, the end to quite an unsettling week, going in to a weekend of uncertainty. In the US they still don’t have a result in the presidential election while in England we start the first full day of lockdown which is supposed to end on December 2nd, but we will just have to wait and see. Any way let’s see what other scary things have been happening, shall we?
In America we will start as usual. As I said yesterday the way the Electoral College is made up confuses me, the uncertainty of the count flummoxes me and the way some candidates go on the attack disgusts me, but all that aside as a UK citizen I find myself watching the news wanting to know the current status of the election even though personally it doesn’t affect me other than on the global stage. Trump tried to declare victory on Wednesday morning and then promptly started court action to prevent anymore votes been counted when it looked like he would lose a majority of the battleground states. As Georgia and Pennsylvania keep counting Trump supporters are losing their sanity, if they ever had any. In Clark County, Georgia Trump supporters were filmed kneeling in front of the counting centre acting like brainwashed cultists praying for ‘God’ to intervene while in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania authorities squashed a plot by trump supporters to travel from Virginia to enact a planned attack on the convention centre there. This is the type of scenes you would expect in a country been led by a dictator, not a democratic country like America. Is this what the country can expect if Biden wins the election, Trump supporters and militia made up of brainwashed racist individuals developing plots to overthrow the elected government like the opening scene from the TV show ‘Designated Survivor’ where every elected official bar two are blown up during the state of the union speech. This could really happen!
What is even more worrying at this moment in time is the mentality of the president who has gone on national television with the seal of the Office of the President behind him and openly lied, made up accusations of fraud, made up accusations of the Democratic Party inventing ballots and openly stated his intent to steal the election in the Supreme Court, judged by his bought judges. Just minutes in to this totally unashamed speech which was an attack on democracy, all but one news network shut the speech down explaining that they would not allow such a display of disregard and incitement to be broadcast. TV anchors for the news networks of CBS, NBC and ABC all cut away and silenced the president while running through the lies one by one and fact checking what was said before they stopped airing it. The only network to show the speech in full was CNN. This as far as I know is the first time in history news networks have taken an unprecedented stance to silence the president of the United States choosing not to play in to the rhetoric of a deranged individual. Well done!
The other interesting facts to come to light is the contempt shown to the Republican Party by Trump’s son’s as it looks like their father will lose the election. Don Jr who is said to have aspirations of running for president in 2024 has accused the party of being “weak”, while his brother Eric warned the GOP that “Our voters will never forget you if your [sic] sheep!” These are two men scared of their father and will do whatever they are told by him instead of standing on their own two feet and forging their individual paths like 98% of children do. What is been seen is the elitist downfall that has subverted the political views of the Republican Party which is reflected by the emerging rift between Trump disciples and the GOP itself. The only true Trump lackey’s still standing is McConnell and Graham, the latter donating half a million dollars to the Trump defence fund which is been used to bring all these unsubstantiated lawsuits as they try to steal the election by taking it the afore mentioned corrupt Republican bought Supreme Court. I still don’t understand the people of Kentucky and South Carolina re-electing the most corrupt partisan Senators of the present age who have shown they can’t be trusted. If I was either of their defeated opponents I would be asking for them to be audited and investigated for fraudulent acts whilst in power, especially McConnell who has been in the top seat in Kentucky for far too long.
On that disheartening fact where politicians are not made to retire at a certain age, I will set my sights on dear old Blighty where we are in lockdown again. The streets of England grow quieter as lockdown takes effect where only those going to work, school, shopping or exercising are seen outside. The might of ‘BIG BROTHER’ is now in force again giving the police the right to question individuals or fine them. What amuses me about this capability to fine anyone up to £10,000 which is kind of idiotic as the people been fined are the people who are struggling to make ends meet already, so I ask you this, how does the government expect someone either unemployed or on furlough to pay the stupid fine? Is it not just defeating the object of trying to help people escape poverty which the government’s ineptitude has created in the first place? Anyway that is beside the point as the lonely just get lonelier and the depressed get more depressed while the fat cats of parliament sit pretty with their salaries still flowing in to their bank accounts. The real problem is how the government fails on all levels, both in cutting the spread of the virus and in righting the tanking economy, all while the future of Britain on the world markets drains away in to a pit of nothingness with no life preserver to hand.
All we are seeing from the government is backtracking and U-turns on major policies on a daily basis. The primeminister states the lockdown will end in December, but the chancellor is singing a different tune as he stated furlough payments would be extended to March 2021. So which is it? Are we going to be lockdown longer and Johnson is too scared to tell us that or is the chancellor just edging on the side of caution to allow businesses to rebuild efficiently. Basically I am confused by it all!
I live on my own with no family support and I am unemployed which is rather a lonely existence, but I try to keep positive through everything. This is getting harder to do as I retreat in to my own little world locked away from a society I no longer feel a part of. The way feelings ebb and flow about this forced incarceration are hard to explain, on one hand it is simply just going along with my true introverted nature, while on the other hand it effects my psyche due to the fact there are no real guidelines on what I can and can’t do. This has resulted in me locking myself away only emerging for the simplest of tasks which is when I run out of bread. It is nearly a year since I even set foot in my town centre, nine months since I walked around a supermarket and outside exercise is simply non-existent because I don’t have the want to push myself out the door to take a wander round the block, let alone the energy to drive to the nearest gym to put my obese body through the pain of exercise. I was referred to the NHS dietician back in January, saw someone in February, received a follow up call in April and since then it has been radio silence, so I struggle on trying to combat my weight problems on my own without any guidance. Also I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnoea over sixteen years ago which means I require a ‘CPAP machine’ to maintain my breathing while I sleep. The reason I mention this, is because I was supposed to get my machine serviced back in May which did not happen due to hospitals not allowing people other than COVID sufferers to enter the premises. This is a life serving instrument, yet I am unable to say when it will next get serviced due to this virus. All this uncertainty and solitude is creating a lasting effect of not wanting to face the world, cocooning myself up within four walls locked away from danger. Is this how the future is to look or can we [meaning all those people like myself scared of the present uncertainty] escape the turmoil of death, infection and governmental ineptitude emerging out the other side in a rebirth of positivity, a newly formed butterfly released upon the wind of change to soar and flutter amongst the bright sunshine emblazoning the land with prosperity.
That is my hope and wish for a future where politics is reinvented to do what it is supposed to do and nations embrace a new dialogue of peace while working hand in hand to save the planet which will in turn save lives from the unnecessary hardships we currently face as a global community, but sadly that is just a wishful dream envisioned by an ageing man with a poetic heart because while the world has men like Trump, McConnell, Graham, Johnson, Putin, XI and Kim Jong-un, it will never see a day of peace. On that wishful, but depressing note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.
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