Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Wednesday 17/03/2021

So here we are half way through March and very little has changed politically both domestically and internationally with the main emphasis been on COVID vaccinations. Both America and the UK are stating stage one vaccinations will be completed by mid-year for all adults who wish to get a jab, but that isn’t telling us whether the populations will be safe, just that they will have dosed every adult. It is still to be seen if the virus will slowly dwindle away or come back stronger. So let’s take a look at what is rantable today, shall we?

In America as Biden pushes ahead with his different policies to turn the nation round after four years of Trump, the Republican congress members are pushing through illegal laws to cut down on voter’s rights ahead of the 2022 elections. Because the GOP’s ideas are losing them the popular vote their new continued plan is to stop people who vote against them from voting. There is over two thirds of states looking to restrict methods of voting which would alienate minority voters and make it easier for Republicans to win. These tactics are against the fundamental principles of American constitution, but for some reason they are allowed to happen. What is clearly seen is America stepping back in time to when minorities [meaning slaves] where classed as three fifth’s and only counted as such. This method was to appease the southern states and meant that only ‘Three-fifths’ were counted. This compromise was an agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention (1787) that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives which modern day Republicans would like to see reintroduced. But instead of taxation which they want counted in full, they want minorities who would vote Democrat to be subjected to voter suppression.

Affluent white neighbourhoods are treated differently to less affluent minority neighbourhoods and so the GOP want to suppress the rights of those people. Arizona and Georgia Republicans along with other GOP states have already set in motion 250 court hearings to do just that. For a country who claims to be the land of ‘Freedom and Liberty for all’, America sure does place an emphasis on keeping the minorities downtrodden. The men and women of the GOP continually block the equal voting rights bills which require 60 yay votes to pass which just shows how scared Republicans are that equality will reduce their foothold on American politics. What dumbfounds me is those of minority who have made a better, more affluent life for themselves siding with the very white supremacists who would want to see them stripped of their wealth and returned to slave status. Wake up and smell the ‘BS’ been spread by these power hungry politicians who take your money while wishing you ill will behind your back. Even ‘Moscow Mitch McConnell has threatened the Dems with a reprisal should they attempt to remove the filibuster which Republicans use to prevent necessary voting on certain bills. This man is no American or supporter of democracy and Kentucky is such a blinded state that they allowed him to keep his seat instead of ringing in a new era when they had the chance during the election last year, more fool you ‘KENTUCKY’, for as you get poorer, McConnell gets richer!

Another aspect of American life that still causes me concern is this freedom of the press ‘BS’ used to allow bigoted individuals to spout there racist and sexist propaganda. A prime example of this is ‘FOX’ media who still allow the likes of Hannity and Carlson air time to preach their ideology to America and the world. There is freedom of the press and just plain racist and sexist rhetoric which both these so called journalists are given primetime billing to preach. Even we here in the UK remove unpopular presenters when they move across that line that cannot be returned from, but you American’s just let your unpopular presenters continue on. Carlson has now set his sights on the American military, especially their female personnel. A couple of days ago live on air he took a swipe at women in the military stating they had softened the US’s fighting forces.

This man and so-called professional journalist spent part of his show deriding military "maternity flight suits" and recent updates to Army and Air Force hair regulations before stating that “Pregnant women are going to fight our wars” he said. “It's a mockery of the US military”. Where in the hell does this man get the right to preach such sexist ideology in this day and age, does he think it is the 1950’s when women were thought of as the weaker sex. You know what I would like to see, is this pompous windbag put alongside one of those highly trained female members of the armed forces and made to compete in basic training, which would soon show the viewing public how emasculated he really is.

On that note I will turn my attention to police brutality seen over the weekend here in dear old Blighty. This past weekend as women held a peaceful vigil for a young woman mindlessly murdered by a male police officer and what does the Metropolitan police do? They use coronavirus breaches as the reasoning behind dispersing the gathering which got violent as police used force on unarmed women. Male police officers overpowering and assaulting woman whose only crime was wanting to protest violence against women and girls making every part of the criminal justice system work to protect and defend women’s rights. Once again the British police and government have fallen flat when it comes to the rights of the British public especially women’s rights. Women were arrested and all Johnson had to say is, he would chair a meeting of the crime and justice taskforce later to discuss ways to protect women. This is typical of the type of person Boris Johnson is, a misogynistic power hungry individual who will say the words everyone wants to hear, but will never take the actions required to correct the injustices that centuries of inequality and violence has inflicted on this nation of ours under the control of the likes of Johnson and his cronies.

We as a nation need to step forward and show this government that how they perform their roles requires to change and be structured towards the British public rather than the big businesses and nepotistic tendencies of this current Conservative government. Boris Johnson cows down all too often to the money people of the financial institutions within this country while overlooking the little people. Johnson was elected on the back of a nations want for independence from Europe, yet all that has happened is that the power hungry politicians are milking the nation for all they can before stepping down and taking up lucrative positions on affluent companies’ boards. It is time for the elitist politicians to be shown the door and people from less well-off backgrounds stepping up to fight for the populous and taking high flying company executives to task for their woeful neglect, deep pockets and self-righteous attitudes. Society is suffering under the present style of government and that is proven in the fact this nation of ours has seen 125,000 deaths in one year when we were told this time last year by ‘Sir’ Patrick Vallance [another conservative crony given a knighthood] that a good outcome would be 20,000 deaths, well he got that f****** wrong didn’t he.

We are in the midst of one of the worst pandemics of all time and we are been told what to do by a group of inept moronic individuals who have created such a shitshow of governing that we have seen so many unnecessary deaths, not to mention only granting NHS staff a 1% pay raise for all their sacrifice and hard work to save lives during said pandemic. The health secretary claimed 1% was a good pay raise as it was higher than inflation, What ‘BS’! The Office for Budget Responsibility’s forecasts for inflation have stated that in 2021-22 when the pay raise would take effect, inflation could be between 1.5% and 1.8%. What is more staggering is that each and every Member of Parliament receives a staggering £81,932 per year as a salary and have enjoyed a pay rise in each of the last six years while nurses and auxiliary staff suffer on between £18,600 and £35,000 dependant on banding and experience. Tell me who deserves the higher wages, Politicians or NHS staff? One group sits on their arses in the houses of parliament pushing paper while the other over the past year have put their lives at risk to save lives. One groups argues over who can run the country better while the other rolls up their sleeves and deals with illness, death and sometimes violence.

To me politicians should have their wages halved and NHS staff should have theirs doubled for I see martyrs on the front line of a pandemic only receiving a hand clap for all their due diligence and sacrifice which is downright criminal especially when our so-called leaders gave away millions of pounds to inept companies to provide PPE to these angels of mercy which was inadequate and unsafe for use in the current climate. I say again how can we as a nation allow Johnson and his inept cronies carry on without some kind of repercussion for their grievous and murderous actions.

I am a simple person without any want to be famous or run for office, but I know there are so many people out there who can do so much better than the leaders we currently have in power. America has taken its first steps in the last fifty plus days to correct the ineptitude of a money hungry and narcissistic President, but still have a long way to go to remove the politicians responsible for allowing such a President in the first place. The likes of McConnell, Graham, Cruz and Hawley are just the tip of the iceberg of corruptness within the American congress and until such characters are shown the door, American politics will never change. Back in dear old Blighty we need to start the progression towards removing Johnson and the Conservatives from power now because once the sweeping post-Brexit changes they have planned come in to force we are lost as a nation. The changes to law and order which will send us closer to Orwell’s dystopian future are been outlined right now in the form of the ‘Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill’ giving police and courts powers that They would not get if we were still part of Europe. This means which ever government is in power can decide on sweeping changes to laws without any oversight from other world powers which to me is wrong, we still need a basic bill of human rights to be overseen by a world central agency. This is only two nations of the world who require a global government to hold them accountable for their actions. Maybe the United Nations should be restructured so as to create a world leadership where each countries leader is given a seat rather than just that countries representative and each sitting leader would spend three month’s as the figure head. Just my opinion. On that note I will call it a day and apologise if I sound like I am rambling,

Rant you tomorrow!

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